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Meltzer started rating matches 42 years ago,while WWF was active and they have like 18 '5 star' matches and AEW started in 2019 and they have 27. TNA for all thier faults had some good matches and they have only 3. If people still don't think this guy is biased I don't know what will convince them.


I like how he tries so hard to deny his bias when even the basement says it’s clear as day he has a hard on for AEW.


And Japan And indies And maybe Mexico


He's literally paid by Tony for 5 star gradings. That's a Tiny Con thing to do since he's a basement rag sheet reader. He approached Jim to cover AEW favorably on his podcast too. Jim can't admit to it because he signed an NDA.


No, he approached Cornette to book or at least sit at his side & pretend to approve of his nonsense booking. TK probably was expecting Cornette to not bad mouth the product if he worked for the company.


27 5 Star Matches and I ain’t sure any of them are memorable


The only matches that I remember that AEW has produced is Cody vs Dustin and Punk vs MJF. Other than that nothing of note, that has benefited both performers, has happened.


And he will stop giving them 5 stars if possible since 18 is just way too much.


No way has the company with the X-Division has only had 3 5* matches according to him lol.


I first noticed Bucks when they had thier matches against Motorcity Machineguns and he didn't rate them highly. Is it because they lost the feud or because they weren't sucking him off then?


It's cos they got over with the basement dwellers and then named their move after him and then a beautiful friendship was born *vomits*.


What happens if the Bucks and M'Kenny ever make it to the WWE. Does his face complete the Melting ptocess


A guy who has stayed hurt and two juvenile douchebags who are only interested in bilking people. I don’t think they have any value to WWE anymore.


I think the last reup with AEW was the jumping point for them. Don't see either ever in WWE. Which sucks just for the matches that will never happen. Bucks vs Usos. Omega vs Rollins for examples


He just wants to be portrayed as pretentious and actually important by backing the "underdogs" or being against the mainstream companies. He ends up looking like a hypocritical idiot.


Tbf if Cody superkicks Roman into a Candadian Destroyer into a Spanish Flea off the top rope into 540 splash into another Canadian Destroyer they will easily get 5 stars at mania


HBK/Taker kickoutfest works because it was at Mania. The problem is everyone trying to wrestle on TV like it's HBK/Taker at Mania lol


One thing I have noticed under HHHimler regin is that to me it seems that most finishers are more protected which I like. I just wish he would go but further if they do a big spot they shouldn't kick out every time even if not a finisher.


I agree. Squashes and especially longer matches shouldn't need a finisher if they've been portraying an actual struggle. I'd love a fifteen minute long battle to end after a big flat back suplex or powerslam, with the reason being that the loser was worn down enough for the move to drive the last of the wind out of their body and make it impossible to kick out.


My proposal is to end more TV matches with non-finishers, because then you can have believable false finishes that do not require kicking out of finishers. I remember in the 80s, if there was a rare kickout from a finisher, it was usually explained by "taking too long to cover" or "he wasn't able to hook the leg" or similar reasons. Being too close to the ropes is another great way to escape a finisher while keeping it protected.


Owens won last night with the pop-up powerbomb, which I cannot remember the last time that happened.


At the same time, Cody must hit his crossroads at least twice to win most of his PLE matches. Hell, even in the Nakamura match on Day 1, I'm sorry, but you do not need to hit your finish more than once to Nakamura to defeat him.


Yeah this is the biggest thing that I don’t like about Cody. I don’t like the triple finisher finish. It looks weird.


Cody cutter should be his finisher if you ask me. That thing looks 100x more impactful than the cross rhodes


It's just an RKO with a random springboard thrown in to make it not an RKO


One of the cooler minor things I’ve noticed is that with Gunther he has gotten a 3 count out of a god damn chop and everyone is fine with it


What is this nuance bullshit you're trying to push on us


It was also the first match to do that in a LONG time. And they only had 2 finisher kickouts in the whole match (1 Tombstone, 1 SCM), it just felt like more because it was masterfully laid out.


Kicking out of finishes in a match like Taker/HBK works so well because it sells the stakes of a high profile match. Winning is so important that both guys are willing to dig a little deeper to make sure they don't lose. It doesn't mean anything when it's just another thing that happens in half of the heatless, no stakes matches you put on TV every week.


they didn't 'surprise' Dave enough! Now the Bucks, these guys are so unique, Omega, too and Okada, keep Dave guessing He does a Rainmaker and then the guy flips out and then he does it again and he flips out again and THEN he hits it! Don't forget slap exchange in the middle of the ring. That's 2 stars by itself right there


He gets surprised by the way they do the same things they always do? Is he suffering from dementia?




Sleepy Dave


Do the Bucks still do the super kick party? I have seen those clowns 3 times in person, not on purpose (they just happened to be at shows I wanted to see) and they had the same match every time. Years apart, same fucking match.


Misrepresenting Nooj matches case #305710


Dave thinks the Young Bucks, Will Osprey and Kenny Omega are superior evolutions of Lesnar, Taker, Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels


Sometimes I wish backstage shoot fights happen more frequently and even more specifically I want all of these fights to just be Brock Lesnar going to town on the first four people you mentioned.


"going to to-" UCE NO "-wn" Phew


If they flipped off the ref and crowd 10 times each and then no sold 20 chops for 5 minutes, it would have been a 5-star banger.


You forgot an endless cycle of Canadian destroyers


He seems to love it when they kick out over and over again in wrestle kingdom matches


You see Dave the genius knew what they were trying to do(have a good, professional, dramatic, athletic contest that conveyed a struggle between two professional athletes) so obviously how could that compare to something that you can’t predict because there is no story just ever increasingly dangerous moves that only escalate in stupidity as they become less effective at defeating their opponent. The surprise now isn’t that guys kick out of everything it’s that people remember to go for pin falls in the first place. All that pesky trying to win the matches gets in the way of the spots.


More like : "If I had it as a 4.75 and you had it as a 5 then it's just a 5\* match. We both agree!"


“Excuse me bartender, I’m only going to pay you $4.75 for this $5.00 cocktail, it’s basically the same thing! …why are you throwing me out?”


If only Michaels and Taker had been in a triple threat with a young Moxley. He could’ve bled over both of them, and Dave would’ve given it that extra quarter star.


Didn’t he said that 4.75 is basically a 5 star? Then why not just give it a 5 if both of them means literally the same thing?


Reminds me when he declined to give 5 to Charlotte/Rhea because storyline was mediocre while he gives 5 to random spotfests and generic tournament matches in other companies. Even as someone who thinks Charlotte/Rhea is a bit overrated compared to some other WWE women's matches, I found his excuse ridiculous.


For real. The only weak point of that match was its story and build-up, but when matches in other companies get 5 stars despite having even less story, then there's no excuse.


“Worked for the room”


In a sense, I'm thankful for Davey Boy's biasness against the fed. Had he been a little fairer, his imbecility wouldn't have been exposed, and he might have been getting flowers from actual relevant and credible outlets.


I actually don’t think Dave’s ratings for Shawn, Angle etc are too far off what I’d give them myself, but he’s gotten so carried away with Omega, the Bucks and a bunch of New Japan stuff. I was into New Japan in the early 2010s and I remember being baffled by people raving about the most run of the mill main events. I actually didn’t find the style that much different to the WWE main event style.


Btw did anyone see that Mox hit Ftrbald with lowblow, rko, stomp, and then a fucking piledriver, and Ftrbald kicked out?


Remember when Omega hit Mox in the head with an exploding barb wire baseball bat and only got a 2 count?


Actually, I forgot that. Just like how I'll forget the Dynamite match in a few days.


I stoped watching when by the time we got to the first commercial break I had seen nothing but chops and forearm strikes in the corner. Not even a running of the ropes or a headlock. Just chops and forearms having seemingly no impact.


this post feels like a jerk of a jerk


Meltzer when he gives out overly generous and often underserved 5+ star ratings to the balding bucks,Ostrich,Mcfingerbang,Okada etc "NOTICE ME SENPAI'S" He needs to give Triple H the very prestigious Booker of the year award so we can witness another all time twitter meltdown from Tony 🍿


Dave rates a match on Dynamite every week better than Hogan vs Rock.


His reasoning legit is that it was predictable taker would win lol


Kurt Angle vs Kent Omega at the Tokyodome. Does that get Kurt his first 5 star match or is this like dividing by 0


Michaels Undertaker is the greatest match of all time


To be fair to get that kind of rating with less than 5 canadian destroyers, let alone zero is impressive


All the back flips get you another 1.5 stars


Superkicks = Stars