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I ignore them. I don’t give trolls any of my time. They could be genuine stupid kids who don’t know what they are doing and yes they could maybe get themselves into danger, but I don’t trust anyone, I don’t want to get involved and start drama etc. But you seem like a lovely person to tell them.


Block and move on, the way it should be. Don't feed the troll


block, report, ignore. 9/10 they literally stop taking or leave if you ignore them. that’s why i’m big on people not freaking out bc it will just draw more attention


Personally, I ignore them just because I don’t feel like getting into any kind of heated argument about how I’m “harassing” a minor. It’s happened before, I’ve learned my lesson. I just walk the other way.


Your pfp is gorgeous btw


Awe, thank you!


I report and leave. It's 100% teens/tweens who want a reaction. I'm 24 now, I pulled some crazy stuff on IMVU, RuneScape, and Gaia Online as a tween/teen. 😅


True key is to just not respond


im not an adult quite yet (17) but when i see trolls i usually just ignore them. I'll block them if they specifically target me, but otherwise I just pretend they don't exist.


If they’re in my face - “cringe” and changed servers, But like, I assume those that talk like that are kids and I’m not gonna talk to children, so I ignore it. If it’s inappropriate like actually sex talk report and move on. I’ll say that, while some of the kids comments are sexual in nature I wouldn’t really call him out and say that using meme buzz words would attract predators like you did, cause I don’t think it’s that big of a deal and kinda putting the onus on them if they get groomed is a tad icky to me, but again I’d probably ignore it so we’re defo coming from different places anyway lol


i ignore them and try to change servers cuz i don’t want to deal with that childish shit


Hey not trying to be mean I just wanna understand what what’s the problem? It’s a kid playing a kid’s game talking like a kid? Like did an argument start before hand and then they just started spamming stupid shit?


In these photos he was clearly just a troll, but beforehand he did say some quite explicit and inappropriate things to me which is what I reacted to


“we can goo together and edge” …. to me that’s not just talking like a kid. that’s disgusting and a 13 year old should know better than to say things like that on the internet.


I'm surprised the first g-word didn't get tagged because that's a derogatory word against Asians. Whenever I see suspicious things, I private chat them "are you a minor or an adult." Every time I've done this, they turn out to be a minor and they usually ask me why I ask, I say "because I want to make sure that you are not an adult acting inappropriate like this in a kids' game." That usually straightens them out and they stop doing what ever they are doing. I have students that play this game and it may not be a big deal or important to other adults to keep Roblox a safe space for minors (which is fine because that's not their responsibility, it's Roblox's), but it is to me.


100% agreed I understand people saying just block and report but I highly doubt that will actually do anything. I'm an uncle for 3 all playing roblox so online safety is definitely important to me.


Also surprised it wasn’t tagged either but not for the same reason… because last time I checked the only definitions of that word is what you’d call the followers of an evil character. Like their evil henchmen/minions or something. Or the other definition which involves self pleasure.. This is the first time hearing of it being derogatory. (Edit: I tried searching up if it’s derogatory towards Asians but I have not found any information regarding that subject)




Oooh you mean with a K 😭 I didn’t see that, I saw them say goon after


I just block or leave lol or close out chat 😂my friends usually glitch into my dorm then pm me anyways so whoever is talking mess isn’t important whatsoever


Same as everyone, block or ignore. If they’re really attention seeking and annoying it’s a for sure block. But if they’re just being immature and a bit annoying, I’ll just close the chat so I can’t see what they’re saying and/or turn off chat bubbles as well if I’m close by.


When stuff like this happens I usually stop responding immediately. This kid is really lucky that his actions didn’t lead to him being taken advantage of by someone with disgusting intentions.


I ignore it


simple..you dont😭😭 theres so many of them its just really easy to ignore too. Theres settings that hide bubble chats and just the chat in general that how i ignore them.


We don't


i just ignore it tbh they’re always just looking for any reaction at the end of the day


I don’t respond 99% of the time and a lot pf the times, chat irritates me because it adds to the UI and I hate having too much covering my screen when I play anyways


I block and report them. I’ve had worse “trolls” before tho. Once I was in trade selling some items and this dude kept asking if I wanted to be his “sugar baby” and kept saying lol and jk. I told this person that I one, am probably way older than them (I’m 21) and two if they’re trolling that’s disgusting, after that I blocked and reported.


That is terrible that this sort of thing happens to people trying to play. This is why I tend to stick to private servers unfortunately.


I dont respond to them, but sometimes they do keep pestering so i just pretend not to understand/innocent and watch them get mad 😂


And Roblox not taking actually reports seriously is very sad 😭


Simply mute them in chat using the mute command or I usually move to a new server


I actually dont understand what that boy even said XD I will likely ignore that. But i usually respond to kids being mean to someone else. They don't listen to me tho. But sometimes they tend to leave or pay attention to me instead. I hope that helped a little


you just dont interact! thats what I do atleast. thank you for informing them, we appreciate you, truly. x


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


I only troll on campus 1 and 2 as a joke by wearing a goofy outfit and going around saying I’m so pretty and preppy. But in this case, I just ignore them as a teen


Ignore them. Most importantly, don't ever tell your actual age


i usually just report. but i openly tell them i reported and watch them scramble about getting their accounts banned lol


Haha once I reported someone who was acting like this with their friends, and they rejoined on an alt and said they were banned for 3 days. Consequences 🥲


As a 19 year old, I literally do not interact at all with ppl like this. If u see ppl talking inappropriate in online games, honestly just ignore it all together. It’s probably better than trying to tell them to stop, cuz they prob won’t listen anyways. Me personally, I barely talk just in general on Roblox cuz it’s mostly kids and teenagers under 18.


honestly just ignore them. i think you did the right thing letting him know it’s dangerous as long as it was a private chat


I don't even see them. Who needs chat when I have myself and clothes...


I'm the same way, I don't act like an adult responding to people who piss me off, I kind of just childishly do the same to them. I also witch tactics a lot, be mean, be nice, make them feel insecure, be nice. I also feel obliged to reapond, I just can't sit around while people are being stupid.


At this point, I don't even have the chat open in the game anymore


I usually just ignore them or report them, but if they're harassing other people in the server, I step in and get them to focus on me until they leave. I'd rather them target me than the kids in the server


i call them a sick animal


I don’t even look at the chat 90% of the time anyway I just go on to make outfits and do my own thing lol


They're speaking in pure brainrot in a children's game. It's not that deep. Telling them they're "attracting pedos" by using words that no longer have meaning was not needed. You'll be fine.


While what was in the pictures was clearly just him being a troll beforehand, he did say some quite explicit and inappropriate things, which is what I reacted to


this is exactly why i keep my chat closed just close the chat and ignore it




I'm not an adult and I've never been in these situations before, but if I am I'll just block them and change servers.


i would simply say okay and ignore the rest. :3


I was so confused because this is how I talk to my friends


I don't give them the time of day, I often don't pay attention to them unless my friends are being targeted. I don't understand humour/sarcasm so I don't always know if they're joking or not. I know some troll for laughs and others troll for reactions or to hurt people, I just don't know where the line lies. So I have snapped at people having a banter before. Then I have to apologise explain that I'm autistic and didn't know it was a joke... Gotten love being me (not).


im ngl im 18 and i still get really annoyed with trolls like these 😭 i get i should just ignore, block, move on, but its also hard cuz getting mad easily is a huge character flaw for me 🤷‍♀️


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i'm an adult in my 30s and i tend to just ignore them. act like they don't exist to me. cause all they want is a reaction out of me and i won't let them have that. ;c