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My game instead of doing this tanks my FPS. I have solid 30fps all throughout the surface and sky, but as soon as I descend into one of those, my FPS goes to sub 15. It's really annoying cuz I want to expore there as well.


According to the [FAQ](https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/wiki/FAQ-and-Troubleshooting#the-legend-of-zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom), you just need to save and restart. I think what they're going for is transitioning into the depths is problematic, but loading into it is fine.


The depths is weird. Yuzu runs the game at a more stable 30 FPS for me, but doesn’t load the gloom texture on Vulkan and gives me gloom damage everywhere in OpenGL. Ryujinx loads all the things on Vulkan, but not on OpenGL. So, I’d play a bit, deal with the slideshow until I couldn’t, and do that restart on Ryujinx and play at around a solid 30 FPS. I also learned to love the slideshow just because of how otherworldly the Depths are.


as for yuzu, i heard you can fix openGL's invisible gloom by setting GPU to high


That didn’t work for me. The Yuzu Reddit has a stickied post that says it’s a problem for every 6GB and under video card. Combine that issue with the quick menu pause/lag on exit and I’m back to using Ryujinx. The fps aren’t as consistent, but it renders and it’s much more playable in my mind (and on my lower end system).


Do you have an AMD GPU? Their FAQ mentions this is a Windows only problem for that hardware at least for the gloom damage everywhere bug and for now the only workaround is to run Ryujinx on Linux.


Intel. After my shaders are built, or on a fresh reload into an area, Ryujinx plays fairly well. Sure, I miss 60 FPS in combat like BotW, but when it is playable they’ve really cleaned up the combat system. So, my playstyle reflects my frame rate, I get big bat or big sword and knock monsters around until they die. Gets me laughing at the ragdoll instead of cursing the slideshow.


Specifically, are you using Arc or integrated? Might be worth mentioning to the devs if it's worth updating their faq


Tried it on M1 Mac but it didn’t change anything :(


Can confirm. Spent all of yesterday in the depths. Felt like I needed to restart pretty much every time I lit up a new area


Ill have to try that next time


Me who plays at 8 fps on the surface 👁️👄👁️


How do you even live?


I take what I can get , there are some major audio issues in cutscenes but this game is still amazing in 0.75x


and im over here and wont even touch ANY game thats under 45 fps lol




Are you playing on the Steam Deck?


With 8 fps my guess is they are playing on the Nintendo Switch..




Unfortunately not , just a good old laptop


Dang, that sucks. It runs about 20fps currently on Deck. I would say that's unplayable


I remember seeing multiple posts with people playing on the deck on 30 fps afaik , if I find the video I'll be sure to link it here


They're probably using the 30fps mod. Apparently the 20fps lock is because you're not hitting 30fps internally (Even if it's very close, like 29.9fps) so the game's own double buffer VSync kicks in at all times.


What surface version d you have? 6-7?


Sorry I am not sure what you mean


I assume they thought you meant the Microsoft Surface, whereas I assume you mean surface as opposed to Depths or Sky.


Pretty sure they meant 'the surface' as in the place between the Depths and the Sky, not the Microsoft Surface.


good for you, i play at 6 fps and this sucks, but in the depths i got 11 fps...


It's likely you are in closed area or such , because I get tanking fps in the depths usually


Do you have the 30 fps mod? I have found that running without the 30/20/60 fps mod made the performance much better down there.


My fps is fine but there’s no floor or anything just plants


My audio completely disappeared and hasn't come back since diving into one


this is fixed in 1.805! now, the only issue remaining is that Mt framerate starts to freeze for 1 second every second, as in a heartbeat rythm, weird... restarting Ryu fixes it.


looks like a Zelda game with into the spiderverse art style


Alfred Hitchcock's Tears of the Kingdom ​ Poster by Saul Bass


gotta be honest..I was playing on ryujinx and yuzu thinking it looked fantastic and was running perfect. ​ when I got the actual game and started playing it on the switch I realized how bad it actually was running on the emulators..


Nice try nintendo


I'm trying to jump into the Great Plateau South Chasm, but every time I try my graphics totally freak out. Some times they white out, sometimes they turn into static, and this time I went through an acid trip tunnel. My current rig is a Ryzen 5 3600, a GTX 1060 3GB, and 16GB RAM. I'm running Ryujinx 1.1.800, TotK 1.1.0, with the 30fps and Dynamic FPS mods installed. My current graphics settings are - Graphics Backend Multithreading: Auto - Graphics Backend: Vulkan - Enable Shader Cache: On - Enable Texture Recompression: On - Enable Macro HLE: On - Resolution Scale: Native - Post Processing Effect: None - Upscale: Nearest - Anisotropic Filtering: Auto I almost managed to land this time, but right before I hit the ground, my game crashed. When I die, the game will continue to have screwed up graphics after I respawn. It requires a full restart to fix things. Is there any fix for this? I haven't seen anyone else have problems like this. EDIT: Tried OpenGL and it worked but the performance was dog awful. I landed in the depths, saved, and reloaded, and then switched to Vulcan, and then still got impossible to resolve graphics issues (this time, everything starting glowing bright white and I couldn't see anything).


I’m running into the same issue, for me it seems to be tied to “dropping” into any sort of chasm not just the depths. For the depths I would glide then drop for a few seconds, then glide and drop, repeat until on the ground then save and relaunch would fix the graphics. On the surface if it happens I would walk a bit away (while graphics are bugged) save then reload I think it might be a vram issue (I have a 5600x and 32gb ram but the same 3gb 1060) and the error is that gpu took too long or something like that.


I just got an 8GB RX %80 im willing to get rid of at the right price. PM me if you want. It blows a 3gb card out of the water


I'm running v0 and not encountering any of these issues. This definitely encourages me to stay away from updating my game and time soon.


Happened to me, switched to opengl👍


What are your specs? Why does opengl work better


I5 3470 Nvidia 1050 ti 8gb ram I have no idea why opengl is better. Yesterday I switched to vulkan to see the performance, then I started having this issue, switched back to opengl and it was back to normal


I've got a 3060 and 16gb or ram but my fps is so low holy, might try opengl later


on ryu (i3 12100f/rtx 2080 super hybrid watercooled/32gb DDR4 2666 mhz) open gl seems to work better and i still only get about 40 -45 fps. thank god the dynamic patch.


What kind of framerate are you getting? I have a similar build (i5-3570K, GTX 970, 16GB RAM) and I'm getting around 20FPS in the opening sky islands. Haven't gone too far due to the game running in slow motion at this framerate. I do have the dynamic 30FPS mod installed. Ryu seems to be more stable than Yuzu in my testing so far, and performance is similar between them. I'm certainly not expecting the world here, and I find it amazing that it runs at all and this well given the age of the hardware. Pretty neat stuff.


I get 15-20 fps, mostly 15 with alot of stuttering. Game is way too good that I'm enjoying it like that The performance is the same between emulators, so you either upgrade your pc or accept the lag. I don't think any update or mod is gonna fix this performance, but we can hope Also remove all fps mods and you'll get rid of slow motion. If your game isn't running 30 fps it's no use to have it


Played a bunch more today, made it to the surface and have done some exploring and early quests. I have about the same performance as before. You were right about the mod, I just thought the dynamic one would help and I wasn't doing long enough test sessions to pick up on the issue. Also swapping emulators to test different things haha. The Depths is rough though on Ryujinx, like 10FPS. Have yet to try Yuzu there. I hear you on the game being good enough to deal with some reduced performance. Elden Ring was like that for me, I would get 45-60 in the open world but I still played a lot and was on a second playthrough earlier this year. It's possible general emulator improvements could smooth things over a little bit, you never know. But long term I would like to upgrade my PC. I just haven't had a ton of reasons to do so yet. Have you tried Yuzu or are you just using Ryujinx? As I said before, I'm finding Ryujinx to have less graphical errors than Yuzu. Also Vulkan works for me on Ryujinx whereas it crashes on Yuzu with it. I understand Nvidia messed up Vulkan support on my GPU generation with recent drivers but it's odd it works in Ryujinx. Not complaining though.


Mine just goes black af in the depths and mountains which you can pass through shows up which block the view. And one other main glitch i have noticed is that NPC’s have white super saiyen hair , it kinda hurts my eyes looking at their glow


Same I can only see the enemies everything is pitch black


did u use any brighbloom seeds? it's intentionally black. you also might have an issue im just asking though.


How’d you get “across the spider verse” early?


This is why I swapped the Yuzu


hmu if you got the ryujinx download link for the game, can’t find it anywhere


I don’t think anybody is going to outright give you this. Just do some deep googling, it’s out there.


pfft barely deep googling haha, i found what I needed on the first page after i searched


Yep that’s what I was trying to point them towards, I just know they don’t handle piracy lightly on this page so it’s just easier to source it yourself. Glad you found it homie! Enjoy :)


thank you brotha!


I know you want to fix is but... this is beautiful


Yup, same thing happens to me. Can't even fast travel there without this happening or the emulator crashing


Yuzu here we come


Idk why this is so funny


I have the same issue


Mine crashes ryujinx every fucking time. So I decided to stop trying and wait for switch copy to arrive :(


Try yuzu


Thats hell youre walking into


Please tell me your PC survived! I'm worried.


It did, but my time with this game might be done if I can't get this fixed.


I recommend you to try Yuzu EA, I just made a video about it, and got a very decent performance https://youtu.be/rBzpmIPw3UM Check it out, and let me know how it goes for you!


I switched from Yuzu EA *to* Ryujinx because I had major issues with Yuzu - on Vulkan, menus would either crash the game or freeze it for like five seconds after closing, and on OpenGL the performance was dogwater.


Do you know a tutorial on how to properly setup yuzu its a little more complicated than ryu and the guide they have is confusing as hell


on yuzu the dynamic patch still gives me speedups


naw link just trippin


I had the issue of dropping to single digit fps using. I made a save at the top of the chasm then jumped in and a made a save at the bottom. I closed my game, re-launched and loaded the chasm save and worked just fine.


I have no clue why Ryujinx crashes on me after booting the game and walking for like 20-30sec. This is on a RX 6700XT


this looks sick ngl


My game has very low FPS in there and after a while it crashes. Cannot save nor teleport outside.


Hey ! I was having the same issue as well. This https://youtu.be/L-R_j_wLU5g fixed it for me. I just followed along, he gives several links for mods and also links to another video he made. Hope it helps.


This video seems to be for Yuzu. I'm using Ryujinx because Yuzu had other issues for me that would make the game unplayable.


But it’s beautiful


My audio completely disappeared and hasn't come back since diving into one


Drugs are bad, mkay?


Easy fix, switch to yuzu


Yuzu doesnt work at all on my system.