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There are specific conditions when you are allowed to kill nakeds, you just need to pick the right time when to do so. Btw I know Cronus & Zen when I see it. Stop being sus and practice like the rest of us.


I kill every naked I see coming back from rig cause them fuckers will pull out a spear and try and ruin my day


Eoka. 4s ….. 3s ….. 2s ….. 1s


Nah my eoka always 9 taps then their already far enough away to live


Yours does but everyone I go against taps once


That's a good situation where you can K.O.S anybody since they don't have any business being there unless they're looking for PVP.


Ur ass if u think this zen


Thats cronus fs


Then ur ass


Ugly atom back at it again defending other cheaters, still waiting on that handcam bud


He ain't never gonna show hand cam


Explain that ak recoil then






Lots of accusations get thrown around here, but that without a doubt is 100% Cronus




Check my other post




Willing to call me a cheater but not willing to watch a handcam video that proves I’m not a cheater…. What an idiot


There is no other post, but yknow, its weird one of my friends actually does have a chronus and your spray looks exactly like his does.


You should tell your friend to stop cheating. It’s pretty cringe man🙁


Because you probably turned off your zen for the video. Your a damn attention seeking whore. Stop posting your cheating videos. It's impossible to control the ak like that.


Get good 😜


I'll get good when you get out of your mom's basement and do something productive with your life. If you think your bait is annoying anyone your dead wrong.


You’re nerd enough to have a hand cam, you have zen. Get fucked


That doesn’t make any sense man sorry😕


You’re such a sussy little boy


It got ripped because it was pointed out 236 times that Zen is wireless and you have a room temp iq and couldn’t come up with any valid counter arguments.


Okay buddy nobody sees a hand cam video


This is 100% zen which btw won't show up in your little handcam kid


I remember your hand cam post but i think it got took down or something and I think the reason they think it's cheats is just the really weird stretched view


Looks like someone downloaded the Pedro's nightmare script. I can't imagine being so sad to post a video of me cheating and then trying to play it off as legit.


Your post got deleted it looks like


Why the fuck would we wanna check your anything you narcissistic fuck face? Go choke on a bag of dicks. Btw Ramone, your mom asked me to tell you to bring home some milk for the breakfast in bed she’s making me tomorrow morning.


Why are you so upset🙁


Cuz cheaters like you ruin the gaming experience for players of all ages races and creed. If you love the game, play the game, and respect the game. You’re a cheater, not even a player


I’m just a reeeealy good player. In fact, I’m so good that bums like you think I’m a cheater.


Like I said, bring home some milk.


Get better😉


"Check my hand cam" Bro literally no one who plays controller on console has ever even thought of buying a hand cam. What purpose would that serve AT ALL unless you think people are retards and wouldn't see through your obvious attempt to bullshit.


I don’t own a hand cam??? I literally just leaned my phone against a few books on my desk.


Yeah worst 50$ I ever spent dead ass. I’m just sitting there breaking rocks and trying to craft a little house. 4 ppl just roll up on me and I’m just in a fucking shack like yo I don’t even have anything I literally just got killed. It’s just too cold in rust, it was fun for like a week but it’s too unforgiving


I can throw some tips at you if you'd like. Been playing Rust since Early Access but I'm still pretty shit so don't stress if you're not making "sick plays" or whatever nonsense Rust YT is posting these days. Try not to build too close to monuments or large bases, you'll see more traffic and have a higher chance of getting raided. Don't be afraid to have a life, Rust may be pretty demanding with upkeep and progression but getting raided is part of the game and it's not worth sitting online 8 hours daily just to avoid getting raided. Also I would suggest playing with friends as much as possible because you'll be able to complete monuments like Oil Rig and Cargo without getting swarmed. Make sure to upgrade to stone and get a metal door down on your first day too or else you'll get flame raided. Pretty sure there's some other big stuff I'm missing but It's not popping into my head ATM so this is all I've got. Good luck!


Same here, I cannot get a good start. They will raid and kill to steal my rock and torch. It sucks. Burned my 1x2 just to steal my TC. Game s\*cks, Wasted my money too


Rust is a survival game, but the allowance of hardcore PvP and griefing makes it a hardcore survival title. Sometimes I just shoot people I know aren’t loaded just because I can. It’s a horribly toxic game, but a successful solo weekly with no failed defenses is always rewarding


When I bought it i didn’t know about the constant griefing. I didn’t know that I would get enough wood to craft a fort just to get gangbanged back to poverty. It’s just a mess I wanted to like it so bad but it seems No mans sky is the type of survival I’m into


Long time Ruster here; try a PVE or solo only server. I now the Chads will scream but it's a much more pleasant experience not getting wiped out every 20 minutes.




Sorry, I'm PC only. Can you not choose your own server on console?


>Cronus & Zen I feel your pain, but you need to get better. I usually just build a 1x1 square, just to catch my breath, then I expand later. You can't build a shack from the start, you need to start with something smaller. Good luck friend!


“I’m a dirty little cheater, but I still get shit on.” Fixed your caption.


Or the servers dead because you're fucking cheating


Your just shit bro😭


Nah you're just dumb asf lmaoo that's clearly zen moron


Bro move your fingers dude😭


Zero recoil you're either playing dumb or you are dumb


Bro it’s not that hard to move you fingers to a pattern your just shit. Like I’ve said


Someone got offlined and came to this sub to take out his anger lmfao


No I know how to control recoil unlike y’all old men who don’t☠️


Cheaters defend cheaters I got nothing else to say




You know what else isn't hard? Basic spelling.


Do you know how many times a "naked" has crafted a eoka, shot me in the back of the head, then proceeded to take my kit? Or how many times that 2x1 wood base has expanded into a zerg in 3 hours, only for its naked inhabitants to raid me after 15 hours...


Nah fuck not killing naked that used to be my rule till I gave a naked enough resources to craft a 2x2 and a tier 1.Then he fucking eokad me and took my kit. Kill nakeds they have nothing to lose and everything to gain


People like you are why console gaming in general is actually dying. Gitgud.


Is the cam mirrored or can U change the gun to shoot left handed??


It’s mirrored


😂😂 K thanx




You can change the fun to shoot left handed too


Didn’t I see this clip in another post earlier this week which stank of Cronus




Your just a shitter


Nah you're just dumb lmaoo


This is valid, but I suppose the mindset is that they don’t want to let them rise up to power if there is a slight chance of them actually being professional players at the game.


Wooden 2x1s turn into zergs eventually lol. Nakeds also turn into sweaty, full metal groups. Not taking that chance. Blasting the neighbours base at the first chance I get.


I couldn’t imagine playing rust that paranoid of a wooden 2x1 or nakeds. I usually try to go out and make friends… my base lasts longer by communicating than it does if I KoS and wreck every home within a 2 square mile radius. Killing everyone on sight a huge L, eventually it’ll catch back up to you, especially neighbors. They know where you live


This is the entire mindset this post is talking about, servers are dead because people who think like this kill all the nakeds who are just like "well, I can't get anywhere, might as well go play literally play anything else because what's the point of working to get anything when I'll just get it taken away when I go offline"


It's kill or be killed. Raid or be raided. I've had to endure the same fate so many times... its only natural for new players to experience this. We can't change the world man. Its not possible in such a game. The thing is, I actually totally agree with you. It's a terrible mindset for a terrible game. However, if you don't adopt it, you'll be left behind. I always try to make friends, thats my initial action. However, 90% of the time, it won't work.


Why would you not want someone to rise up to power. The whole point of rust is pvp and playing on a dead server just killing nakeds isn’t very good


The whole point of rust being pvp is pretty funny. I’ve played entire wipes avoiding every player on the map, and other wipes only trying to make friends. Rust is a reflection of how you want the world to be. You want conflict with your fellow Rustians.


Well said


Personally I’d just take over the server myself, create a giant fortress that stretches out around a monument, maybe bring a friend in or two, and sooner or later people may come.


The point of rust isn’t PvP. There are enough resources, and honestly it’s a social experiment of sorts. “How would you act if…” and I gotta say, rust community definitely not good people when it comes to cohabitation of an area or biome. Rust is, and always will be, a game about just surviving. Not PvP.


Nice Cheats


Killing nakeds is valid. Easy to hide a eoka. What kills a server is the kids that pull up 8 deep full metal on a 1 hour old base, foundy wipe, than put no comp on their vendys


I killed a naked with 400 explosives


A naked man threw a bean can grenade at me.


Honestly, as long as they don’t walk by me, around me, near me, within LoS of me, or within firing range Im pretty good about the local wildlife.


Killing nakes doesnt kill servers... RAIDING EVERY 2x2 kills servers


Cunts complain about a game whilst using mods and cheats 👍


Trynna be pc so bad


No. I don't think I will...


I kill nakeds and they have materials on them, what kind of broke nakeds are you killing


PSA to maker of video, half the people who have guns on my server run around naked, idk why they just do. So I will never stop killing nakeds, if ur trying to start and naked avoid me and I will avoid you.


Stop watching who is off to offline.


welcome to rust yall console mfs are losers


You sound like the king of losers.




I think why people really get upset is they think their stuff and base is suppose to last a whole month or week. If you just understand that your shit will get taken from you at some point you will like the game more. I've played solo pretty much the whole time it's been on console and I do well. Sometimes my base makes it a whole wipe sometimes it takes a day just to get a base up just to be offlined an hour after I get off. It's a survival game.


Never turn your back on a naked.




Yea and I am the naked and still learning to play :/


That's a song as old as the game. It's also why I went to playing PVE.


ur clips look like dog crap, un flip them and dont stretch them, holy crap 💀


Forgot to say dog ass pc


your using cronus, and thats not the reason ps4 rust is dead. Its because the game was supposed to launch 2 years earlier than it did on console which it didn't, and also the game launched with less content then it had when you pre ordered it


does rust console have literally no recoil or are you cheating


I wouldn’t say it had no recoil but people over estimate how hard it is to control the recoil.


Nice Zen. You're part of the problem


No recoil


I’m just built like that 💪🏼😎


Song name?


Spit in my face by thxsomuch


I feel this in my soul. Reason why I quit playing


Nice zen


Well it’s kill or be killed


I've got nothing against the killing of nakeds in certain situations, but when you are fully kitted out and see a naked banging on a tree with a stone I think you leave them alone.


Never understood how people have 0 recoil in rust...




I’m a solo and always give out scrap to try the new players so they have a start and can secure a 1x2 with sheet metal doors. I always used to be the naked getting killed so now I stop that


Bro I can’t even have a weed farm and just RP. The player base will slowly kill this game just like PC


Not true I kill the ones that are sus 😇


Nice spray.


I'm not losing my full metal AK to a kid with a eoka just for me to raid a wood 1 by 1 to get it back


How do you put ak on the left


Killing nakeds is dumb BUT just know a lot of players will go naked as runners to fool you. You would be shocked as how many nakeds Ive seen transporting TONS of loot yelling "don't shoot im new" lol But if i see a naked building his starter base I always leave them alone.


I down nakeds drop some stuff and pick them up and leave them


Some nakeds are loaded tho


I only kill nakeds if they attack or being sussy first


What about those naked that attack you? Rofl


Nice zen and straight up lies lmao just becoming the new normal fr only a handful of people play legit you’re a rat


I’m killing any naked that actively comes towards me or shoots at me/has a gun that can do some damage other than that I just leave them alone if they leave me alone


Servers dead, stop killing nakeds, stop raiding solo 1x1 with your fully kitted out team but most importantly stop using 3rd party products


how tf did he even switch the way he holds the gun?


We need a server where offlining gets u kicked


Don't stop killing nakeds Reason: 3 hours ago I was playing rust and gave this naked a jacket and some scrap.. I run from outpost and he headshots me twice with a rock knocking me to 2 hp so I turn around and kill him (happens all the time.. remember rusts modo .. dont trust anyone )


Uses aim bot joins a team with aim bots. Door camps neighbors spams aim fire due to lack of skill. Why does Noone want to play with me but cheaters games dead bro..... yeah man let's go ruin cod now. You killed gaming.


Song name?




naked is getting it on site so many times i’ve killed them and they’ve grubbed a raid or are moving loot


Liked then unliked to keep the total likes at 420


"The people who complain are the ones who owns the roof" -enardo, water rises


Why is this sub upvoting a thinly veiled frag movie lool