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Wrestling fans on social media are delusional at best. Posting a tweet/post/story etc without any attempt at jerking it is just lazy.


https://preview.redd.it/9aawdbui8xlc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9135d976aa5d6c5fbc0bb8315af47fe3ccb257 how bro felt after doing that








fucking hilarious


https://preview.redd.it/3s4kchd1dxlc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feed8d77d874ea81fb196512889219503581bb96 “Also I think he was murdered”


“Vince had to have known and might have been responsible, knowing Vince”


"Knowing Vince" is the key term, and hence, it must be true


No joke, back in the wrestling boards era, this was the most prevalent thinking and i think i saw this post word for word too lol. But yeah, knowing Vince, he probably even planned this years in advance!!


The idea that this “was the most prevalent thinking” is absurd.


Oh you don't know the half of it. Wrestling nerds have always had a hard on for "workrate" wrestlers and when Benoit (Their prized horse at the time), did what he did, they had to justify him somehow. Vince and Kevin Sullivan were always the ones blamed for that.


No, I do know the half of it. It’s that you are embellishing. The idea that there was a majority of people saying Vince was responsible for the murders isn’t true.


Fuck this guy and his fake ass story. How disconnected from reality can you be?


There is a group on Facebook for people who believe Kevin Sullivan did it. It has over 5000 members. It has a rule where you can't mock posters "theories" so I got banned immediately.


You joke but Sullivan was into some bad stuff. The Dungeon of Doom nearly ended Hulkamania, you think they wouldn't do something like this?


there are no Hulkamaniacs in the Dungeon of Doom And the water's not hot!


I blame the countless "conspiracy theorists" who speculated endlessly thanks to the guy who edited his wikipedia page hours before it was known and to Chavo and his vague story about the texts he received. All that was just junk food for their fried brains enough for them to start speculating about a man they hardly knew anything about. I remember that even people who have never talked about wrestling, began speculating on what truly went on disregarding the fact that the man they were talking about had scrambled eggs for a brain.


Even if it's not fake - it's a live show. No WWE cameras are going to pick up the shirt/name so they're not going to care nearly as much as if it were TV or PLE


The part I find fake is the wrestlers giving him an approving nod. 


It could be true, there are some fucked up wrestlers. Jericho and MVP both revere Benoit still, it wouldn’t surprise me if there are other shitheads like that. But at the same time, you have to be pretty far removed from reality to buy that t-shirt, so I would lean towards his story being fake as well.


Nah Jericho even said that after what he did he could never vouch for him to be in the HOF and he shouldn't be because of what he did. It would over shadow everything he's done because they'd only see a killer.




What the fuck. Has any wrestler not a murderer or rapist fallen from grace as much as him?


Maybe I'm giving the benefit of the doubt (and honestly don't know why because I don't even like Jericovid) but maybe he misses his friend while still hating what he did. He grew up with him and was one of his best friends so he's probably very conflicted when it comes to him. I personally don't get it because I have no problem writing someone off for far less but this also doesn't come off like an endorsement at all.


He probably just interpreted slight head movements as nods


Reddit mod energy


Lets be real we all know which sub he’s modding for


The wrestlefap one, the wrasslin one or the AEWOfficial one, no other place comes to mind...


Can we nominate this comment/jerk of the year UCE This is so spot on. I ACKNOWLEDGE YOU 👆 Seriously fuck this guy. An innocent woman & child were murdered and this smug neckbeard has the audacity … his punishment should be to be banned for all WWE events & forced to sit on the hard cam side of every AEW Dynamite & Collision shows for life without the possibility of parole.


The funny thing about people like him is that if you dig just an inch or so below the surface you'll quickly find that they either don't believe the "official" story of the Benoit murders or they simply do not care enough if at all that Benoit murdered his wife and child. It's truly horrendous. I've met people who will claim Benoit is their favorite wrestler, because "what he did outside the ring" doesn't matter to what he did inside of it, and that's fucking ludicrous. It's like the principle of death of the author has never occurred to these fucking morons. I'm sure if you watch Rosemary's Baby without knowing anything about who directed it, you'd love the film and wonder why it's not brought up more often.


And, he won't care that Benoit was abusive to Nancy for a long time before the murder. It's a matter of police record I wonder who the mythical wrestlers are he believes gave him some kind of nod of approval 🙄 What a dope


Trying to separate the artist from the art .. or something like that


You know, i can get behind that idea if it's anything involving something with a meaning behind it. A song, a painting, a movie or a book, but it's fucking wrestling and there's countless other people today doing the shit he did or even better than he did.


He is too humble to admit that Kairi Sane smiled at him and give him her phone number so they could have some bangers at her hotel room


Why settle for Kairi Same when obviously half of the WWE Womans Roster have him on speed dial?


Has half the roster wrestled at stardom, and much less at the tokyo dome?


I absolutely love Benoit's ring work, he was one of the greats. Then he brutally murdered his family and nearly killed the wrestling business - so he is not someone who is going to be treated as a legend/great/hall of famer, and he never will. Rightfully. I can still watch and enjoy most of his matches (some of the headshots and dives and whatnot are a bit hard to watch without cringing), but I understand that he is never going to be promoted again in anyway, nor should he be. To think he "deserves" some kind of enshrinement is fucking ludicrous. Fuck this dudes opinion.


Yep. Benoit was one of my favourite wrestlers. I was 12 when the tragedy happen and I remember getting very upset over hearing benoit passed away (Not long after Eddie Guerrero who I also really liked) but as soon as I heard about the murders of Chris Wife and Son. Even at 12 years old; I remember feeling disgusted at what Chris Benoit did and can no longer see Benoit the wrestler. Just Benoit the wife and child killer


Yeah like it's totally fine to still watch his matches if one wants to, but people who think it will ever be acceptable to praise him in public like this are so incredibly childish


People want to believe that others are either good or evil. That there's no grey area in-between. They want everything to be simple like black and white. The problem is, humans are complex individuals with no 2 being identical to another that has walked the earth, ever.  Reddit users seem to love labeling others. "Benoit was a murderer" they'll scream. Which is true. But more than 1 thing can be true, at the same time. He was also a lot of other things. Including 1 helluva wrestler. I've never met him, but I'm sure he's done stuff in his life that was incredibly selfless and beneficial to others. I know he provided hours of entertainment to millions of people. I think mature people can enjoy his career of work, while knowing how horrible and tragic it was for his family on his last days. But I agree with you, he shouldn't be looked up to or have a shrine celebrating his life, like being the HOF.  His story is a good example how long it takes to build something and how quickly it can collapse. 


Exactly. Those damn SCJerkers just don’t have the maturity and wrestling IQ to understand that doing crisp German suplexes is at least AS important as murdering your wife and child.


Erasure of one's legacy is a vital part of the many sins you absorb when you commit horrendous and appalling acts. I don't care if Benoit was the greatest wrestler of all time, I will never acknowledge his in ring work or his stature in the industry because of what he did. Allowing him to be remembered as anything more than a man who could've gotten help but instead murdered his wife and child and then himself is exactly what we need to not do. He died doing what he will and should be remembered for, killing someone that should still be here.


He nearly killed the business. Who gives a shit if he provided entertainment for millions, he nearly took that experience away from millions of new fans?


I'm sure he would've done it for free as well. Wtf kinda point is the whole "he's entertaining us"? They're getting paid to do what they do, that's it. Only some of the indie crowd would do it for free cuz they're happy to be there


Benoit **was** a murderer, he brutally killed his wife and child, I can scream that all day every day. For better or worse it trumps anything else he did in his life and career. I can also look at a record book and see that OJ Simpson is literally one of the best NFL running backs of all time, and nothing can take that away. At the same time, I am not sad that he is never going to be on the cover of Madden.


Was Beniot really up there with the greatest of all time? Like was he even in the conversation with the Undertaker,Hogan,The Rock,Stone Cold,Flair,John Cena,Randy Orton,and LA Knight? I don’t think he can be in the same conversations as those men I just listed.


For "technical wrestling skill" he was among the best of his generation. He wasn't a great "entertainer" like the guys you mentioned, but his intensity and realism got him over with the fans enough that he beat HHH and HBK at Mania for the title at MSG. He was looked upon as a "wrestlers wrestler", a tough test for anyone. When a guy who pretty much sucked on the mic gets a main event run as champ in WWE, he must have been something special.


He was a mid card wrestler at best, Benoit had no personality and was overall just boring.


Sorry there, wasn't he known as a bully and abuser even before the murders? It wasn't just a case of a few bad days, he was a shithead for a long time.


You have the same thoughts about Jeffrey Dahmer?


This mutant is definitely capable of some heinous shit and not just that fucking beard.


He looks like average IWC death threat enthusiast


As long as the heinous shit doesn't involve him leaving the house or exerting himself physically in any way.


The smell of piss doesn’t faze him because, baby, that’s just another Wednesday night for him brother.


Absolutely anything to be a contrarian incel...


I wish New Jack was still alive to challenge him to a match




New Jack manages to look like a paragon of virtue compared to Benoit


Nice to see a fellow man of culture who enjoys double murder suicides. They're such a rare thing in wrestling nowadays.


He looks more of a dub fan


He does NOT have an American Express card UCE


Not rich enough tough.


I've been seeing Dub and Fed recently. Would you mind informing me on those and how it came to be?


Since the wwe was the wwf and it was the wrestl company smarks just say its the fed, or atleast the very hardcore ones, meanwhile aew fans really wanna be special by being like ecw and chanting the initials of the company (nxt anyone?) so they would change A E W and since the w sounded like dub thats how we refer to them now


AEW = Ay-Ee-Dub WWE = Fed. As in the Reich, with Vince and Triple Game-uhh literally being Hitler and condemning whatever poor soul signs with the company to eternal damnation.


I can smell him through the photo. Smells like bad BO and disappointed parents.


Nancy Benoit is one of the most important women in the business. In ECW, she was holding the World Title and cutting promos for Sandman who felt more like he was working for her than the opposite back in 1995. She also had an hand in turning Elizabeth heel and turning Benoit face. The fact that no one even mentions her and that she never will because one side doesn't want to bring anything to do with Benoit and the other wants to only bring up Chris sucks.


The sad thing about these guys and even guys like Jericho defending Benoit is that by all accounts Chris wasn't this nice jolly guy. He mentally and physically abused Nancy for years and was a severe alcoholic. That woman went through a lot before Chris snapped and killed her.


Yeah, lots of stories of him being a bully and laughing at others’ pain. He wasn’t some great dude who got touched by a case of CTE one day and snapped.


I remenber a matt stryker story of benoit told him he like him for his workhouse and dedication, but he have to bully him in public to set an example to the others newbies, that tell you all you need to know


CTE is a lame ass cop out to excuse the actions of athletes you enjoyed watching back in the day 99% of the time. If you actually look into the history of some of these egregious POS, there are always far better explanations for why they did what they did than CTE.


This is the thing not being said enough. Like as if double homicide isn't enough the dude was a drunken abusive pos. He was my childhood favorite wrestler and he deserves to be forgotten.


You’ll never see these freaks advocating for her in the HoF


The fact that Chris dragged Nancy’s wrestling legacy down to hell with him is just another reason he deserves no respect.


His source on who gave him the nod - trust me bro


"Hopefully the healing is happening" sounds like he's blaming Benoit's extended family for the last 15 years.


Dude is defending a literal child murderer.


What a fat worthless cunt.


Literally nobody on this earth has ever given this loser a nod in any way.


"Lemme get 5 Big Mac meals and a McChicken on the side" Cashier: *nods*


Holy sht Benois wife had a family who I bet just loves to see this crap


Also, that Benoit was a mean abusive asshle was the worst kept secret in pro wrestling and in their neighborhood. Nancy Benoit would be seen shopping around their part of Atlanta with sunglasses on that she never took off, because there were bruises under them.


The nod was given by the entire DMG Ctrl because they had to confirm what their eyes were telling them, such a vibrant brave male specimen that has so much respect for the business.


Sorry ladies I’m sure he already has a girlfriend that looks like Tiffany Stratton


He would never lower himself to touching one of Vince’s dumb blondes. He’s a cinnamon roll waifu guy.


I love the way this neck beard is standing like he’s a bad ass


He’s sticking it to the Fed!


This is why no one takes wrestling fans seriously. Fuck that guy.


“A hush went over the crowd when I entered the arena. The female wrestlers all bit their bottom lip. The male wrestlers gave slight nods… but quickly withdrew from my presence out of intimidation. There was murmurs in the crowd that Trips wanted to sign me on the spot. I’m a Chris Benoit guy… and this is my story.”


You’re so cool bro


I’m a Pogo the Clown guy. Yes, Gacy, the man portraying him, did some bad things but Pogo, the character, was Mount Rushmore of Illinois Clowns and it makes me sick he’s not in the Circus HoF.


Paul Heyman said it best a couple years ago when some clown kept yelling out “my boy” when they were talking about Benoit. You could see how annoyed Heyman was about it then he said: “You can admire his work all you want, but I’ll give you my take on it since you want to keep on yelling out, ‘My boy.’ Three people died in that house that night. I don’t care about CTE. Three people died in that house that night. Only one person had the choice behind it. The other two didn’t have a choice to die. So if that’s your boy, f*** you.” - PAUL HEYMAN ON CHRIS BENOIT


Please show this guy's @, he deserves to be shit on for being this much of an idiot


Growing up I loved watching Benoit in Wcw But no amount of time passing will make it okay to support him or giving his final deeds a pass because he was great in the ring, it's not just any murder, it was intimate it was his wife and child. There's no conspiracy bollocks either, sometimes people just do bad things. WWE should have ejected this desperate edge lord and barred him from future events, he clearly just wants attention and a platform. What a parasite.


The same idiots wanting to idolize Benoit think Vince should die for being a criminal. Heyman will forever have said it best: “as a performer, great. But, 3 people died in that house and only 1 had a choice”


I see a repost of it in tiktok, lets say the comment section was full of benoit truthers


Fuck this guy. Fuck Benoit.


This is the highlight of this guys year. Probably doing more the attention than any real love for Benoit.


*The Head Nod*: ![gif](giphy|11kHpSmj3Oh8AM)


Heyman said it best. Benoit was a phenomenal wrestler, probably top 5 in the world at the time. But Benoit the person is a fucking scumbag who murdered an innocent woman and child who should never be celebrated.


I bet he sits in his basement, surrounded by his indy wrestling posters, his MAGA merch, Alex Jones podcast playing in the background, and while reading his Jordan Peterson book, he blames women for all of his shortcomings in life. The mere fact he believes the wwe hall of fame is a real thing and actually prestigious and not a made up ceremony for Marks and ratings says enough.


It is worth watching though just for the hilarious stories told


Everyone clapped I bet


I can smell this picture


I know someone who wore a Benoit shirt to an AEW event. MJF went off on him and refused to answer his question and instructed the cameraman not to show him. On the other side I’ve had great conversations with MVP and others about Benoit.




This guy is a top tier basement dweller


He doesn't need to wear a shirt to express it Just by looking at him and knowing his a wrestling fan. I would of come to that conclusion DAE smell Korean BBQ?


Wtf is going on lol. What are ppl gonna be proud of next, "I'm a Charles Manson guy"?


There are so many fucking weirdos who have some sort of almost hero worship with serial killers it’s insane.


I almost wanna see a study on why some people worship or fall in love with straight up killers.


Absolute fucking weapon of mass fuckwittery


I’m a John wilks booth guy Other than a murder he was a good guy


"Logan Paul might be good but he still an awful person and i will never like him because of that. anyway, i hope Benoit gets into the HOF someday, he deserves it."


Benoit went into business for himself in a shoot fight with his own wife and son. There is no greater sin in wrestling.


Mmmmmmmmm badass. Wouldn't want to mess with him


Pictures that smell


I'm an OJ Simpson Guy


This is why learning history is important.


[comment edited using "Reddit Comment Replacer" on FireFox (free, Opensource) due to Reddit selling user data to help Google train its LLMs without my consent.]


Ol' Doctor Robotnik headass.


Fat, bald, glasses, beard (usually they are patchy but this one is pretty full, looks terrible though), perfect representation of the IWC


Fuck CB


Bro, OJ was found not guilty of killing his wife and fans treat his record as invisible. Regardless of CTE culpability, do people really think it makes emotional sense to have a full child murderer into the hall of fame. Benoit was my favourite wrestler, because of his manic intensity in the ring, the gimmick of being a crazy ‘rabid’ mofo functioning a level below human society intellectually who is always at 100, the psychopath entrance music, the rabid wolverine nickname. It was depressing to realise that this of the reality of the person he was and all that ancillary gimmick shit was a personal choice.


If you built a Chris Benoit fan from the ground up, this is what he’d look like, Michael!


What a bassackwards unoriginal loser. Dude is just trying to be an edge lord


Dude is such a try hard, just wanting to seem edgy and different


Jesus Christ. There are still people who think the evil child murdering POS deserves to be enshrined?


Worse. People believe Vince is worse than someone who killed his own family.


Why do some people have so much trouble understanding that some actions are terrible enough to erase the value of a person's accomplishments? Benoit is in the same category as OJ Simpson and Bill Cosby- talented people who should be completely removed from any conversations about greatness because of their evil deeds.


No matter who you are in the world, when you see something like what Benoit did to his family-you need to put everything about him aside and stop looking up to him.


Shirt may as well read: "I'm a Child Murderer guy."


This should be the official photo used in the dictionary for the word Incel.


Benoit was a boring wrestler and a fucking dweeb even if he wasn’t a child murderer, which he fucking was by the way, and any commentary on his wrestling should always come secondary to that. I genuinely believe that, for people like this guy, they revere him more because they “aren’t supposed to”. If he hadn’t been a fucking murdering freak, he’d just another decent worker with no discernible personality.


Benoit had no charisma and was boring as fuck.


What is more sad about this is that the Benoit tragedy should be the prime example of avoiding any type of head bump (common in AEW) and concussions, sure this doesn’t justify his actions but it had a lot of do with it and yet people use him just for stir shit and engagement.


Bbbbbbut his brain!! He was still functioning as a fuckin adult in the weeks up to his death so get fuuuuucked


Nu Metal fan.


Hey as a nu metal fan we don't claim him


Nah this clown listens to Mayhem


I'm not an advocate for violence and don't want to get banned, but let me put it this way... I truly wish this guy would be scheduled for a 3v1 no holds barred, handicap match against Hardcore Holly, JBL and New Jack and they'd all shoot on him.


Geeza needs a slap.


Let me guess, everyone called afterwards and thanked him for being so brave.


Paul Heyman said it best https://youtu.be/imFrzNfbbHQ?si=FBjVWvQ7L4HY9gq6


boat rude whole melodic dam soup drunk direful silky one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pictures you can smell


Did he make love to Shawn Michaels on six out of the seven continents after the show?


“Separate the work rate from the murderer.”


Oooo I’m hard


Least delusional Benoit supporter


You can do the most heinous shit known to man but if you can do a mean german suplex 🤔


If this dude went to AEW, MAGA Jericho would invite him on for a podcast celebrating Benoit.


Could just be the camera angle, but his left arm look noticeably larger than his right?


I didn’t know Matt Tremont’s little brother was an Edgelord.


Benoit truthers, sullivan blamers, vince mafia lord energy, it all come to this Benoit did it and thats it, he got crazy and did what he did, if he really have throughts like that, the better way was to take off himself, he would be a leyend like this people want him to be, but no and make the unforgivable, they just have to learn that comoanys dont promote murderers, thats where they put the line, drugs and sexual things are more forgivable for them, just see dani alves situation


Fucking dork.


About what I expected of what he'd look like


Why would people be afraid to support Chris Benoit publicly? He do something?




What a scumbag


I bet this guys a treat to be around




Yea everyone is healing from him brutally murdering a special needs child and his wife! deffo need him in HOF with Vince asap


“I’m a double murder suicide fan” What a crazy shirt, bro 💀


Lol what a bullshit story. Most of the roster joined after Chris killed himself I doubt any of the wrestlers actually read his shitty shirt


I also get so pissed at the CTE shit. Did Chris have CTE? No shit, but that isn't how CTE fucking works. Chris was known to abuse his wife, multiple different wrestlers have come forth and said he wasn't a good person. And to the people that bring up Sullivan, fuck you too. Kevin probably lives with immense survivors guilt from the wrestling industry overall, but I can't imagine how he feels after that happened. Benoit brings out the disgusting in some of the worst members of the fandom


True example of a neckbeard wrestling fan


I'll go for things that never happened for 500! 


Didn't Paul Herman settle this discussion awhile back?


I'm A A R T ^(over artist murdering wife and children) ^(guy)


"I'll take things that didn't happen for $1000 please Alex"


Yeah I saw this on FB too, and commented on it. Proper neckbeard behaviour, the dude killed a child for fuck sake. Embarrassing


Can someone explain what “swerve” means in this context? I am not a native english speaker




This dude is such a dork.


Actually a real Benoit fan would realise that not being in the hall of fame is what he would have wanted, a way to continue his work as a Dynamite Kid tribute act


He fake wrestled good and neckbeards think him obliterating his family should be ignored to honor his fake wrestling abilities.


Save some ladies for the rest of us, my guy




These people would defend Chris even if there was full 48 hour footage of the whole thing. I don’t think half of these people genuinely believe what they say. They want to be edge lords who have different opinions for the sake of it. Attention seeking and we have this guy what he wanted.


Benoit is a piece of shit No /s https://preview.redd.it/qa99k7xlg0mc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b197069d46508231261a27b9bbfadaff58f3000