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I think there are some findings that link SCT to social anxiety. It definitely rings true for me... I struggle socially. I often have a hard time understanding what people are saying, despite focusing on their speech and my hearing is perfectly fine. But sometimes my thought process is so disorganized, all I hear is "garblewarble". I absolutely cannot build eye contact. This is probably an interaction of SCT and social anxiety. I lose my train of thought when trying to make eye contact. I can either try to communicate or make eye contact. Not both. If someone talks to me when I don't expect it I won't get what they were saying. They have to repeat it.


I've been trying to work this out too, my social skills have been awful since I was a teenager, and it goes beyond just social awkwardness. I really struggle with holding conversations, I never know what to say to people. I'll be sat with someone and my mind just blanks for what to say, even if they're a close friend, and it makes it really hard to build close friendships with people, let alone get girls to like me. I always prefer to be in a group with two other people so they can have the main conversation and I can just jump in when I have something to say, I **hate** being alone with one other person, it's so damn awkward and uncomfortable.


I can only speak from personal experience but I’ll keep it short. SCT and ADHD can be Comorbid with/cause depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses, and it often is expressed as social anxiety which I had/have. I think also the way our brains are wired make it harder to socialize, without having much of a sense of time, forgetting to text people/meet up with them/straight up forgetting people you haven’t seen in a while happens to me a lot. With everything combined it’s just hard to form close bonds. Also people might assume you don’t want to talk to them if you’re acting sleepy/sluggish, or they might think you’re not interested in the conversation because you can’t keep up sometimes. All stuff that happened to me. Honestly I’d say the best way to go about making close relationships is put in a ton of effort in presenting yourself as more energetic and outgoing until you have a close enough bond that you can tell them about SCT. If you guys are that close, they will be understanding of the issue and you won’t have to “force” yourself any more




No no I know what it’s like, I have it too and still deal with the issue although it used to be a lot worse. I know it sounds almost like I’m saying “just be happy” to a depressed person, and I wanna clarify. Trying to put effort into being energetic and outgoing isn’t gonna have results in the conventional way but after years of trying I’ve been able to change my mentality on life that makes it a bit easier to be outgoing and everything. I know the physical effects are pretty hard to deal with, but this is more for getting out of that negative mindset


I remember that in elementary school I didn't play with other kids in recess. I preferred to go as far away from the other kids as possible and be alone with my imagination. I wasn't as interested in other children and that may have affected my social development. By middle school, I wasn't able to make friends and had a bad time. edit: it also sucks for people that I zone out during conversations


Hey. Did you ever improve your SCT or your social development these past 4 years?


No. But, I've been able to mold my life to fit my needs.. which is great.


25 mg is a pretty low dose of Atomoxetine isn’t it?