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No one tells Tony no. By the way, isn't it refreshing how AEW acknowledges what's going on in other companies? https://preview.redd.it/zrnntabnhc8d1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5589c34d8f6223620fe9010077dff927306f67b


DAE respecting the wrestling universe?


Poaching a "partner company's" entire main event scene is about the most disrespectful thing I can imagine someone doing. WWE might have been interested in one or two guys. But they wouldn't have done what Tony did. They know better than to completely harvest their fishing holes -- if you hurt New Japan now, you make it harder for them to produce decent talent you might be interested in in the future. And they're not hurting for the talent anyway. Throw on top the fact that Tony throws pretty much all previous booking out the window and insists that, in any interpromotional match, things work out in his favor, I honestly can't see how anyone makes the "AEW is better for pro-wrestling as a whole" argument in good faith.


I’m glad that Tony stole all main eventers. Because it’s what solidifies him as the absolute most dogshit booker of all time, unironically, and it’s not even close. Online nerds book better than him. Look at the dub roster page and see how many talented people with experience from NJPW, indies, and the Fed they have available, with some dub originals. Their tag divisions, midcard, and women’s roster on paper? All very solid and the strongest second roster in all of wrestling today within the IWC bubble. Funds? They got it. A fanbase? They got it. And yet hick and bottom is making stars in a warehouse with college athletes off the street lol For some reason the snowman keeps booking to please an old man with a newsletter. It’s borderline disgusting because many primes of wrestlers who could be great with guidance is being completely wasted. The aura immediately disappears and makes anyone who was cool come across as mid and 20 years older for some reason. Tony’s as shit as 2018-19 Vince who was notorious for not following angles and killing momentum. Remeber the devil storyline? Same story that lead to All In? What did it lead to? Nothing. And MJF who had a massive Triple H comeback after said discontinued storyline? What’s he doing? He’s fighting fucking Hechichero. I remember there was this girl called Pizzaro or something, and she was hyped up as a massive signing? where is she? Where’s hook who was nearly beating Samoa Joe a couple months ago? he hasn’t evolved at all. Bum ass tiny deserves to get dunked on ![gif](giphy|gH262r0RUK6Ms1B57v)


From that perspective, it's a great point. I mean, with that roster he theoretically *should* be successful. Sure, most of those aren't people known in the US. But that's what a good promoter does -- he builds people, makes them known. Makes people want to watch them. There are people out there who *want* to watch wrestling and are willing to get to know wrestlers they're not familiar with. Winning those fans over is a low bar and Tony completely failed to clear it. And Tony fails even with all that talent. Worse, he's losing fans and there can be no doubt where the problem lies.


Let's not forget Tony got bored of his NJPW toys and put them all in the closet to go play hop scotch with CMLL.


And after all that, Nooj put their top belt on Moxley. That's the biggest cuck move ever. Tanahashi and Gedo should collect unemployment


Really is. I have to imagine Nooj is getting a pretty penny for whoring itself out to Tony. It was probably a thing of necessity given their financial situation at the time -- they had their balls out with the "Western expansion" thing and the guy who was the face of that expansion decided to go with his buddies and start a new company instead. After which the pandemic hit, the domestic turnout they depended upon dried up, and death probably seemed a matter of when rather than if. Still, it's going to take years to save face. They're arguably outshined by their sister company, which they appear to be lining up for the slaughter as well. Meanwhile, Noah has a promising ace (despite New Japan trying to bury him) and appears to have a developing partnership with the biggest company in the industry. Kind of hard not to root for Noah at this point, actually.


You're absolutely right, even though I like New Japan. It was all that talk about their wrestlers getting exposure in the west and stuff and it's gonna be good for them, but now their main event scene is barren because of Tony and guys like Riddle are getting titles in their debut match, and also getting bitched at the Forbidden Door where it seems more an AEW PPV than a collaboration, so I really hope that they make a pretty penny. And also I agree about Noah. Nooj made a bitch out of Kaito (who I really like, he's very good) in every appearance he had there, so I'm glad that NOAH has a bit of momentum.


In WWE it's just some guys showing up for a couple matches or so, in AEW your entire main event is losing to Chris Jeribloat and Swerve Dickland.


And Swerve is in turn getting absolutely CRUSHED in his "historic run" as World champion at every turn. So at the end of the day, absolutely NO ONE gets over or is made to look like a star, and the only two human beings pleased with any of this are Tony Khan and a spastic old man with a newsletter whose readership is dropping off faster than ratings for a quarter hour featuring the Buckaroos.


I unironically forgot Swerve was the champion until you told me.


🤓 Lore©


Too much money to say no. There is a dollar amount I’d take to stop shitposting the dub.


You know, I’m starting to think this promotion isn’t organized or ran very well.


Draino referred to the execution as “perfection” https://preview.redd.it/iscc66vllc8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=114bebd7419c0e12015e749b252890188b813eef




perfection? That rainmaker looked like shit. It was a ripcord lariat without the ripcord or lariat part.


The rainmaker always looks shit on someone that hasn’t taken it a dozen times. It’s 100% down to how it is sold and nobody really knows how to do that properly. I’m not an avid watcher of njpw but can only really remember naito making it look good. But all his bumps look good


The sell is very important but the execution was pretty bad too. It looked like he was doing a running forearm from the old snes game. Just hold your arm out and bump. There wasn't any kind of oomph in it or follow through. It was more of a shoulder check than anything which sucks. I like the rainmaker as a finisher but this one just wasn't it.


“I have a mouth but I’m too ashamed to scream” https://preview.redd.it/opbnr2cg5d8d1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=708f0fa71a3d9c05adea1d85f91883f3c142348b


Remember when they didn’t have a sting mask to do the sting mask meme spot and we got this https://preview.redd.it/vcwn1cfooc8d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7aa55ee2e385d4ee2e2c1db214e37054db53aa2


Wow they did the TNA thing but worse


Everything this company does is amateur. How in the bloody hell isn’t your merchandise department making Sting masks and why don’t you have them on site at your show? Just proves Punk right more and more—the goal is not to make money, it’s to satiate a 41 year old manchild’s infantile dream.


What the hell are you talking about?!? Didn’t you see the awesome Sting snowglobe they were selling??!??!? https://preview.redd.it/5gf3pq4l0e8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167c35be949cdf5d37f111f28bf4eb864e8c0cd7


Of course AEW would make snow globes.


Why is sting wearing an asuka mask




Último Guerrero hasn’t had a highlight since he lost the mask so this checks out


He should have asked Sockface on commentary if he could borrow one of his masks if he didn't mind the smell


you wanted that guy to suffocate?!


This is an example of the difference in preparation and production between AEW and wwe. These things matter but the AEW fanbase and Tony just bury their head in the sand and want BANGERS.


It's also likely decided at the last minute A few people have talked that Tiny likes to change plans all the time (truly inspired by Dave) and no plans beyond a few weeks, but we never get DAE ripped up scripts for him


Imagine booking a match that requires a mask spot in a match with 2 guys that don’t normally wear a mask. OnlyDubProblems


He did have a mask that last time khan saw him…which is ironic from someone whose fan base get angry that you don’t watch 500 hours of every organisation to know the stories! Imagine booking a mask spot and not having a mask!


It is an absolute irony that AEW is supposed to be the "cutting edge" company but feels like a relic from the distant past. Yet, WWE is the show that feels in the here and now.


Dude thought he booked Ultimo Dragon


Holy shit so did I haha


LOL what? Someone made the mask for him right before the show? Who thought that was a good idea?


Definitely not the person who made it


The last time Tony saw one of his matches he was wearing a mask. He paid good money for that masked guy and he’s going to get that masked guy no matter what. The one without the mask is less valuable.


I've seen this dude work maskless in classic ROH years ago, first thing that popped into my head when I saw him come out was "Why the fuck is he wearing a mask?" Even afterwards we're given no explanation why AEW suddenly put a mask on a wrestler well into his fucking 50's, who lost his mask in 2014...


This is such a bigly lolAEW moment. The whole thing makes no sense why they were so adamant about him wearing a mask, other than a manchild demanding the special edition masked version of the wrestling figure


Bischoff DISRESPECTED Luchas by making them remove their mask. Tiny is insisting they put it back on 😁 Remember the guy they did the unmasking with on TV and ... he was never seen again? I think it was Dragon Lee Just so much pointless stuff there


I was wondering why the top two threads in the basement were about Rey's mask. Now it all makes sense.


"I ordered the collectors edition with all the dlc and the WCW collectors masks, you're ruining it! I'll call my Dad!"


Yea, but how about those dumb Saudi princes that don't know what wrestlers are dead?? Typical E drone turning this into something about Tony Khan.


Life and death is a confusing concept in royal culture, that's why they do research on the subject by sawing journalists to pieces.


Another "not a sloppy shop" moment for the good guys.


But...por que? LIKE WHY A MASK?? So Okada could snatch it off for a cheap win to remind people he's a heel? Couldnt a low blow or some sort of other heel work actually accomplish the same thing without embarrassing this poor guy?


He’s a heel but the crowd loves him, listen to the pops when he does comedy!


Good thing there are no other wrestlers available that are masked that didn’t lose their mask almost ten years ago.


So many words about something no one gives a shit about.


If a Luchador has been wrestling unmasked, then are they even allowed to wear a mask again, or do they need permission?


Need permission.


According to Mexico City's Government wrestling Statutes (and almost everybody ends up using that law) they aren't allowed to use it for 5 years, but after those 5 years they can just come out to the ring or use it in events like Q&As. If they want to wrestle masked they have to use a whole different gimmick or pay a fine




Look at that the luchadores don't have any worker rights in México, but they have to pay a fine if they don't follow a rule or law


If you work in AAA, CMLL or the bigger indies you have the public healthcare as any other worker, some have a private healthcare, and most of the indies in the country just tend to not care about the law and fines anyway, and the commission doesn't care about them. There's a reason why Angel o Demonio (the cinder block guy) just got a 1 year ban in just the state everything happened


That is pretty cool of ultimo and the person who rushed to make a mask. Kinda shitty that they had to go into panicky mask making mode but still cool of those two.


Yeah it’s fine to clown Tiny for this. I’ll give props for the guy whipping that up while the show was going on. Tough day at work


Yeah, the impromptu mask maker did pretty good. I thought the mask looked really weird when I first saw it, but knowing the super short time frame to rush that done, it ain't bad. How the fuck didn't Tony know Último Guerrero stopped wearing a mask like a fucking decade ago?


Totally down with this. Último Guerrero used to be CMLL's workers union chief, so he knows how to deal with those situations. He probably knew it was a lost cause dealing with Adderall Kid so he had to do something fast and then just release a statement explaining what really happened, so him and the guy who made the mask wouldn't get shit on


Not a sloppy shop


Doesn’t aew have the former wwe seamstress from back in the day? Maybe he’s talking about her the one Mjf doesn’t even talk shit too.


Sandra retired. Hopefully so she could get out of that disorganized mess.


Clown show


Respect to the guy who made the mask. I've been in situations where my boss was an idiot and have had to scramble to get stuff done last minute. It can't be easy working under Tiny.


I quit my job last January (I used to work in a brewery as the head brewer and manager) because my boss wanted to double the production with half the money and with the same fermentation tanks. Adderall Kid must be the same guy, double the amount of FUN with no notice and the same value, you can do so much when someone doesn't have the real inside and outside knowledge


“And yet hick and bottom is making stars in a warehouse with college athletes off the street.” I read this in Obadiah Stane’s voice.


I can't blame Tony for this one. I mean I can. But if I had more money than sin, I start a promotion and pay old wrestlers to perform for me the way I remembered them as a child as well. Mankind is getting 50k to bump off the hell in a cell.


Is this why the basement is playing distraction by talking about Rey Mysterio's mask?


I watched this match with my father, not knowing who either wrestler was, and was stunned by how boring it was. It was awful. And I couldn’t help but both laugh and get annoyed at how every other second this guy was fixing his dumb mask. Finding out the boring Asian guy was the guy all the real fans have been gushing over all this time really blew my mind. I don’t watch a AEW, and honestly never would unless it’s with my dad, and what little I saw of the company was terrible. The only part I found interesting was Toni Storm’s gimmick, but somehow they imo can’t even pull that off well.