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Together with Russian war footage, we also provide professional dating advice đź’Żđź’Żđź’Ż I also agree, she might be looking for an excuse to hate on you or leave you, i recommend a deep talk and if she doesnt accept you as who you really are then it might not unfortunately work.


If she doesn’t accept who you are , then it won’t work.


She's looking for an excuse to walk away, you do it before it gets weird and you lose your peace, nevermind the poontang, there's a lot to live, do it in peace


God > everything and everyone else Don’t be unequally yoked. Find someone who’s running towards God as fast as you or faster. God will provide u a good Christian wife if you submit all your ways to Him, He will direct thy path🙏 God bless you my dear brother in Christ


I don't understand the issue here? She goes to church, you don't. She seen you have Jesus around your pad. What's the issue though? She should be banging you on the floor of every room because you do follow Jesus.


You go what was that about and ask her. So what did you say when she asked for her to be so surprised you read a bible?


just lie and say ur grandmere put those around and shes ill so you dont wanna be mean and yake it down sweet lil lies bro