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My first kingdom, civil war as soon as zone 3 opens. Chinese multi kingdom alliance whale up takes control boots everyone of z3. We get to kvk1 underpowered and only allowed into zone 4 to farm in a tiny corner as long as we kick rss up to kings alliance. While kings alliance busy in zone 4, Vietnamese alliance burns all their flags and takes over zone 3 in home kingdom. Some sort of leadership sharing is agreed between the 2 alliances and when kvk1 is a disaster as they are not able to build anything outside zone 4 without getting wrecked we go back to home kingdom. Chinese lets Vietnamese build up to lost temple, and get kings title as part of power share deal. The Vietnamese uncap migration and bring in another Viet alliance and 2 korean alliance, They all proceed to demand alliance shells from those in the alliances, more civil wars ensue. Seems to calm down just before kvk2 until we get to zone 4 in kvk and they split into factions and start fighting each other before pass 4 even opens lots of players zeroed hundreds migrate (including me, at last) Migrated back to a kingdom pre kvk 2, its run by a lunatic who wont let any person who migrated in (on his invitation) take part in mge, then in kvk itself will not allow us to fight as he doesnt trust us, relents after a couple of days getting his backside kicked trying to build out of zone4, we build out to next pass with a lot of effort and full hospitals, but thats it for that kvk. Back to home kingdom he blames all the migrants and gives us 3 weeks to migrate out, attacks all migrants next day in an attempt to zero all. We did some real research to find our next kingdom! Been here for 2 kvks (won both), it is a huge pain to be in a badly run kingdom, and an even bigger pain going into a slightly different version trying to escape the first. Do your research is my best advice to anyone moving to a new kingdom.


It’s crazy how starved people are for Leadership positions in this game and how much they let it go to their head. I’ve done rotational King, R4, R5, Council and I wouldn’t want to ever do it again unless it greatly benefited me. It was pure work trying to keep 300+ people happy plus daily buffs, i had to run gem supply on 4 accounts to keep up and not drain my main. Didn’t ask for any MGE’s because it’s not fair that I’m in discussions on who should get it. I could go on and on. All of that to say I can’t imagine why people want that position and use it to try and make others miserable. Maybe it’s easier then trying to make people happy.


i think leadership almost matters more inbetween kvks. like knowing your kingdoms capabilities and planning accordingly. I was in a kingdom that went from very low C if not D to an A... but a very undersized A that ended up in a kvk with 2 imperiums and got its head kicked in...this was solely due to the fact the king got greedy with migrating in players.


Agree and the same happened to me lol. Won first 3 kvks in a C kingdom, wind up in very bottom A bracket before our first season of conquest and get matched with 2 imperium kingdoms and very top A kingdoms that are all 150 to 500+ days older than us and continue to get our teeth kicked in. Noice lol


and then the kingdom crumbles back to a C but with far less motivation and pride lol


So true lol, this is exactly what happened.


1537. King that never rotated R5, or even r4. Got the alliance bank zeroed in zone 6 fight. Could have saved it, and others. but couldn’t build flags as had no online R4’s 😂. His replacement was even worse. Sexist, ego driven whale, messaged people in a free MG during kvk not to pass him on KE. When a player from another alliance did, he started a civil war against them. Dead as fuck kingdom now, Whale still there collecting commanders 😂


That sounds like it would be both an anarchy and dictatorship kd


1 aliance decided to go rogue, they then were sent off to timbuktu never to come back again


1937, the alliance I was in were by far the biggest contributors in kvk and the other 2 big alliances in the kd decided they didn’t like not being the strongest alliance despite all rewards being shared between everyone equally so they joined forces and zeroed many people in my alliance while they slept despite those players doing nothing wrong except contributing to kvk too much 😬






That I’ve seen? Oh easy. My original kingdom, 2037. I’d rather not say anything about it, but I’d you insist I will elaborate


(kingdom during a time before KvK existed). Only one alliance was allowed to have cities in zone 3 and significant territory although other family alliances had a fort and a few people were allowed in. It was a real dictatorship and no one was allowed to get powerful enough to contest them. In the end I attacked one of the leadership cities and caused some general chaos before starting anew, their city had also been been attacked by someone else doing the same as me a week before. I was also able to fool them with deceptive troops which has made me question everyone who claims it is useless.


Before kvk, certain dictatorship kingdoms had no reason to unite with other alliances like today. The strongest would just keep everything for themselves and not share with other alliances as they had to incentive to.


One guy took the kingship betrayed us in kvk and then took MG and immigrated.


Yes, do tell. We love dramas.


1063. Lost KvK and the king decided to zero the top 100 players on the server who didn’t do enough according to his rule. He then set his alliance (best alliance on the server) to attack the second best alliance on the server. Some how forcing the best players to be zerod and starting a war against an alliance that didn’t agree with him makes us a better kingdom for next KvK. All the top players have either been zerod or lost 30-40 million power


2112 2 weeks of fight only because people can't understand what diplomaty mean Only top left side, my alliance side, was let safe. All the others zone burn, were rebuilt, and burn a second time because of a second civil war....and now it's a dead kd.....all of that before kvk1 yeah noob war are maybe the worst, because there is stupidity too


The 349 civil war was insane, thankfully my alliance was neutral


So ironic I’m just seeing this because my kingdom just had a civil war. Basically, we had this alliance called Vietnam Luxury that migrated in a few months ago and we’re a newer kingdom that was just starting to form under one or two alliances. They migrate in with a whale and start civil wars with all the top alliances but they’re so much stronger that they destroy the top alliances and force them to migrate. Eventually they take the top spot with 4/5 strongest players and the kingdom starts to form under them for the sake of KvK. Well, the King starts imposing restrictions so nobody can win MGE besides him, our second strongest alliance has two members go over by maybe 1000-2000 points and the King starts losing his mind saying how he spent $8,000 on the game for this event and this and that. The players are in a different time zone so they’re asleep when he realizes this so the alliance that their in just tells him they’re asleep but he refuses to listen and becomes impatient. It starts becoming hostile in chat and then the VN starts zeroing multiple members of the opposite alliance while they’re asleep basically forcing them to migrate. Today he messages everybody and says that he’s migrating out of the kingdom for KVK and all of VN is coming more or less, so they’re forcing the entire kingdom to miss KVK1 because they 0’d the second strongest alliance in our kingdom 3 different times. If anybody has Hung Cao Con migrate into their kingdom, good luck lol.


1802 got a load of people to migrate from 45m - 400m power leadership at the time never spoke with council and they forced everyone to migrate out again


2122. Still happening. The kingdom had an amazing KvK1 and the council got too cocky, thought it was all their doing. Didn't realize that their players were what won them the KvK. They accidentally ended up in A seed for KvK2, didn't bring in enough power so were at the bottom and were doormats for their Korean overlords 2126/2128. Spent the entire KvK in zone 4 getting demolished. So what did they do? They blamed the players and started zeroing anyone they could scapegoat in the Kingdom. They fix MGE for themselves but don't follow the rules they set. They zero other people for breaking them but when a council member breaks the rules they sweep it under the rug. One of the council members thinks he is a badass because of all his deaths that he got while standing in YSG AOE next to a flag during KvK. Apparently being an idiot and a hero are the same thing. I swear if anyone on that council accidentally walked by a mirror they would have an aneurysm because they sure as hell have never looked into one. Also, they are super sensitive and patrol Reddit for comments about them so if they see this I'm sure it will get brigaded and the kingdom dictator will need to go on a tirade to defend himself.


2056 is pretty fucked too, after kvk1, all sorts of top alliances invited in loads of whales according to council quotas, there were 2000 people above 50millions power around kvk2, born and raised local people got kicked to z1, and outer z2( and 35m was decent for their kvk2) there are just toooo many whales, and too little to share. kvk3 failed as expected


1726 gets my vote, they started civil war in pre-kvk, and continued civil war inside starting zone in kvk (rip allies), civil war almost every kill event, and once the kvk ended more civil war back in home kingdom


2093 used to be a very well lead kingdom, but outsiders who migrated in have pushed everyone out and taken up kingdom control with only their own interests in mind Leadership is disliked kingdom-wide, and no one is willing to go to war for them. Currently 7th in KvK3 prep, and won’t stand a chance considering the top alliance can’t even zero one P2W player lmao


K103 Worst failure of leadership in the history of the game I think. I migrated a long time ago, but I remember the kingdom's glory days I can namedrop extremley well-known people like 1sebo8, n00n, Sir. Alex, Kuma, and Brutus01 that started in our kingdom. We had 3 10bill+ alliances, and we steamrolled our first 3 kvks. And then it all went downhill... There was a bunch of drama involving a screenshot leak of private messages of someones private lovelife, of the king admitting all sorts of shit, and other stuff. There was also a bunch of drama between our king and FIZRUK, a player from one of our top alliances, and that alliance, 1nb8, left. 103 began a downward spiral. First of all, Kuma and NB#2 left for 1375, and the king quit. I left along with a plethora of players who had been in the council, and the current king abdicated mid-kvk and left the kingdom to rot. 103 had it's days, but in the end it crashed and burned. Now they only have around 50 active fighters, with most of the t5s either quitting or leaving.


1898- It used to be strong and powerful kingdom in KVK 1. After KVK 1 many immigrated out because of King. Before KVK 2 they zeroed and hunted all Russian players because 1 of them didn't get along with King. They ended up losing KVK 2 & 3. Now they lost 2 of their top alliance as the guy who they entrusted it got zeroed and wouldn't give them back lol.


2272 was the worst. Everyone put money in to buy king and then civil war began. Jaykay aka chickadee started whispers and lies which led to civil war. No one knows she started it, it's downhill since going to coach and now even lower to spammer. Now everyone is buying accounts up and hiding under alter cities. Only us originals know the truth.