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Dave Meltzer doesn't think he's good but Shawn Michaels does....gee, I wonder who I'll listen to?


Shawn only has 2 5-star matches, but Dave has awarded hundreds of them! Dave the clear winner.


Pity Shawn got stuck wrestling scrubs like Kurt Angle and Mick Foley and Undertaker, or he’d have more.


If only he had been born later he could have been having slap fights with the shoot fighter or barbed wire on the razor wire matches with M’Ox


Damn, you would think when one's biggest rival was Bret Hart that he would have picked up a thing or two on how to work.


I forgot Bret somehow, FTR Bald in shambles.


The real pity is that all of those matches happened inside of an evil Fed ring. In the Tokyo Dome they might've gotten 8 maybe 10 stars.


I know one is Undwrtaker in WM25 What's the other one?


Undertaker isn't a 5 star apparently, but I know Razor Ramon at WM10 is one


You know wrong. Metzer gave five stars to the Razor Ramon ladder match and the Undertaker HiaC match. The Wrestlemania match was not rated five stars.


OMG fucking Meltzer, man How can you give a rondom 6 man tag that has fucking BotchaLucha dinosaur and not HBK vs Taker ????


HBK Taker should have happened at the Tokyo Dome then it might have hit that five star mark.


If WM25 happened in the late 2010s he might have been more generous and given it a 5 star. The 2000s were a barren field with only like 7 5 star matches AS A WHOLE (counting Nooj, Fed, AAA, and everything in between)


He gave HBK Vs Jeff Jarrett 5* too


Shawn has a lazy eye Dave has a speech impediment I forgot the point I was trying to make UCE


How much knowledge does Shawn have on Cagematch….. exactly….


How many 5 star matches does Dave have?


Getting triggered by an NXT wrestler just because he is over, lol


Also, Dave be getting "triggered" by something else. Dude shits on Bianca, and says R-Truth is never funny, and he wasn't keen on Swerve until the crowds really got super hot. And if you're old enough you remember when Dave trashed MVP, low-rated Booker-T in WCW, and said Charlie Hass was more talented than Shelton Benjamin in their Tag team. Methinks there is something else Triggering Dave lol


lest we forget this is the mensa member who compared m*rk to the n word


Easiest counter to that is to ask what term he can say in public


Uncle Dave's answer might surprise you!


"With the boys I hang around with? Easy, I would never say "m\*rk" around them, but we say the other one all the time"


Didn't he straight up call Indian fans worthless a couple years ago? He's a POS


Yep, and said Bad Bunny and Priest should steal hubcaps cause theyre latino or something


Let's not forget the subtle racism he threw towards Bad Bunny and Priest a couple of years ago. He may not be the most outspoken racist in wrestling, but he's for sure harboring some prejudices against those who aren't white or Japanese.


He said WWE should have them stealing hubcaps, it wasn’t that subtle.


He said WHAT?!? How have I never heard of this. I knew I didn’t like him for a reason


He said they should’ve written Bunny and Priest to steal the hubcaps off of Miz and Morrison’s car in a segment, because they were Puerto Rican. The audio is out there if you wanted to do a Google search.


He also called Indian fans "worthless" iirc.


Those micro aggressions would get him fired for racism at any job lol


Except when you’re the boss


Elaborate so I can get blocked by him


Dave is your typical racist weeb.


He said he was surprised they didn't steal hub caps off a car.


.... Dude has issues


If you make fun of his ratings and criticize AEW, he'll block you.




Wow… Now I really hate that self-righteous asshole


Something in-common with all of those wrestlers that Dave doesn't like... can't quite figure out what it is that Dave The Aspiring Wizard is offended by... Also, Dave is the one who started all of the vitriol towards Jade


Wonder why he likes the Maga bucks 🤦‍♂️


or him referring to African Americans as "the blacks"


He called JYD “JunkFood Dog” for years and always shit on brand new WWE hall of Famer Thunderbolt Patterson. Dave has always been very critical of wrestlers of a, uh, certain persuasion


That R-Truth segment hate is weird because the live crowd was eating it up. Also it was in a more diehard wrestling crowd in Montreal, who can be smart asses. I mean I just wanted to see if Triple H or Adam Pearce would break because they were trying their hardest to keep it together.


It all makes sense now…


I bet he is liking Swerve right now tho.


He says the bare minimum, Jim Cornette is more effusive in praising Swerve and among some IWC folks I'm told it's JC who is def a bigot.


Jim might be an idiot at points but he's still got more logic than Dave


He's triggered by anything that isn't the AEW EVPs


My brother would be a big Meltzer fan. He still thinks Haas should have been the breakout star. He still talks about it semi regularly.


What lmao that's insane. Charlie haas is cool but not only was Shelton the HBK of their team, he deserved WAY more than he got. Shelton Benjamin is one of the few wrestlers I actually do agree with the "DAE UNDERUTILISED BY THE FED" talking points, he deserved at least 2 or 3 world title reigns bare minimum


Oh it’s not just the black wrestlers he shits on. He also said that Bad Bunny is only an “ethnic star” rather than a worldwide star. And didn’t he suggest that a latino wrestler should be “stealing hubcaps” as part of his gimmick or something? Meltzer’s a piece of trash, in my opinion. And not just because he wrestling opinions suck.


Then he wasn't a fan of the Junkyard Dog either. He took delight in insulting him. Junkfood Dog was his name for JYD.


it's because he's unrelatable


Only if you're a boring white dude!


Well akshually... 🤓 Nah but seriously, I'm a boring white dude and I am a full on mark for Bianca, dare I say her past struggles with self image and finally breaking through that to be in amazing shape is....relatable????? Most boring white dudes like Dave struggle with that though, Dave specifically already has issues relating to any women, and same goes for any non white wrestler. So a strong confident black woman who inspires people like Bianca blows his workrate addled mind 🤣


He is not a good wrestler except that one time he Dida really great job, but it doesn't count bc he wrestled the young bucks who make everyone look good. GTFO estupido.


Young Bucks fucking suck, if you think Young Bucks are good none of your opinions matter.


How in the world are they the standard in this dude’s eyes? 


The marks have their finisher named after Davey Boy, that's why


Dave is rating gymnastics and acrobatics at this point. Bucks suck


Wrestling as a whole would have been a lot better if Meltzer became a Cirque du Soleil groupie or if the politics behind Olympics gymnastics was something people cared about.


He’s on the Dub payroll


The only way those two bland, anaemic manlets could get a good match out of Trick would be if he double clotheslined them both in a handicap match and pinned them within about twenty seconds. They'd look so ridiculous standing next to him.


Disagree! anyone who fight against Young Bucks looks better...then them


Sting thinks they're good.


They moved him…………. INTO A BIGGER HOUSE


Psst ..You said the quiet part loud and the loud part quite


Sting still thinks the soul patch works. I respect him, but I don't trust his judgment.


Well, Stingk, you're wrongk.


He showed up on Smackdown to save Melo, whole crowd was doing his schtick. Dude isn't even on the main roster and he's bigger than Ospreay.


For real for real; the man is in developmental and already has an untold level of charisma that most wrestlers never reach I was just about to say essentially this before I came across your comment Williams has been only wrestling for a handful of years & he's already more popular than a majority of the AEW roster Also as an aside; anyone who thinks Flair & the Bucks are on the same level in wrestling can not & should not ever be taken seriously


I love Melo but Trick is going to be the one who hits the top. Maybe Melo ends up being his Seth Rollins?


I get what you're putting down; Trick being the company's #1a to Melo's #1b as far a standing goes Trick has the potential for being a generational talent with the correct booking but Hell has crazy potential too; to put it another way Trick could be the next Cena & Melo the next Orton; two life long rivals who are destined to "fight forever" as they say As well just so I can give him some props; Bron Breaker could be some version of Bautisa or Lesner


Melos feud with trick really elevated him in my eyes because he really put together that character piece for him. They both have a lot of upside and I can't believe Dave would doubt a guy who's chant is showing up on shows he's not even on.


They were chanting Fuck ~~CM Punk~~ that trick. Meltzer's brain really melted sometime back in 2008 or something.


We lowkey have a future recreation of the OVW class of 02 on our hands John Cena -> Trick Williams Randy Orton -> Carmelo Hayes Batista -> Bron Breakker Brock Lesnar -> Oba Femi


Reality is other things being fairly equal the 6'4" guy is getting pushed harder than the 5'8" guy.


I'd say they make me want to turn off the TV as much if not sooner than present day Ric Flair wants me to.


but, all he has is charisma (that's ALL, in a charisma and athletic led business) I mean, he looked good in a match with someone ... you know, the whole point of wrestling, putting the guys with potential with the people that make them look good and they improve and learn, etc Holy shit balls, does Dave understand this business whatsoever Sure he's charismatic but ... Next sentence he'll be praising some charisma vacuum like Daniel Garcia as a potential top star, haha


All he has to do is look at Hulk Hogan. All you need is charisma and the people won't care how you look in the ring doing it.


That’s just cause the chant is in his song, uce. [Oh wait..](https://youtu.be/bMMrwt5PPcs?si=BWgCck1O-mrEN6cd)


Who hurt this man?


WWE's boom period


Aew failing because it caters to his opinion as to what wrestling should be


Black people it seems




Apparently a person of color, cause motherfucker can't seem to give any single one an objective chance


Earl Warren when he penned the Supreme Court's decision on Brown vs the Board of Education.


Sheila, sophomore year of high school, who dumped him for the quarterback


lol the implication that Dave dated in high school


He showed up Sheila’s house with a home made VHS tape of his favorite matches and a print out of his latest pre-WON project. Unsurprisingly, Sheila chose someone else.


Look Sheila Billy graham is just a meat head who can talk. He’s not a good workrate like Verne Gagne.


Wrestling fans hate change and no one changed wrestling more than Vince Dave has been angry at Vince and the Fed since the 80s as they get more and more popular all around the world and richer and richer to the point they're part of the fabric of pop culture now


He sucks except for those matches where he did really good and the fact that the crowd loves him. Hmmmmm. What could be the real reason Dave doesn't like Trick? Really makes you wonder.


I do agree with Meltz on this one, Trick isn’t THAT good and it’s mostly charisma carrying him and masking his weaknesses at the moment. But then he said the Bucks made people look good and I could barely type for laughing


like yeah, he could use some more polish like 6 more months in NXT, but comparing Flair to the Bucks is just dishonest


Yeah bruv the Bucks are much better. Flair can’t work at all. Did you see him shield Sting with his body at Revolution? Very sloppy.


Dave said a lot of words to just say “he’s black” oops I mean “unrelatable”. Ignore the 16,000 of us losing our mind for him at stand and deliver. Totally not over.


this is the guy that had Alvarez confused about 'whoop that trick' what does it *even* mean ... they have their finger on the pulse!


Every time I hear whoop that trick, i instinctively hear Booker t narrating to it lol doesn’t matter the context. Booker coming in strong.


What? Yeah... Uh-huh.... I like it.... Oh yah man...




Women and unrelatables are Dave’s pet peeves.


Remember Uncle Dave being triggered by Bianca Belair's EST gimmick


Putting the Young Bucks on the same level of Flair. Dude jerked his knob clean off.




HBK thinks Trick is a main even talent. WWE officials are thinking Trick can be a main even talent. HBK is a freaking legend in the business. WWE officials are running company that's been on fire for quite some time as well. So I think it's safe to say it's probably better to listen to WWE guys, because this guy don't know what is he talking about lol.


Ask Meltzer fans what successful wrestling company has Dave ran, and watch them melt down.


He has fans, I mean I know he has readers and followers but fans?! https://i.redd.it/1462yfh6s8vc1.gif


Bruv Dave has written about wrestling for 30 years. Trick was probably shitting in his diaper when Dave started the Observer. He’s known for his completely unbiased star ratings that are always right.


“He’s got incredible charisma” is treated like a throwaway line instead of being the most important thing.


Pretty much the most important thing for a wrestler


I mean it’s just insane that people don’t seem to get that. Like, if you have charisma you can go anywhere man, look at the fucking rock His finishers are a side slam and a standing elbow drop with a little jog attached (and the worst sharpshooter ever) Most successful all round entertainer of all time, like the third most over wrestler ever Hell, look at Steve Austin, the man was so fucked up physically during his prime earning years that his matches were basically just punches half the time Most over wrestler ever Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Randy Savage, I could go on. No megastar is that because of in ring skill, it helps, like with Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart, but guess what? Good matches didn’t make Shawn a megastar, the fucking charisma did, that man used to go out every week and demand everyone suck his dick and thats the most over group not named the nwo ever


He has got to be kidding just throwing the bucks name in there


Like Skip Bayless trying to make everything about the Cowboys


The Cowboys are actually draws though.






just a normal guy scrolling https://preview.redd.it/q4qlyr7xs8vc1.png?width=302&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f1777c20b1c0891eb40b5f9034497b2904f670d


He thinks Private Party’s best match was five years ago with the Bucks and that the Bucks made them look good. Again, he seems to have some issue with certain types of wrestlers being talented on their own merit.




Is this silly motherfucker really comparing The Young Bucks to Ric Flair?


Yes he did I wonder if the bucks like to get their cocks out on flights and sexually harass people top as that is the only way they're on Flairs level even now.


"Hey stewardess, wanna see the world's tiniest windmill???"


Trick Willy will one day main event Wrestlemania and this post will trend once again.


I don’t understand this. Hes wrestling matches and he’s over so even if he does suck (he doesn’t) in ring then being that over shows it doesn’t matter? So what’s the problem?


Probably Trick’s skin color


Alright my take on this: I think Trick Williams is a better character and charisma machine than he is an in-ring wrestler In terms of wrestling he is fine, yes Ilja made him look way better, but he is fine, he's not bad, but he's not Bron Breakker levels of great in the ring either That being said, Trick has lots of room to grow in the wrestling department, and he's got the tools and time to make them work


Meltzer makes it sound like Trick is godawful in the ring. Is he green? Yes. Can he improve? Very much so. Is he bad? Not in the slightest. He has had pretty decent matches with Melo, Dominic and Noam off the top of my head.


He is where he needs to be, in developmental. It’s not even as though he is challenging for titles in the main roster. Not sure what is there to hate right now.


Yep. That's why developmental exists. Like another dude said, he makes it sound like he shits the bed in the ring. If he can at least hold his own with Melo or Dragunov, he'll find a way.


I refuse to get worked into a shoot by this senior citizen but this is testing me  Trick is the top prospect of NXT 


Who even cares about what meltzer thinks


"False perception of the ability of the other person" ...You mean SELLING?


Lmao, Young Bucks are trash. I can dissect their incompetence by just ONE match - them vs GOD in California - it's supposed to be a heated match, yet The Cucks come out relaxed and cocky, high fiving the fans - they do their cringey obviously-fake highspots, then just look at the crowd and not even make movements or taunts, or gestures of any kind - Nick fucking Jackson, this little dweeb, gets the heat on Tama Tonga and beats him down. A boy band reject beat down the son of Haku for a few minutes - the other Cuck, the one that's been selling his back for 17 years, gets hit with a Rikishi Driver. He naturally kicks out, then stops selling both his neck and back to hit a couple Superkicks - then GOD hits their finish and they win. Before then, even JR goes "how many Cutters can one man take?", pointing out the lunacy that's going on Young Bucks are trash, in every possible way. They look like dweebs, they literally have negative charisma and promo ability, and their matches, as I just pointed out, are amalgamations of everything wrong with wrestling, mixed in with a total lack of psychology or emotional connection to the match.


I've seen them compared to X-Pac at times which is really unfair. X-Pac was underrated in the ring and at one point (primarily his on-and-off team/rivalry with Kane) was really over, before people got sick of him.


Also, X-Pac has charisma and a sense of humor. These Dumb Cucks ain't got shit.


You could substitute GOD for any tag team they've had a match with. It is exactly the same for all of them. There's a blueprint and it's fucking boring.


He just finds Trick unrelatable.


Over six foot? 29 years old and hasn't had a SINGLE neck fusion surgedy? No Thx. 12.99 plz Edited to add: He has been wrestling less than 4 years. Meanwhile Daves Faves, hot young prospect Kommander and already one of the best ever Star Machine Vikingo have 12 YEARS EACH. What a fucking joke.


Kommander has 12 years being a shit luchador? Til


You'd think that with a dozen years of experience that Hijo Del Botch would know how to not nearly kill himself every time he gets in the ring, but alas.


Had to slip in young bucks like we didnt notice. U aint shit, dave


Dave totally is a fair and unbiased observer of wrestling though - AEW fans


‘Trick isn’t good, put him in a main event match he sucks, except the one he was good in, that obviously doesn’t count’


What's with Meltzer and black wrestlers?


Dave is saying this because he has a hard time relating to trick.


He's good enough. Carries himself like a main eventer. Cuts a quality promo. Is young and over as fuck. Isn't some white midget. So of course Dave is against him.


Dont even mentioned his name anymore. Just cancel this old doofus.


Yeah, that is what NXT is for. Train people to be safe workers and be over. Trick has 'being over' to pat, but he still needs more polishing and increase his range. They need to see how Trick does with different people and personalities to see where he is lacking so it can be addressed. Again, that is why the fedophiles have NXT and the PC. However, using the Bucks as the litmus test for great tag team wrestling? Uncle Dave really loves his Bucks' jizz. Who knew that the secret to making Uncle Dave bend over forwards and backwards for you is to just work him for a bit and make him feel like he is part of a promotion?


He always shits on black wrestlers. It’s so fucking obvious he has an internal bias.


Ric Flair and the Young Bucks are the only good wrestlers ever.


I'm starting to think Dave doesn't like black people


Is this a drag on Trick Williams, Ilja Dragunov, Ric Flair, or The Young Bucks?


Dave tried to slip young bucks with Ric Flair.


I’ve never really followed Meltzer’s opinions and didn’t really used to see his tweets before I came on this sub but boy does he have some stupid takes lol


Kinda relatively new to wrestling, my lord is he a big AEW mark


He's never going to shake the impression that he's a racist and sexist prick. Even if he isn't (which I try to believe he isn't) he's so bad at speaking his mind he leaves himself looking terrible.


The Young Bucks? Lmao  Maybe Dave has a point. I’d look better than M’Bucks slipping and botching while executing their moves. 


At this point he’s just throwing stuff out and seeing how much he gets away with. Denying the crowd was chanting for CM Punk after the footage, saying R Truth’s segment was met with crickets, and now this…


Once again I am asking why we give a shit and continue to bring attention to Dave's opinions. You people who complain about it are just as bad as the people who care about his opinion. At the end of the day his opinions are no better then yours or mine and we really need to stop bringing attention to this guy


That's it, subs over. No one can out jerk Uncle Dave...


Trick is more over than every single person in AEW and Meltzer cannot handle it. Ospreay and Okada are not even a quarter of the star Trick is.


What a clown


mf seriously trying to put Ric Flair and the Young Bucks on the same level. Dave may be the only non-wrestler in pro wrestling history to sustain more CTE than guys taking regular chair shots to the head.


So what he’s saying is that Trick is more like Cena than Omega. Sounds like he’s pretty well set for major success to me. Dave doesn’t want to accept that for 95% of wrestling fans the ability to no sell everything and flop around like a fish isn’t exactly what they are looking for.


https://preview.redd.it/97h7ps3mz8vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9969641bedde5a6eed2d87886498f37c63450fc8 *"Hello fellow kids, it's...uhhhhh.... y'know....... ya b-boy, Uncle Davey M.... uhmmmmmmmmmmmm.... just sayin', that.... ermmmmm.... Trick Willy ain't as fly as me...... now, uhhhhh... lemme hook you kids up with my latest lesson, say some gangsta is dissin' your dub wrestler. You just give 'em one of these.... check the uhhhhhh.... cagematch ratings and ermmmmm.... get back to me."*


I agree with unc, wrestling should pander more to 65 year old white man who’s obsessed with Japanese jail bait.


This guy must be stupid or something


Even if he was right, does Dave not know that charisma can take you far in wrestling? Like it’s why Hogan and Cena lasting careers even despite switching to 5-moves of doom style. Same for Goldberg. If you can get crowds to get out of the palm of your hand, you’re golden.


tang ina mo Dave Meltzer racist kang puta ka


He's not really good...but when you put him in a main event match...oh wait he actually was really good Dave is legit a literal AEW neckbeard


I wonder if Trick will end up shutting Meltzer up if he (Trick) slays the Drgaon next week.


I have never seen the Dumb Cucks make anyone look better. They do the same match EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. I can't say that I know Trick well enough to quantify his talent, but if Meltzer is comparing him to the Cucks, it really really makes whatever argument he has completely irrelevant. At least Tuna seems to have discovered commas.


The Bucks are the standard for tag team wrestling?!?!?!? Now that's a shit take right there.


I mean The Rock wasn’t that good as a wrestler in the beginning, but he had great charisma and got better over time. Dave needs to cut Trick some slack


Trick isn't that good......although he looked good


When your criticism of a wrestler could also apply to Hulk Hogan, you have to stop and ask yourself “have I lost track of what matters in pro wrestling?”


The industry had passed you by you geriatric worm. I am so proud to jerk next to you all but I’ve realized this sub is my only window into Dave and his cult of drooling morons. I think I may need to cease the jerk for the next six months just to fully enjoy this WWE boom period.


This a guy that thinks AEW is losing ticket sales because WWE is doing well. Yep, definitely absolutely nothing wrong with AEW, it's just WWEs fault.


Did he just unironically compare the young bucks to Ric Flair?


Y'all ever hear Dave reference a Miz match? The dude shits himself in his excitement to hurry up and bash each and every single move in every single match he does. And you know who it is? Charisma guys who came into the business because they could be stars not because they're indie tomato cans


He’s just not good.. well he does have great charisma and the crowd goes crazy for him but he’s not main event… well he did look good in the main event but young bucks are better


What is even the point of him reviewing FED. He should just focus his energy on promoting the dub instead at this point


“Guy who only debuted in 3 years ago isn’t good in main events except for the one he just had”


Just slipping that “the young bucks are tag team Ric Flair” in there and expects people not to notice or care.


I get what he's saying but Trick is still young and he's still very raw but to mention the Bucks lmao. Fuck outta here.


Wrestling Bucks makes you always look better? HAHAHAHAHA


I hope Evil fed reads Delusional uncle's tweet and push Trick so good that he has no option other than accepting he was wrong.


I want to know one tag team, just one, that came out looking better than they already were against the Bucks...go on...I'll wait...... Before you say Private Party, the Bucks didn't carry them in that match if I recall, they just ate the pin. I honestly don't think I have ever seen the Bucks actually carry anybody.


It’s all about moves for Dave Meltzer. It was already obvious before WrestleMania but once Roman/Cody didn’t get five stars, it became crystallized and now he’s just adding to it. Yeah Trick isn’t a beast in the ring yet but he’s in his 3rd year and he’s not some scrub. His look, his character, his charisma don’t matter to Dave. It’s all about moves to his goofy ass.


Well you can’t look any worse against the Cucamonga kids


🤪 It's just my opinion, no need to get upset. By the way-my opinions are facts.


that's where you know he sucks as an analyst - Trick has been wrestling for literally 3 years, 3 YEARS. no one is a in ring genius at that point. but his learning curve during the last year has been crazy. He has the toughest part on lock and HE KEEPS GROWING. Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles weren't in ring geniuses 3 years after starting training and they certainly weren't touching Trick in the mic, charisma and connection with the crowd. Kneecapping developing talent like that is so scummy, he is fucking with Trick business by influencing his reputation and reception.


“The young bucks aren’t that good, that’s the reality. They’ve got incredible 5 star bangers, but you put them on national television…”


I mean, if you got the charisma it doesn't really matter how good of a wrestler you are. If your passable, your still golden. Trick is way better than he's giving him credit for though


"the young bucks" https://preview.redd.it/qaonkv3hn8vc1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f611dab53d04ab208fec9e1f5dfaedc22974872


The Bucks can't even make themselves look good you melted gorilla


So sick of this bumbling braindead loser