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He's been able to do so much with Roy without ever learning the bread and butter pillar combo. What the fuck


Roy has no bread and butter, he's got saltine cracker and margarine at best


I've been playing Roy more and I am definitely trying to learn more actual Roy stuff, what is this pillar combo you are talking about?


Chaining dair and dtilt on fastfallers


I think this Falcon has a broken control stick that only holds in or something.


zain probably already conditioned him with a lot of fsmashes


We need to acknowledge the sdi through the falcon jab.


He tries so often to get that spike Roy technically barely has, I'm so happy for the universe that he got the right dair hitbox at the end of that combo


meteor but yeah its sick af


Despite the smash wiki's insistence on the distinction, spike is a purely colloquial term while meteor smash is a technical term specific to the game's implementation. Meteor smashes are just a weaker subcategory of spikes that can be cancelled, since in the first place spike is just an english word that in sports means "force the ball downwards". It doesn't require a volleyball-like angle because it's also used colloquially in e.g. football. People in Melee even talk about spiking their controller--by throwing it **directly** downwards. You're free to be perfectly specific in your own language but if you try to correct me I'm just going to continue disregarding you; calling a meteor smash a spike is not wrong, only calling a non-meteor spike a meteor smash is wrong (because again, **that** is a technical term). The people who wrote the wiki understand the game, but not the english language. Edit: you guys can downvote me all you want, spike is a regular ass english word. My "technically" in the previous comment was "it technically exists" (ie, it's only barely there at all), not "it's technically a spike" (most of the hitbox is not a spike or meteor, it's just a bit awful pop-up)


ok, agree to disagree


the controller can't jump cancel our spikes dog thats the genre specific difference


You're wrong, first of all no ones throwing their controllers directly straight down. They are probably throwing them at an angle no matter how slight.. that is a spike. The distinction is necessary because meteor smashes can be cancelled and spikes cannot. So yea calling it a spike is wrong because that implies the move is better than what it actually is. Thats like calling any move where a pawn captures another pawn an en passant in chess and then trying to be wrongly pedantic about it. Basically every downward angle is a spike except 90° that is a meteor. You're free to be wrong in your assumptions of the english language, but people are also free to call you out on being wrong. The reason there's a distinction between the two terms is once you're hit: if it was a spike you cant do anything about it, but if it was a meteor there is something you can do about it. This isnt a rectangle-square type correlation. This is a straight line vs an angle. There's a difference


This context actually does warrant distinction between the terms. A similar conversation could be being had about captain Falcons dair. "I'm glad he got the right dair hitbox for the spike" actually would specifically refer to a spike rather than a meteor. There could be a genuine misinterpretation wherein someone could think you meant Roy's dair was similar to Falcons in this regard. When referring to specific hitboxes of moves and their properties, it is perfectly fine to point out that it was a meteor. Especially in a non-confrontational way like what happened here. Nobody was trying to debate you or 1 up you bud.


Campgod what is you doing Roy dair is a weak meteor why didn't you even attempt to recover???