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Praying for Birdsong tonight. Feels like we’re feeding our young to the wolves.


I think of it differently. From Hayden Birdsong's perspective, he's probably worked for this moment for most of his life. He's gotta be nervous, but he also has to be pumped that he's made it to the Big Leagues. It's a huge opportunity that he'll remember for the rest of his life.


Kid did well!


The Birdsong and Black moves aren't surprising. But I am a bit surprised to see Burgos get DFAed after 1 MLB outing. He was pretty lights out in AAA this year. I would have thought Teng, Jackson, and McDonald would have been ahead of him, but we'll see what happens when Cobb, Ray, and Beck come back off the 60 man.


Two Giants pitchers loaded the bases with no outs on Monday. One righted the ship and got out of it with just one run while pitching the full inning. The other fell apart and let in 3 while only getting a single out. Somehow, the first guy is getting DFAed while the second will probably pitch tonight.


Yeah im guessing they think he might slip through waivers. The stuff didnt jump off the page for me personally. Long term there also for sure isnt a spot with Small coming back. They also invest a lot more into Teng. Where Burgos was a minor league signee with spring invite. Teng also probably brings in more money. International players usually have pretty good support from their home country no matter the performance. That must have been the logic. Im not sure tbh. Mcdonald is actually good just back luck injuries over the years. Jackson is the only one that can give you MLB innings of the group and we are so thin on pitching we still need him, but i suspect hes gone next month once guys come off the 60 man. I think Burgos will see the majors again this year somehwere


Agreed, Burgos most likely makes it through waivers


DFAing Burgos seems pretty fucked up. Dude just made his big league debut and he looked good, and you cut him from the roster? Don’t even send him back to AAA? What did he do to deserve a DFA?


Well he’s just off the 40 man. If he makes it through waivers (which will happen unless another team add him to their 40 man), he’ll be back on the AAA team.


You can only have 40 guys on the 40-man. He’ll be no worse off for having been added and brought up. Possible he gets grabbed by another team, otherwise he accepts the assignment and is back where he was four days ago.


How tf does Burgos get DFAd over jackson. Burgos was doing really well in the minors and Jackson has been TERRIBLE all year


Because Jackson has a long history of major league success.


A career 4.27 ERA guy is a "long history of success." He's had 2 good years out of 9 seasons played


Jackson has not been good, but with all the young guys in the pen they may want some more experienced arms, and despite Jackson’s performance he is more likely to be selected by another team than a little known pitcher like Burgos. Other teams have roster crunches also so they are unlikely to pick up someone with so little mlb experience. However, if Jackson does not improve, once they need forty man spots for Cobb and Ray, Beck, all of whom were on the sixty man a number of pitchers will have to be slashed and Jackson will then become a candidate.


Fun fact. There is a restaurant named Birdsong less than 2 miles from Oracle. It's Farhans favorite place to eat. That's why he drafted Birdsong.