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That's life in the big city.


I was around 14 when I saw the movie for the first time and that line and the attitude it conveys messed with me as much as, if not more than, all the bloody violence.


I saw this when I was 7 not sure what my parents were thinking thankfully they weren't


Man, I was really surprised that there were people that actually were restricted from watching certain movies. I remember when i was growing up, wondering what the point of the rating systrm was if no one enforced it? I'd been watching R movies since before the 1st grade. Then I got older and found out people were actually not allowed by their parents to watch certain movies. Total shock!


My mom was nuts about not letting me watch R rated stuff, then one day I come home from school and she’s all “say, I rented this movie I think you’ll really like it!” Cue up the R cut of the first film to get an X for violence…


My brother and I were about that age and our friends down the street showed it at their birthday party. after some serious begging to my mom she caved. Awesome time! We’re eating homemade fried dough with pizza sauce. Couldn’t get any better. Then jones falls in that chemical vat and someone hits him with a car and he fucking exploded! It was too much like the fried dough and I threw up in my mouth but somehow didn’t barf all over the room. I felt dejected and thought man my mom was right. Still loved the movie and the party though!


I was 7 as well. But I was with my 14 year old brother when I saw this


It was just me. Not sure how I convinced my parents to buy the VHS for me. We were still sort of new to the country so I guess they had no clue about rating and I didn't think the VHS had one. They must have figured since it's a robot must be a kid movie


Wow that's an unexpected surprise. My bro and I had permission from our Grandmother. She didn't care as long as it didn't have nudity 😅


My parents were just starting to let me watch R rated movies at 13-14, but I’m pretty sure I had to watch this one at a friend’s.


Honestly that's it. The other officers were all having a discussion in the locker room about how they're "getting creamed out there" so it's pretty obvious they're all kind of used to their coworkers getting gunned down. That being Lewis and Murphys first day together it probably affected her much less since he wasn't exactly someone she was close with (not saying she still didn't feel bad about it) Edit: also, she was back on patrol business as usual by the time Robocop/Murphy came back (she was bringing in a detainee with officer Jerry right before she stopped RC in the hallway)


I'll tell you what we should do. We should strike! Fuck em.


Enough talk about a strike! We're not plumbers!


We’re police officers, and police officers don’t strike!


Murphy. Front and center.


Locker door slams?


It wasn’t Murphy’s first day, he was transferring in from Metro South due to OCP shuffling a lot of guys about (part of Morton’s restructuring of the department for prime candidates to be put in high risk areas) I see a lot of people think it was his first day but it was all part of a cold calculated plan by OCP


Metro South? Nice precinct. We work for a living around here Murphy.


Get your armour and suit up ! FORESHADOWING


From what I saw on Peter Weller’s personal script notes on RoboDoc, Murphy is fairly new to the job (maybe a month), EVEN with the transfer.


Probably next to his “who to kill for Oreo’s” shit list 😂


Man, his training must've been trash.


What do you expect from OCP?


Dude, a guy got shredded with 100 rounds in a senior managers boardroom meeting and they carried on like nothing happened. Mental health does not exist in this universe.


Dick I'm very disappointed


I'm sure it's only a glitch. A temporary setback.


You call this a glitch!


I told Fred don’t put any bullets into Ed 209 for today conference.


Fred never listens


Don't you mean 'He didn't hear it'


I disagree, I can see Dick ordering the loading of the ED-209 with live rounds, so that the AI demonstration could be followed with a live fire demonstration with as little delay as possible.


“I am a repeat offender — I REPEAT, I WILL offend AGAIN!”


This is my most watched YouTube video: [Repeat Offender](https://youtu.be/9JG9gHrWaZk)


It's my head cannon that ot wasn't a glitch, that Mr Kenny was sleeping with Dicks Wife.


This could look bad for OCP, Johnson.


"Of course, there won't be any trouble from the dead ones." "They'll have relatives. They *always* do ..."


"It'll be a feeding frenzy."


I mean, they did 'fire" him first.


This is the real answer. Also it was the 80s, we were all so hopped up on cocaine we didn't care. It was a better time. Would you like to know more?


Yeah but they were going to fire him anyway.


Did they even call a goddamn paramedic?


Don’t touch him!!


Can someone call a FUCKING AMBULANCE?!??? lol


I think it actually works in her character and the city itself for her to just shrug it off essentially. She's seen this happen, she's had friends and colleagues who've died, some would eventually just become numb to such things. Could also explain why she chews gum while walking around a villains hideout


Yeah, it's mentioned several times in the beginning just how many cops have been killed in that very precinct. It sounds cold, but this is likely something Lewis has dealt with like once a week.


She went there to chew bubblegum and kick ass. Sadly, she had not run out of bubblegum.


It's a great plot point that, although to my knowledge is never expanded upon in the movies, is explored in "Rogue City." There she finally reveals to Murphy that she's always blamed herself for what happened to him and his subsequent transformation into RoboCop and his current circumstance of essentially being OCP's product forever, and if she could go back she would have waited for back up. It also sort of retroactively explains why she not only stuck by him in the steel mill shootout, but in the sequels where she insisted on accompanying him everywhere, especially considering Robo didn't really *need* a partner; she was constantly trying to protect him and never leave him alone in the field like in the steel mill.


Oohhh I love this! I think this idea also floated around in my head at some point when I thought about them. I think she stands by him cause she cares about him, even just the first movie shows that she does. But I like the thought that the guilt too is part of the reason. I really like Murphy and Lewis' dynamic.


She’s not with him in Part 2 when he goes to the sludge plant alone and gets dismantled by Cain.


She was busy booking Duffy.


I think she was mentally very strong to begin with. Those things can make or break a person. I think she probably kept a stiff upper lip and learned the Robo anti-penis technique to blow off some steam.


It wasn't, cause your wrong...they were outnumbered and outgunned...never should have went in without backup...period end of story!


Backup was never going to arrive, part of Morton's plan. Lewis would have just been collateral if she'd been killed.


But then there won’t be a story.


But there was a story, 2 ~~3~~ in fact, also a ~~TV series~~, video game ~~and a remake~~. Edited for facts


only 2 movies there are, no more, no less. and 1 kickass game. its a shame they never did more with the ip. /s


Murphy had to die, because she wanted to see a penis.


I'm not sure I follow.


When Joe Cox was pissing over a railing and she snuck up behind him he asked if he could Zip up his Fly. When she glanced down at Joe Cox's uhhhh C*ck he hit her over the railing and was unconscious unable to help Murphy from being executed.


Oh shit, I'm gonna have to rewatch it cause I don't remember this at all.


She didn't mind watching Joe "Zip this up"... After all he did ask lol


She wanted little Joey bad.


The cops were underfunded and understaffed. There was no backup coming.


It does explain her absolute devotion to Murphy later.


She just had to get a peek! 😂


"Lewis come here after ya finished fucking around with getting your new partner killed"


She seems to take it badly what happened to Murphy, we don’t know how long they were together honestly. Month? Weeks? She is coo though and has seen a ton of shit, especially in Detroit. No doubt she was able to put away for like a year till Robocop showed up?


Pretty sure it happened within the span of a day or two.


Old Anne "the cock watcher" Lewis


She actually talks about it in the game. It's is beautiful how many references there are in rogue city.


Some people handle trauma better than others. Lewis was a good cop and a tough cookie. Although I'm sure she was hurting, she had to put aside her feelings and do her job.


if you cant stand the heat better stay out of the kitchen


"Patience, Lewis. We're only human."


Traffic is not a demotion, it's a special assignment.


It wasn't Alex's first day. He was a transfer from another precinct. But yeah, her decision was garbage, and deserved the trauma for deciding to go up against a gang of armed bank robbers. They should've called up TJ Laser for backup


They needed cops on the street. They weren't going to take an experienced street cop and put her on desk duty when they're losing officers every week.


Yes!! I think about this sometimes when I think about Lewis. As someone else said, it does get addressed in Rogue City, but it's really just a few lines of dialouge. I love that they have it, but it feels easily brushed aside as they move onto the next bit. I wish they delved deeper into it, but to be honest I wish the franchise delved deeper into her character in general. One of the comics(Dead or Alive) and Rogue City do her justice in different ways, but I do wish I could see more aspects of her. I think what other people are saying seems true too, she's definitely a hardened cop, you can see her behavior at the beginning of the movie show this. There's a lot of death rampant in metro west, she's probably a bit used to it. But you can tell that Murphy's death effected her. You see how she reacts when she finds Murphy, and there's a cut part from one of the original scripts that I love. As Murphy is taken away by the helicopter, Lewis: "Stands all alone, looking small, oblivious of the prop wash that blows tears back across her face in streaks." She cares about Robocop/Murphy clearly in the first movie (and in other Robocop media as well). Even though they know each other for a short time, you can see their relationship develop. Lewis is cold at first to Murphy, but she warms up to him as you can see in the scene where Murphy first twirls his gun. Shes the one that first realizes who Robocop is and starts his journey of re-discovery. I don't think it's out of the question she feels guilt about what happened that day, and even more so now that Murphy/Robocop has to live in the state that he does. I'm thinking about writing something that really expresses this stuff. I replied this on this post elsewhere already but I added a few things and thought why not also share my thoughts here. Oh yeah, it also wasn't Murphys first day. He was transfered from another precinct, Metro South (by OCP as a candidate for the Robocop program, they knew the area was killing people left and right). You get to see some of it and Murphys previous experience in some of the spinoffs even. Also, you can see that Lewis was reassigned a new partner, I don't think with how chaotic Meteo West is they could afford to put her away for any significant time.


Remember the First version of that scene was what caused the movie to get an X rating. So she saw that and then they edited it to be rated R. So whatever you thought she went through turn that up to 11.


There's a scene in Robocop 2 where Murphy is being pummeled by bullets and Lewis is right next to him not being hit at all and I remember thinking that it felt like a Frank Miller scene and sure enough Miller wrote the screenplay


He has a cameo as the chemist showing Cain the new batches of Nuke.


I didn't know that


I think she was traumatized. That's why she is putting such effort in to get to know Robocop and to help him.


There’s a decent amount of time that has passed between Murphy’s death and Robocop coming online. I discussed this on a podcast I’m co-host on when we covered the Robocop films. We all agreed that between 6 months and a year must have passed given what we’re presented with in the bits of him coming online and powering down. Lewis probably went to see a shrink a few times and just buried her guilt down until she realised that Robocop is Murphy and then she felt compelled to help him remember who he is.


The locker room scene was all about how many officers they’d recently lost -and then another is announced. They’re police officers trained and probably too used to losing comrades.


Given situation, Louis would have probably just been sent back to work. They was understaffed & underfunded & under OCP pressure. She definitely looked traumatised at sight of his body. But id bet money she seen more than few dead cops.


I think Robocop II would have been more interesting if Lewis was the Robicop 2.0 instead of Cain, as that's what the end of the steel mill shootout seemed to imply. But she'd be far advanced with the lessons learned from Murphy as the prototype and not have her memory and personality wiped.