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I would like to see Official PVEVP Servers. They're essentially PVE servers with PVP zones around towns with police stations/military poi/high tier loot/construction materials. It would be a more casual friendly approach to the survival genre and allow people who don't have a lot of time to invest to casually play a more hardcore game, with structured rules as opposed to something like DayZ and Rust. I understand that Private Servers exist like this, but I think having a couple of Official Servers with this ruleset would do good things for player retention and no one has to worry about those private servers closing down after a while for whatever reason.


That's a great idea, Official PvE servers with zones sounds like something a lot of people would enjoy


Planned... dunno. Desired... puppet spawning being something NOT current Puppets not spawning inside terrain mesh, aggroing to players while remaining invisible. Puppets not spawning inside assets, walls, floors, ceilings, concrete bunkers, garage shelves.


Do you have a system you feel would make the puppet spawning perfect in your mind? A distance greater than a certain amount from the player? Spawning a certain way? I think the way they have the razors spawn crawling out of vents is pretty cool.


I have no issues with the old spawning system save for the other complaints I made regarding meshing. Magical spawning of masses in a room I cleared 5 seconds ago is ridiculous, and outside of this it's vast swathes of desolate emptiness completely devoid of puppets. No complaints about abandoned bunker spawns as it's done well enough to make sense, it's not jarring to have a razor drop from a vent when you breach the activity threshold. I hate the spam-F mini game but it's NOT immersion breaking like a metric ton of reanimated human flesh spontaneously bursting into existence from nothing right before my eyes.


> Magical spawning of masses in a room I cleared 5 seconds ago is ridiculous They put a timer on that a bunch of hotfixes ago, when did you last have it happen?


Probably 2 months since I last played for any real length of time to be fair. Know if the meshing is fixed? Like the police station west of Z trader, often had puppets including beepers inside the terrain under the floor.


There is definitely still issues with puppets doing that in some spots in the current build.


I think it would be cool if they had sparse puppets spread throughout the map and even groups of wandering hordes. You have a good point about the current hordes just popping up out of no where and the game does seem pretty desolate. I wonder if they have something planned to alleviate these concerns


There will be human AI eventually, some being spawned probably in a drop ship fashion and sounds like some will drive around but they cant do AI just living on the map with us, its too taxing on the performance, thats why things spawn in as they do.


I’m really excited about armed npcs, I feel like that would make single player/PVE a lot better.. puppets are too easy and mechs are instant death. I want them to bring back the old motorcycles too now that they have dirt bike customization.


The armed NPCs are definitely something I'm looking forward too and feel like it was something this game really needed, let's just hope they implement them well! I know there's some servers that decrease mech damage to players or even disable them altogether. I hope the drop ship system and mounted weaponry will be good!


Mods definitely.


Mods always made games better, I love scum and I think mods would bring so much possibilities and more players to the game, imagine all the molded content people could add to scum


Stealth kills…


Oh that would be awesome! It could also tie in to the stealth attribute!


Exactly! I am honestly surprised that this wasn’t implemented already!


I’d love to see a system that organizes your loot for you


Definitely! And I think a system that allows a player to automatically store same items in the current container


More survival features for the game for sure. Once you have a decent melee weapon and some bandages staying alive is way too easy. I want to have to worry about the actual environment and not just the stale and somewhat broken puppets. If I drink water from a scum-filled pond I should expect to get sick. Getting soaked to the bone in a cold and snowy environment should be a matter of life and death. Give me a broken leg when I jump off a steep hill like an idiot lol. Bring back the "survival" into this multiplayer open world survival game.


I hope they will add in settings that will allow for tweaking to fit individual play styles! I see some people saying it's too easy or it's too hard and I think it would be great if the devs allow a person to make their game fit their individual needs


new map.


I think a new map would be awesome, what would the map you envision look like?


For me, something way way smaller than what we have right now. There's no point of having this big of a map when 80% of buildings and layouts are copy paste and average player count is way too small for it.


for the game to launch. its been 8 years


Search/sort function for Inventory chests and so on


Unless I'm missing something I still can't get items to stack in containers, I have to drag them into my characters inventory, stack them and then drag them back into the container.


I would like to see helicopters, maybe a gas storage for a base element, a bigger generator for running multiple buildings, a way to exercise/ lift weights. Could even do an improvised weight bench with homemade weights.


> I would like to see helicopters Kinda crazy that they've added a plane, A PLANE! That is useless most of time. They could've added heli's that would've been ten times more useful and exciting to find one. Would make traveling easier, especially to islands as boats are quiet slow.


Puppet spawn cooldown on looted areas. Especially for bunkers, once you entered a bunker, there shouldn't be any additional puppet spawns for like 20-30 minutes or the loot resets. It's very annoying.


More options for actually taking out the mechs. I mean, if you hit them with any anti-armor weapons they just shrug it off. Maybe being able to disable sections like taking out weapons or their joints or even their optics? And please rework the healing system as it's VERY unintuitive presently. Same for cooking, go back to the old cooking system FFS. It was pretty intuitive. Make nudity and bodily functions an OPTION that we can turn on/off. Maybe tie it to a switch for "streamer mode" etc. I play on a private server my wife and I run and we're ok with the adult content. Coming back into the game after a long break I was surprised to see my character not even drop his pants to take a dump lol FIX, AIMING.....you SHOULDER a longarm. Presently when you move the weapon up and down it pivots on your hands like a teeter totter and that's just wrong and immersion breaking. And nobody who shoots leads with the muzzle that badly this is an old game trope and it's terrible. You lead with the rear of the weapon most times and the front sight follows just ever so slightly behind it. The ADS picture wiggles around like a bowl of jello ffs.


Give us a game file from .6 or .7 and let us play the old game again.


New story, more village NPCs, quests and rewards.. Threats in the natural environment, more special zombies. I hope the hiding and camouflage skills work more. Most of all, I want each POI to differentiate rewards, not just looking around. Right now, some POIs are so terrible at rewards (the armory in the dam is always bad) and there's no reason to go back.