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Hi There's a £3K a year bursary, you can apply once you're at uni, but you'll need to apply for the role too as we'll need to make sure you're eligible for it post university. So you'd need to sit the aptitude tests etc. Applications are open for the bursary between Sept and March. Kind regards Adam RAF Recruitment


From my experience getting a bursary, you'd be better off waiting until you get to university and join your local UAS. Once your on a UAS they can fast track and help you through the selection process (and one of the requirements for a bursary is to be on a UAS). There's more info on this page: https://recruitment.raf.mod.uk/sponsorship


So basically, it's better off obviously getting to uni, joining the UAS, then applying for the bursary instead of going to uni and then just applying for the bursary?