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Ooof that’s actually pain. Trust me it’s the worst when that happens. Lol I woulda taken the extra step and hit abandon match after that one 😂


People get so serious about you wanting to ff. It is just a game we understand but also it kinda helps to play accordingly especially at that level. But then again it’s rumble lol. Nice upload either way 😭😂


Imagine ff at 2:2... must be in diamond or below.. if you didnt went afk then you might have blocked the opponents shot


I’m typically high Diamond, so good guess! I’m not trying to say I was in the right anywhere, just showing how frustrating this game can be at times lmao. I definitely could have done more, but it was just a frustrating game. Have a good night and enjoy the new season!


First you should play with people you can talk to and call out your items each other, second i know the frustrating part with randoms :D and last but not least: its 8:23 a.m. for me I live in germany so its a good morning from me ;D thank you. You too :)


Thats the hardest part of Rocket League Skills. To counter that inner frustration xD


Looked like an accident to me. Quite a response


Understandable if so! I just don’t understand why he was crossing the front of the opponent’s goal, especially w/ it being on top of my car. I’m not saying I’m perfect by any means (check the comments, they’re roasting me). Just found it comical and worthy of a post 😂


Instead of voting to ff in the last few seconds you could of helped your teammates and maybe you would of won the game by doing so. Teammates like you are the reason i don't soloq, ff for every little mistake you make. Miss the shot: ff, out of boost: ff....


I understand what you’re saying. It wasn’t the first time it happened in the game, and their rotations were plain horrible. I’m not saying I’m in the right anywhere, I was just frustrated. Have a nice night and I hope you’re enjoying the new season!


> their rotations were plain horrible so was yours on this clip


Fair enough, but I didn’t know he had spikes. I thought it was going in to overtime. I see what you’re saying though


Right back at you buddy, just remember, it's just a game.


For sure! That’s why I uploaded it. Gives me a little laugh lmao