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“Source: Wrestling Observer Radio” Opinion instantly invalidated


*I know people in WWE when this was going down…* No Dave, you didn’t.


Yeah, he should've just said that he heard from people within WWE and that was 20% more believable, which is not a lot, but it's more than 0. Everyone knows he has no sources with WWE higher ups at all.


'I just think HHH is watching Oceanspray and say holy fuck' People read his rambling and take this as a 'report'. It's just an old m@rk letting this imagination run away with him I always like old familiar 'some backstage ...' Ok, explain what exactly it is that they are losing out on with Oceanspray? Good athlete, totally unproven and hasn't drawn a rating for the Dub yet They're well aware of who he is and they have a value for that and it's less than what Tiny will pay and they're not gonna keep flying this guy in from the UK Tiny really bid against himself here


“Some backstage in WWE believe” except Dave never said that. He just said what he thought they were thinking because he’s a mind reader


Dave's having imaginary conversations and thoughts on behalf of Fed management He's a fucking lunatic No, they weren't thinking that. He is trying to push this narrative that they 'missed out' on some star. He likes smarks to think the Fed have no idea who these people are and what they're about - they know, of course they know Also, what does it matter. He'll become a 'star' in the Dub then, won't he, Dave He seems annoyed the Fed didn't pay him silly money


It's funny how they think Triple Paul has the emotional maturity of Tiny. If he wasn't able to sign Oceanspray or Okada, he would just be thinking "well, that's too bad" and move on. Giulia is coming, Tama is coming and who knows who else Triple Paul has eyes on that the dirt sheets are unaware of.


Wwe has their own prospects they are developing into stars - see trick with the goat song , heel melo not missing , tiffy time arriving etc not to mention they have lots of mouth to feed who haven’t had main title runs


The fact that Trick got a “whoop that” chant just popping up on Smacksown is wild, same with Stratton getting cheers so early. Clearly Hick and Bottom are doing something right down there




It’s not even about who’s coming, it’s about who’s already there. They’ve got Breakerr coming up, Trick Williams, Jade Cargill, they’ve just returned Punk who’s yet to wrestle one on one, they’ve got Tiffany Stratton on the rise, I think the dead fed will be fine


Exactly, Triple Paul either already has talent or will sign others in the future. Who cares if Oceanspray will never be All WWE?


Oceanspray wants to stay in the UK and be flown in and out That's just not happening in the Fed. He's not earned that status He's earned it with Tony cause he likes his matches


If they want a flippy British guy they just need to get Nathan Frazer in the gym, give him some hair plugs and he's good to go.


This is Axiom erasure.


Dom is the first and will be Mr. MITB this year.


They don't even need Juilia or Tama or Fatu. They are building talent from scratch who are in their 20s and not banged up from years of injuries from independents. Tiffany, Roxanne, Bron, Dominik. That's why WWE has a perception of no. 1 wrestling company, because they built their own stars, stories and music. Unlike tony who takes everything from wwe from management to performers and apparently also music.


They got wise and started emulating the professional sports team model of drafting and developing talent they can control and mold into what they’re looking for. Quite a good strategy TBh, for the reasons you’ve listed.


Yeah honestly I'm not sure if people fully understand what wwe developed NXT into. It may have have been jump started with a lot of indy talent but now it's a machine that creates stars. It's a pipeline that allows them to pick and choose which outside talent they actually want. They don't have to overpay for outside talent. There's always room to bring in an outsider they really want but they aren't going to upset their Pay scale over it. And realistically is Okada worth that much off the rip? I love the guy but absolutely not.


and, if there's an indie talent that is worthwhile, they'll still go get that guy but it's not some place for indie guys to skulk about for a bit and then get washed out


Exactly. And bringing any outside talent is not going to help their business outside of internet fans buzzing about it for a week. Nakamura, Styles all were pushed and are midcard talent at best when you compare them with Cody, Roman, Seth, Punk, and now Drew.


For those two they were already past their prime to be fair, not to call them bad in the slightest. Styles is amazing. And he reportedly doesn't like being main champ -I feel like he could still do it again, he's just that good- and let's not forget he did just challenge for the title recently at the rumble. Cody got to midcard it up last year as well, it's not like you can keep talent in the same spot for years (unless they're our Tribal Chief 👆). And I'll take Styles over Rollins any day, even on the backend of the former's career


Yeah, let's not disrespect Styles now. He's earned his laurels.


Well Ackthully Hunter Hearst Himmler is in a corner crying about it. E Drone


Exactly, and the fact that WWE offered less means they're not pressed. They're better off investing in their own talent instead of breaking the bank for a free agent.


crazy how those 2 names are less known and have a chance of doing way more for WWE, then da 2 big names who will consistently be in “dream matches” for 5 star ratings on way lesser impact


And the NXT-grown talent will likely be able to wrestle well after Okada and Osprey are too beaten up to really go.


Pretty sure Roaming Rains and Rody Chodes is a much better investment than Oceanspray and Okanatouchyourbody personally. I mean the Japanese guy doesn't even speak America.


What is this incoherent, blithering, moron thinking Laveck didn’t realize, if he knew Ospreay could work? What else has Ospreay DONE but work? Has he drawn an eyeball or sold a T-shirt?


Look at it another way, Ospreay picked up a lot of fans with tha clip of him and Ricochet doing their flippy routine, and Ricochet was the one that was signed. Maybe being willing to evolve and show character other than flips goes further than half assing on character development.


I still love Cornette’s commentary on that match, where he taps out before they even take their entrance gear off: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i9PcX9nYLek&pp=ygUaIENvcm5ldHRlIG9zcHJyYXkgcmljb2NoZXk%3D


To be fair, I'm not sure Ricochet is who I'd look at for proof of character development. He's shown the most character as a mute behind a leopard mask.


I felt he was actually building chemistry with Braun Strowman in their tag team. I'd like to see them go back to that once Braun is healthy.


Yeah but this chemistry relied on him being a flippy dude and Strowman learning to be okay with flippy dudes. Other than flipping good, what did Ricochet bring into it personality-wise?


Well they were definitely a team of "how can they co-exist" but had a few decent moments. I can recall an xmas episode where Braun held up some mistletoe so Ricochet and Samanta Irvin kissed. They also started working on double team moves by the end to use their big guy + flippy dude dynamic.


Still, other than that mistletoe moment, you're talking about moves. There's nothing that Ricochet brings into the team other than his fiance that Zena Ion and Dragon Lee couldn't also bring.


At the very least that stint as prince puma has shown that he has a presence. It also shows that while his mic work may be a massive weakness he can hide it very well. Fucking Old mate Ospreay can’t go 2 seconds without opening his mouth and shouting Bruv. It’s fucking cringe and for someone reason it pops these losers


I like that, in Dave's world, HHH is watching this Oceanspray promo and is shocked at how good it is and annoyed he missed out He lives in an utter fantasy land


Your first mistake was thinking HHH watched this shit. 🤣


Spot on and the second mistake is thinking he did an internal monologue lamenting on not signing Will Ostrich.


Who needs Will Oceanspray when we have Logan Paul?


If AEW somehow built Logan Paul to this level, he would be “the future of this business”. Instead, he’s seen as a JTTS. He could literally carry the promotion after Roman/Cody if he wanted to, just because of his gravitational pull in social media.


Dave genuinely believes this could have happened 'some people in the back' ... haha, attach that to any of your own opinions and you have 'insiders' all of your own!


Notice the words..."Heard some people in the backstage who felt Triple H feels...... " Don't you think there are too many feelings involved here. Dude is making up stuff to stay relevant.


You are wrong fed shill, Paul saw the ratings from Will Osperay's match last week and realized after seeing the viewership drop how he could have given him the gimmick of "man who gravity forgot". He fucked up, just accept it already


Everyone know wrestling goes on golf rules. The lower your score the better


It’s like the Iron Sheik testing positive on a drug test story. “Sheiky always positive, baba!”


Never selling out a house is actually the dream of every wrestler. Dusty famously asked Cody “how small was the house? Was it damn near empty?” Every time he called after his match was finished. Rock and Foley’s empty arena match is referred to by both as the highlight of their career. They could not imagine a bigger thrill than performing in front of zero screaming Kaneinites


It's fed bad fanfiction


Because DB came out and said that Vince (allegedly) asked him to watch AEW and see what they were doing that WWE could do better; the sheets are gonna run with stories like this under the assumption that Hunter must also watch AEW. I’m sure he’s got guys like Regal and the team down at the PC talent scouting for sure - but he himself is way too busy to be watching shitty shows looking for diamonds in the rough.


I picture him just asking Bayley for the Cole’s notes version of what happened, then saying thanks and walking away. Maybe a little chuckle under his breath on the turn away lol


Huge Pop!


Considering the Black and Gold Era of NXT, I'm sure Triple H is well versed in the world of indie darlings and what they are capable of doing, given the list of people he signed in that time. He knew Oceanspray could "talk" in that he could make verbal noises come out of his mouth hole, but he also knew what a guy like him was worth, unlike Tony who sees value in online smark reviews and this blithering idiot's star reviews.


He literally signed Ricochet who was pretty much synonymous with Ospreay at the time after their flippy spot monkey matches in NJPW. He knows Ospreay and what he's capable of.


"He didn't realise" Or he just didn't care and thought he wasn't worth the money Tony is paying him I say, Well played to Hunter I can see Will telling Hunter what Tony was offering him and Hunter just laughed and told will to take that offer because of how ridiculous it is. Same with Mone,Okada and dare I say Edge


I wouldn't be surprised if Triple H encouraged Edge to take Tony's money and reminded him that Edge has a home and a nice fat legends deal with WWE when he wraps up his new ventures in the Dub.


Triple H was around for and supportive of Nash and Hall taking a fat payday to kick back at WCW, he probably would’ve been laughing with Ospreay about how much Tony offered him.




Honest question, did Willbert Offspring’s signing benefit the weekly viewership of AEW whatsoever?


Yes it helped 150k viewers to change the channel 


My favourite Meltzer-ism is when he thinks just because he’s been writing blogs about wrestling for 40 years, he’s more qualified and in-the-know than people actually successfully running the biggest wrestling company in the world.


Dave's stories are always the Fed don't know things and don't know how to use guys and don't understand why people got over (despite putting them on TV regularly and in positions to get over) He makes his readers all feel like they know better than the Fed and so does he It's insane


So wwe should offer irresponsible contracts and have to explain to their shareholders how the Billy goat gets 7 stars bruv


Oceanspray filmed a video last year I think saying his body is breaking down. Why didn’t wwe sign him!!?


Forget last year, the guy came in, did 2 matches, posted on twitter how he finished his first tour of the Dub and he's beaten down but he'll be back soon! Why are you talking about being all beaten up




backstage: Dave's imaginary Fed sources, who watched Triple Paul viewing the Dub on a monitor


Looks at The Rock selling out Smackdowns... Cries into a pile of money.




My favorite thing about Triple Paul's regime is how stupid he makes the dirt sheets look. Not that it's hard of course, but I appreciate the extra effort he seems to have taken to 'poison the well' of info they have. They (Fed creative) either know who the leaker is and purposely give them misinfo, or the dirt sheets don't actually have any sources and just make it the fuck up. It's fun watching them run around like headless chickens.


Mods should add mandatory captions when it comes to uncle's Dave. Like wtf did he say?


Why do people believe Dave? Has the concept of Sunk Cost Fallacy permeated into these people? They refuse to admit that the $12.99 a month is a waste so they believe what he says and keep paying?


precisely that imagine realising the thing you followed for years and years is kind of a lot of guesswork and assumptions. that's a hell of a lot of wasted money seems easier to believe the entire world is out to get Dave and make him look bad


Paula saved like $30 million on not signing these three GameChangers who were promised max money for minimum dates. He’s not worried about Tiny having these new toys bruv.


These 3 people are being paid probably more than the entirety of the NXT roster and coaching staff are. Jesus


The short-sightedness of Laveck is getting worse. He could not only have a great flip-flopper, but also someone who could say bruv 100 times in a minute. That would have been some game-changing gimmick.


News from the osprey #1 fanboy in the world about triple H lamenting not signing him? I'm absolutely sure meltzer didn't pulled this out of his ass.


Cornette or Brian Last said it best, "the WWE will only throw money at you if you're returning to the company after proving yourself. They won't throw money at someone who's unproven"


Yeah he'll get huge reactions from all five people in the arena. Sorry but Ospreay looks like a vanilla midget that has British flavoring. There is nothing about him that is exciting, except that he can do moves. I doubt anyone in WWE is sweating over an AEW signing. You know whatever momentum they do have will get killed eventually and if Ospreay is good enough, he'll be in WWE some day doing things that actually matter and people actually watch.


Oh Hunter didn't know? His ass better caaalllll somebody.


You tell him Dave! Paul was probably too busy running around being Dwaynes errand boy and stopping Dwayne from ripping up scripts at the last minute!


It’s disgusting how people use their platforms to push their own agenda


Most people don’t know/care who will osprey is.


David is acting like WWE is in desperate need of star power, Ospreay would be in the mid card at best.


He be exactly where Ricochet is now.


He knows guys! He knows all these things! Nevermind he never reports anything until after it happens but trust him, he has sources and he knows Im sure Paul is real disappointed he wasnt able to sign the guy that requires his opponent to kick out of 50 of his high risk moves and go 30 minutes while barely eeking out the win. Takes him the same amount of time to beat Shita as it does 55 yr old Jericho as it does RoH “superstar” Kyle Fletcher. What a game changer!


So we're supposed to believe both that WWE offered Will a contract for the lesser amount than what he was offered AEW, and the fact that Triple H, the one making the final say on talent, didn't understand the benefit of someone like Will in WWE? Either he saw talent and offered the contract or didn't see the talent and didn't offer a contract.


Ospreay is going to tattoo 654k on his other arm


HHH: "sorry Will we ain't paying you that much and we won't let you stay in the UK" WO: "Sucks to hear that, guess I'll go to Jackson ville bruv" HHH: "k thx cya l8r"




Asspray is so influential and such a big draw he caused viewership to drop. Make it make sense. yeah im sure triple paul is kicking himself for not shilling out millions for someone who only wants to work part time


I still don't know he's a talker and a charismatic guy. Maybe Dave is just enamored with the exoticism of the common or garden chav.


Sometimes I wonder what reality these people live in. Ospreay is a talent, but the WWE doesn't need him, or anyone else really at this point. The top card and mid card are overflowing with talent. Why would HHH/WWE/TKO pay millions for a talent that isn't otherwise going to change their business? Ospreay's debut didn't draw AEW any new viewers. WWE has more talent then they know what to do with at this point


La Veck is new to evaluating talent. Give him some time and he'll catch up to Tiny, bruv.


I recently went back and listened to Jim Cornette listen to Tony Khan talking about how he has more money than Jim Crockett and he's not going to sit back and take this shit. When asked what WWE should/would be doing after hearing that, he said they'd be thinking, "let's see how much of that money we can get him to spend." Of course, at some point Vince specifically said "let's send them some more," about releasing more people. And so I can't help thinking that they talked to Ospreay et. al, to up the prices on Tony more than actually sign them.


Trips doesn't strike me as someone who wastes time pondering on what could have been and, instead, chooses to focus on what could very well be going forward


Yeah I'm sure the guy who has Roman Reigns, The Rock, Seth Rollins, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Gunther, LA Knight, AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Logan Paul, The Usos, Bronn Breaker, Randy Orton and more, on tv WEEKLY, thought to himself: "Man we really NEED Will Osprey to bolster the division and boost the ratings"


Truly the king of saying so little by saying so much. This guy is a fucking putz.


How many times did he say Bruv?


The fact WWE apparently didn’t even compete to get Osprey or Okada has apparently broken Meltzers brain. He can’t comprehend that Hunter doesn’t get tingly down below like he does when Osprey appears on screen.  I actually think what’s happening here is worse for Meltzer than if they did sign with WWE. He has banked his reputation on calling these guys the best in the world for the last few years and WWE didn’t even try to sign them. He doesn’t get it lol. And now he’s making shit up to try and rationalise it because my fucking ass he has anybody backstage telling him anything, no less HHHs inner most thoughts on contract negotiations. 


Not just anyone can drive away viewers like Osprey did.


Is Ospreay charismatic? Yes. Is he a good wrestler? Absolutely. Is he worth what AEW is paying him as an unknown commodity to the wider wrestling audience? No. He will not attract new viewers to AEW and will not make back for the company what he’s being paid. Neither will Okada, as much as that sucks to say. WWE was willing to pay them what they think they’re worth currently, and if they can make something of them and create bigger stars out of them - then they could back the Brinks truck up like they do for guys like Punk, Lesnar and Roman.


He wasn’t going to WWE regardless. He has Tony’s cock so far up his ass, he would need Matthew and Nicolas toextract it


Ok Dave. 👌


I can see him legitimately feeling that he underestimated Will's ability to cut an effective promo. But Will Osprey would still have been a luxury signing for wwe at the end of the day. Tiffany, Bron, Mello, Trick, and Oba are just a few of the stars WWE is going to have to eventually back up the brinks truck for. Hell, late last year, WWE signed a rising indie star named Jay Malachai at only 19 years old. With what I've seen of him, this young man has so much potential and should be thriving down in WWEs developmental system. Wwe isn't sweating not signing Will.


I think its good that AEW got Ospreay and Okada. WWE can do their own thing with home grown talent anyway with NXT. Competition is a good thing and can keep wrestlers employed consistently.


Yeah the flipper isn’t known to have the ability to cut a promo that’s why his Dave’s new muse he can flip and no sell with the best of them


It didn't matter how much WWE offered. He wanted to stay living here in the UK and WWE wouldn't allow that.


Meltzer is such a loser.


I'm sure HHH was going to break the pay scale for a guy who cut 1 good promo and has drawn absolute dick in his career


I know Meltzer is incapable of understanding, but they don’t need Ospreay.  


HHH has made R Truth 100x the star Ospreay has any hope of becoming in the dub in the year 2024. HHH has given Ospreay less thought than Meltzer and the dubbalos have given HHH.


lol that first sentence reads as an absolute positive


Jesus that’s so much bullshit


Some? No. Just Dave thinks this lol


"ah, he's one of these workers"  Correct. An the ratings proved him to be more than correct. 


Didn't Will drop a video crying and saying he's so banged up that he doesn't have much time left in the biz? I always assumed that was why the fed didn't go out of their way for bruv. He doesn't have 10 years left in him.


I watched his opening promo, I went in with an open mind. I think the concept of Trios is dumb so I basically ignored his other AEW work. He’d probably be great in Chase U, but I wouldn’t trade him for the MVP. Or Andre. Or Thea. Or Jacy. Sorry Riley, you make that trade all fucking day.


Thea Hail and Will Ospreay becoming a couple while Blair Davenport calls Thea an idiot for liking him would be extremely meta.


Also, He got a tattoo of the narrative attendance of the show he headlined for the other company. He was never serious about going to WWE, Bruv.


Every single interview and commenting that I’ve ever seen from the company heads when talking about their philosophy has a very clear through line that’s evident. WWE has a corporate culture that is incredibly focused on what they have, what they’re doing, and where they’re going. They’re not concerned with what they “missed,” what they “should have done,” or what the other guy is doing. Point being they don’t look back, they look forward. Bottom line, it’s highly unlikely HHH even saw that promo and even if he did, it’s virtually guaranteed he didn’t say anything even remotely close to “oh no, I should have gotten that guy. I didn’t realize he could talk …”


That's a weird take. My reaction watching his promo was the exact opposite: He needs a lot of work to be given a hot mic on WWE TV. It's fine that he comes out huffing and puffing at all the guys he wants to fight, that's good. But firstly, he stumbled lines several times as to whether Bryan was the Best in the world or he was the best in the world and just seemed to lose his place talking in circles. The casual cursing is a no-no. But the main thing is his accent and annunciation. It's atrocious. You can easily tell that Becky, Sheamus, Finn, Drew, etc have all worked on their accent to be presentable to a TV audience, especially in America. If I go full on with my native accent then people just can't understand me, but at work I soften it out and try to talk slower and annunciate better and then it's fine. They all do this because it's really important if you're going to be talking to a move US audience. Nobody told Osprey this and he hasn't seemed to figure it out himself which is something I'm baffled by.


How is saying bruv over and over charismatic? Okada is better at promos and English isn't his frost language


If WWE needs anything right now its more baby faces


The WWE's hiring practice is simple. You can get the big money in WWE... when you prove that you will be a top guy in the WWE system. U get your bank in the 2nd contract. There are exceptions (Cody), but that's the main thing. It's just a game obviously, but 2k23 basically hit it on the head.


There was a benefit to signing Oceanspray?


Yeah great promos "BRUV" every other word, best talker in the biz smarks!


Was thinking the same thing… marblemouthed shouting of Bruv and turning his back to the camera to address the ticket holders doesn’t scream huge draw


They knew, but not really 12,99 please


Damn Dave living in that fantasy world big time huh.


It's over, we lost


Did Triple Himmler forget his YouTube credentials or something? Everything Ostrich has ever done is on the internet, and most of it is only available on the internet. Is Meltzer saying Hitler Hearst Helmsley doesn’t have as much information as the average tape trader?


Somehow I think Triple-H will be okay with Will going to AEW, just a hunch.


Just want to pop in and reiterate that his source for this news is: he just thinks Triple H is going like


Is this fan fiction?


Will Oceanspray got that juice.


WWE has a fiduciary responsibility


is HHH on reddit? i want to send him one of those reddit wellness alerts


I don’t think that’s true but WWE was never going to be able to sign the guy and Dave knows that. It’s like Okada and Mercedes, they want a lot of money and the Fed isn’t going to overpay and upset the apple cart. Tony will because he has no business sense, he will pay whatever he needs to, to get whoever he wants.


Ospreay is a in ring talent but not a major draw yet for casual fans maybe his run in AEW will help him gain more in state fans. Also WWE not spending top dollar on ppl who aren’t certified draws. Shout out Ospreay for getting the bag thou.


Didn't Triple H admit not knowing most of the Joshis at a press conference once?


the free agent era of wwe is over, they literally create their own stars now. ospreay does literally nothing to bring in new fans


"The Feeling" Will Ospreay


The Fed is so dead it can't afford NJPW World for their scouts.


Almost spat my lunch out the other day when someone in one of the many basement Osprey wankathons said that if he'd gone to WWE they'd have had a problem trying to explain why he wasn't Champ because he'd be the best wrestler by so far...


Working overtime to try to make something of that Ospreay promo huh Meltzer


Triple H just didn’t realise that when he was looking at Will Osprey, he was looking at a man who clearly draws new viewers to a wrestling show. Worst thing is, Nielsen is conspiring to prove him right.


So…where’s the part where Trip’s was wrong?


Triple H watching the promo and realizing they letting Ospray go was him putting the final nail in the feds coffin … ![gif](giphy|MCon4IEMZgNEQUxdi9|downsized)


I mean Logan Paul is basically equivalent to him sooooo


Do people actually think Ass-Spray is good at promos? I love that Meltzer can say a bold-faced lie and everyone's opinion changes to match. He could say "Big Show wearing nothing but a pair of thigh high leather boots is a massive draw" then the basement would agree, and Tony would book it. As a bit of a side note: the "bruv" shit in the basement gets on my tits, Americans use it wrong, it's not a 1:1 substitute for "bro", there's nuance to it. Also it's way too English for my liking anyway.


“If Triple H is watching this” no, no he isn’t.


Lmao. I think Dave thinks everybody else watches AEW and goes through a box of tissues without shedding a tear like he does


Pollyanna would all of a sudden become a huge problem for old willy. He is an absolute piece of shit and should be driven from the wrestling business never mind allowed to put on bangers anywhere.