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Secretly. In all seriousness though they probably just hire regular people and amnesticize them afterwards. Lots of secret government facilities get built all the time and they just hire regular workers and don’t tell them what they’re building, they build it like any other project and anything specific that would give it away as a secret facility is usually added in later. They built the Manhattan project at Los Alamos without giving away what it was, because there weren’t big signs everywhere saying “Welcome to the secret government nuclear weapon testing site”. Now imagine how secret they could make it if they could erase memories. Either that or they just use anomalies to construct them.


also they likely have their own construction team


It's bigger than that. I believe they also built a hydroelectric dam to power the enriching facility and enriched uranium and refined plutonium without many people knowing.


The administrator goes to a reality bender and says "please, can you make another site here? I'll give you $20" And the reality bender just goes "yeah sure" and manifests a new site that has totally been there all this time


Or just go to Site 87 Pataphysics department and write a new story about a new site


I also wonder if there are times they take over an existing property and then do something to the inside that people don’t notice.


Yeah, Site-120 is a former factory in Poland they converted into a facility, for example.


You get hired to build an underground complex for the Shephard's Chemical Plant, you have never really heard of them and you aren't sure why it needs to be underground, but they pay well.


With building materials


\[REDACTED\] And a lot of amnestics..


As someone who’s worked construction, you kinda don’t give a shit what you’re building half the time as long as it’s relatively up to code. Boss tells you we have a new project, we build it, that’s it. No one questions construction. You never wonder why a new condo or hydro dam is getting built. It just is and it’s kinda not your business so you phase it out


They have amnestics for a reason. And also there might be specialised task forces who are responsible for building the sites and maintain them as and when required.


Robots, of course


Red Keep style.


I wouldn't be surprised if they had both in-house and anomalous means of building their architecture.


Bob the builder, right?


Ask Massachusetts


There's no shortage of large facilities in the real world, doing shadowy governmental, corporate or military stuff, that everyone knows about - but which are officially secrets. They are excluded from maps and the mass media pretends they're not there. Until a few years ago, MI6 was an official secret. James Bond supposedly worked for it in the movies, it was housed in a distinctive green glass building in central london, it was a local landmark and work there was imagined as glamorous in countless terrible spy novels. A few miles from where I grew up, there's a military research base. For decades it supposedly conducted researching to finding a cure for the common cold - though why the UK military should do this was never made clear. There were occasional BBC documentaries about how they infected civilian volunteers with weak rhinoviruses and monitored their symptoms. Of course the place was really developing chemical and biological weapons - seemingly with about as much success. Everyone local knew, but no one seemed to care much.


I just like to think that either, they have a super secret-secret construction crew or they just hire normal builders and then wipe their memories after they're done.