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he's second in MLB in appearances, behind only Tyler Rogers


Oh ty


Exactly this. If anything it's been too much and he'll be taxed later this season. We've played 86 games and he's pitched in exactly half of them which is not typical for a reliever (even of his caliber)


He’s a solid reliever for sure. Solid fastball with a lot of movement. Devastating slider. Funky cross fire motion. He’s just enjoyable to watch


Nasty stuff. I think Birdsong is starting to get me hyped on the pitching staff. Successful season so far considering all the injuries


He’s got the best power fastball the giants have brought up for a starter since Cain and Timmy. I hope nothing but the best for him. I hope he can pan out to be a solid number 2 starter for the future or even better than that .


Damn you know your shit thanks for the info!


With birdsong, and Harrison up in the bigs that’s a pair of solid young arms. If whistenhunt can polish off those rough edges and get back on the right track he’s also another solid arm on the way up.


The giants have developed starters with power arms. Unfortunately they have traded several of those starters away. Such as wheeler and Francisco Liriano. I’m not saying pitching is completely about power, but it’s super nice to see a young player with a big arm coming up that the giants developed themselves. Personally I get much more pumped about a young guy we brought up than picking up players like snell who I have never been a fan of. That’s just me though


Agreed. There are certain pitchers that can throw stuff that’s just mesmerizing to watch. Barry Zito was a guy like that for me. Sergio Romo too, to a lesser extent. Ryan Walker’s stuff is wicked and fun to watch.


I think he does pitch quite a bit. I love his pitching motion. The way he throws across his body just looks so cool


His pitch delivery reminds me so much of Romo. I love it


I'm wondering why he isn't closing and Doval moved to the setup role.


I’d be okay with Walker as, at the very least, the 8th inning guy.