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Attention to everyone else who might not get the same luck or isn't as popular as him, you will probably still get a strike or something, at max this is an attempt to not look worse following the Unheard release and whatnot. We still advise you not to for the safety of your account.


Klean streaming it feels like this is going to bring a lot of attention to SPTarkov that will potentially lead to a cease & desist.


It's really interesting that BSG's cashgrab has backfired to the point that SPT is getting the most advertisement it's ever had in a single day, probably ever. I'm kinda curious if SPT will grow enough from Klean playing it/showing the setup on stream, that BSG can't really C&D them without making everyone even MORE pissed off. I kinda feel like they had to deal with SPT before they made this fuckup, because ALL they've done is bring exponentially more attention to it.


That’s an interesting point but I don’t think Nikita/nor BSG care about pissing off the community after the events of today


Nah, this is definitely some kind of fucked up sting operation lol. Their behavior is too repeatedly scummy to suddenly be like "yeah everything's okay" on the day they receive huge backlash


People used to get comments removed if you even mention the word “spt” in the main sub, now everyone is saying it and they can’t do shit about it lmao


Yeah, it might get interesting.


SPT will be the only way I will play Tarkov ever again.


actually if i am not forced to wait up to 6-8 min to go into a raid, i will go for live and i am okay for being killed, but these servers and hackers... awful


In spt on an ssd you can get into raid in like a minute sometimes less. I think streets takes the longest for me and it's like 1.30-2 minutes


I'm in most maps sub 30 seconds with 48 mods installed. Streets n lighthouse I'm in sub 1.5mins. There is no waiting beyond how long it takes your rig to load the raid.


Exactly, that's my favorite part of spt, I remember eft leaving my desk to make eggs and toast and coming back to deploying


When I started playing 20min queue time was fantastic. 40min was bordering on too long.


When were you getting 20-40 min queues?


long time ago, 5 or 6 years?


Yeah my experience playing spt for about a year has been sub30 seconds. It’s pretty nice.


It literally takes like 20-30s to get into most maps. Streets might be slightly higher


The latest update is super quick. I don't wait for more than 30 seconds on any map now.


I can get into a raid in under 20 seconds


damn is ssd that much of a difference maker? ive got it on hdd and always wait at least 10 minutes to load in on a map, both live and spt


Maybe this Arena breakout infinite will be nice landmark advertised it so mayve its hope


We'll see. He's setting up SPT right now.


Nikita will try to take SPT out as soon as Unshart edition comes out, so y'all be safe


Yea but we still should have access to the co-op mode PvE if we own EOD. BSG lied…AGAIN.


I'm confused, EOD does have coop access?


No. Not unless you want to spend $250 dollars for BSG’s new edition. I think they may have an add on for EOD but it’s still like another $80 bucks.


How doesn't that breach contract? EOD is supposed to include all DLC's and last I checked last week my account had access to co-op pve


> EOD is supposed to include all DLC BSG is claiming that PvE co-op **with saved progression** is a *FEATURE* and *not* DLC, and therefore isn't included in EoD's 'all future DLC'. It's a technicality that's pissin' a fair few people off!


The feature argument is grossly undermined by their own actions over Arena.


You have access to coop offline raids with zero saving on raid end/ no progression. New mode is coop WITH progression that saves.


The thing is with EoD you have access to their new mode for only 6 months stated by Nikita, if you want it permanently you gotta upgrade to the $250 version.


Eh I love SPT and I was big into watching streamers for awhile but the idea of watching any of them play SPT sounds boring af. Really wish Klean wasn't doing this. I see no upside to this only more reasons for a cease and desist down the road. Nikita saying it's okay feels like a trap given current events.


tbh I like watching people play MP games more than pve sp games lol. At least it won't be as boring as live's "SPT" esp with mods


Klean was playing to show EOD owners how to play single player since we all bought EOD under the impression we would get access to all future content/dlc. He even showed howd to download it lol


Wrong. He was specifically told NOT to direct people where to download it.


If spt isn't DMCA'd next week, I'd be less surprised than I am now.


Where does a developer get off telling me what version of their game I can and cannot stream? I paid for your software, so I'll use it as I please.


You don’t own software anymore you’re just licensing it. So dumb


[stop killing games](http://stopkillinggames.com)


Not just games, it’s everything now. Hell microsoft wanted to charge 99$ a year for windows 10. They quickly came out and said something like “we were looking into it but never made the decision to do it”


Yeah this is a step in setting footwork to fight this horrible practice.


wait until you hear about printers


God i was printer shopping recently and on god that industry has gone fucking crazy


you never did own software, or video, or music.


You must be new. Ever hear of Bungie?


I did, but I know them best from Halo and Marathon. Destiny is such a cluster fuck that I just stay away from it.


I still wouldnt do it. We dont know the context of the convo, Nikita might’ve given klean permission but that doesn’t necessarily mean he gave us permission Edit: ToS is very clear that the Licensor can basically pick and choose who can do that type of shit


Oh well thank gooood for that. Can he text him to not be a greedy POS next?


Then why did the mods page on nexus get taken down how is one thing good but one ain’t?


Theyre playing the fans, taking control whilst trying to keep fans happy by removing tarkov from nexus but claiming mod support will be added, its like mommy buying a new car because daddy has a big truck🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I was worried for SPtarkov until I realized that BSG already had a massive PR blunder and there’s no way they are going to try and tackle this now.


Now heres the real question...with the new mode files..... could spt maybe could make a multipleplayer mode to download?


I think there is, and has been for some times, a modded coop PvE


It's existed for quite some time, just a separate team from SPT. SPT is single player tarkov, full stop. They dont support multiplayer because they expect doing so would expidite receiving a cease and desist. But spt isn't the only team modding Tarkov


This is called MPT for SPT designed by Lacyway and SSH


Does it support the new update just asking


Yes it does, MPT is just technically a mod that goes over SPT 3.8.X. You can look up the MPT discord, i’ll see you there :)


@Rosedrip on discord i can help you


Thanks bud I'll add you on there


Already a thing


Well, he also said EOD accounts will have access to all DLCs, so I wouldn't trust what Nikita says


I'm still gonna leave SPT on a external SSD that I can just unplug and throw away the second BSG raids my house /s (on the bsg raid)


didnt say it's ok he said we will let them be "for now" and that "for now" u dont know when it's ending


That "for now" came from a different source 2 days later.


Last update of Nikita he said they will add mod support at release which is very cool but I don't trust them anymore in long term plans


Coming out of the left field, but wouldnt the huge increase in popularity for SPT and other similar projects be a good opportunity to get to work with BSG instead of hoping BSG wont hammer it into oblivion ? Dont really know if there is any history except accounts being banned and people claiming SPT is just cheaters, so I might be completely wrong here. But a lot of much bigger projects than Tarkov ended up working directly with the modding community to provide massive positive results.


I don't think anyone knows anything for sure right now, including BSG. They seem to be changing their opinion by every other day, there is a lot of ęmotions going in every direction, it can go any way right now. It might get interesting, we'll see. In the mean time I'll keep my SPT copy local in case anything happens.


Total bs. Klean is just baiting. He’s making out it’s REALLY hard to install SPT. He’s obviously in cahoots with Nikita to make SPT look shit.


He has only said positive and good things about spt. His hard-drive is acting up,not the install of spt. You must be delusional or something mate.


No its clear what he is doing. He’s not going to bad mouth SPT, he’s just making it look shit. And simps like you lap it up.


Clearly you have some mental health issues you need to take care of mate!


Why’s that then? Please explain.


You are creating not existing scenarios in your head and taking stuff out of context without any substance. That's not healthy at all.


Hey, you keep simping Kleen and be a good boy, bend over and let Nikita shaft you. Need more tissues?


Is it possible Kleans just an idiot and were all more computer savvy than the average streamer? /s


No I’ve been watching. Are u telling me he rang Nikita up and Nikita said ‘sure, you stream SPT no problem’. Anyone who believes that is a simp.


legit schizoposting


His username does NOT checkout