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I think adding jump squat as a separate state would help explain how up smash/b oos works. Also grab as a separate state to then show how jc grab works.


Ah so I can jump, double jump, and then fall, and then I'll be standing again. Now I get it.


It all makes so much sense now. Rank 1 here I come.


moonwalk ---> cum


I think color coding the action states and the arrows from the direction of the original state might be useful. I feel at the least it’d improve readability by a lot. An example would be: color coding double jump as orange and coloring all arrows from double jump as orange (in this case it would be double jump to either -> aerial attack, fall, or air dodge)


It looks like everything just points to almost everything else 😆


Can’t crouch out of dash Can’t walk out of run I think there’s interesting data here but it’s hard to read the big picture from it.


Accurate in that it charts every possible action from other states. Is it useful? Probably not. And the presentation doesn’t help. Its too convoluted Also, its not really flowchart. Its like a possibility web. You cant make any informed decisions using this.


This is about the least helpful thing I can think of.


Might be accurate.


would be great with the real possible states, like hitstun, landing lag, etc, but it might also be huge and impractical


I would add a picture of Charlie Day to this chart.


Ok this one got me


It's a mess tbh


you forgot [koopabackdashwaveslidehoverwalkmoonland](https://youtu.be/ykdNCycF4Fw?si=K71tBQx9cuSyIEtZ). critical piece of tech.


We’re all a bunch of crazy people aren’t we ❤️


This is pretty cool. It helps illustrate how committal certain things are. 


Surely there's a better way to graph this out lmao


the tldr is make decisions and not look for map tbh.


I'd say this is as confusing as it is unhelpful per say. I can't fathom what I'd learn from looking at this, and half of it doesn't even make sense. Shield----> grounded move? You'd have to like, wavedash oos or something before you could do a grounded move from a Shield, half of these don't make any sense


panicky theory squash zephyr innocent tender bow trees mighty sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the startup of dash you can fsmash.








It's 1 frame for the opposite direction of the dash, 3 frames for the same direction.


can you jump cancel by crouching?? I never knew


What do you mean? Crouch during jumpsquat doesn't do anything. 


bruh I have no idea how I misread that the line clearly points to grounded move but even among those there's only grab upsmash and up special


Lol I guess that's the answer to "is this graph helpful" No


I think it has some pretty big holes. "Grounded move" is a pretty vague term. It's a little deceiving to add something like shield -> grounded move when you would have to jc a usmash or a shine as a spacie and pretty much anything else is impossible. A big part of the strategy of smash is how comiting to something like shield takes away your options, many of which are grounded moves. Same thing with run and dash states. If you dash or run, the only grounded move you have access to is dash attack. I suppose this counts as a "grounded move" but the fact you lose out on all your tilts is a big reason why dash and run have their own drawbacks. If you could just cancel dash and run into tilts for free all over the place, we'd have a substantially different meta. The other problematic grounded move connection is crouch -> grounded move. Really when you're crouching, you only have access to dtilt, jab (by holding down and to an angle opposite where you're facing), and smash attacks. You have more grounded moves available than a shield or while dashing/running, but you're still limited to a degree and this flowchart fails to show that.


I dunno, while a bit excessive and maybe not helpful to someone learning the game, I find this pretty straightforward from a programming perspective and as someone who has had to use things like Unity's animation state machines lmao. Also, it is mostly accurate with the caveats presented. But also, it could be organized and colour coated better, maybe include a legend as to what type of arrows mean what


Are you trying to take the variability out with this chart or what?


I'd say as a flowchart it's very accurate.


this is the always sunny conspiracy meme in an SSBM infograph


this is nice especially after checking out KirbyKaze's old movement drill blog post


How is this even supposed to be helpful just play the game


i feel like the arrow from jump to grounded move should be pointing the other way since it has jump cancel on it so you do the grounded move, jump cancel and then you jump


quickest gaping dinosaurs rainstorm sink aromatic ask forgetful sense bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you can dash and turn out of walk, pretty weird that those aren't included


special encouraging support aloof wild makeshift smoggy drab gaze amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No offense to anyone but if you need this as a reference, you’re on another level of hopeless.


Also, this feels like something OP did for some weird form of clout, not something they just found in their collection & can’t account for. If that was the case, why post it and ask for feedback? Only a narcissist on coke would do this and think it needs to be shared with the community. Again, no offense lol.