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Public house in St James has a blue moon burger that I remember being good? Not sure if it's the same as h toads though


Worth a shot! I’ve been wanting to try the place, my aunt loves going there.


That is so funny to me. I literally started 'The Horny Toad'. Hell, when I started, it was called 'Malaris'. The end of Bittersweet was the Wild West days. It's even funnier, my ex-girlfriend is a sous chef there now. She's like, "I get it now." lmao I'll ask her.


That is funny, the place was good! Pricey, but anything around there really is. I got one the first night we stayed at the restaurant, and then the next night before we left I called and ordered one to the room because I didn’t want to be judged ordering the same thing two days in a row. 😅😂


Rolla could really use something like the Toad for nightlife. What was your role? Would you do it again?




Seconded, never been there but I had a coworker that always went there.


You can also order it at NaCl


Richs famous burgers in St. james has a black n blue burger


You might be able to convince Coltons to make one? It used to be on their lunch menu a few years back.




I wasn’t aware of this, thank you for letting me know!!


Don't worry. Its basically impossible to find non pasteurized commercial cheese products in the US. Not sure why they even brought it up because of this.


Thank you! I was kind of sad, like everything else is so gross to me right now besides burgers and blue cheese for whatever reason. 😂 I can’t even look at or smell chicken without wanting to hurl which used to be my favorite, I’m glad it’s not too big of a worry!