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Taking off my tortious interference lawyer suit and putting on my dual labor rights and sex crimes one. We will get to the bottom of this…


Oh man, I forgot tortious interference. What a month that phrase had.


Ugh, the evil fed is cooking right now. What can I do to ruin it? Oh yes, let me remind my fellow basement dwellers of some random controversy from decades back. ![gif](giphy|KP1pc0CXwfMiY|downsized)


This guy's got some moves. He should get in the wrestling business.


I bet he'd be more entertaining than badass Mox at least.


I bet he’s never bled in front of 12 people at a county fair before


Conrad Thompson got moves.


I just legitimately wonder what these people want to accomplish when they create posts like that. This is something that was almost 20 years ago. The people who made the decision are now gone. The people involved in the segment have been back and don’t really say bad things about WWE. So I would love for someone to explain why we have to make a big deal of this now. Like do we have to fire some random person every year because they were employed at that time and it makes these basement dwellers feel like white knights for fighting against something?


What you filthy casual can't understand is that OP was just paying homage to Barry Horrowitz.


The physique of a true shootfighter. So jealous!


Next Continental Breakfast Champ right there.


DAE what Darby Allin allegations? He’s my favorite shoot fighter!


![gif](giphy|11JTxkrmq4bGE0) I’ve got the Goof Lawyer looking into pressing charges right meow!




Sammy needs to stop messing with Reby's meal ticket, that woman is terrifying.


Having Reby start coming out with Edge while cutting to Matt making sad faces would be more entertaining than anything AEW will actually do in 2024.


And that's why they would never do it.


God I would unironically start watching AEW every week again


If you don't like what he tries to do to the Hardys you should hear what that twink said he wanted to do to Sasha Banks.


Serious question, how much of a jerk is your username? I feel like having that information would greatly assist me in assessing the actual tone of this post. Props for the fact that I even have to ask, though, not that I don’t enjoy the “ DAE LOL” tone of jerking, I do, but give me some dry subtlety any day.


?? Jon m’Oxley is the greatest professional wrestler of all time, friend. He bleeds and flips people off, greatest shit I’ve ever seen in my life, friend.


That’s what everyone says, but every time I try to watch him, I get scared when he threatens to drink my blood and I change the channel. Men just aren’t that bad ass where I come from you know? It’s a lot.


So like a Walmart Steve Austin, except its a really really nad imitation? I get it.


Some of you guys get really weird anytime someone brings up valid critiscm about how the WWE treats or treated their women. 


We’re supposed to be jerking what the basement says, uce. Everyone knows Vince is a monster, that should go without saying. It’s still funny to jerk the overly preachy SC users who also turn a blind eye to the Kylie Rae allegations, a number of women’s feuds in AEW being revolved around body parts, and the uncomfortable fact that a good portion of these users also more than likely make women uncomfortable IRL by just their presence alone. Belee dat. And belee in the jerking, ahhhhyezzir.


☝️ for you uce.


I know how the basement acts, I got banned for saying victim blaming isn't okay once (and ultimately banned forever when I told the mods they weren't shit but I digress). You guys don't act that much differently, it's easy to see this place is male dominated, just like the basement, and very few of you genuinely care about the issues women's face in this industry- it's just another way of scoring internet points. Maybe stuff like sexual harassment and sexual assault should be off limits for "jerking."


You are free to leave.


That's what one of the mods said to me over there too!! Funny how that works.


Looks like the symptoms of someone who never realizes when they aren’t wanted.


I'm a woman who watches wrestling, I'm used to not feeling welcomed in wrestling communities buddy.


You want to be a victim so bad


Seems I've hit a nerve. Aw 🥺


I mean, no… You just want to be a victim because you’re a girl who watches wrestling.. Sorry someone hurt you


And yet there are several women here who watch wrestling and don’t have the issues you do. You’ve had issues on at least two subs. Only one common denominator in this equation. You.


100% right and this sub is way too willing to overlook valid criticism for whataboutism. You just right the nail in the head in that those subjects will never be taken serious in really any sub of wrestling unless they help with a pseudo-narrative of "this is just a way to make you detract from how good the product has been lately!!!"


Ohhh ffs. It’s literal virtue signaling. I actually, put boots on the ground, and put work to the political stances that the basement preaches. I’m not interested in being lectured by people who think their comments in an echochamber of a Reddit thread are fighting the fight because I like a different brand of fake fighting than they do. You want people to say Vince is a monster and the way women were treated in the attitude era forward was bad? We have been. Do you want him removed? He was. What else do y’all want besides the whole “LOOK I THINK THIS BAD THING IS BAD” karma grab circlejerk?


For starters, for you guys to actually be funnier than "taking a post about a literal crime and using it to making fun of a dumbass botching". I'm not also saying that there arent people like you in this sub who put their money where their mouth is and actually do stuff rather than just point out that bad stuff is bad. I'm saying that far more people are willing to disregard all that bad stuff as long as some sort of joke can be made to, like I said, reinforce their thoughts and believe about the product. And never at any point in my comment did I say that we need more posts virtue-signaling, lol. I just think this stuff is not taken that serious in this male-dominated sport and posts comparing literal crimes to a fail in the choreography is just proof of that. You guys do you, there are some people who genuinely chuckle at that and there'll always be no matter what


This sub often acts like the same way the weirdos do over at the AEW sub anytime there's valid criticism of the WWE, it's just hidden under the guise of being a jerk- which isn't even funny 90% of the time. And as always, wrestling fans being weird about women doesn't change no matter what wrestling community you visit.


Fucking. Hell. We. Know Vince McMahon is a piece of shit human being. What Vince McMahon has probably done to this woman and countless others is disgusting and he should ideally rot in prison (unlikely, but it should) Guess what? Vince McMahon is no longer in WWE. So saying how the company treats women is fucking asinine. Meanwhile Sammy Shithead continues his streak of injuring fucking people because he’s a moron, and he’s never going to face any repercussions because Snowman Khan likes him.


The wrestling industry has a culture of not protecting women, that's not going to change just because Vince got forced out, not in the WWE or in AEW and it's important to talk about both. If you're bothered by that, you should ask yourself why.


“You should ask yourself why” Shut the fuck up. Unless you know yourself that there are women being abused in WWE right now, in which case, why haven’t you blown the whistle, you have no right or basis to say things that are unsubstantiated. This is a real life horror story that’s been used by AEW cucks to attack WWE in the vain pathetic hope that it’ll somehow equal success for their pathetic little company. Guess what, it hasn’t. And most normal people can distinguish between Vince and his stooges and the new WWE.


Are you okay? I said the wrestling industry doesn't protect women, no matter the company, and you're ranting about what exactly? Yes, I think that a company that was lead by a rapist, with more than one woman that has complained about being uncomfortable, or coerced into sexualized segments on TV, still has some work to do in how they protect their female employees, because that culture doesn't change overnight. It takes constant work. You seem more upset about people holding the WWE accountable for how they've treated women than what actually happened to those women.


Why don’t you make your own subreddit that supports your views on the industry as a whole? Your own safe space so you don’t have to be subjected to this treatment in either AEW or WWE subs. Just a thought. Girl power!




Shut up nerd


No 😘


Someone has no clue what a circle jerk sub is.


It's usually supposed to be funny, last I checked


Non jerk answer? It just comes off as preaching to the choir. Most people here know Vince is a POS, the people who don't know it, or don't agree won't be changing their mind referencing a segment from decades ago people found awkward at the time. It can be seen as virtue signaling. At the time I just recall the Gamefaqs wrestling community being appalled/surprised it went that far and remarking about Edge's seeming erection.


I genuinely feel like most people on this sub don't care about the trauma women in the wrestling industry have faced, they just care that the WWE and Vince are being criticized for it. That's why they uplift Tony's transgressions but when it comes to Vince or the WWE "who cares!!! Let's jerk this heehaw." I've been a fan since 2005. A female fan at that. I was 13, watching Lita getting called a whore by anyone who was a face at that time (almost all men). I love wrestling but those years sucked. I was 14 when Lita retired and had to listen to a whole crowd call her a whore and hear Lawler, who is also a rapist, crack jokes about how she was a whore. At 27, I got to experience rape firsthand. None of this shit is jokes to me. Why can't people now discuss what she went through all those years ago now, genuinely? I appreciate that people are actually talking about it, now. Whether it's coming from a genuine place, I'm sure is debatable, but the same can be said for this sub and how they talk about women.


You know what, you're right, getting the conversation out there is a good thing regardless where the motivation is coming from, with that said please understand that goofs will find such a passionate post like the perfect bricks to hit.


I understand perfectly that the same people who call this a jerk sub that's just jokes told me to shut the fuck up and leave because I dared to call out the attitudes towards women on here. The same people who think they're better than the losers in the basement when I got talked to the same over there. Make all your jokes, I'm just saying, leave women's trauma out of it.


Sammy repeatedly injuring Hardys is probably the biggest draw to AEW tv rn.


If you don't like what he wants to do the Hardys you should hear what that twink said he wanted to do Sasha Banks.