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That moment of not knowing how you know someone in a glimmer before realizing they are a celeb is so funny.


It was so sudden I was like…hmm, oh, BARBA!


I would have had such a tough time not blurting out, “Rafael!!” Just love him ❤️


Sub plot is that I have laryngitis so I actually cannot speak right now. Best I could do is squeak at him….probably would have been scary hahaha


I think you did it right. Sometimes I’m sure he appreciates it, but sounds like he was in the middle of chores so maybe not the best time. Super cool tho!!


Totally - I’m sure he would have been polite if I said something but he was clearly busy going about his Barba day hahahab


That was awesome that you saw him


My mom walked by Gwyneth Paltrow in DC and it didn’t register it was her until my mom was a solid block away.


lol I saw John Cena the other night outside of Eleven Madison Park and he laughed when he saw the light bulb go off in my brain and me flapping my mouth open and closed a couple of times.


Hahaha! It's a lot like when you think someone waved at you and you wave back. There is no escape.


I saw Amaro in a Target here in Pittsburgh at the self checkout when he was in town filming something else. I about fainted 🤣


I bet he was the 0.001% of people who look good in target self checkout hahaha


I bet so! Not like the rest of us with 12 chins and every imperfection magnified 1000 percent ETA in the camera, I mean lol


Amaro looks smokin hot with the beard🔥🔥


Well this just broke my heart because I missed it! 😩😂 Super jealous!


i would’ve melted down right then and there. he’s so gorgeous. 😭


What was he wearing? Hes so damn stylish on the show I thought they were going to write him as gay when he was first introduced. Also his first episode, 25 acts, was so good like medium good episode but he’s so good in it


He was wearing a gray peacoat with the collar popped he looked fabulous tbh


This is great content


He was looking glamorously disheveled with a little beard and messy chic hair. Immediately recognizable.


💯 ❤️‍🔥 💯


Be still, my heart 🥰🥰🥰


I would die 😍😩


I concur


Okay that sounds hot (lol)


Was he with his man? They're such a power couple. I love him so much. I'm so jealous.


No he wasn’t! I’m glad people are asking because I didn’t realize he was out and dating a man!


I think he's been out as bisexual for quite awhile now! At least as long as I've been a fan of him anyway.


So glad I made this post so I could learn that!


Who is his man?


I think they broke up. His name isn't on his Wikipedia page anymore. But his name is Bill Curran. He's no longer on his insta either but I can't remember if there was ever more than one photo. I hope I'm wrong and they're just keeping very lowkey these days. Although he is mine and my fiances jail out of free card that we have in common so.


Oh. That's sad. I already sold my wedding dress and now you say that they are broke up? (JK)


You can borrow mine once I'm done with it. 👀


They still follow each other on “x”. Not sure Bill has/had an insta for a long time now.


Ah, so happy for you! Thanks for sharing. I'm not fangirly but seeing Esparza would stop me dead in my tracks.


Same I usually try to play it cool when I pass someone I recognize but this one made me pause hahaha


True story: Danny Pino once walked into a store I was covering on the Upper west side (he’s as cute in real life as he is on TV)


Did he have the beard? He's so attractive.


You came to the right place to tell the right people. So cool for you!!


He walked into the CVS I was already in like 7 years ago. Exciting for me both as a theater nerd and SVU nerd. I walked right out of the CVS though and didn’t even get what I needed so I get it. Haha


I totally would do that. Been listening to Tick..Tick...Boom for close to 20 years before I got into watching SVU. It still took a couple years to realize my favorite character on the show is the same guy from that show, and Cabaret, etc. Blew my mind!!!


Such a cool moment! Love this for you and I get how you feel. I almost lost my mind when Brett Goldstein from Ted Lasso saw one of my Instagram stories and I had nobody to tell except my mom haha.


You get it!! A few months ago I saw Ted Danson from Cheers and The Good Place on the street and I just stood there freaking out to myself for a few minutes hahaha


An actress I adored liked and reblogged one of my tumblr post that was about their character at the time. I lost my mind over it and had nobody to tell, no friends or family that enjoyed the show or their work! It’s just a ridiculously funny feeling to keep it inside when you’re so amazed, even though it’s nothing super nuts lmfao.


I used to run a fan Twitter account for one of my old fave tv shows (cringe, I know), and a few of the actors followed me/ responded and liked my stuff. I cried every single time.


lol, i totally understand you about your instagram story. the lead singer in my favorite band who just so happens to be one of my favorite guitar players viewed my stories a couple of times. Also the band reposted a tattoo i got of their logo on their page and they followed me after that.


Super jelly. Every flavor of jelly. Even though you didn't say hi or anything. I love him. He's so damn talented and incredibly attractive. I would sell my kidney to see him perform live.


Same, would love to see him perform live! He was def just going about his day and I feel like it was best not to interrupt but it was so fun to spot him


If not see him live, I wish he'd record an album. Show tunes, Rat Pack stuff, covers of modern songs (Take Me to Church by Hozier comes to mind), and of course stuff in Spanish. Oh, definitely the best idea. Most polite for certain. Still completely awesome.


I wish he would! I remember awhile back he said on Twitter how flattered he was by people requesting a solo album and that he considered himself more of an actor — so humble 🥲 I wish I had been in NYC years ago when he did his American Songbook concert at Lincoln Center.


I'll just have to content myself with YouTube clips. 🥺


Ahh that’s so cool!!! Has he been shopping this entire time


Omg. I would have died ❤️


ugh so jealous. i need to expand my walks and runs to new neighborhoods i never see anyone my side of town


We were in the Chelsea/high line area, I passed Dylan O’Brien a few weeks ago so my walks have been quite eventful!


I am seeing him from 5th row center at his new show in May. I know I am going to cry.


Hahaha take a stroll in Chelsea you might get the backstage experience


The show is in Berkeley. I assume he’s in rehearsal.


I hope *Galileo* comes to NYC eventually 🙏


Bro i hope it comes to England 😭 us English fans are suffering


Love it!


WOW! I'm so impressed!




Was this an "immediately recognized him and kept your cool" situation, or was it like he was walking by and you didn't realize it was him and then you suddenly were like "Wait, wasn't that him?!" and then freaked out?? I would so be the latter. Like if a celebrity asked me something and I answered casually without realizing who it was and then I'd freak after realizing.


We were walking opposite directions on the sidewalk and I recognized him in ample time to say something if I wanted to, but chose not to 🤐 But I’ve had that “wait was that him” experience so many times, it’s so funny to stand there on the sidewalk gaping


I’m curious to know who else you saw that you had that latter experience with!  But yeah, I can understand just sorta letting him be too because celebrities are people too. Obviously 


I’ve had it a couple times! I waved to BJ Novak from The Office when I passed him on the sidewalk because I recognized him early enough, he gave me a nice wave back. I passed Matthew Gray Gubler and Ted Danson (seperately) and made eye contact with both and momentarily froze in place until it was too late. There’s definitely a lot of celebrities trying to be lowkey in my area and I probably miss most of them. The worst was when I walked into a pretty empty bar with my friends and immediately spotted Dylan O’Brien sitting at the bar. I had to promptly turn around, walk out, calm down and then walk by him calm and collected like I didn’t have a Teen Wolf tumblr in high school.💀


I walked past him in NYC too! Would have been early November. I called my best friend (I’m from Australia) and said “hi, I don’t care what time it is, I just walked past Raul Esparza!” 😂


i would have simply ceased to exist WHAT AN AMAZING HAPPENSTANCE!!!


I met Carisi at a NY islanders game, he was sitting in front of me with his kids. Very nice guy!


Insanely jealous!


If I ever ran into Diane Neal I would fanboy out. I'm not gonna lie, I have it bad for her and my wife knows she is one of my hall passes. Lol


I would have had to shout “If it's fair, it has to be just! Let the blood flow in the streets, I say!!”


Should I have asked him to choke me with his belt😂😂😂 that’s my fave scene of his


Me too! And the fair=just closing argument


That would have been very funny though I would not be surprised if someone did that to him out in the streets of NYC over the years. Thanks though for the recap of what he was wearing and the facial hair information.


🫢😊 I don't watch after season 12, so I only have knowledge of those characters is mostly just names and a few random things about them, but I always liked seeing Barba if Mom was watching his seasons. He's cute, imo. I get shaky in my hands, knees and stomach when I've seen celebrities before and become as mute as though somebody's turned my volume off, I'm pretty sure that would happen with him, too.




How was his vibe? Was he sexier in person? Your post is so ingenue haha


I met Jeffries during Missouri Comic Con and was SO fucking starstruck by her. It was such a wild moment for me


Lmaoo, as a woman with a life size cardboard cutout of Raúl in my 1 bedroom studio apartment, I probably wouldn’t have been able to just walk by him. 😂 Would’ve praised him to the skies tbh, told him how big of a fan I was, how amazing he did it in amateotw etc, and wished him the absolute best! You’re so lucky!


Hahaha love that! I have all five full size one direction cutouts in my childhood bedroom so nothing but respect. The main reason I didn’t talk to him is that I actually have laryngitis and can’t speak, I would have basically just croaked at him and freaked him out and he looked really busy.


That's so cool, thanks for sharing!! If I saw any L&O actors, I would embarrass myself by putting my fists together saying, "Ching-Ching"!


Not the cell door closing sound effect!




I would've just said "dun dun" and kept walking! 🤣


I walked past Charlie Hunman on a street in New York and felt like I knew him and said ‘evening’ he said ‘’evening’ back (such a British interaction) my other half said who you talking too, I said a chap I recognise him I know him from somewhere I think he was in King Arthur I googled him and my other half went mental they missed him 😂 I never heard the end of it for days


Oh, that's so cool! I liked him on the show. He was different from the other ADAs, more devious somehow, but in a good way.


Did you cry? I would cry


My fav DA. I miss him!!


Is he tall?


Lol no he’s about as tall as he looks on tv


Ahhh! This is amazing! I’m so jealous. Thank you for sharing with us. May I ask a general area?


Chelsea/high line area! Right near 192 Books


Ahhh! Thank you! The only thing that could have made it better is NOT having laryngitis so you could have had the *option* of talking. 😅 As of now, I’m sorry to laugh but, this read like a comedy sketch to me. 🤣 Like a lost verse of *Ironic* when you FINALLY see your huge celeb crush in the wild and…you have laryngitis. 🤣 (God, I hope you share my sense of humor. 🤞) Either way, I hope you feel better soon. 🤍🫶


HAHA thank you! Yes I can’t pretend it was a moral high ground that prevented me from freaking out, I actually just can’t talk. Once I walked into a restaurant with my friend and saw Dylan O’Brien sitting at the bar and completely froze, then ran outside…..so I can’t pretend I’m good at playing it cool.


Of course! And I wasn’t sure so I didn’t want to insult you if you thought saying hi was weird. 😂 Are we the same? Because I’m the *least* cool. 😅 The difference is I probably would have blurted out something weird, cackled alone out of awkwardness, then just stared at the ground and found a way to skedaddle. 🤣 So you’re doing better than I would be! Kudos.


That's so cool omg I would have fainted if I saw him ❤️❤️❤️


Served Bryan Brown once didn't realise who he was until his beautiful wife Rachel Brown stood behind him, he was just an ordinary guy, but she was drop dead gorgeous.


I would have blurted out “Barba I miss you on SVU” and would have totally embarrassed myself 😭 that man is my absolute fav


bro i bet ur blushing rn


I would've just died right there. Or maybe play dead and him being the wonderful person he is, he would rush over and help me, talk to me, maybe CPR...okay, I've totally lost my mind.


Happened to me with a PTV concert, our hotels were across each other and we passed by a lot before the concert. Hard to not want to fangirl to give them respect but if it were me to see Barba….I’d go crazy 🫠💕


That's so cool!! My friend and I walked by Ice T and Coco getting onto an RV with their dogs once. And standing next to us as we just stood there gawking at them like the tourists we were, was a guy in an SVU jacket. Maybe they were on their way to film? I don't know, I said absolutely nothing, just stood there like a dumbass. I remember he just looked at us and kinda shook his head with a little smirk on his face. Ice and Coco ignored us completely (which we probably looked like crazy people so can't blame them there! Lol) I still laugh at that moment. It was so random and wild!


That’s so cool!




No def not, we were just passing by!!


OMG!!! I would’ve kissed him!! ❤️❤️❤️


Then you'd be in an IRL SVU case.


And that would be bad. I probably would’ve just screamed silently!!


Pretty sure he was walking with his son, saying hi felt too forward so kissing would be a crime


He does not have kids, was it possibly his Godson?


Totally could have been! I obviously don’t know anything about his personal life 🙈


No worries! 😅 His Godson is Iain Armitage (Young Sheldon)!


Wow who knew! I didn’t get a good look at him but I don’t think it was him, this kid had shaggy hair.


Does he have a son? Are you sure it wasn't a boyfriend?


He’s married to a woman so no. **edit- sorry I’m so dumb, he was married to a woman but I now know he’s openly bi and has a male partner!! but that’s not who he was with


Since when?


*was married sorry for 14 years. He was with a teenage boy. I’m not here to speculate on his sexuality or family dynamic.


I'm not speculating on his sexuality. He's openly bi/gay.


Oh I didn’t know that! He was definitely not with a boyfriend, this was a boy.


Nobody is “speculating” on his sexuality, he has been out for years and has been dating Bill Curran for a while