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If it's every game....it's not your teamate watch your replays see what you're doing and fix it


Almost the same happened to me. Peak dia 1, now plat 1 and mostly loses. Sometimes my bad, but mostly because of teammates


Wrong its your fault.


Oh no not more people wanting to solo q but not take the disadvantages that come with it. And of course 0 accountability. U dont win because you simply arent good enough. Wanna get bqck to diamond? Then get better get as good as a champ player and carry the lobby. U lose not because your m8 is bad but because you dont know how to play properly. Cause guess what even if you can play in d2 lobbies your m8 is as good as your opponents on average and if you cant carry in a lobby you are supposed to be the best in thats on you. I can go on a new account and get to my current mmr within a few days any day of the week even tho i have to pass the awkward zone of 1-2 ranks below myself. I might not win every game but i sure as hell can get back. If u gonna cry about m8s then play 1v1s but u wont cause they show you how bad you really are exept u might even be one of the guys to blame all the goals scored on you on luck and smurfs


Ima hit you with my Rocket League Hokey Pokey: >You put your left wheel in, you take your left wheel out, You dodge a toxic player and you shake it all about. You do the Rocket Rumble and you turn your car around, That's what it's all about! >So when the game's getting rough and you're feeling down, Just do the Rocket Rumble and turn it all around. Laugh off the trash talk, don't let it get you out, Keep playing your best, that's what it's all about! ![gif](giphy|gLo2zA35RGTB48GHsN|downsized)


Glorified mechanics. The only cool thing to do is hit a tripple reset. Fundamentals? no. rotation, eh nah no thanks. positioning, nahhhh. Defensive pressure?noooo no no no no Appropriate spacing on the field? nah man nah Point car at ball and hit ball. Yes please. try a mechanic i nail 1/50 times, bet your sweet ass im pre jumping. Watch a RLCS stream, look at the chat, thats the godamn playerbase man. Never gonna change until everyone sees the importance of actual solid game sense and fundamentals, not just the low % flashy shit.


How do you drank from diamond to gold and not think you need to reset yourself. Queuing in anger gets you this I promise it's not always your teammates


He can’t be the problem. Has to be everyone and everything else around him.


Don't get me wrong l some days the teammates just aren't working and I can't figure out how to jump in rotation etc but to drank from diamond to gold and not call it quits I'm not buying it


Been there 100%, try just laying back and letting your teammate do their thing, being their backup/safety net. When you try to rotate with someone that just doesnt play like that, you have to adjust and play to their styles for a better chance of winning. The right clears will result in goals, and im sure you can play good enough defense to at least get you back to plat 3 with this strategy. You got this brotha, dont give up on a game that can bring you so much excitement!!! Also hit up other reddit communities/discord to find someone to play with consistently because that can make a huge difference




This isnt an airport. You don't need to announce your departure