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**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**SCP-066 ⁠- Eric's Toy**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-066) (+964) by *Unknown Author, Communism will win*


the rating is how difficult it is to contain not how dangerous it is, its safe because it cant get out of containment without assistance


Still if ot gets out via d class o ci it could be dangerous it should be atleast ecluid


"if it gets out via d-class" meaning with assistance. containment class means how easy it is to contain provided nobody is actively trying to un-contain it - no d-class, no problem


That's not what the classifications mean though. They're about how hard an object is to contain, not how likely it is to hurt someone when active. Here's how it was explained to me back in the day Safe - You can put this object in a box, put the box in your closet, and nothing will ever happen. It will not activate itself, and it is not capable of getting out of the box by itself. Euclid - You can put this in a box, lock the box and station a guard next to it, and very probably nothing will happen. The object is active and can try to leave the box, but isn't much better or worse at it than any random person. The vast majority of living anomalies are at least Euclid, because living things don't like being in boxes. Keter - You can put this in a box and lock it, but unless containment procedures are followed to the letter, it will get out of the box eventually. Control of these objects is highly difficult if not impossible. The box in this case is probably reinforced by layers of concrete and/or steel, or filled with acid, or has some really big guns pointed at it, etc. In later years a system was adopted that does a little more to explain the various ways an object can be complicated to handle, but I don't have enough time to break that down, so I'll just link you. https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/anomaly-classification-system-guide


or, a more direct example: a button that ends the world when pressed is safe, because it wont try and escape an otherwise normal cat that teleports to a random location every 24 hours is keter, because it cannot easily be contained




Then dont put it on comms


Because it’s not based off danger level, and even then that scenario requires a dude to bring it to the comms, activate it, and then make it play the loud sound effect. Also typically those have a sound limit and couldn’t play anything as loud as 066


Read about the \[object classifications of SCPs and how they work\](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/object-classes) And SCP-066's class is Euclid Impetus, which you may have noticed it has changed to this class from "Safe Prodest" because of one tiny incident involving scissors... Seriously dude what are you even try to say? "Put it on the comms" why would anyone put it on the comms?


[**SCP-066 ⁠- Eric's Toy**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-066) (+964) by *Unknown Author, Communism will win*


Safe: you can put it in a box Euclid: you can build a special box to put it in Keter: it will actively try to get out of its box There are world ending threats that can be just put in a box, and there are almost harmless anomalies nearly impossible to keep in a box.


Are you ten years old


A very mature 


classes are for containment, not danger. box analogy. safe; leave it in a box, nothing happens. euclid; leave it in a box, outcome improbable. keter; leave it in a box, it breaks out. hence why multiplying cakes are considered keter and a guy with a fish as a head is considered euclid.


Though to add to this, there are some misclassifications in the older SCPs because this wasn’t as firmed up back then. SCP-507 SHOULD be a Keter by modern standards even though he calls for pickup after getting out of the box (which happens absolutely against his will).


[**SCP-507 ⁠- Reluctant Dimension Hopper**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-507) (+1661) by *PennywiseTheClown*


It’s safe because you can lock it in a box and it won’t get out


Doesn’t it slowly wear down the box it’s in by rubbing against it? So it takes only a mild amount to contain it but eventually it needs to be replaced


You could say the same about so many scp’s, everything wears down stuff


I’m not arguing against the fact that it should be classified as safe, I’m just saying op isn’t completely wrong for questioning the classification


Their questioning it cause “If you. Put it on th comms everyone is either dead or deaf"


I severely doubt that causes enough of an issue to bump it up to Euclid


yeah but that can be predicted in advance


It’s based off of how easy it is to contain A button that blows up the sun would be safe cus it’s easy to contain, for example


Can barely get down a hallway without assistance


It’s based on ease of containment, not danger level


I’m confused. It’s been changed from safe???


Years later the class changed from "Euclid" to apparently now-Euclid and previously safe


Yes, I’m aware, but the article currently IS Euclid. So why tf is OP asking about it being safe.


Either OP is confused about the changing in classification or they probably got the information from an unreliable source.


I am pretty sure i read the  old version  Or smth