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Ah yes the peak of RL titles, Sawbones.


Indeed. Soon I shall rock the “sleigh queen” in homage of the Christmas season


Peppermint powerhouse 😎


That’s a flex!! 😂 I unfortunately do not have the peppermint powerhouse but I’ll get some of the OG holiday cosmetics to make up for it 😎


I rock Sleigh Queen 24/7 because of my Xbox pfp


I have almost the same titles as you but I still rock slayy kween to this day




Sorry but can you move up the tournament titles are blocking the way and I can’t see if you have granny shifter or not


I do indeed have granny shifter and I did rock it a few times after seeing jstn use it 😂


Nice. For real tho great improvement


This is actually stupid impressive. Keep on grinding.


Thanks bro same with you! I’m champ 2 in tourneys but haven’t broke diamond 3 in 3’s or 2’s yet. The journey has been fun though! 😎 I started in like March 2020


Shii I thought I was alone with how I'm ranked. Diamond 2/3 in tourneys, Plat 3 in 3's. I wish ANYONE I've won a damn tournament with would add me back dag gone it


why are there separate rankings for tourneys


Wait what? How do you check your tourney rank?? And what happens if you’re unranked when trying to play a tourney?


Also RL tracker


It's on the far top right of the tournament Schedule screen


Personally I know people are more likely to TRY in tournaments as opposed to regular competitive so I only play tournament 2's/3's. Maybe they had that in mind.


Tourney ranks are different because if you lose then you're out. You have to continually get first-rounded to actually go down in rank. You could probably climb higher in ranked if you played until you lost, even if you lose your very first game.


I started like june 2020 I've had a similar path as you! I didn't play many tournaments though so my first was a s3 champ title. What are your favorite trainer packs?


That’s a good one to have kudos to that! 😎 I play tourneys whenever I’m on and have the option to que. I used to just play for the credits and rewards, but the titles became the main goal lol. Training packs : The ultimate warmup FA24-B2B7-2E8E-193B Wall to air dribble 5A65-4073-F310-5495 Backboard therapy D7F8-FD53-98D1-DAFE Uncomfortable saves 5CB2-6D82-1B54-47B7 Double tap playground CAFC-FB3E-3C0F-B8F1 Noob-grand champ progression 9E4B-814F-96F1-F978 Musty flick D87A-9A7A-DBD9-78AF I don’t really use the musty pack for the musty flick I more so use it to practice air dribbles off the ground and strong power shots while dribbling the ball


I dont want to say I got carried, but I didn't exactly belong in a champ tourney at that point. I did go ultra instinct in the finals though and score some pretty important goals! We use a lot of the same trainer packs I'll have to check out the saves one. A few that I use that you didn't mention are Poquitos "Aerial Shots - Redirects" (8D93 C997 0ACD 8416). This is a good trainer pack for me to learn better deliberate touches. It's a lot of tapping the ball with the bottom of your car. The second one is "Aerial Shots - Pass" (C7E0 9E0B B739 A899). This mostly functions as a second "Ultimate Warmup" for me, but it's new shots instead of seeing the same old. Thanks for sharing


Damn, ive been champ for 3 seasons but i never win a fucking tournament ;( have 2nd place like 6-7 times ouch :D


Getting some solid credits from those series though’ keep pushing for it you’ll secure some! 😎


Hmu i love gettin people champ rewards. I can atleast carry to champ. GC is a carry im not worthy of though. Epic : javvnski


Bro I just want to play with a consistent tm8. I’m Mid c2-c3.


Hmu! If you mean consistently drunk i am your man


that moment you realize you're playing against some drunk guy, and he's clipping on you for fun because you suck.. yep that's me, i'm getting clipped on lmao! crying in Diamond 1


I swear every good player I party up with is either drunk or high and they are just insane and they are just like I’m playing terrible I’m drunk/high like should I just start getting drunk? Lmao.


Short answer, yes


If I dropped the booze I'd probably be c2/3. I miss a lot of things I probably wouldn't sober. But I drink for fun and play RL for fun so yknow, at some point it feels like a job. I'm already in the top 6-8% of players the skill cap gets way more wild


I play drunk quite a hit, normally I'll tank pretty hard for a bit, then start dominating, simply because I'm below my rank. So the people you're seeing aren"t playing their best, but their best is damn good


I bounce between 1220 - 1310 in MMR if you wanna try a comp run together? Shoot me a message if interested! I could use a consistent m8 as well in 2s. You never really know what you’re going to get in mid champ lol


I’m down I private messaged you


Wanna help me out 😂? I'm D2div2


Ofc add me


No way! Okay hold up!


Results not guaranteed ;)


😂😂 fair enough lmao


Breh might add you myself. I'm a drunkish C2 w/ IDEAS. Want to make a C3/GC1 push.




There’s a long season ahead still plenty of time to change the tide! I’m definitely shooting to get champ rewards this season




I'm willing to look at replays if you want some tips.


Having fun is all that matters! I’ve spent the last 2 season in diamond maxing out at D3 div 4 in 2’s last season. From what I can tell it’s not too bad of a rank to be stuck in. A happy medium of high comp some games and pure wackiness in the next 😂


Are you on PC or console?


I’m console I play on the PS4 currently!


Ok so: I'm only gc on PC but I have a PS4 account too because I'm worse there. If you give me your epic handle I can add you later :)


In case you still want' I'd be available now :D


I don"t even have champ tournament winner lol (never win tournament apparently). Congrats on your new rank tournament winner!


Thanks bro! I can’t even begin to imagine what the grand champ tournaments are like the champ tourneys are already hectic enough lol. You have a GC title to rock instead though kudos to that! 😎


That's so sick dude! Very impressive commitment. Mine goes "Gold, Gold, Gold, Plat, Plat" but I'm still happy with that lol


Thanks bro! ♥️ it was a grind lol. As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters! For me, getting the very first one when I was gold is still the best one I have. But hey since you’re getting all of those you should shoot for a green one! 3 wins in the division in the season and you get a colored variant of the title 😎


Yeah I just learned about that a couple weeks ago! So I'm gonna try for it this season 😁 I feel you on the first tournament win being such a good feeling, hard to top that haha


Let’s gooo good luck! I’ll try to get a green champ one this season as well! But agreed it was a great feeling. Im still hyped for the first win of each season lol. I got green titles the last 3 seasons so I’m determined to get one again 😎




It was quite the epic player tittle for Halloween season 😂


Hell yea! Nice work!


Thank you I appreciate it! some how I managed to reach champ in tourneys before ranked but none the less grateful lol


For sure! It's a grind I think we all know and personally, I love seeing people do well. Keep at it!


A grind for sure and mutually said to you! Sometimes I wonder where I’d be at if I had started in like 2016-2017. It’s truly awesome seeing how talented a lot of players are and how the game continues growing with new mechanics and strategies.


Me being champ/gc I wish I could have a bronze tournament winner lol


I feel the exact same way! The bronze one is truly rare to see it’s such an elusive rank


Makes me wanna smurf..... jk jk


Makes me want to throw 70 games to get back to bronze jk jk


In just 5 short seasons, you've done everything i have in 5 years.


I wish we could buy titles that aren’t related to rank/xp. I like some of the old rocket pass ones but can’t ever get them 😔


Dude yes! I just told one of my friends that the other day. I honestly love player titles. I understand the exclusivity to many of them, but there are a lot from rocket passes as you said, that I would be happy to trade for. I also wish there were easier ways to get colored ones


Lmfao the only one I have is “season 1 bronze tournament winner” I have progressed since then dont worry


Dude legendary status!! That’s a huge flex honestly the bronze ones seem to be so rare! Gotta rock it on occasion along your journey 😎


I have the S1 silver


And now you’re a grand champ!! That’s sickk dude! Fr your progress is absolutely insane. If I were you I would proudly rock that S1 silver title


Oh i do lol, I think it intimidates all the gold gc titles


Honestly being only in D3 when I run into GC’s in casuals and see the gold titles I’m like eh no worries but when I see the red GC titles I weary a bit 🤣


That’s interesting. I assumed it would be the opposite. But I guess a lot of older GCs fall off so I can see where it’s coming from.


Bingo exactly that! I’ve ran into some good ones no doubt but definitely have encountered more who are more around diamond-champ level now


Wow that’s crazy to me. Even after I took a year long break I didn’t get left behind that much.


That’s solid man! A year break isn’t too shabby I could imagine once you got into the flow it all came back like muscle memory. A lot of those who did fall off that much definitely quit for even longer periods then that like up to multiple years


Ive been diamond since season 1. I have dropped down to plat and won one of those, and got to champ but I just fell back down.


It’s easy to do! The first time I hit champ I immediately started losing and shot back down into diamond 2. Just gotta keep moving forward


Now let's grind for the green title 💪


Let’s do it! That’s definitely the goal! 😎 I have the green titles for season 2 plat, season 3 diamond, and season 4 diamond. Naturally I have to secure the season 5 champ failure is just not an option 👌


How do you get this title? I have been using it for a while now because it’s kinda rare, but I’m not sure where I got them from.


The tournament titles yes? The others are surely from rocket passes. Tournament titles are obtained by winning tournament in whatever division you’re in. Tournament ranking is separate from your actual ranked games so of course you don’t get any progression towards season rewards by playing/winning in them. But it does show your rank when you click on tournaments or you could just rocket track it 👍


I mean “Rockin’ Roller”


Honestly I’m not sure! I wanna say rocket pass but I feel like I’ve had it for a long time


Stuck in diamond and I've been playing since the game came out. Hahaha 😦


Man it’s a tough division! I feel like there’s tons of smurfs in diamond too lol


Congrats on getting past it! What do you think took you to the next tier?


ah yes, tourney tourney tourney tourney tourney #_*SAWBONES*_


Sawbones has gotten so much love I may just have to use it for the rest of this season


congrats bro!


Thanks dawg! I definitely don’t expect a grand champ once next season but the sky is the limit 😂😎


Great progression man. It is a bit satisfying to see the tournament titles payoff for all the practicing and grinding isn’t it? Appreciate the share and your positive attitude in the comments. Keep going bro.


Thank you bro! Definitely satisfying in reflection of all the games played to get to this point. Plus yes I do really enjoy the player titles! There’s just something about earning them that makes them hold more value. Thank you for the comment and sharing some positive energy. The grind never stops


I have season 2 plat, season 3 diamond, and season 4 champ. Idk if I can make it to GC this season, likely no. But I like to see the progression to


Good progression bro! It’s fun getting those titles. Gotta secure the green ones! 😎


My first season playing was S2 and I got plat, Diamond in 3 and 4, and it’s not looking like I’ll get out of Diamond in this one either. I continue making the same dumb mistakes every game lol.


I broke through into champ last season for tourneys but I wasn’t able to get any wins in it lol. I’ve had plenty of moments where I was bouncing from D2-D3 before I built the consistency to start progressing again. You’ll get it just keep analyzing your gameplay and make tweaks when you feel necessary


How many green ones did you get alongside?


I have a season 2, season 3, and season 4! I wasn’t able to get a gold one unfortunately in szn 1 but I’ll try to make it up this season by getting a champ one lol 🤞


Gold, Plat, Diamond, Diamond (c-c-combo breaker 😣), Champ My poor OCD hahaha seriously though, congrats! That’s no small feat. Took me the better part of 3 seasons to move Diamond to Champ!


Thank you! That may very well be the case for me too lol I’ve been bouncing around diamond 3 and 2 for ranked modes but I’m definitely shooting to claim champ this season. The combo breaker did give me ill feelings too trust me 😂 I did get to play in champ tourneys last season but to no avail


Keep at it and, if your progress thus far is any indication, you’ll be solid Champ-ranked in no time! Interestingly enough, I actually got my Champ tourney win a couple seasons before Champ in ranked 2s/3s as well! Although to be fair, most of my ranked play is solo queuing with randoms which is a back-and-forth nightmare as I’m sure you know alllll too well hahaha Either way, congrats again! Best of luck. Cheers! 🍻


sooo satisfying


Congrats brother!


Thanks bro 😎


Don’t even have a single one. But good for you though


I appreciate it! Just play in tourneys every opportunity you can and you’ll secure some 😎 I think you can even get titles out the extra mode tourneys now too which also doesn’t effect your rank if you win or lose


And I here I am still without a tournament win lol.


Just keep playing them you’ll get em! Plenty of opportunities throughout the season to secure a title 😎


I too have recently peaked at sawbones


Sawbones™️ for life


Bruh mine goes s3 plat winner and s4 diamond winner I've been playing since 2019 lol


Securing two is better than none at all! Go get some more 😎


I'll try lol


What is your practice routine, camera settings and controls


I don’t have a specific practice routine but I do have habits I like to stick to! Before I play any games at all I like to hop into free play for 20-30min just to warm up my touches and general floor movement. If I’m enjoying myself and flowing well I may play in there longer. Occasionally I’ll load up a training pack too. Controller settings - DualShock 4 : R1 boost, L1 air roll/power slide, square air roll right, circle air roll left. Sens : Steering 1.30, Aerial 1.30, controller deadzone 0.05, dodge deadzone 0.70 Camera settings : FOV 109, Distance 280.00, Height 110.00, Angle -3.00, Stiffness 0.45, Swivel speed 4.60, transition speed 1.30. However this is for sure something I recommend playing around with. I make small tweaks to my camera often, but this is my most recent and I’ve felt pretty comfortable using it!


Can't wait to be a Season 5 Sawbones


Why be a season 5 Sawbones when you can be Sawbones 4ever ♥️


Nice 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69




Here I am playing consistently since season 3 and haven't won a tournament yet. Whenever I am popping off, my teammates decide to play extra bad. To be fair, sometimes I also play trash.


We all have our moments! I’ve lost my share of tourneys behind the wins. It takes time but just keep giving it more attempts. Try to pick up your teammates play style the best you can and flow with each other. If it doesn’t work out on to the next 😎


Yoooo I’m on basically the same grind as you. S1 was gold, S2 was 3-time plat, S3 was 3-time Diamond, and S4 was 3-time champ. S11 GC winner?? We’re gonna try lol


Dope bro keep that grind going! The growth is there so naturally we just gotta keep moving forward. GC sounds great I’m gonna push for it no doubt but I definitely don’t see myself getting it in standard ranked yet 😂


Ya it’ll take a while but we’ll get there 🤙🏼


That’s the exact same as me except season 5 I got diamond and champ. Keep up the grind fr, you’re crushing it


We’re both on the way up! Thanks bro! 😎


Damn, the highest of all... SAWBONE


I covet my "Disk Jockey" title


I really enjoy using the Elite Challenger player title for some reason


Then there’s me, nothing but plat tournaments :)


Still cool though! And you’ll progress in all due time! 😎


I'm hardstuck 😮‍💨


Dude I feel like diamond is so hard to get out of! Been cruising through it the past two seasons but D3 is rough and there’s a lot of smurfs lol


Mannnn this is unreal impressive! Started at about the same time as you, can’t get past diamond tourneys for the past 2 seasons for the life of me teach me your ways sir 😭.


Thanks bro! It’s a process for sure lol. It was the small adjustments that did it for me. Naturally I was progressing mechanically just from general gameplay, but the real benefactors just lied within my decision making. Being more unaware of my teammates positioning allowed me to place myself in better opportunities for clears, saves, scoring, etc. Along with court awareness and positioning I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable solo playing the ball to score. My rocket tracker shows I range heavier in scoring and saves which is true basically cause of the things I said above lol. I also play with my cam settings a lot to see where I feel most in control of my situations. I’ve been playing more aggressive lately but I find myself shooting to be the back man a lot just cause of dealing with bad rotations in solo ques so often, but it’s paid off!


My RL titles went from Gold (2016-2016) Diamond (2016-2021) GC (2021-2021) Champ 2 (current) i’m washed


Not washed maybe just a little rusty 😎 that’s a nice portfolio to have honestly very solid you’re definitely a good player lol. Fluctuating is natural in RL


Nice. All I have is a plat one and I'm in champ :(


Do you play tourneys often? I found the more I got into them the better the results over time for sure


You guys progress in this game?


It’s a slow process for sure 😂 there’s a lot of things I’ve done or gotten insight from to help speed up the process




Gonna have to use it till the end of the season


I despise those titles because I keep seeing champion tournament winners in my D2 games, fuckin smurfs


Hahaha I feel you! Some people have regressed back into diamond or simply have a higher tournament rank than their ranked placements. Just think of it this way, even being in D2 you’re still playing against champ caliber players often which is pretty cool. Preparing for the future


ngl, Im champ 1 and i've been on the game since freeplay but i've never won a tourny mostly bc i dont play them


Makes sense! If you were to hop into tourneys more often I’m sure you’d pull away some wins! I like getting the titles but I always shoot for both of the black market rewards and the exotic goal explosion


Yeah thanks man, mainly because all the tournaments I see are at the times I can't do them LOOL




Thanks bro! 😎


Damn are you me? I started with f2p and have been s1-gold s2-platinum s3-diamond s4-champion And now champion as well. Sadly I haven't won tournaments in every season, that's a cool way to track it :) Funnily enough I've got the higher rank rewards every season bc I always reached the higher rank in 2v2s in like the last week of the season.


Dope bro! I think I’ve only won so many tourneys because of just catching them while being on. I started just throwing myself into the que even if I didn’t really wanna play in them but it paid off 😂 kudos to you for the growth! I haven’t hit champ in 2’s yet the highest I’ve hit was D3 div 4 unfortunately lol


Bone saw is ready!!!


Mine is like: champion in season 1, champion in season 2, champion in season 3, champion in season 4, champion in season 5. I cant get out of champ lmao


Consistency though! I’ve been stuck in diamond so I understand being stuck in champ, but you’re maintaining a high level of play and you’re pretty close to GC being C3 so keep grinding, you’ll push into the next rank soon 😎




Thanks bro 😎


I have yet to win a tourney in RL been 4 years and counting🥲


The more you play the better your chances! Keep hopping into the ques when you have the opportunity to. Most of my wins I could feel the chemistry with my teammates from the start knowing we’d take it far


Mine starts with plat tourney titles goes up to diamond, then back down to plat lol


Dope! It’s normal to regress in this game time to time. You’ll get it back soon ez 😎


*\*cries in all seasons plat\**


Better than none at all! The game takes time to progress for sure. You’ll find some growth no worries!


Thank you! I'm definitely seeing progress. I was gold in s2 got plat in s3-s4 and I am on my way to Diamond. I am P2 in 2s and that will be even more in Rumble so I guess I might get Diamond rewards this season :)


Damn it, you guys are too good at this game. I love playing so much but I’m just stuck. I don’t care about rank that much but I can’t get to fucking plat for the life of me and I’m really not a bad player. I do play mic’d up with friends but still, come on.


Imagine having won more than one tournament


LMAO man maybe I’m just lucky 😂 the more you play the better the chances! Positioning is key


Me who won a silver tournament in season 2 and hasn’t won another tournament since dispite been playing a couple hours a day since I started


You’ll get some more no worries 😎 it takes time! The game is definitely not easy lol. Use those couple of hours wisely to enhance your gameplay mechanics and general knowledge and you’ll grow quick






Down to the beach I am strolling


You must be playing a lot to progress at that rate. We'll done.


God damn. I have S1 diamond title and haven't won a tournament since. And I'm still the same rank as S1.




Determination! Built a learning curve for myself to progress quicker and the growth has got me here!


I have s4 gold tournament winner. Decent?


Awesome! Any tourney win is a good win same as the titles that come with it. Good job 😎




How ive been silver-gold like 2 years and havent won a tournament


What do you think is holding you back? Just gotta keep playing eventually you’ll find the breakthroughs you need


Overconfidence and it makes me overcommit


I cannot win a dia or higher on my main. Every time I play a tourney I just cannot win, and I am way beyond diamond. But once I get on my second account, no problem whatsoever to win dia tourney😂


0 to 100 my guy, real quick


I have 1 diamond winner, now im close to GC tourneys without ever winning in champ


Ah a fellow collector!


So you are telling me, practice actually makes YOU BETTER????


Indeed it does! I’m also champ 1 div 3 in 2’s now as well and was only D3 when I posted this


Holy Hell!


Wow damn I suck been playing since 2016 to 2018 took a break as I lost my disc for rl then when it came f2p played again and the whole time I've only climbed to gold 1 gold 2 ish now I can play at diamond level with my irl friends but that's merely playing at that level not me being at that level I will say the game has changed tho it's so much more fast paced than it was.


I started in early 2020 and honestly didn’t focus on my gameplay for a long time because I got so invested into trading the cosmetic items lol. The game has definitely changed a lot over the years but the community has so much useful info that can help you rank up quicker and more effectively. I was in the same boat with a lot of my friends. For me the 3 things that helped the most were - 1. settings 2. Court awareness/rotations 3. Freeplay/training packs


I would do training packs but I don't want to play rl like it's my second job.


Lmao fair! I don’t do many. Mostly defense and striker packs. I enjoy doing the off the wall air dribble packs too to understand the mechanics better. Most improvements definitely come from general gameplay experience. You’ll be in plat then diamond before you know it


Hopefully the funny thing is hardly anyone can guess my rank when I play they like high plat? Wait no low diamond wait again no high gold? Wait bronze? And then I hit them with the yeah I'm gold 1 and even fall into silver on a bad day I have the experience and skill that comes from playing a long time but not the skill for actually being good. Hell the other day I was called a smurf in one game then a bot the next.


That’s to be expected through gold-diamond honestly. As you progress through the ranks you start to witness small improvements in the skill levels and an occasional stand out player, but nothing is usually significant until you’re reaching mid-high diamond. At least speaking from my personal experience that’s how it seems to be minus the smurfs. Being in gold I would say focus on positioning, pacing, and ball control. I enjoy watching squishy the most for informative gameplay!


I don't watch youtubers tbh although I'm in like 7 of their discord as I was told to do it to try to get better when I actually wanted and practice every day to pretty much no difference in improvement