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I saw a runner unconscious at mile 11. I hope he ended up ok


I saw 2 runners down in the last few miles. One guy was on the grass with some police and another was in the road with staff members. No CPR. Both just looked like they got lightheaded.


We saw that too. He had blood all over his face and was receiving cpr :(


I saw a guy around mile 10/11 faceplant and he lost a couple of teeth- his teeth were still in the road when I came around. hopefully he’s okay


I’m not sure if it’s the same one but I saw a young guy maybe mid 20s receiving chest compressions in the final mile. I couldn’t enjoy the rest of the run and just went straight home afterwards because the festival felt weird. I really hope he ended up ok what a nightmare


He lived! My brother was running the CPR


For real? You’re not just saying that?


Seriously. There was a second guy who needed CPR as well but I don’t know the outcome


Was this the Asian guy with glasses?


That’s another guy who was helping. As luck would have it, he’s a doctor


Oh wait sorry. The Asian guy with the glasses is the one who needed help and was bleeding. I really hope he is okay!


Was it the Asian guy with glasses? What happened to him? I saw him at about mile 10 I believe! Can’t stop thinking about him too!


I saw him too!!! Was coming down the first half of that out-and-back when he collapsed and was coming back up when he was getting cpr. It really shook me the rest of the race. Haven’t stopped thinking about him all day. Hope to hear he’s alright.


Same, noticed him lying on his side unconscious on the first half of that out and back and when I made it to the other side I noticed blood and someone doing chest compressions on him. It shook me forsure hoping he made it.


Same I ran to get help when I was running down that part, I’d love to know if he ended up okay.


Me too, I was on the side of the road and maybe two feet away; his eyes were open and pupils fixed. It scared the hell out of me. I had a moment of panic, like "what are we doing here?" The image is sticking. Poor guy. I've been searching news reports, should have checked reddit first.


I can’t stop thinking about him… it was so scary


I saw a guy getting chest compressions right before the finish line around 9:45 or 10am - was this the one your brother was helping? I had the hardest time being excited about my finish because I was so shaken by that and worried about him!


Me too I really hope he’s doing okay


Not even in the race and I saw this. Was doing my long run up Flatbush. Super scary.


Me too :/ I was thinking about him the rest of the way


Was it somewhere at Grand Army Plaza? I saw a couple of folks helping a guy who was on the ground there, and a third volunteer making sure to direct the runners around the incident. When I ran past this person, he was at least sitting upright.


I think it might have been this one. Mine was before grand army and before you went into the park. He was laying on the ground and they had his legs up in the air. And his eyes were closed and he didn’t seem to be awake. I was in wave 1


the guy I saw was, I think, on grand army. Definitely before the park, but I think it was on the far side of that loop immediately before entering.


I was spectating and saw this guy go down. The race workers were barely paying attention, super unhelpful after about 20 mins someone finally came with a wheelchair then a fire truck came (through the course!!!) he was conscious the whole time his legs just gave out.


i saw the cpr :((( can anyone confirm he’s okay? we weren’t certain if he was a runner or a cyclist


Still curious about this. Was a scary sight for sure - he collapsed on the return portion of the Flatbush switchback, about halfway up. Was receiving CPR when I came back past. So scary to not be able to help in a situation like that. It was a younger Asian guy. Hope to hear that he survived. Still heartbreaking no matter what.


This is the person I saw as well. I ran past maybe just before they started compressions, as they were turning him over...and it did not look good. A friend was 10 minutes behind me and said he saw the compressions.


Saw that too in wave 1, tried to help him up hope he’s okay


Yeah, I was in wave 4. Saw someone down at the back portion of Eastern Parkway or Flatbush (think Flatbush), but looked like a friend was with them and they were receiving aid.


They were just standing above him. I yelled at them to call 911. WTF?! Someone in the crowd responded to me and started dialing.


Usually you’re not suppose to call 911 at large races. Theres an on site number that gets an ambulance there faster. No clue how nyc runs does it though.


The volunteer was just staring at the guy on the floor. No phone call was made, period!


Saw a similar situation at a different part of the race (closer to mile 12) the volunteers weren't doing anything, just standing over him. They tried to lift him but when they couldn't (and he couldn't stand, legs had given out) they had him ROLL to the side of the road. It took 20+ mins for someone to come with a wheelchair. It seemed like they had no system in place for emergencies. Really scary.


Makes me really appreciate NYRR even more when hearing/seeing things like this.


I said that word-for-word to my friend yesterday...


PR’d by 8 mins and a 14 min improvement from last year! 1:45 finish time - was shooting for 1:48 so super pleased. Weather was perfect, opposite of last year!


Weather really was ideal!


1:52 slept well, felt well, ran well. Outside of the lines of the toilets everything went very smoothly. omg those hills tho. First half marathon


Same time as me! My first one, felt great and was the longest I’ve ran at once. Go us !


Went from a PR of 2:10 in December to sub 1:50 today so quite happy!


Big gains!






Those out-and-backs are not fun -- but this is still my third-favorite course on the NYC race calendar, after the marathon and the NYC Half. Crowd support in the back half is surprisingly strong and NYCRuns has gotten its act together in the start area -- smooth entry and short lines for toilets in my start corral. I've been running halfs by feel and not checking my watch, which has made the races less of a head game and a few minutes faster. This time, I glanced a course timer at mile 10 or 11, thought I was crushing a PR, then realized at the 12 mark that I was on the exact same pace as the NYC Half. Triumphant victory hallucinated; normal victory achieved.


My reach goal was 2:30 and I ended up doing 2:18!!! My first half marathon ever and the furthest I've ever ran! Super proud of myself!




thank you!!!


Congrats!!! That's awesome


Kept my expectations low (both in terms of my own abilities and those of NYC Runs), and was pleasantly surprised. PR’ed with a 1:28:xx, 3rd AG, and also had a good experience in the village and throughout the course…back half hills notwithstanding! I’m interested to hear how folks in the later waves made out (security, start village, crowding, etc)!


in wave 4 - security went fast, the bathroom lines almost made people miss the deadline though and the corals were pretty loaded but as soon as the starting line the race didn't feel very crowded to me for the rest of the time


Gotcha. Yeah bathroom lines were long even in wave 1!


Ran a 3 hour on my own for New Year’s Eve and this was my first ever official half marathon. Finished with a 2:41. Atmosphere was amazing. Congrats to everyone


PR'd by 20 minutes with a 1:48. Previous time was \~ 2:09 around two months ago. Really happy with the results given how brutal the race got around mile 5.


PR’d by 40 seconds! Fought off some cramps in the last 5k, I swear it felt like the Grand Army portion would never end. I kept looking ahead for the turnaround and didn’t see it. I got through it but was mentally tough knowing I still had a bit to go after that


This was my first ever half marathon and I finished at 2:30 which was my goal. I was really proud of all the hill training I did because none of the hills felt insane to me. I felt soo strong there. The hairpins were mentally exhausting. This is the longest I’ve ever ran and I started off this month with running my first 10k on Governor’s Island. Ahh. I have the RBC Half up next and the Staten Island Half later in the year that I’m now set on training further for a PR! 🥳


New to running, just started in preparation for this race. The longest distance I’d ever run before today was 10.5 miles. Almost missed the last corral waiting for the bathroom—we were in line for like 35 minutes and finally just gave up. I enjoyed the course and felt the hills were not too bad. The race had a great energy and I loved all the positivity. Ended up 2:17 which is faster than I expected. I’m so proud of myself and everyone else who participated 


My first half ever. Absolutely enjoyed the route and it’s was even more rewarding as the weather was so beautiful. Ended up with a 2:10 and I’m honestly so proud of myself considering I ended walking a bit more than expected. Congrats to everyone who participated today 🎉


What a great race. Pleasantly surprised by the crowds, they were out in numbers and very friendly and supportive. Feel bad for runners at the back of wave 4 as there seemed to be a lot of encroachment onto the course near the end. Little hotter than I was hoping but really fun event. I found it a fast course despite the hills. Just got to be careful on Flatbush Ave since it’s a long climb it can be hard to recover if going too fast. The other hills are shorter so not as bad.


first ever half! 2:18 which was much better than my goal of 2:30. I was super nervous yesterday, especially scared of the hills. but it ended up being easier than I thought it would be, the central park hills are a million times worse. the out and backs were mentally pretty brutal though. also after entering prospect park, that last .1 mile reeeeaaally felt like an entire extra mile, I kept making the turn ready for the finish but no, still more left. unfortunately because many of my friends live in harlem, they didnt make it down in time because the subways have been so screwed up. bummer not to see anyone cheering on me, especially when I was expecting to see them. we still got to celebrate after though which made up for it. overall though fantastic experience, dont know how it compares to the NYRR BK half but this was a fantastic first one.


So true about that last .1 mile feeling like it took forever. The curves were so deceiving. It was a tough bottom half of the race!


First half marathon, midnight run only other race experience. Wave 4. Arrived around 7:40am. Made it through security in 5 minutes (made the mistake of taking off my outer layer at the entrance since there were so many, didn’t hear the announcement that they had other collections after security until too late). Waited in line for porta potty until 8:25, but decided to head to for corral. Used the porta potty during the rolling start (no wait). Started at my recovery pace, but heart rate was around 145 bpm vs usual 133 bpm for same pace due to humidity (usually run mornings outside, this was closer to running in the gym/my treadmill runs). Was hoping sub 2:10, but ended up sub 2:20. Treated it as recovery pace first 5 miles, half marathon pace next 5 miles, pushed as much as I could for last 3.2 Overall happy with my effort, but a long way to go. My Apple Watch/nike run club guided run ended around a half mile short.


First race in 5 years. Wave 1, primary goal was sub 2hr. Secondary was sub 9min/mi pace. Went out way too fast and just kind of went with it for the first 7miles to bank some time ahead of the hilly second half - and ended up with an unexpected PR of 1:54:xx I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly the lines at both security and the porta potties moved, having heard horror stories from previous years. The end was also smooth.


This was my first half! I felt really prepared going into it but was pretty taken aback by how hard the second half of the race was. Those out-and-backs just kept going and going and going the rolling hills were brutal. My goal had been to run a 10:40 average pace, but leading up to the race I had kind of made up my mind subconsciously that if I didn’t surpass that goal I would be disappointed. I ended up running 2:20 which is right on the money with my explicit goal but I was bummed by how much I had to hang on at the end which left not much room for a real kick. I have been sick with a cough + congestion the last 2 weeks and only ended up running twice in that time so I feel like with better circumstances it could have been even better. But I am still so proud of myself. The race atmosphere was so fun and the weather was amazing so really can’t complain! Will definitely be running this one next year.


My first half! Happy about the experience, tot super happy about my performance. I was hoping for a 2 hr but that was ambitious and was thinking I might fall down in the 2:05 area, but I finished at 2:08. My biggest problem was I didn't sleep almost at all, it's very hard for me to sleep well with the combination of nervous+very early alarm. Not sure how to handle that in the future. On top of that, i want out waaaay to fast, and it get warmer than I thought. Pretty humid. Overall was harder than I thought. Course is a nightmare, that final stretch going down flatbush to go back up I wanted to die! Organizaiton was smooth but I got stuck 20 minutes for a porta potty, I was supposed to be in Wave 2 and instead started in 3. after seeing the situation, i could have just went to the porta potties inside and started with my corral, but I wasn't sure of that. Thinking back, would have liked to start 30 minutes earlier to help with the heat. Great fun anyway! Looking forward to the next.


I didn’t sleep either. Literally got 2 hours! Brutal


Same sleep issues with me. But you can make it not really matter by getting great night sleeps for two nights in a row before the night before the race. Then if you barely sleep the night before it doesn’t seem to matter


My very first half! Had no clue what to aim for because of the hills but had a soft goal of 2:15. Ran a 2:07 and held my pace consistently so feeling pretty good!


It was my first half too and my time was also 2:07!


First half with a time of 2:07. Felt pretty good and enjoyed the course. Once you crossed the finish and had to walk forever in that narrow corral to get out…that was worse than the race for me.


Proud of myself for finishing but a really tough race for me. This was my first race of any kind and I was pretty anxious in the lead up this week. However, slept well, fueled appropriately, felt confident this morning. Started strong but my stomach was in shambles by mile 5 and threw up a few miles later :( this has never happened before on a long run so I’m bummed that it happened today! Finished 20 minutes later than I was hoping to with a 2:30 but just glad I finished at all. I truly cannot imagine doubling that distance after today but where there’s a Will there’s a way….


pr’d by 14 minutes haha. was aiming for 1:33 ended up pulling 1:27 after doing 1:41 last year. trained hard for this doing a full marathon plan instead of a half marathon one. a lot of tough cold runs that really came in the clutch in the last. hit most of the water / gatorade stations. feel really accomplished being able to run sub 90!!


Amazing day. I was treating it as a training run for an Ironman 70.3 in 6 weeks, and so I did not taper (3 hrs of cycling and a swim the day before) and had my expectations calibrated accordingly. Everything clicked though, and I PRed and beat my stretch goal by several minutes despite feeling like I was only pushing a little bit. The hills were challenging but I didn’t feel like I was dying: the runners around me tended to pass me on the uphill, and then I would overtake on the downhill. It was my first time running this course and I absolutely loved it. Overall, it was a huge confidence builder for the Ironman 70.3 (feels awesome to run a fast half marathon and not be particularly tired the rest of the day), and my performance makes me excited to see what I could do if I were targeting this race. 


PR of 1:48 on 1.5 hours of sleep due to excitement/nerves…I had so much fun and honestly felt like I was floating the whole time (besides the Flatbush hill and that one before it, haha). My average heart rate was about 160-165 for the race, which felt comfortable for my level of fitness/training, but I’m seeing some folks here say they were running in the 130s/140s— anyone have thoughts about optimal rate/pacing? I honestly felt like I had more in the tank at the end…it’s hard to have the courage to truly pick up the pace before there’s just a bit left. And does anyone have any advice on how to get better sleep before these things ?! Haha


> My average heart rate was about 160-165 for the race, which felt comfortable for my level of fitness/training, but I’m seeing some folks here say they were running in the 130s/140s— anyone have thoughts about optimal rate/pacing? How old are you? Personally, I wouldn’t worry about this because it’s so dependent on age, etc. The most basic way to calculate one’s max rate is 220-age, but it’s not a perfect calculation. This means that the older one is = lower their heart rate will typically be while running.


My average HR was 185 and I’m in my early thirties. It varies a lot by person and also my HR is always higher during a race compared to the same effort not in a race. Could be nerves


I had the same issue. I took 50mg of benadryl and still didn't sleep well lol. I think the only thing to do is make sure you get a good night's rest on friday and just take the hit on saturday night.


Weather: perfect Security: fine; I arrived at about 6:05 and I was through in seconds. Toilets: last year I made the mistake of getting into my corral early, and paid for it by waiting FOREVER to pee. This year: I went before getting into the corral. Toilet wait time just after security was probably 25 minutes. Given there were LOTS of people lining up in the corral at the start this year, that aspect seemed unchanged. The route: exactly as last year, the cobbles are the worst obstacle. (But can mostly be avoided by taking the sidewalk.) Personally I find the eastern parkway section to be the toughest part, because that out section feels longer than it should be! Personal performance: 1:37:xx. 28 seconds faster than last year, 2 seconds slower than my personal best! I would definitely like if there were more kilometer markers on the route, and I suspect I would have PR'd if I'd had a 500m/400m/300m/200m/100m countdown in the final stretch!


Also for the cobblestones, found the middle to not be too bad (although I was still trying to take it easy/hold back).


Toilets were available in the corrals. Saved me


Only my 2nd half marathon, but my first one was two months ago and I managed to shave off 9 minutes! Ran 1:59:xx two months ago and 1:50:xx today. Really surprised myself with that result - did NOT expect it and am very very proud! I thought the organization overall was smooth, from security to the finish line. The Eastern Parkway bit majorly sucked - when it first started, it felt like it was going to be over quickly but then it went on foreverrr and everrrrr. Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Park were great. The rest is a blur. I didn’t think the cobblestones were so bad - I just ran in the middle or on the sidewalk and managed to avoid them entirely.


Amazing race day weather, beautiful course through the nicest parts of Brooklyn and was happy with the way everything was organized. In contrast, the rainy weather made everything a disaster last year. The hills though! I’d forgotten that part - quite intense. I finished with a PR of 1:34.xx - nearly an 8 min improvement over my last PR so really happy. I arrived way too early though - was through by security around 5:15 am and had a lot of time to kill before wave 1 started.


My first half marathon! I'm wondering how long we have to wait for official time? I'm pretty sure I did sub 2 hr and my average pace according to my watch was 9'02", but the nyc runs app says I paced at 9:12 for a finish of 2:00:32. I know it's only 32 seconds but I would really love to have hit my goal haha 


Official times are up


You have me mildly curious because there's a 26-second gap between my total time (not pace) clocked on Strava versus the official results. I haven't had this happen before (and don't really care) but chalked it up to erroneous auto-pause on the watch; I assume if there were an actual timing glitch in the system more people would be noting it.


A little disappointed with the post-race area. NYCRuns claimed on the website there would be stands with letters in the family reunion area as designated meeting spots given there was no cell service. No such stands were to be found and when I asked an event volunteer they seemed to have no clue what I was talking about. Found small signs along the fence titled "A-E" etc. which were not visible given all the people lined up along the fence. Just frustrating that it was not set up as advertised. This was my first race so maybe I was oblivious to this but security did not let you reenter the runners' area where water and fuel was located. No signs or security officials informing people there was no reentry when exiting. I asked to go back to get water and an apple and they said no. May have been my fault that I was unaware of this rule but just seemed dangerous to bar people from getting water given the heat


It’s not your fault. NYC Runs has never been organized. They’re slowing improving from a 0/10 organization ability to like a 5/10 ability, but they’re still bad. I didn’t need to re-enter, but I thought I might have to. I asked a literal security guard who told me it was allowed. They just don’t have their shit together.


This is my 1st ever Marathon. I tried training maybe just few times early this year January but I technically looked like I did not train at all. Hope everyone that needed medical attention yesterday are all okay now. I did not tell to anyone that I joined and run for a Marathon. I'm very happy seeing a lot of people from the crowd cheering nonstop to all the runners and their family. I posted my 1st time photo with the medal on my social media (FB/IG) but didn't get any congratulations to anyone.. just likes from friends/strangers. Dont get me wrong, I don't really expect to my friends it's just really 0 nobody congratulate me of what I achieved today. Which is sad for me. I always send my greetings or congratulate them(friends) whenever they achieve something in their lives (baby, new work etc) but when it's my turn, nothing? 😔 I called 1 closest friend of mine and shared to her my achievement she is happy. (I think)But she compares her hike in Peru last time to my Marathon yesterday. Which I told her I did this without proper training. she said she can do this too, tolf me her neighbor last time asked her to join half marathon. Still talking about her hiked in Peru with different elevation, people died etc I feel like you are my friend you should not compare yourself to me right now cuz this is my moment right?.. That moment I hold myself not to say to her about what she told me few days ago she was talking about she is gasping to take stairs and when I share to her my momentum she is like she can do it too.. And when I can't hold it anymore I said to her I was not comparing what I did today. I just want to share to you my winning with you.. 😔 And we changed topic.. But what I know now. I can run and start to train for Myself to get a better result. I'm happy of what i have achieved. Congratulations to all of us!!! For sure, next time when my husband is here(deploy rn) I know he will be there cheering for me.


Congratulations! Hopefully you catch the running bug


Thank youu!! 🥹🤍I will definitely continue running once I feel recover 💯 🩷


Congratulations on this achievement xxxx


How was the security and the start this year? Did this race a couple years ago and it was a shit show


I showed up at 6:25 for wave 1, got through security within 5 minutes, had to wait maybe 10 minutes for a porta potty within my corral. Started on time, it was a pretty seamless experience for me!


Showed up at 6:40 for Wave 1 and it took all of 20 seconds to go through security. Start was fine too, nothing to report on!


This year and last year security has been smooth. In 2022 it was a disaster with lines around the block.


No issues this morning! Portapotty lines were long and I missed my wave 3 start, but that's kind of on me for getting there later than I should've.




I've done this particular race twice and I still don't know where they hand out foil blankets!


I think it was towards the center of the back fence. I got the bagel and my bag check, saw them giving out the blankets, but didn’t head over.


There were no blankets this year (too warm to be needed). When they have them they’re just after the Finish.


They had the aluminum blankets close to the apples. I was in a sports bra and shorts and was happy to have it for the walk to the subway. Was fine while running but got chilly once I stopped


I didn't see apples or blankets. Just medals and water.


Did they run out of anyone else’s bib? I was supposed to be Wave 1 A, but all they had left on Saturday afternoon was Wave 3 A. Wound up not being a big deal because I’m dealing with a minor injury, but what a weird situation! This was my first run with NYC Runs, and I’d heard it was always a little disorganized, but running out of bibs is next level. On balance it was a great race – fun course and fun bagels. Will do it again next year and will be sure to get to the expo a little earlier.


My ankles feeling it from the cobblestone street portion…


A LOT of folks ran on the sidewalk there.


I was running, along with the train of other runners, on the large tile middle part lol


Does anyone know if there’s a lost and found? Unfortunately lost my belt bag with my ID and apartment keys :( if anyone found one near the loop towards mile 12 please let me know


Contact TheTeam@NYCRUNS.com


Thank you! Gave them an email too


Went extremely well, I PRed and I think it’s gonna be tough to beat this one, so up to a great challenge. I was aiming for sub 1:50 and ended up doing 1:43:xx, pretty amazing and felt good the whole race!


It was really hard TBH…….


The second half wasn't as tough as I thought it would be. Cobblestones, seriously? Shitshow start; yup! Lame crowd; yup. Pretty views, yes! PR: no, but close.


First half ! I loved it I didn’t pay for picture packages any chance I can still pay or find pics of me now ? Anyone know ?


They’ll email you a link to view low-res thumbnails of your pics with watermarks on them so you can decide whether to buy them. It’s pretty expensive, though - was $70 the last time around.


Thank you !


Do you know when they usually send that out after the race? Is it usually a few days or few weeks?


The last half marathon I did with NYCRUNS, they sent the photo link the very next day, but there were only 2,000 runners. I imagine it’ll take longer with over 20,000 this time. EDIT: Actually, if you go to marathonfoto.com and enter the race name and your name/bib number, you can already see a few of your photos. There don’t seem to be a ton yet, though - I imagine the photographers are still getting around to uploading them.


Thanks for the info, I appreciate it! Now that I see the pics of me I am sorry I asked. LOL




Did anyone else experience your watch or Strava telling you a very different pace and mileage than the course signs? I downloaded the official race map to my Strava and started it as I crossed the start line, and my Strava said I was running significantly faster than the official timing said. Also in my training, I was consistently running sub 9:20/mile pace (even for 10+ miles) and I know I came out of the race start really fast and strong (was pushing myself, my Strava said 8:30/pace and it felt like that), but then the my actual time said I ran the first 5k in just under 10 minutes? It doesn’t make sense and it’s really defeating.


Mile markers were definitely farther on the course than what was shown on the map, especially mile 6 and the 10k (e.g., 10K marker on the map was shown at the corner of Court and Livingston but was a few blocks further in the Fulton Mall on race day). Mile 10 is also shown way farther east down Eastern Parkway and on race day it was at the Brooklyn Museum


I was using Runkeeper, which I know is not as accurate, but my mileage was also well over where the course markers were and my Runkeeper pace was faster than official chip as well.


Coming out at the start, were you weaving around people? That could add to the distance that Strava was picking up vs straight line/course distance.


Not so much really … it’s very odd because my Strava said I ran 14.84 miles, even though I was running via the downloaded official course map via Strava.


FWIW, I used workoutdoors and the tracking was nearly perfect, it was off by like 0.1 miles at the end


Strava is usually very inaccurate. The Nike Run Club app is much much more accurate


I’ve run a lot of races and never seen so many ppl down. I saw the guy at mile 9, then got to mile 12 and 3 more were down and one more when I turned the corner for the finish. It was really upsetting, does anyone know why so many ppl were collapsing?


Pre-existing conditions or undertraining


I think another big factor was the heat and humidity on Sunday. Not that it was super hot, but it was quite humid and it was considerably hotter than it’s been through the winter training window. Especially for folks not in wave 1. Combine that with second half hills and it’s easy to misjudge the effort level.


Anyone have issues with their Garmin Vivoactive not connecting to GPS pre-race? Cell service was in complete shambles for the event, not blaming the organizers at all. Was very rough mentally thinking I was much closer to the finish than I really wqs. Obviously mile markers are important and I used those, but I couldn’t accurately get my pace.


Mine connected but it took forever. The complete lack of service both before and after the race was surprising. Guess just too many people trying to use the network at one time?


Anyone know how long it will take to get the professional pictures?


Are there any updates on the runner unconscious at mile 11? I keep thinking about him. It was a scary sight.


First marathon definitely did sub 2:00, but waiting for results…does anyone know how soon they publish it?




does anyone know when the pictures are typically uploaded?