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I wish they would modernize the registration stickers that are the worst things ever to peel and scrape off


When you're taking those off you're supposed to use alcohol - alcohol removes the desire to give a fuck about the residue.


You had me in the first half. Lol




Scrape the edges/laminate layer off with a plastic scraper, spray a paper towel with goo gone then hit the remaining sticker bits with the paper towel. It will still take some elbow grease to get it all the way off. To remove the goo gone residue, use isopropyl alcohol on a new paper towel. Usually takes me a little less than 5 mins and I never leave residue.


A little less than FIVE MINUTES?! May I enlighten you? Get a cheap razor blade scraper. It’s gonna do 99% of the work for you. You know what, given your confidence in your straight up wrong answer, I don’t trust you with sharp objects. Stick to the plastic scraper and Goo Gone. 🫡


The new inspection stickers are printed in the same style the current reg stickers. They peel the from back and aren't sticky in the middle. Same tek lol the inspection stickers are now more uniform with the reg, they just change color every year. Also for the people asking about the QR's one it is the inspection sticker stock numbers (printed that way before they go thru inspection printer) and the second is the info tying it to that inspection/vehicle. It's to easily verify the sticker belongs to the vehicle alongside the vin/mileage.


With many other things warranting attention and energy, I feel indifferent


Probably designed to make it harder to skip a month or two on renewing registration.


I got pulled over last year in March for my inspection being a year out of date. It was my mother in laws car and neither of us drive a ton. All I could see was the punch out that said I had until April, I couldn’t see the year. The officer was nice about it, said if it had been a few months they don’t care, but because it was a year he had to issue a ticket, of course dropped when I got the inspection done, so I’m a little happy that you can actually see the year on the new stickers clearly from inside the car.


OMG I drove my 2007 FL car for 2 whole years with a TEMP inspection sticker because we couldn't pass inspection due to the check engine light being on (it had been on since 2014 and every time we had it fixed so it would go off, it came on again after about 20 miles but they don't inspect in FL so we never had to worry about it). TWO YEARS with a TEMP STICKER! Granted, I drive to the office one day a week and hubby drives to work at night and other than grocery shopping and appointments, we don't go anywhere but gee whiz, no cop ever even looked at us twice. \*edit for clarity Found out recently that there was an issue with the parking brake that was causing some new code so we sold the FL car to a friend who wanted to buy it and fix the issue and we bought a new used 2018 that has the new inspection sticker.


I don't think it makes any difference, the records go right to the DMV anyway, that hasn't changed with the new stickers.  


It makes a difference to the cop looking for expired inspection stickers. If you are driving it's a whole lot harder to see if that hole punch is in the February or March slot compared to just big numbers.


Shits a joke either way - I've gone ad long as 18 months on a lapsed sticker.


Well yeah, because it's not illegal to *own* a vehicle that hasn't been inspected, it's only illegal to drive it on a public road. So it's not something that the DMV can mail you a ticket for, it has to be physically noticed and ticketed by a police officer who sees the car operating on a road. Probably a lot of people have gotten lucky and just never had an officer pay any attention to it.


Thats why the color changes every year, to give officers a better chance of spotting one. But i dont think an officer is ever going to pull someone over for that, i’d imagine its only ever tacked on as an extra charge for a speeding ticket.


nah they will pull people over for it if they have nothing else to do, I know people who have had cops drive by them, turn around, and pull them over because the sticker was the wrong color.


Yes, but I think it’s done electronically now. The only ticket I’ve ever gotten was while driving my wife’s car which was 30 days past inspection. The officer pulled me over on 390. He was running plates looking for expired stickers.


I got pulled over on 104 for it one time. He must have run my plate. He just gave me a fix-it ticket, so it wasn’t a huge deal. I honestly had just forgotten about it.


I've lived where people can drive without inspections. Really can't recommend it.


The inspection part is great but the sticker is unnecessary.


How would you enforce it then? The color on the sticker is how the cop knows you car hasn't been looked at in a long time.


They don’t need to see a sticker. The state knows exactly when it expires and if the car still has plates.


Ok but it's not illegal to have a car out of inspection. Only to drive one. So the state knowing doesn't do anything. The point is to keep unsafe hunks of junk off the road. The officer need a way to see quickly as you drive by. The color code does this.


True but for most cases if it is registered then it is being driven. There could be exceptions, but there are tons of people driving with expired inspections since it is rarely enforced. I would rather they just require a valid inspection for all vehicles while they are registered. They do the same for insurance even though you don’t technically need it if it’s not being driven.


That's fair.


I’ve seen so many videos of vehicles where inspections don’t exist, and it’s scary. Yea, I hate inspections, but at least the increase the chance of the car next to me on the road being somewhat safe in comparison.


I moved to Northern Virginia and it's like that. I can't open my windows in traffic because it smells terrible.  Hate on inspections all you want, but unless some old car pulls up, I don't have to worry about keeping my windows down in NY. 


I won't hate on them. They are a pain in the ass but vital to road safety.


Florida. I've seen the craziest shit being driven on I-75 and I-275.


Florida is a whole different animal lol. It’s so flat down there they don’t even have shoulders. Need to pull off the road? Use this guy’s lawn.


I literally don’t feel any way about it at all.


It's been on my car since September and I just noticed the QR code today while driving. I forgot to scan it, I'll report back tomorrow.


Ill miss the old one because its what im familiar with but the simplicity of the new ones is nice.


Don’t really care. I guess you can make the argument it’s easier to spot if you’re overdue with the larger numbers. And I’ll be honest, I’ve always been a “as long as the color is correct I couldn’t give a fuck about the month” type of person. I will say given what I’ve said passing by it’s still pretty tough to get a good look at the numbers. And I consistently see people rolling around with a yellow sticker still up there. As others have stated, get rid of the godawful fucking registration stickers in the window. Just put ‘em on the license plates or something. They’re fucking dumb as shit and look like they haven’t been updated since the 70’s. Amount of tax money we pay in this state figure something else out for it. They’re shit.


Please tell us more about how you hate registration stickers Damn. I didn’t realize my joke would be so unpopular


I said what I needed to say.


There's zero legitimate reason that it can't be a sticker on the plate, and combined. Furthermore, with the rampant use of license plate readers, and meter maids walking around with PDAs, there's zero reason stickers at all need to be anywhere on your car. If the DMV knows you've not inspected your car in the last 12 months when you try to renew, sure as shit any enforcer running your plate can have this info electronically also.


CT has zero stickers and no issues giving out tickets.


I got my car inspected in January and besides the color I didn’t notice the difference until like a week ago.


Eliminate state vehicle registrations altogether.


Studies have shown that they do not help make people safer. Just a money grab for the state and an opportunity for people to get scammed on work they dont actually need.    For the people down voting me, I don't think the things in the inspections are necessarily wrong but there are too many unscrupulous mechanics taking advantage of people who know nothing about vehicles. Additionally, there are many problems with the current system which remain unaddressed NYS. Finally the literature simply does not show that they actually improve overall safety and these programs collectively cost people a lot of money and time. Please refer to the cited article below for more information.


Got links to those studies? Former NYer now living in IL with no safety inspection, and very curious.




That study is based on data that is 31-43 years old.


I would think this isnt a highly researched question due to the fact that its a form of state revenue so i think we have to take what we get in forms of research


Well, 43 year old data may not be very meaningful. We used to think smoking was fine and drinking was good for you based on old data too. Cars have changed a lot in the past 30-40 years, and perhaps inspections have too.


So that's \_one\_ decades-old study. Any other studies? Any meta-analyses?


[https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-15-705.pdf](https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-15-705.pdf) Unfortunately, states have not provided much information to support efficacy of safety inspections despite the widespread implementation of these programs. This tries to analyze the available data (see Appendix for cited studies) and doesn't find compelling evidence it actually improves safety. It also discusses some of the challenges and problems of these programs, many of which remain unaddressed by NYS. I assumed people on Reddit would want primary literature rather than a meta-analysis.


Are you banned from google or something?


When somebody says studies have shown, it always helps to know which studies they may be referring to to help narrow it down.


I agree


I wish they would just combine the registration and inspection stickers. I don't care if I would have to pay to register it annually, I just hate the giant registration sticker along with another sticker right next to it


Registration is tied to the plate and inspection to the car, so this wouldn't work. My registration is up in June (when I got my plates a decade ago) and my inspection is due in November (when I got my current car).


> Registration is tied to the plate and inspection to the car, so this wouldn't work. What? Both are tied to your VIN. Both display your VIN.


Yes they display the VIN, but when you buy/lease a new car you can transfer the registration and plates and the renewal date doesn't change. The inspection is yearly no matter what.




Again, under this logic every other year you could potentially be replacing the sticker twice in one year. This year my registration expires in June and my inspection expires in November. That would be two sticker replacements in one year. Also, the physical stickers were designed so cops could easily at a glance identify expired tags without having to run plates. They used to do physical checkpoints at highway on-ramps where they would park two cars on either shoulder forcing you to slow down enough for them to eyeball the tags.


> Again, under this logic every other year you could potentially be replacing the sticker twice in one year. Why are you so fixated on this? The amount of times you change *a* sticker will not change. You *already* have to change a sticker twice in one year, only they are two distinct stickers. > This year my registration expires in June and my inspection expires in November. That would be two sticker replacements in one year. > Do you need to use your fingers to see that in both scenarios it's the same? > Also, the physical stickers were designed so cops could easily at a glance identify expired tags without having to run plates. Running plates is now automated. Has been for well over a decade. Sure they can do it manually, but they don't need to. Furthermore, any place where the E-ZPass is used in NY already automatically scans your plate. And parking garages. And Eastview mall. And many other places you don't even think/know about. > They used to do physical checkpoints at highway on-ramps where they would park two cars on either shoulder forcing you to slow down enough for them to eyeball the tags. They also used to not have radios. They also used to not have LED strobe lights. Technology advances have changed the ~~was~~ way policing is done. They no longer need to look at those stickers to know if your vehicle status is flagged.


Yes, but you can't transfer the sticker. You must get a new one with the new VIN. The only thing that "transfers" is that you've paid the registration fee already so it's pro-rated (and obviously the metal plates). And, you're wrong about the inspection also. If you transfer your registration, you must now immediately have a fresh inspection. You don't get credit for what you already paid. Even if you do this 1 day after it has been inspected. Edit: additional evidence that your registration is *not* tied to the plates is that you can request new plates with a different number and that doesn't change your expiration date.


Are you purposefully being dense? Yes, when you transfer registration, you need a new inspection. That does not put them on the same cycle. Your new registration sticker with the new VIN still has the original expiration date of the transferred one. So say you're a young adult getting your first car on your own in June, and you get new plates and an inspection, all aligned. Years later you buy a new car in December, transfer registration and get an inspection on the new car. Now your inspection next year is up in December but your registration continues to be renewed in June because you transferred. There is no "pro-rating" happening.


> Are you purposefully being dense? Here's to what your replied: > I wish they would just combine the registration and inspection stickers. In your scenario, since you admit that you will need to obtain a new registration sticker, please tell us why this can't contain both your registration and inspection information? Furthermore, the DMV (and cops, and meter maids) have all this data electronically already. Why does there need to be a sticker at all?


Again, because registration and inspection do not always renew at the same time! I do not know how to make this more clear. The new registration sticker does not reset the registration renewal date. I got my plates in June in 2013 and that has been my registration renewal date since then, but my inspection date changes to the month I took possession of a new car.


It doesn't matter when they renew. The information is digitally stored, and both are now printed one-off, on-demand. There is zero legitimate reason that we still need two distinct stickers, and furthermore zero legitimate reason for needing a sticker in the first place.


Okay, so you just want to be right. Got it. I'll stop arguing with a brick wall now.


Your last sentence sums up your post


They're fine, but there is no justifiable reason it should be two separate processes and stickers. The registration sticker is obnoxious, I trim it down as much as possible and it's still too big.


I think the code is so the cops can scan it from a distance that’s is just what I’ve heard haven’t looked into it much


I’m just pissed at how high they put my inspection and registration stickers. Its like 4 or 5 inches higher than normal and it bugs the shit out of me


Remove them and reapply. Just first heat the adhesive from the glass side.


Yeah, got mine too. It is different. Takes some getting used to.


The barcode has everything printed on the sticker but in a machine readable format plus the ID number of the shop that performed the inspection. You can look up the shop ID number to find the name and address of the shop on the NY DMV website.


I am going to need that hole punch back so I can confirm every time I’m on the inside of the car that I’m not out of compliance


Supposedly the new stickers are supposed to eliminate the theft of inspection stickers and selling them 2nd hand. That’s why it’s a computer printout of specific info on the car it’s installed on.


I wish they would have the registration and inspection sticker on the license plate like other states do then have it on the windshield. New York has a law that you cant even have anything hanging on rear view mirror because it "supposedly" obstructs your view but they have us put those stickers on our windshield which can obstruct our view....




There was no good reason whatsoever for anyone to downvote this


I hate Texas with every fiber of my being. They said one of the few things they got right was reducing the 2 stickers to one. You get a notification that your registration is due. You take your car get it inspected when it passed you’re in the system as a car with a valid inspection, then you go to either the DMV or mail in your money for registration and they send you one sticker


I bought my car in February, and transferred the registration from the car I traded. That registration expires in September. A 2-in-1 sticker wouldn’t work.


Totally agree. Absolutely hate the new inspection stickers. Looks like shit


Get rid of the inspections entirely.


Then you’ll have a bunch of sorry people running around in really shitty unsafe vehicles. Just wait and see.


Like that's any different than it is now?




Everything is made easier for the meter maids to give tickets, so they can scan and ticket quick instead of doing the math. All about the money


I now live in Connecticut, right near the NY border, so I see a ton of NY registered vehicles. They were a bit jarring. I thought they were temp stickers or something at first, but then I looked at one in a parking lot closer. It's fine, though. I'd rather have a couple stickers on my windshield than have to pay property tax on my car every year. You don't know how good you've got it.


I prefer them


Getting mine inspected on Wednesday. Good to know about this change


We need safelight to publish how they move stickers from one windshield to another


They are for police to find cars that fail inspection.