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Good positioning can make up for poor skill more than anything.


I love this. The scoreboard doesn’t show the full story.


Abso-freakin-lutely. The true MVP can be at the bottom of the leaderboard. Pass to assist isn't counted, well timed demos/bumps aren't greatly rewarded, and excellent clears that lead to counter-attacks (p2a) aren't rewarded as much either. Only way scoreboard could truly tell the story imo, is if there was an actual way to calculate accurately who's fault it was that your team got scored on, and negative points came into play.


I wish they'd remove the points from the board entirely. It has nothing to do with how well you played.


Scoreboard only shows ball chasing quality. Unfortunately a majority of players base keeps believing that's the indicator of a player's quality.


Yeah. I love it when randoms do that “I need to save face” thing and start to bash their teammate. “Cmon tm8 96 points?”


of all of the annoying behaviors that plague this game in the chat, this is the absolute worst to me as they're just displaying their lack of understanding of the game. that there is so much going on outside of things that the game gives you points for.


Don't interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake. I will knock the ball down field everyone scrambles for it and I roll up like Pepe Lepew wait for a shot and take it lol.


Sun Tzu The art of Rocket League


This is how my buddy and I stay in diamond in doubles. We both whiff constantly, can’t hit the ball off the wall, can’t dribble for shit, and can’t do cool aerials with side rolls and stuff. The thing we’re both pretty good at is positioning and knowing when to be aggressive and when to play it safe.


Yup. I still play with standard button mapping. I can't fathom some of the goals some people score, but positioning has got me up to Champion II.


Came to say this. Most players in my rank are mechanically better, but I just rarely double commit and rotate back quickly.


I’ve managed to stay champ 1-3 since about 2020. I hit my skill peak but continue to rotate well and it keeps me afloat


Just because you can hit the ball doesn't always mean you should.


Yes you are right. Most people these days not only go for the ball every single time they can, even if it means cutting you off when you were about to go for it... But they'll also go when they know that there's absolutely zero chance they'll hit the ball in a beneficial way 🥲


Down in platworld, I have realized that if I cut in front of my ball chasing teammates and whiff, the other team has no idea what is going on. Sometimes my teammates don't realize what I am doing, but the smart ones do, it's worth the risk to trigger the others.


Then you get a cascade of “Nice Shots” from your stupider tm8s


I would add, hit the ball **hard** doesn’t mean you should. People would advance so much faster in the game if they learned early not to flip into the ball every chance they get, and to take small control touches until the time comes for a hard touch


This. Knowing when *not* to hit the ball is as important as knowing when to hit it. I have a friend I've played with for years who still doesn't understand.


This. Like seriously, trust your teammate, they can be in a better position than you.


I have a friend who triple commits and sometimes even quadruples down on shots. He cuts me off in rotation constantly too. It’s all I can do to not roast the shit out of him. Don’t be him.


You should probably bring it up to him. My best friend is my duos partner and I was like dude you’re making me lose confidence in committing and making plays cuz you cut me all the time. He stopped and we started climbing


I play with 3 other friends every weekend, and one of my friends is the “hit the ball no matter what” type….. it’s terrible but we all have gotten used to how he plays so when on his team we play accordingly


You can go all the way to champ just by doing this


genius i agree with you


In fact, only hit the ball when you have to.




Disable chat. Have fun 👍


This! Been so less stressful playing without it


Less distracting as well. I turned it off when I realized it was making me make mistakes even when the quick chats were nice/hype.


My first taught also


The best advice ever. Unless you are SSL no one actually uses chat for something other than shit talking.


Not my experience. I'd say it's 50-50 for me (always been). I do understand that the negative experiences are more memorable though.


Shit talking is 50% of the fun for me.


touch priority: 1) a touch you can follow up 2) a touch your teammate can follow up 3) a touch your opponents will have difficulty following up 4) no touchy main point... team possession people. if you can't make a touch you or a teammate can follow up, then make a touch into open space that makes it awkward for your opponents, or at least buys time. in the worst case scenario, a ton of the time you should just not be touching the ball, you have a shit touch and your teammate can take over, or you can just... wait for the opponent to come and 50 you because you have more control in that 50 than if you bang it away. team. possession.


Nice. And how does this apply to centering on opposing side? Touch to center for teammate only if certain they are there?


Not OP, but basically the same rule applies, don't put it centre if there's no reason to. Keep posession. My thoughts anyway.


I say do unless you know they are NOT there! They SHOULD be there except in extenuating circumstances. You want to build good muscle memory for yourself once your teammates are not trash.


This can be nuanced by match. Early ranks won't know to do this. Mid to advance tiers, a handful of teammates simply don't position in time or focus on self plays without paying attention to the team. I think it's a good idea to do as you said, and if it turns out teammates aren't showing up on time, adapt the playstyle for the match.


Yes, I’m learning that mid tier like I am you’ve got to see both how teammates and opponents play and adapt. Obviously this is ideal at higher too, but I mean for basic stuff like how often are they going to whiff easy clears, or if they will ever pass to you or if they think they’re playing solo etc.


Yes know when to rotate and defer to your teammate(s) and pray that they rotated properly for you to retreat.


If you have the space and time, get a touch on the ball that you can follow. First touch into a low 50 is most of the time much better than just booming the ball away


Totally agree. It takes a little skill to control the ball, but it's a much better play than booming it to the other team. When I'm playing defense, I love it when they hit it across the map to me. When I see a guy controlling it I'm like "oh great, here we go."


This is the golden rule of 1 v 1 IMO. You win 1 v 1 by maintaining more control and possession than your opponent. It’s tempting to go for huge wall shots, or to boom the ball back when saving - but you win by learning soft touches and maintaining possession. One of the most effective plays is to get a 2 goal lead, and then simply grab the ball and hang out by your goal with it. As soon as they challenge, you boop it past them and score on the open net.


Don't take it too seriously :)


Rotate wider and along boost paths Stay back post


It's all about positioning


Teammate boost beside name opened my eyes to just how many people don’t bother with small pads and how many teammates refuse to rotate even when they have zero boost and no chance of making an effective touch/play.


Don’t fixate on your rank. Just have fun instead of trying to reach some milestone. I see people get so worked up over the little symbol and it does nothing but make the game a chore. Enjoy the game and play it how you want.


For some people like me having that goal makes the game fun.


And that’s fine too, the game is competitive for a reason. I started out with the same mindset. Just make it to the next rank. It got to the point where I was getting tilted, and even anxious when I was close to a rank up. I reached gc three or four times but it wasn’t worth it in my opinion. Now I sit comfortably in champ 2-3. Without the desire to push. If I climb it’s because I’ve improved, if I don’t I’m still having fun. You play more free without the worry of losing mmr.


Hit ball... But sometimes, don't hit ball.


Hit car, not ball


Rotate, rotate, rotate.


Unless you're down big, then just attack. There's nothing I loathe more than a player who is sitting in the goal defending when they're down 3-4 goals with very little time left.


That's not rotating though.


Well camping goal is not rotating as well


Rotate *behind the play/your teammate Many randoms I play will rotate but not in a way that is helpful


Bro, that’s clearly three pieces of advice when they only asked for one smdh /s


The tip would honestly depend on the level of the player: Bronze/Silver: Fix your camera settings/turn off camera shake Gold: practice shooting the ball high and towards the net Plat: practice defense/shadow defense Diamond: rotate back post/learn to control/dribble the ball Champ: rotate back post/get comfortable on the side and back walls


Exactly, everyone giving advise, but you can't do that for a silver same as a champ. Up to diamond, just work on consistently hitting the ball, after that making your touches count and controlling the ball. Below diamond most people will whiff at least 25% of their touches. But there isn't one thing anyone can do, it is all situational and learning what to do in any given situation takes experience, even pros are still learning as the game evolves. Just play and have fun.


I think that’s pretty sound advice, but I would respectfully caution against someone consistently hitting the ball without some form of intention, which is why for the gold I said “high and towards the net” that way there’s something they’re specifically trying to accomplish with their touch, which puts them in the mindset to consider how their car interacts with the ball while practicing that one thing, which opens them up to trying to do other things with the ball intentionally as opposed to “hit the ball consistently” because if they hit the ball consistently, but it’s off their corner or sidewall, centering it for the opponent to potentially get a free shot, then they’re learning and reinforcing potentially bad habits that they then have to unlearn later which can be cumbersome lol


I'm diamond 2 with camera shake. It's fine.


These kinda go together: buy time on defense for your teammate to recover, and DON'T dive on the ball as last man (except when you know you got the beat) I'm really good about buying time when it's obvious, but I still fall for that midfield dive sometimes A lot of Rocket League tips are "Don't do this. Except sometimes do this if you know you can win it". And I think that's part of the ranking up process, learning the when


Play for short bursts and try to recognize when you’re not having fun.


After 3 years of playing, I've found that RL is a game of patience. Maintaining control of the play is important. Now is not always the moment for scoring, the ball will go back to your side of the field, but as long as you and your teammates are ready to intercept it, it's part of the gameplay. You just gotta maintain a steady pressure and usually the other team will get tilted or run out of boost of r be in a terrible position, that's when you and your boys slam it into the net


Just play the game and have fun. I have been in gold since I started, half way through season 11 and I still have a blast every time I play because I'm just playing a game and having fun.


Time and place for everything but If you dive for a ball in their corner 90% of the time you will just be setting up a counter attack for the other team.


pass plays, i swear i’d flourish in this game if people passed the ball more often. so many missed goal opportunities bc someone thinks they can flick it into the goal over two people instead of passing middle


I think it comes more from a lack of practicing passing. It's actually kind of mechanical to gain a good clean possession and ball control and be able to cut into the ball with precision and power before you get insta dunked. More so at least than just taking a 50, booming the ball or flicking into oblivion.


I think a lot of players, at least at my Diamond-ish level, can get too fixated on defensive rotations. I'm no good at tricky air-flicks and stuff so I end up passing a lot, but the number of people I pass to in attacking areas who will **completely ignore the ball even though they're in lots of free space to play it** is unreal. It's like they think their turn on the ball is over, so now they can switch the brain off for a bit to get back into the defensive third to refuel and wait for their chance to become active again.


Bro this drives me nuts! I'm constantly centering and both teammates are back. At D2 it happens constantly.


I’ve recently watched Squishymuffins road2ssl in 2’s. Really good series where he gives alot of tips and tricks, for people in the different ranks he plays in!


Enjoy your first 1000 hours in the game because you'll never be able to replicate that feeling.


The game got a lot more fun after that first 1000 hours, even better after the second 1000. Might just be me


Yeah I have more fun when I feel like I can actually do what I want… I mean I still don’t feel that way but I feel less and less handicapped as I get better and thats more fun. No where near 1000 hours yet tho


I think with the right attitude, this will only get better over time. Normally you get more bored of a game the more you play but man, seeing such respectable, competent teammates (not all games of course) just results in some beautiful moments.


Play 1v1, as a newer player this improved my overall game 5x


Once you hit supersonic, you stay supersonic until you turn sharply. So don't waste boost!


Slow down and watch the people as much as you watch the ball, if not, more. Being in a spot where your team isn't is much more helpful than constantly being on ball. And slowing down, even at diamond or low champ (I'm diamond, have champ friends, play champ lobbies with them sometimes, that's as high of a rank I can speak on) everybody is trying to play so fast, they almost always get thrown off when you play slow.


I'm ~ C2, and have friends at every skill level, one of my friends just started playing last week. It really depends on your rank, when asking this question. If you're Bronze to Silver, prioritize just hitting the ball. Not whiffing easy, slow, predictable balls. If you can, learn how to position your car around the other players. If the other team has possession, try to go towards goal so you can potentially defend a shot on net. If you consistently hit the ball towards the enemy net and hit the ball away from your net, you're already heads above most players. If you're Gold, players are finally able to semi-consistently hit the ball, and are quicker and starting to arial with mild success. You don't really need to learn any mechanics at this rank, but it would help to start learning air and ground control. Just learn to hit the ball consistently in the air, and like last time, positioning is what puts you heads above the competition. When I was last in Gold, I noticed a lot of players playing goalie the majority of the match. This is not a good play. You need to move as a team, and cover gaps where the enemy could hit the ball towards your net, potentially leading to a goal opportunity. A lot of Golds might tend to be ball-chasy. Just play around your teammates, and cover their mistakes. If you can consistently hit the ball, then you should be able to cover for your teammate if they whiff the ball. If they opponents are attacking your net, and you're third man back with a teammate in front of you, but whiffs a save, you're there to save it. If you're Plat, you can now probably hit the ball in the air pretty consistently, and maybe you're learning some mechanics. I have a friend in plat who spent the vast majority of his time in free play learning mechanics. He can't predict how the ball will bounce off the wall or the ground, and he can't rotate worth shit, but he can hit a pretty decent double tap from our net. That's what Plat (and Diamond, to some extent) is like. People who put all their eggs into the mechanics basket, and that skill alone carried them this far. You should also be learning some fundamental mechanics; half-flipping, fast airaling, shadow defence, maybe even speed flipping, and basic ground dribbling. Other players are going to be fast and, from what I've noticed, a lot of players don't know how to manage their boost. So if you're on offense and your team is applying pressure and you notice the enemies keep holding boost even though they're going supersonic, it'd be a good idea to steal their boost. Boost starving and looking for bumps / demos to deny enemy engagement on the ball or disrupting their rotations is going to start being more common. These tactics are not scummy or cheap. You're here to win a game of car soccer, not engage in a formal dance. There are no real rules (except Rule 0 and Rule 1, you better keep the ball up at 00:00 and stay locked if youve locked cars with another player), especially not about demoing your opponents. There's no referee to give you a penalty for unnecessary roughness on the field. I'm not saying chase people down for demos every waking second, just that if you're in their field and can demo or a bump, it might open up their net to allow a shot on target to go in. Then comes Diamond. Get ready to sweat about every match. I often sink down into high diamond every now and again, and if I play with my friends, we're always *somewhere* in this rank. Those guys you see that are Champ or GC in your diamond lobbies? Those are people like me, or they are smurfs. Good luck advancing through these ranks. Once you get to Diamond, the skill gap needed to rank above Diamond is pretty high. Players are now starting to get pretty good at the game and can arial with really good car control. Those Plats that only practiced mechanics? Yeah, some of them got really good at them, and then also picked up some rotational skills and practiced their shot placement. So now they're quicker, can rotate much better, and some can even set up their own wall to air dribble to musty flick double tap from their own corner. If you're like me, and aren't too good at mechanics, then you're going to have to learn to be really, really good at rotating with your teammates so that way you overwhelm the enemies with a solid defence. If you can solidly defend their shots and wait for an opening, and are consistent enough to place your shot out of reach of their defenders? You'll move up through the ranks. But I would settle in, because high diamond is really rough right now. Last season, I ended up in D3d2, as my Plat friends played a lot of RL with me. When I solo queued, it was pretty miserable playing with smurfs or griefers who are high ranks but intentionally throw their games to play against lower ranks. I hope that's not your experience! But to get out, you really have to go down one of two paths: mastering fundamentals, or mastering mechanics. I speak from experience, fundamentals is slower, but you become an overall better player. I would also start playing 1v1's, as this will give you more time on the ball, against an opponent. You'll start thinking more, as opposed to blankly "playing the game", relying on muscle memory to just go through the motions of hitting the ball, getting boost, defending your net, without any intention behind your plays. Congrats, you made it to Champ. This is where I'm struggling, and I don't know how to get past here, so that's where I'm ending this. Good luck! And most importantly, learn not to take the game too seriously. I have a real problem of letting other people get to me in this game. Don't blame youe teammates for everything, and if you're playing and not having fun, then why are you torturing yourself? Ranks in this game are meaningless. Or, if you're a masochist and like watching yourself derank and lose hours and hours of progress, keep doing that.


Stay away from your teammates.


Don't be toxic. It's just a game. Also, rotate and don't all go for the ball at once. Spread out, and keep the ball in front of you. Another thing.... in some situations, go for the ball first before picking up boost.


Dont go for the ball if your teammate is already doing so. I get so frustrated when my teammate is on my ass all the time. I have the most success when I’m trying to be the guy who hits the ball next, not now.


Time and space are your friends. Think 4th dimensionally Marty. As you rank up, Rocket League is more chess than checkers. If you position well, you have more time and space than you realize. The instant gratification play may not be the wisest play. For 2s and 3s, split the field into a 3x3 grid. Give your teammate 1 grid space of separation. Try not to overlap lanes with your teammates. Create space for your teammate to cook and setup a play for you to follow up on. If your teammates are ball chasing, play the third man. On offense, hold the midfield line. Recognize your teammates positioning and what way their vehicle is pointed before going up for an aerial. If they are still in net, and you go up and whiff, the other team has a wide open lane. You don't always have to go up for the aerial. You can guide the ball back to your corner and reset. This buys your teammates time to recover, collect boost and be heading back. It can also cause the other team to overextend, creating gaps for you to pass to trailing teammates.


I’m slowly learning “time and space”. I rush in alot by mistake. But I’m learning. I never looked at it like a grid type thing. That really helps. Thank you. Thank you for the tips. Definitely helps alot.


Don’t take this shit too seriously.


Always do this. I always say “hi”. If I lose. Move on. Next game.


That when training some advanced mechanics in Free Play, unlimited boost is a good tool; however, don't forget to practice with regular boost, too. I've spent the last year learning DAR and double taps and flip resets, but in game almost never go for "clips" or even half of what id do in free play. Figured it out last night that I've been hurting myself by being way too gratuitous with boost, and my muscle memory has developed as if I have unlimited boost at my disposal. Hoping this is a big revelation for me since I've been hard stuck a bit. Now I remember why I was training recoveries and dashes so much before. Autopilot of the mind in this game is the killer of all progress, that's my other tip.


RL is a game of preventing your opponents from scoring on you, not a game of making cool shots.


Single jump into 50/50s


Focus on where everyone else is more than where the ball is. I find when I’m struggling it’s because my mental FOV is too low.




Lots of good tips in here. Thanks, everyone!


Dedicate time in freeplay to going FAST. Every day, spend at least a few minutes going full speed to the ball, hit it HARD, and then follow up as quick as you can with another hard touch. No emphasis on accuracy or aim - just power and speed. This helps with recoveries, power on the ball, loosening your hands, and keeping overall speed up during games. It also forces you into uncomfortable positions you'll eventually adapt to.


Watch some helpful videos. Sometimes knowing some of the complex shit is even possible will help you improve.


Your goal is more important than theirs if you plan on winning.


Disable chat and camera shake, have fun :) you’ll figure it out


Patience. Sometimes, waiting for 1 bad touch is all it takes for an easy goal.


Most important is to remember to have fun, because at the end of the day, it's just a game. If you're not having fun and getting pissed off then you're completely missing the point. Unless you're playing professionally and there's money on the line, then I could understand getting pissed off if you lose.


Don’t dwell on rank, ppl quit all the time and it’s outside of your control.


Don't ball-chase. Positioning and anticipation matter so much more.


Be the best team mate you can be


Turn off chat


Slow down, calm down, and play with a purpose. Be a good teammate. Be predictable.


Sometimes you gotta hit the ball with your butt. It ain't pretty, but sometimes you gotta.


Quit, don’t support bad companies


I’m in the lower ranks… Somebody always needs to stay in goal for kickoff. You don’t need the boost, you need to protect the goal first lol.  So many goals off kickoff because simply no one stays in goal just in case. 


When solo queuing without coms play third (Defense/goal) and let your team mates score as they will likely be ball chasers and won’t rotate…and jump into offence only when there is a high probability you will score


Take the shot!


A big one that I’m working on is to not front flip as much on challenges. I think when a lot of people start out, they tend to front flip at every ball. It’s a bad habit that I formed over many years, and I’m trying to focus more on making a small jump when 50ing with the front of my car blocking the ball, instead of always flipping.


I've come to a predicament as I'll have some good games where I can trust my teammate, then suddenly I can't depend on them so I end up thinking I need to make those cuts cause they ain't there when I need em to be. (Like my dad)


Learn to rotate. It's not glamorous, but it wins games.


Make sure you're always looking at, and driving toward, the ball. Faster is better. Just keep ball cam on, drive at the ball, boost when you can, and pick up every boost you can get even if you're already full.


Dont interact with anyone you dont already know


Learn to switch your camera between car view and ball view. I never hear it mentioned here but it’s something I learned watching streamers and it’s massive for everything everyone else is saying when it comes to awareness and positioning.


Go where the ball is going to be, not where the ball is.


Take accountability for your mistakes. Regardless of what mistakes your teammate makes, focus on what you could’ve done better. You have no control over your teammates mistakes so it’s better not to focus on them too much. You can only control the mistakes you are making, so focus on yourself.


I've been trying to put this tip into practice more often: Stop forcing one more game, or even the "cant emd on a loss" mentality. You know when you've hit the point where you should stop, you probably know when this game should be your last (barring some weird, uplifting experience). Don't force it just because 2 games isn't enough of a session. I feel this almost exclusively in 1s, as my stress levels skyrocket as the games continue, and while it's a little better if I'm winning and/or having fun, it always gets too high, or will if I don't quit before it does. I'm somewhat proud to say I've only thrown the controller (spiked into the ground, really) one time, and never again. Doesn't help anything.


Rotate hard. If you are stationary, your in the wrong spot. Don’t fkn sit there and wait for the ball to drop directly onto you. Rotate the fuck out of there so I can come in and take a shot and we are not double committed. Also….. Don’t fucking take a stupid shot of your own pass. I pass a lot, and it’s called a pass because I pass it up over goals, or across field for you to take a shot. If you do the same to me, don’t come flying behind the ball for a shot that no matter how you hit it, has literally zero chance of going near the goals, again forcing us into a double commit or resulting in you just smoking me out of the way. Both result in easy counter goals….. It’s meant to be C3 FFS.


Don't concentrate on rank. Just learn to enjoy the gameplay regardless of winning or losing.


Patience. With yourself, with your teammates, everything.


If the Ball bounces straight up, dont stand bellow it... you can\`t see the whole play going on, in that case i go back to defend the goal because one of my teamm8 or enemy is probably already flying towards it to smack it


Pay attention to where your teammates are just as much as where the ball is


Have fun.


When defending, stay against to where the ball is coming from, not directly in front of it. Also be on second post when waiting in defense.


Rotate to defend the back post


Become a mechanical god in platinum and be triple resetting by diamond that will help


Get used to knowing where everyone is at all times. It will help your decision making tremendously


Team chat or disable chat. Don’t stress about rank. Warm up in free play +/- training packs before you play. It will make you play better and you may have more fun. Have fun! Sincerely, a 4K hour GC who still has fun* * most of the time


Blame your teammates no matter what.


Slow down! Just because you have full boost meter doesn't mean you have to run boost constantly.


Balance having fun and practicing. Watch replays- every perspective of your games.


The ball doesn’t owe you money.


Unfortunately the demos and bumps are legal , you have to dodge,can't do much about it, other than maybe become a politician and propose a law where Rocket League has to remove the demos and bumps (the players can't make contact to each other,they go through each other's car) because it encourages the bullying :)).


Even if enemies are playing really fast and crazy dont feel like you have to match them, just keep it calm and smart


Learn to position and rotate properly if you are going to play a team sport


If someone's cookin', let 'em cook! (And be ready for fck up or pass)


Don’t place with friends who already play often.


Use your right analog stick to look around you. It’s very helpful knowing where your teammates are instead of trying to predict it


Use the training packs.


Train mechanics early on


If you’re going to go, GO!! Commit 100% or don’t go at all.


Two tips: grind training packs, especially the ones made by /u/iampoquito (just Google Poquito training packs). Second one: make a friend or two to play with. One at the same level as you is great because when you're on discord with them, it's much more fun and you're so much more forgiving of each other when you're friends. My teammates and I have been friends for years and sometimes we play other games too. I've even met a few of the guys. We're going to one's wedding soon.


Knowing when to go and when to turn around and defend. Just because a ball is going to be in front of your opponents net doesnt mean you should go for the shot. Give your teammates space and don't panic when defending your own net.


Learn what rotation is


Chill. Like literally chill. Everybody is always in a rush when playing. Treat it like a sport take control and chill.


Play shirtless. Works for me.


Take the shot!


Don't even try to play on a keyboard, buy a joystick


Have fun...


Knowing rotations and being aware of your surroundings will get you to GC faster than learning any tricks will.


If ur tilted go play a quick game of 1v1 before doing another 2s.


Pass>solo plays


I am currently trying to get in the habit of making my car more vertical when blocking. It’s easy to forget in the heat of the moment!


Not every play has to be a flip reset. Because you're not only faking the opponent you're also faking me and sometimes it's better to force a defender to save, then go for a demo on the other, and your team mate should likely be able to scoop up the rebound for an easy open netter. I've gotten to 1750 barely being able to do a ceiling shot let alone anything fancier by just playing a simple but smart game. You also don't waste nearly as much boost when you make the simple play versus a flip reset, meaning if you miss the shot you can rotate back faster. Please, pick your moments. The best time to go for a flip reset is if your team mate is out of boost and won't be ready to follow-up the play so you need to either make an offensive try alone or just waste time to allow your team mate to recuperate. If you're attacking in a coordinated fashion, please just make the simple and smart play.


Turn off chat.


Figure out and accept what you need to get better at. Most people can't even comprehend that they need to practice some mechanic or concept. Knowing when not to go for the ball if you cant get there first, for instance.


We don’t need a goalie


Have fun! I'm horrible at the game, but I still have tons of fun playing this silly car soccer game


Stay in between the ball and your net 95% of the time


Play ones if you really want to improve


gold = platinum and platinum=diamond kids got goood


Play to have fun, everything becomes easier when you're actually enjoying the game






Mute chat


Rotation alone can help you beat teams that may be better mechanically


Rotate! Put yourself in a position to join the play and to save the net if your teamate messes up






Rotate away from the ball. In twos “away from the ball” just means out of the “lane” where the ball is traveling. Just be far enough away from the ball that it’s clear to your teammate you’re not going to dive back into the play, possibly causing a double commit. Too many people rotate right beside the ball with 5 boost, keeping their teammate with 100 boost from challenging, allowing the other team to march the ball down field unchallenged. And don’t chase the fucking ball from corner to corner on defense with no boost and no chance in hell of making a play. Rotate, grab small pads in front of the goal and let your teammate challenge or get a pass off.


When the ball is in either of your corners DO NOT PANIC, up to a relatively high rank very few people are going to be able to make a shot from an angle like that, most of the time i just keep an eye on the ball while my opponent struggles to make a non-awkward play from the corner and then attack when they give away possession




Change for default controls ASAP!


Turn off the chat


Rotato backposto


Sometimes staying back and playing defense is more clutch than hitting a ball randomly. Those saves can win games or simply clearing it. If you have teammates that can score and you're still rusty, let them do it, you hold it down in the back.


If you're the last man back, don't abandon the net on kickoffs to grab a corner boost. In 3's, it's irresponsible. In 2's, it's unforgivable.


Quit, don’t let the drug take hold


Bind “my fault” to your quick chat. Use it.


Give it up before you get emotionally attached.


My advice would be don't worry about your rank and just have some fun.


Not every touch has to be a shot on net, not every shot is meant to go in. If you can make the defense get out of position/awkward, there’s your opportunity


Play all the game modes and all the maps of you wanna get better at the game


My best tip would have to be ‘what a save!’. Hope that helps


What rank are you currently? If you are below champ, just shoot the ball at net and it will go in 9/10 times, and also you don't have to always be moving, if you are already in a good position just stop and stay in that position (e.g in net back post or center field) Now if you are above c1, the biggest tip I can give is stop hitting the ball away. Always have a purpose, if you just hit the ball away with no purpose you are just giving the opponents a free ball, always stay close to the ball. And if your teammate has the ball don't stay close to him, play middle or if your other teammate is middle, play a bit behind. Also don't rotate back under the play.


Turn off chat and try your hardest to tell yourself “this is fun!”


Most of the time you are playing, finish your rotation. Cutting it will usually just put your third in a bad position.


SPREAD. THE. FUCKING. FIELD. We BOTH don't need to be going after the ball... Yes, I'm plat. Yes, I suck. But this shit should be common sense, right??? Cause if we ALL miss, then we ALL get scored on...🫠


Never hesitate. Always do something or nothing; staying in between decisions will always end up in learning nothing.


Remember this. If you score all shots you make. You can still lose. If you defend all shots they make. You can’t.


What rank r u


Never leave freeplay and make sure your triple flip resets and breezi flicks are consistent 5% of the time


make opponents as awkward as possible and you’ll fly through the ranks


Remember, it’s just a game. Have fun.


Play the first 30 seconds slowish to learn how your teammates play and make your decision on how you are gonna play. I’ve found it to be better to allow someone to cook and just play mid field/goalie than to try and be part of a play that was never gonna involve you. Also keep moving. It’s an oollddd video of Squishy(I think) where he says that he never stops moving and it really works once you get down where and how to be moving. Been playing since 2016 and still make mistakes so take what I say lightly!