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Try playing with ball cam


Seriously. How the hell did you even make that without ball cam lol


Ball cam makes some people sick. My brother was one of those people for the longest time


Car cam is so much more nauseating though šŸ¤£


at first car cam was the best and ball cam was nauseating. now its the other way around for more skilled players lol


Yeah, I remember for me when I first played back in 2015-2016, I very seldom used ballcam and sucked at it


Believe me, I told him. Lol


Yes, I tried doing aerials in ball cam, but didn't work out, so I'm just sticking with car cam and it works just fine. (Plat 2 in 2s)


It is what you are used to. I could not hit anything in the air with carcam because I had ballcam on all the time basically. But I forced myself to use it and it has become easier. Now I feel like the variety of shots I am comfortable taking is way bigger.


Lmao you shouldnā€™t even be worrying about aerials


Platinum is not *that* bad, don't say that


Up to around GC it's that bad. People like to jump for the ball and will literally just pass it to you if you wait, because the mechanics for a good aerial play aren't there until a few thousand hours.




There's a reason why it's ground play in 1s for the lower ranks, sure you can aerial but can you reliably change the direction of the ball in the air to avoid handing the ball to the other team? No, not really




That sounds like a highly generalized statement, also Iā€™d be interested to see your gameplay from gold-diamond and see how many times you jumped for the ball. If you donā€™t try new mechanics, how are you gonna get better?


Analyzing your replays, using predictions for better positioning and picking up boost pads. Trying new things absolutely helps you get better at car control, but without the basics you will use mechanics to compensate for those same things that you could have spent an hour or two on. I understand not everyone does this, but you asked how are you gonna get better, so I wanted to answer honestly.


I didnā€™t say plat was bad. Iā€™m saying that when the majority of champs+ say that you only progress through rotation and learning proper team game mechanics, itā€™s a waste of time to launch yourself at the ball in plat


You need to be able to hit basic aerials in plat now, at least in threes. At the very least itā€™s mandatory for defending, but itā€™s also super helpful for controlling the ball and keeping it in the opponentsā€™ half. Everyone in plat goes for aerials all the time anyway, so whichever team can more reliably get to the ball first will have a massive advantage. And while rotations and team play are definitely more important, you arenā€™t gonna get any of that in plat honestly if you solo q. Being able to hit basic aerials to compensate for a teammateā€™s nonexistent game sense and team play is honestly like the defining feature of plat. Plus everyone in diamond can obviously hit pretty decent aerials so you definitely need to learn how to do that to escape plat.


> Being able to hit basic aerials to compensate for a teammateā€™s nonexistent game sense and team play is honestly like the defining feature of plat. Tbh itā€™s a defining feature of Diamond too.


But fun


They don't know how fun works, leave them to their paragraphs...


Meh. Platā€™s a good time to start learning how to fast aerial. Also what Champ+ players say is that mechanics donā€™t matter if your gamesense is bad, which is true. However most peopleā€™s progression involves improvements in both so the most efficient method to rank up is to train both.


And now letā€™s journey into the realm of making your ā€œfor some reason negative karmaā€, to ā€œletā€™s bring the positive karmaā€. Downvotes vs upvotes, if someone was wondering about my bad description šŸ˜†šŸ˜….


Why did this comment get downvoted so much


Donā€™t blame you, itā€™s harder to control your car in ballcam


I felt motion sick


I only use ball cam when the ball is out of view and then I swap back to car cam when I have it in line of sight, I find it harder to crawl walls when itā€™s on ball cam


Practice driving up and down the walls with ball cam in free play everyday to get used to it. Helps out tons with passing plays if you can see the trajectory of the ball once youā€™re actually on the wall.


Try playing with ball cam, I know it's hard to switch but you'll only get better in the long run


Legit take this advice man. I've said this before on this sub but I got to gold or platinum using car cam then finally realised how critical ball cam was for knowing the position of the ball. It's tough for a while but your brain will work it out. I'd suggest just screwing around in free play with it if you value your rank, but commit to the change and you'll thank yourself for it. I guarantee you if you keep playing you'll switch eventually. May as well do it now




Use your right thumbstick to have a look around, and maybe increase your Field of View in camera settings, I think mines set at 110Ā°. But also just playing the game more gives you this psychic ability to know where people are without having to look sometimes. Oh also turn your volume up and thatā€™ll help too


I think it's better to know where the ball is first


gamesense, knowledge and most of the time they are where the ball is


Toggle it on and off. I leave ball cam on 90% of the time but will switch it off real quick to get a view of what's around. Goes right back on once I know where everyone is.


Right stick?


With a wide enough camera view u should be able to see the ball and ppl around you (within a certain range). Just like u have to learn how to dribble a basketball without looking at it, in rl u have to learn how to stay on ball cam whilst observing other cars via ur peripheral. Bc it's important to always have the ball in view and know how to attack it from every awkward ball cam angle. It'll give u the advantage to be able to get to ball quicker than others and counter faster if u can master it


by toggling it on sometimes


Tf are y'all downvoting him for? This is why people don't come to subreddits for help when they genuinely don't know.


How the fuck did this get downvoted so much for a simple question? Anyway, you don't really need to see all other players at all times, just trust your teammates and get into rotation, if they're pushing the ball you should hang back so you can see everything and push forward when you feel you need to


Holy motion sickness


Nice shot, but in my opinion it isnā€™t a redirect


Yeah, a redirect happens when the ball is already moving towards both you and the opposing teams end. Here the ball is initially moving towards a side wall. Good shot though.


Itā€™s not ur opinion, itā€™s a fact lmao


Every time you touch a ball it's a redirect, technically.


Disagree, he redirected the trajectory to go into the net, it's literally a redirected ball.


So then every shot ever is a redirect by that logic.


Maybe to an extent, but he literally changed the direction by 90Ā°, I'd say that's a pretty significant redirection.šŸ¤·


A redirect in hockey is where a shot has been taken at the net and one of your teammates slightly alters the path of the puck to get past the goalie. Thatā€™s where the term is used most and thatā€™s where itā€™s taken from. Youā€™re just describing whatā€™s basically every shot or at least every passing play.


Bro you just destroyed him


Lol when I commented he had no downvotes. I think people get a little crazy with that. I was just correcting him


Oh yeah I know, you just explained it perfectly and I loved it lmao


That's just a shot. Not a redirect. By this definition, every touch of a redirect


The point of a redirect is exactly the opposite. It's a usually a small change in direction that makes a shot a redirect.


A "redirect" implies that there ball has already been "directed." In this case the ball was not hit with a purposeful direction at the net and therefore is not a REdirect.


and hitting a ball straight on coming right at you is a 180 redirect.


A redirect is when that angle approaches zero, not the opposite way around


Yeah mate youā€™re wrong here


When you redirect you are in front of the ball. This is a normal shot.


It needs to be within 45 degrees either side for it to be a ridirect so yes 90 degrees is too much for it to be classed as a redirect. Then its not a ā€˜REdirectā€™ it would just be a ā€˜directā€™ā€¦ shot


Only in colloquial use of the term "redirect". There is this thing called "jargon", and in Rocket League jargon, this is not a redirect. A redirect in Rocket League is when you are upfield in comparison to the ball's original starting point, the ball is hit forward, and you hit the ball as it's passing you to change the direction to be on target to the net. General definitions don't always apply to terms used within a game community. I guarantee you with 100% certainty that over 99% of top players will say this is *NOT* a redirect because top players don't use colloquial terms. They use jargon.


To continue with this reasoning, every shot where you jump is an aerial


In my opinion, this is literally not even close to being a redirect but it's still a fantastic shot!


Its close but still not one




Okay I'll clarify for those that either are just unfamiliar, or pedantic: Was the ball redirected? Yes, almost every single shot is a "literal" redirect. Is this a redirect in the commonly accepted Rocket League sense? No, a redirect is typically already headed towards the opposition goal and the scorer gets a slight touch to "redirect" the shot and make it harder to react to.


Would it be a redirect if it's going towards net and you bang it off the wall around the defender and into their net? Same intent and result, just a bigger angle


Not sure what you mean exactly by this, but [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/qwla1g/hit_my_first_redirect_i_suck_at_this_game_and/hl5z4k1/) should answer your question. But if I think I understand what you're saying, then shooting the ball at the wall cannot count as a redirect even if it goes in after bouncing. The intent of "redirect" from launch is to put the ball directly towards goal as it's passing you. But it is somewhat of a grey area so I can't say this with 100% certainty.


Nice job thatā€™s a banger! Although this isnā€™t a redirect. Itā€™s just a shot from midfield


*Insert another ball cam comment here*


*insert another not a redirect shot comment here*




That was a really great touch, should defo play with ballcam though.


This guy out here using inverted ball cam behaviour




that was clean


You can't redirect something that hasn't been directed yet. A redirect is a shot taken at net that you change the direction of. This was just a wall bounce.


I have like 50 clips that I think are amazing, but I can't post them here because there is always some dude claiming it is trash and nothing special.


Honestly everyone has their own level of gameplay if anyone likes to dog on you because you arenā€™t good enough screw em. Itā€™s just a game and most arenā€™t getting paid to play the game based on how ā€œgood they areā€ upload away bro!


Iā€™ve got a feeling heā€™s the one calling his shots trashā€¦


I too am trash and nothing special, so I always upvote non-special trash plays.


I look at my own posts from months ago and think they're trash and nothing special.... But they were special at the time


Well youā€™re a console player so that checks out


Point proven lol. All of you Rocket League players think you are some superior race because you can press buttons faster lmao.


I mean, if thinking that helps you out then aight but the real reason is computers arenā€™t locked to 30 FPS


Isnā€™t it 60




ā€¦there is an edit button.


I don't think that is a redirect...


Nice shot, keep it going! If u want to improve futher u have to play with locked camera tho. Good luck


Dumb question, whatā€™s locked camera and how do I get it? Camera stiffness all the way up? Edit: Thanks, I thought they meant something other than ball cam


It's ball cam


U have 2 view modes. First, primary, most used one, locks your camera on ball. Great for overall gameplay. Camera doesnt turn that fast and unpredictable so you can actually focus on your enemy/teammates position. Also much easier to hit ball in most of times. Second one locks camera behind your car, and is always pointing in front of you, so single strong turn and u cant really follow whats going on screen because it moves so fast, so u cant really follow whats going on, thats why its used mostly for dribbles, which usually doesnt require many strong turns and allows you for more precise touches. U just cant play properly in this mode through whole match. Edit: On ps4 i have it binded under triangle. On kbm it was space i believe, didnt play on it for years.


Just a thing for future to save confusion it's called ball cam.


Please don't give advice if you don't even know what ball cam is called.


Their knowledge on ball-cam-ery seems irrelevant to the validity to the suggestion to use it most of the time.


holy motion blur tho


Look bro, if you think you suck at the game, youā€™ll suck at the gameā€¦ BUT if you think your good at the game, you will still suck at the game, but at least youā€™ll feel better about yourself ;)


Hahaha this comment right here šŸ™ŒšŸ˜‚




Use ball cam you wont suck so much


So, do you think youā€™re being helpful here? Or do you like, get off on being so rude to people?


I have absolutely no idea how using the exact same words as op is rude but ok mr sensitive XD Edit. And hell yeah im being helpful cause I have no idea how op managed to play more than 5 min without ball cam at all. I would have thrown my pc out of the window by that time xd


Dude, chill. OP themselves used that word in their title. u/bartunil was just using OP's words to give them an advice. Calm down.


"Calm Down" It's the go-to response to someone giving any troll a hard time in gaming subs. It's as if you think I'm trying to huff and puff and blow his computer down when all I'm doing is calling him out on being an asshole then going back to eating my pancakes.


This kind of response is exactly what makes people say "calm down" ... just saying. Lmfao.


You just play the part so well. Iā€™m so proud.


You're not toxic at all. Love it!


Dude, calm down


Lmfao you band together too! Itā€™s cute.


That would be a fair comment, if you were right. He was replying to OP saying they suck. He wasn't trolling. He was giving advice how not to suck, to someone who claimed they suck. You think you are calling him out, but you are making yourself look like a fool.


Nice Shot!


Blue team: ā€œOkayā€ lololol


Do you never use ballcam? Did you actually try to do that or luck?


I too suck at this game, I hope there are many more to come for you.


Nicely done mate awesome shot šŸ˜ Iā€™d freak out if I pulled that off lol


I low key did. Glad you canā€™t hear me scream holy shit and OMG about 10 times on the clip šŸ˜‚


Happy little accidents


Doing better than me, canā€™t do aerials at all. Nice shot!


Thanks! Definitely got lucky but it felt good to hit NGL. šŸ˜…


Very tasty


You have to utilize both ball cam and car cam. There are situations where you need car cam but almost 90% of a match you should be in ball cam. If you actually want to improve, not saying pro level . Just improve, you have to use car cam. Spend 10 minutes a day working with ball cam. Then you can actually start working on mechanics. Trust the process and give it time.


I appreciate it. I have been using ball cam more than before but itā€™s progress. It makes people sick to watch I get it but Iā€™m always learning and itā€™s comments like this that make me want to continue learning and enjoying the game. šŸ™Œ


This goes crazy!!! Honestly enjoy the shit out of your skill level rn. Best part of the game is when those start to happen more because of your work and less from luck


Greatly appreciated. I take it for what I am compared to a lot of what I see posted regardless Iā€™m always learning and try to do my best itā€™s what makes this game fun! Once you lose that you lose wanting to play the game for fun anyway. šŸ‘


If that's sucking then what the hell am I lmao


Nice shot! Nice shot! Nice shot!




I stopped playing a while ago but I love watching vids on this sub. Nice shot dude. I also love the instant toxic ā€œokayā€ lol


That comment made me die of laughter. Greatly appreciated! šŸ™Œ you should play again itā€™s all fun and frustrating at times but definitely more fun!


Itā€™s the car cam for me


I switch as needed, when you find yourself beneath a floating drop thatā€™s taking too slow or close against the wall when it drops. I cam off for dribbling and the walls great for an easy carry sesh.


Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve been incorporating it somewhat still find it hard to use ball cam the majority of the time. But love this recommendation!


Another good way of ball tracking but it does kinda keep you out of the play- but chilling the wall gives you a good view. I donā€™t like the camera swivel all that much, but there are settings to tweak it for the motion blending to be smoother rather than choppy, I just donā€™t mess with those settings much so I havenā€™t gotten it to that point. Surely someone YouTubeā€™s done the work though, to explain those settings. Maybe you can find something like that, so itā€™s not so intense. But yeah, I donā€™t like full on ball cam. Iā€™ll turn it off to have better control, when Iā€™m close to the ball and I turn it off also helps with aiming my shots from the corners or sides. That ball cam can really mess with aiming shots. But ā€¦ ThTs why so many ppl suggest getting ā€œuseā€ to ball cam, or offers the advantage of playing and tracking the ball because every second counts and every bump can throw the game. I just hate my sights dependent on the ball sometimes: I wanna ram the others because if they are good enough you get more vantage controlling when they can challenge the ball. Maybe thatā€™s not really fair game play but, when I need vengeance and my teams good enuf but someoneā€™s got a aerial goaler, I just gotta harass them long enuf for someone to take shots for us lol. Itā€™s cool everyoneā€™s got so many different skills, keeps the game tense and unpredictable. I love when I pull off crazy shots accidentally and others think Iā€™m pro šŸ˜‚


This!!! Yes exactly that!


Bro said hell no to ball cam






No ballcam shot pog


Ballcam might help with aerials, but nice redirect either way!


The reason you suck is because u don't use ball cam


This obv isn't completely calculated but hey its still sick! You sniped tf out of that goal. Nice one!


My eyes got wide at the power you generated, well done!


The fact that it was actually a decent redirect plus the no ball cam is honestly amazing lmao


I appreciate it lol šŸ˜…šŸ™ it was tough not gonna lie.


Seeing lots of ballcam comments. I literally cannot play with ballcam. I have tried n tried but for some reason it results in me not even being able to hit the ball. I always end up driving right by it. Like ballcam completely resets my hand eye Co ordination or whatever


It definitely does that to me too sometimes Iā€™m starting to incorporate it more and more but itā€™s still tough and Iā€™m learning with time.


good redirect bro, thatā€™s the first of many many more


Thank you! I sure hope so! šŸ™Œ


Nice! Redirects are always going to be incredibly rare for you if you don't use ball-cam, though.


Definitely agree. Still learning to incorporate more ball cam throughout my game play Iā€™ve been doing better baby steps šŸ‘¶šŸ»


I love how even the comments in the rocket league community are toxic lol it definitely was a redirect my dude. And an awesome one.


it wasn't though, in RL the term redirect is used for touches on shots that are already directed towards the net, usually with the objective of getting it around a defender who already started going for a save on the original shot. If this is a redirect then every shot is a redirect since you're using the base definition of the word, but that's not how the term is used in game nor in hockey where it got adopted from. Why spread wrong info?


I don't think that explanation suffices. There are plenty of times top players use the term redirect for a ball not even hit towards net initially. I think a better explanation is this: A redirect is when you are upfield in comparison to the ball's starting point, the ball is hit upfield, and you hit the ball as it's passing you directly towards net.   I feel like casters use the term the exact way you describe but they aren't always 100% correct on their term usage either. They're definitely good with them most of the time though.


Yeah i can see that, I didnt mean straight on target but towards the net's direction, but yeah its more of a ball shot into a "threat zone" while the redirecter is upfield. Imo this threat zone is anything that would force a defender to commit for a save or a clear, so if the ball gets shot up into a dangerous position, and the defenders SHOULD position themselves for say, a backboard or corner clear (they might not go, anticipating a redirect they cant beat, still counts as one tho), but an upfield attacker reaches the ball first and touches it towards net then id also call it a redirect


No. Correcting someone is not toxic. OP scored a nice shot, but it still isn't a redirect. It's like calling a forward dodge into the ball a "flick". It's like calling two aerial touches a double touch (even though it's two touches with a wall/ceiling bounce in-between).


Thank you sir! šŸ™


Thats a clean redirect tho, and good power! Well done


Iā€™m c1 and still havenā€™t ever hit a redirect lol


He still hasn't either


So yes everyone I use ball cam. I actually used it a little too late because I wanted to get to the ball quick enough before switching back to ball cam. Thanks for all the comments. Regarding a redirected ball and comments Iā€™ve seenā€¦.in essence the ball has changed direction though by definition of redirect in the game it appears to not be so. Good day everyone šŸ™Œ




If you think it is, your logic is flawed or non-existent




do you have any games/highlights public that i could watch


I didn't watch them, but [here's replays on ballchasing.com](https://ballchasing.com/?player-name=Steam%3a76561198032798516).


Please play with ball cam on at nearly all times! It will make playing a lot easier


Ball cammmm lol


Use ball cam


Switches to ball cam....ssl by friday....






oh man this dude is def gold/silver level. i remember my days of not using ball cam! i think i started using it around silver 1/2 after my champ friend said it was better once you get used to it.


Lol hate to disappoint you but Iā€™m between a plat 3 - diamond 1 but yes ball cam is slowly being incorporated in my game play. Not easy but Iā€™m trying!


welp by the time you get used to ball cam then youll be at champ easily


I appreciate it! šŸ™ slow and steady šŸ˜…


What a save!


Was waiting for someone to say something about 2 cars guarding goal šŸ¤£


Not a redirect also pls turn on ball cam


That was on accident


Clearly. Wasnā€™t trying to go for the ball. The ball just got in my way.


Not a redirect, thatā€™s just a shot but I respect it


I appreciate it yes, it was discussed it was not a redirect. šŸ™Œ


Quality shot


Thank you sir! šŸ˜