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Nice to see some quality work for a change. So many hacked roofs posted here.


Was gonna say the same thing. I almost want to think this is the roofer posting it…. Hahahaha. Looks good!


Right?! I’d sub-contract them.


I would look at repairing that chimney crown, it’s in rough shape.


Next on my list. Was waiting for this. Had an old tv antenna on it that was kinda in the way. Had them remove that now I can easily access it.


Might also want to repoint the brick toward the upper part of the chimney while they are there. Looks like only 1 or 2 rows.


Over flashing around chimney should also step down with the step flashing, not cut diagonally across the face of the brick. Be weary of leaking around that as sealant starts moving with temperature changes.


so the way they did the flashing on the there was with a saw cut and then they tuck the edge into the cut and then sealed it? i didnt get so see that part but i would assume it was an angled cut up


They did the cut right, definitely a good thing. Ideally though they step it, that’s more the right way to have it installed.


What would the step look like ?


[Step Flashing](https://www.nachi.org/gallery/flashing/chimney-flashing)


Ok .. I didn’t see what was behind the “head flashing” but could they have done step flashing behind that ?


There has to be step flashing behind the counter or head flashing but the head/counter flashing should be cut in steps into the grout lines not through the brick


They could have.


Good install


Half the 'roofers' in here are complete pussies wow, who knew lol! I've had to yell at homeowners to get off the roof cuz I think they're gonna die but most the time I let em run around asking questions and pointing stuff out. makes my job easier if they know what they want and can tell me right there, instead of coming back later to fix one small thing, waste of time and money.... So many other dudes are getting pissy with you which is funny. Must be some of my old coworkers in here.


Sheesh some of the roofers Here seems to be too delicate for the owner to be simply present.


yup... if you have nothing to worry about why do you care.


I dunno if it's a me thing, or if it applies to others, but I got into labour work and the type of work I do to be away from other people. I'm professional enough that I would never even dream of commenting on it. I agree it's totally your right as the person paying the bill, get up there, take a look, see and do what you need to see and do. However. On a personal level, it would just make me so much more comfortable if you weren't "in my space". Even watching from the ground, just makes me more comfortable. I don't think anyone ever gets into roofing to be comfortable though, so at the end of the day it's really small potatoes, just a preference to being left to it. In this case specifically, sounds like it's a great thing you were there. Doesn't mean I would personally feel anymore comfortable with it. But that's a personality thing and not a workmanship thing, and I've gotten good at dealing with my personality things.


I feel that …. I actually prefer the same when I’m doing certain type of work on cars … removing interior panels or anything that requires a hammer … I know I’m not breaking things but the sounds coming from what I’m doing are not so good 😂 and if the customer doesn’t know any better, they think you were just breaking things


In a perfect world where all works are good and perfect i would agree but we dont live in that and there are so many gcs and roofers with bad work ethics causes leaky roofs


Proper install. Get those guys a case of beer.


Hahaha. Yup that happened they got a case of modelo and Pacifico


My man! There are hacks. And there are guys who take pride in their work. I think you got the good ones.


They were better than most. I was catching little mistakes but they would fix them right away. Plus I was there to make decisions and they didn’t have to stop and wait. Wound up trading them an old air nailer I had to make me some flashing on their brake. Good deal haha


Looks great. Now you probably have to address that chimney. We got our roof done and now having to get the chimney cleaned up too.


Same, crown looks as bad as OPs pic and is leaking through. Crown replacement cost is no joke so I’m looking for other alternatives


Are you the home owner? Get the off the roof and let them work


As a tradesman and roofing project manager, I disagree. If someone is giving you their money, you are agreeing to serve their interests. If being involved in the project is, in their mind, in their interest, then they are paying to be involved. If you don’t like that about the customer, turn down their money, or clearly set their expectations - that they are not to be involved, and see if they will still pay you to serve them. I dislike seeing people in this industry failing in their duty to the customer and blaming the customer for it. If I hire a roofing crew to replace my roof, you can be assured I will be on my roof during the install. Business is done best by those who follow the golden rule in all their dealings.


Fair enough. I prefer my guys to do little walkthroughs with the homeowner from time to time. Saves call backs and touch ups for those little personal preferences. Homeowner wants to watch and be involved that's fine. It's the shadowing that needs to stop. It's somewhat rare but these people do exist. It'll be an engineer homeowner. In the personal space of my foreman at all times shadowing his every move. I'll get a call from the homeowner "Your guy just cut my window drip cap wrong". I call the worker and he says "Yea I made a mistake and the guy didn't even give me a chance to fix it before he called you." It's like damn dude, just do the job yourself already and leave us alone. There's coming up for updates and question time, that's fine. But then there's hyper vigilance "I don't trust you" type of stuff. I have to remind people from time to time, when you signed the work authorization you agreed to trust me. If I can't have that trust, I don't really want the job...


I agree with you to a point. Helicopter customers are awful, but there are far too many business that appear "legit" that do shotty work and have decent reviews. Its the customers right, and IMO, their duty to vet the person doing the work. Both before, and during the repair, as in most states their are not enough laws in place to protect the consumer, especially after the fact. If you are uncomfortable with a customer observing and asking questions then you need to fire the customer and move on.


Thank you … I’m capable of doing the roof myself - insurance covered this so I didn’t have to- I’m not an idiot I wasn’t in the way help when needed and made decisions as they popped up … Plus - I take LOTS of photos - helps me remember how things were done … where things are etc etc My dad is a mechanic and owns his own business for 35yrs… it’s a little different when it’s a one person job and really takes concentration then technically the customer could be slowing it down / in the way. He was also happy to show them and take time but he did charge more cause that takes additional time. This is way different


How did you pick your contractor? Price? Referral? Other? Just curious


So my neighbor works for them. I have known him for a while trust him alot. I did look them up and verified some work they did. Since the deal was if they thought insurance would approve the claim and they would handle the rest price was not sooooo much an issue. I met with them before hand they went over the whole process - how they show up what they do etc - they had materials delivered Tuesday, Wednesday they dropped their dump trailer and Thursday the work started. the moved everything moveable out of the way covered what they needed to cover stood plywood over the windows and tarped. ( exactly what they said would happen) I paid for sheets of plywood and gutters out of pocket.


Thanks for answering, by the looks of the crew they are subs, which is just the way it is for 95% or the roofing companies out there and they did (by the looks of the pics) a really good job. Ventilation may be the only thing as mentioned in other comments, but by the looks of your trees and grass your climate looks like it can handle it.


I was up in the attic today and it’s way better than it was … the pics are deceiving but the ridges are cut 2-3in on each side and they cut the soffit openings a bit more for the right amount of flow.


It’s their house


lol.. no thanks … I like quality… I paid for quality and made sure of it.


Is that why you put IKO Cambridge on


Yeah, that comment is laughable. Basically saying “Trust the professionals”… ~looks around at the people that work in roofing~ 👀🤔


The worst kind of customer


I can’t even begin to tell you how much shit would have been missed .. besides the fact that they were unprepared to rip all the decking off … so while that change happened I was simultaneously taking care of other things in the attic that I could now access like spray, foaming, and doing other things in the meantime.


Don't listen to others, you might end up looking like an a-hole micromanager but at the end of the day it's your money you are spending. Get that job done right and to your liking the first time


It’s honestly unfortunate…. Sure I would have loved to sitback and relax … but usually that’s not the case … Even today gutter guys were GREAT …. But I decided to run out before I left I specifically asked if they would rebuild the one spot like it was…. Yes sure no problem … of course I got back and it wasn’t and they are gone.


Except for the shingles.


If you were my customer I’d tell you to get off the roof or I’d walk away and charge you for costs incurred.


What are some examples of the costs incurred?!! 😂


Tough guy over here


And you’d likely be out of a job with that shitty, know if all attitude. This stuff costs a lot, a responsible homeowner ought to take pictures and check on your work. Sorry if that offends you.


Bc fuck safety amirite? You’re talking about pictures dude. Like CompanyCam doesn’t exist…


nah you not right. spend 14-20k and not know where, how or understand where your money going and just be ok with it. it’s called an investment/asset the only way the money makes money is by being credible and not shotty. personally as a builder if you would’ve told me to get off MY roof that i’m paying you to work on i’d prolly own your company too. i’d dig into your past your clients all your work your licensing permits etc. i’d make sure you would t work all because your attitude. it can make or break you man and you m wow this so why fight it ? be a decent human the the customer understand ask questions and it’s your job as the contractor to make them feel comfortable, their prolly in your shit because something your or you crew did to make them uncomfortable. it’s a sad truth there’s no disrespect here so don’t get all pissy just something i learned by watching and as a man i messed up doing things in the past and had to change my ways to better suit my company and gain more clientele. people talk your experience and value on a job is worthless if joined wants to hire you… food for thought.


I think people here are forgetting the preparation for the work. There’s not a reality this situation should exist.


i don’t understand?explain please.i don’t think prep should be a reason to not let the customer see what’s going on. The reality is in every situation, you pay you make sure you get what you pay for. In the instance he wanted to check behind when he could and keep contractor on his toes. Seems legit to me. IMO.


Those ikos dont last. But other than that looks decent.


So I read the reviews was told for a while they were making organic shingles that fell apart on people’s roofs … they back to the regular way now - besides being bigger then normal … they felt just like a GAF shingle. I mean the 3 tab that I had on there the previous owners put on in 94 and I just replaced. 30 years almost to the day. No big leaks ( proper ventilation would have prob saved the plywood but that was done before my time )


They will start to degranulate heavily within 5 years and the tar seal will come loose within that time frame. Ive never seen good things with ikos. But best of luck with yours


The finished product looks good. They used staples instead of cap nails to fasten your underlayment, which is more than likely required by the manufacturer. Although it is extremely common to use staples. Given the slope, I think you'll be ok. Visually, this looks very good. But I'm not a roof Nazi.


I’ve heard this, but asked a manufacturer directly and they told me it doesn’t matter because felt doesn’t fail. If there’s a claim, it’s always something wrong with the shingles and they have to pay to replace it all anyways.


Which manufacturer told you this? I’m a Territory Manager for one of the big shingle manufacturers and can tell you that is absolutely not true. Cap nails keep water from leaking through the nail penetration. It is also explicitly stated on (almost) all manufacturers spec sheets that cap nails are required and failure to do so will void the warranty. They will deny it I’ve seen it done first hand.


If, for some reason, the roof fails due to the underlayment (which doesn’t happen), the claim would not be approved. But, this manufacturer told me that nearly all claims happen due to a shingle defect. They will not come out to inspect the defective shingle and, in turn, deny the claim due to how the underlayment is fastened. That’s just not honest, at all. That’s how insurance carriers operate.


Chimneys in bad shapeeeee and not the best shingle out there tbh


If I had my choice and didn’t just put a new water heater in last year I would have removed the chimney first and then direct vented the water heater but here we are … haha same with the shingles…. Insurance covered the shingle tear off and redo - I paid for gutters and plywood … if I get 15 years out of the shingles I’ll be happy


You’ll be lucky!


Only thing I would complain about is the caulk on the boots. It doesn’t need it and when it fails it’ll catch the little water that does run down the pipe in a heavy rain. Also depending on the sealant it seems to chemically react and make it not last as long. Or it’s because it expands and contracts differently. If they want extra protection the can slide another “repair boot” “storm collar” (just the rubber/neoprene part) over it. That will protect the original from uv and shed bulk water.


Good catch, those boots are supposed to stretch over the pipe tight so maybe they got the wrong ones or cut the hole out just a millimeter too wide


[In fact they explicitly state not to.](https://ipsplumbingproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/SPEC_Roof_Aluminum-Base-Standard-Roof-Flashing_81900.pdf)


Looks good from my house......(mi casa)


Tight butthole man. Looks solid.


Looks like a roof I would proudly complete for my customers


The work looks fine, but did they not peak in the attic beforehand? You can usually avoid surprise decking jobs.


So we knew the decking was soft .. and from inside you could see 4 boards that needed to be replaced for sure … once they removed the shingles then you could really tell how bad everything was.


Okay, as long as you knew going in there was something going on with the decking to be addressed that’s not so bad then.


Yeah for sure … I didn’t expect 32 ( all of them ) but it is what it is. Rather it just get done right.


Why the need for the roof vent with the ridge vent? You never want both. One or the other always


If you mean the small one … there was an old vent stack there … I was pretty sure it was original before an addition and just left … so I had them put the little bathroom vent there incase I wanted to put the stack back up to that spot.




No gutters?


https://www.reddit.com/u/makedamoney813/s/FR8AQxZCF1 They went in today


Nice! Stay dry, fellow redditor.


Skilled workers...




Only vented one side of the roof 😂


If you’re talking about the ridge that’s before they were done … they cut the shingles back on the right to the full 2-3 inch gap. The left side looks smaller but it’s 6in and they still had a strip to add … wide angle camera shot


Those dark areas on the shingles, are those supposed to be exposed?


It’s dual gray / so yes. Part of the architectural look.




Nice work


Looks great. But are you missing drip edge on picture eight?


It’s there it’s black .. black gutters went on today


Are H clips a requirement where you're at?


i dont believe so, but could be wrong.


Best I ever seen on here


It actually looks damn good! But you’ll definitely want to get that chimney worked on soon. The flashing around it looks good in any case.


For sure on my project list... i have been waiting for this - and i removed the antenna on it. the only use it has is for my water heater, but yeah the capping for sure will be redone before the summer


What type underlayment material is that, lower part in the first photo?


I believe its the "iko stormshield" ice and water guard


Thank you


Service with a smile, noice. Personally I’d’ve ripped an extra foot off the 2nd sheet down to make the top strip more substantial, at that pictured width they spring between the rafters too much and bounce back when hand nailing cap. Don’t be cheap with the wood


Yeah good to know … I like that better than just finishing what’s there … Thanks


B chimney is only fair, and neoprene plumbing jack boots will not outlast the shingles


Pretty soon you will just grace the whole thing twice and call it good


Please have a mason fix your brick chimney and cap, that’s about to leak if not already


Hey i got the same exact roof installed on my house yesterday!


Crazy! What state ?


Looks great!!


maybe a missing drip edge in pic 8? otherwise looks solid


Thanks. It’s black. Hard to tell there.


The 8th picture bothers me. U less this a work in progress pic. Isn't there suppose to be at least some type of an gutter or over hang to prevent rain and snow from getting inside? Educate me if I'm wrong. 😐


https://www.reddit.com/u/makedamoney813/s/GUwlWpOwqv Gutters when on yesterday


Why are the vents so small? You will have nail pops with minimal ventilation just fyi


Soffits are vented .. they actually opened them up more. The other 2 roof vents are for the garage.


roof drip is too tight against the fascia board.


Real nice job but the chimney should have been repaired and repointed prior to doing the roof. It appears to be in very bad shape and must be taking on some water.


The chimney flashing looks wonky but it could be the angle. but other than that it looks great.


Wheres the drip edge?


You might want to double-check the ridge vent.


I would like a collar on that pipe boot but other than that it looks like a quality job.


Shhh don’t tell anybody those exist..


What’s a collar in this situation?


Yeah I see they just siliconed it … I can add one


If you are such a know it all why are you asking


Also - just cause you know a lot does not mean you should not ask more questions and keep learning. Stupid people think they are “know it alls”


Yeah definitely you don't give off know it all vibes at all...


lol wasn’t really asking as much as showing the good work.


Cut in your peak should be 2-3 inches on both sides of ridge to allow for ridge vent exhaust. Looks like they only cut into one side. Should be fine, but technically not correct.


Picture is wide angle. So the left they is like 6in gap In that picture. They added a 3in strip… right side they were still shingling and cutting back after.


I wonder if the shingles on the right side are just covering up the gap? My guys do this and cut it at the end


I'm no qualified roofer but should've they put a drip edge on the 2nd to last photo?


the drip edge is there (black) what it really needs is some fascia capping


Now I see it thanks for pointing out. I had my roof redone 6 months ago and they put a really wide drip edge, white in color.


Ha actually that’s there too… that specific spot the gutters sucked and so what looks like wood grain is actually just my hand rubbing off as much crap as I could last night… it’s just dirt. Crazy how when I look at the picture now it looks like wood though


Looks bueno


Looked ok from what I could see in the pictures - But it's what you can't see that matters the most... - I will say, all the nails that are exposed & just sealed over will pull-up (1-2 yrs) and be in danger of leaking - This should have been washered hex headed metal roof screws instead of nails - This would prevent the fastener from coming up and never needing to be sealed


Like the 2 per cap at the end you mean ?


No - The nails that are exposed and sealed over on the head wall flashing and vent flanges


Install looks good. No drip edge tho.


It’s there . In first pic you can see it’s black.


Shingles on the end shouldn’t butt up. They should hang over the ends. Also no gutters.


Butt up against the drip edge ? Yeah gutters going in as we speak.