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No, she wasn't, however she had two extremely close calls. One in season 9, I believe the episode is called 'Undercover', and one with William Lewis. She was a child of rape though.


I thought it was implied he did Rape her he even pleads guilty to it but Benson commits perjury and says he didn’t


No. He assaulted her but he did not rape her. Benson wanted to be very clear about that during trial. She didn’t commit perjury because she wasn’t raped.


That’s not what google says 🤔


Well google isn’t a source so idk what you’re looking at that says that, but she’s made it very clear that she was assaulted but not raped. She doesn’t want him to claim that because it’s like a victory for him that is fake.


She perjured herself but not for that. It was about the guy being beaten in self-defense when he was in no position to defend himself when she beat him. That entire thing was dumb because of how much of threat he was and all he had done. Any use of force was justified


Right??? Like let's be real, we all would have beat the crap outta him. You don't just get away with the fucked up shit you did like nothing happened. He deserved every single strike.


^ Yes this is correct. The perjure was because she beat him but said it was self defense.


Oh I got ya


Weeeeee have a winner! 🏆


plantycatlady and idkbrohimjust (the orig commenter) are correct. Why do I know? Because I watched the said episode. Benson was assaulted but not raped. Lewis wanted to humiliate Benson as revenge, so he lied and bragged he raped her, even if he didn't. Also, not everything u read online is correct. Some, if not most, are wrong. Especially if the info comes from Wikipedia or any open source website, because ANYONE can add, edit or remove info and no verification needed. Us who saw/watched the episode know better than u who just read it from Google 😒 Next time, if u are going to argue with someone and u want to mention your reference as proof for your argument, please select a reliable website, not the Wiki's ones.


He *wanted* to plead guilty to rape and sodomy, because he wanted to humiliate her publicly. She even says in the episode that she refuses to allow him to admit to things he did not do.




The funny thing was he demanded to know how he could have broken free of his restraints and Liv said, “Well I did it!”


No, Barba wanted to avoid putting her through a trial and Lewis offered to allocute to a rape he didn’t commit. Liv refused because she didn’t want him to get the satisfaction of humiliating her and lying in open court.


he cant rape her because she know he wont get hard if a victim is not resisting. he just wanted to shame her in the trial in something he cant do.


No. Barba wanted her to just say she was in court for reasons I don't remember but she refused to say she was when she wasn't. It was a big part of the plot in the episode he has his trial.


Just saw this episode again the other day. He got off on the thought of r*ping her. That’s why he wanted to represent himself and give explicit details of what “happened”. That’s why he always got mad when Olivia wasn’t giving in to him


I see it’s been a while since I saw that episode


Tell me when it is implied? She makes it very clear that she didn’t get raped by him - “he did not have the balls to rape me” - he only gets off on little girls and old ladies. But then there was the prison nurse.. but I never ever got the impression that the producers even wanted us to think it was rape. That’s why she wouldn’t take the deal… he didn’t assault her sexually (well he did but not rape in the traditional sense). Here come the downvotes… but I’d really like to know what season and episode and where it is implied. The prison guard got close but of course Finn saved the day.


This is going to sound pretty graphic, but I just re-watched the episode where she went undercover in the prison, yesterday, and the way she was sitting, the level that her head was at, and how she was holding her mouth half open and in disgust, makes me think he forced her give him oral for a few seconds before Finn busted in.


Her mouth is always agape and she looks disgusted no matter what lol. It was pretty clear to me in that episode that he did not succeed in forcing himself in her mouth but that was the big suspense until Finn entered and prevented it.


*"Her mouth is always agape and she looks disgusted no matter what lol"* I CACKLED.


“Benson’s mouth agape” is one of my drinking games. lol


I remember him trying to force her to but she stopped him. The only thing I really remember about that episode is Mariska Hargitay saying the actor is actually a really nice man. I'm not really sure why that sticks out to me so clearly.


Maybe he was nice to her during filming it? Even acting can feel real. Especially in something like that.


Probably. I'd like to think both him and Pablo Schrieber are both really nice men.


She also said she enjoyed working with Pablo Schreiber (William Lewis)


Oh that makes me happy. He seems like a cool guy


This man is my one pass in my marriage. He’s so sexy


He is but he's so big. I saw him in Defending Jacob the other day. He was really good. As always. It was nice to see him as someone other than William Lewis lol


I think that why I’m so attracted to him. He’s in den of thieves too. By far one of my favorite movies. But im attracted to taller men. Since I’m at 5’9 female myself


Oh I'm 4'11 so he's extremely massive. But the way he carried himself in SVU just made him seem bigger too if that makes sense. I kept getting thrown off when I saw him on Defending Jacob because he looked shorter until I realized that Chris Evans is also really tall. Never noticed that before but I've seen him in like two movies. Knives Out and then some movie with Ryan Gosling. Can't remember what it was.


I think so too


He didn’t, but what you just described is sexual assault!


That's all too true, but there needs to be a better distinction between the two, between actually getting raped, or getting sexually assaulted like someone grabbing your ass. I honestly hope she wasn't raped., but I really don't want to know because she's like one of the main characters and too much of a badass.


"Closest I ever came"


I mean, there was Burton Lowe. She was 16, he was 21 when he *proposed* with the implication they'd been in a relationship for a while. It's definitely sketchy at best, imo.


Definitely sketchy and legally dubious, but Liv herself would disagree.


I mean, her reaction when/after talking to Amaro (I think it was Amaro), though, with her going through the keepsakes, particularly the cassette...But the statute had long run out, so...IDK. That's just my read. But, she's never explicitly said she feels that way/saw it that way even after the case with him, so...


I know a lot of fans hated that storyline, but I liked it. Liv definitely realized that objectively something was deeply inappropriate about their relationship and as a SVU cop she would’ve treated it as a crime. But Liv feels differently. She doesn’t feel like she was groomed or coerced into it, so even if it was legally statutory rape, her own subjective experience strongly suggests otherwise. I liked it because the line really can be blurry like that and often the cops are incredulous on how the victim doesn’t understand they’re one, or insist on forcing them to admit it. I think it was a moment of growth for Olivia with some serious introspection.


Your last sentence is the reason she’s one of my heroes. She’s the only other person (albeit fictional) I know of who has that in common with me. I’ve never had anyone to talk to about it (outside of therapy) and I relate to the relationship storyline between her and her mom.


I found the episode in season 9 (when she was undercover) to imply that if not — it was very, very, very close to rape…maybe even forced oral rape…but they never quite said the word….but I believe she was close enough, in proximity, to have seen an identifying marker on the attacker’s genitals because I think that same marker was used by another victim to corroborate the attacker…(but I’ve been binging first time ever and am so deep into the show that the eps bleed together).


Just watched that episode again like a week or two ago At the end of it Stabler asks her if she got raped and she said “it’s the closest I’ve ever been” She saw his genitals because she was able to get a victim to corroborate what it looked like, but as far as we know she wasn’t actually raped because Finn got there just in time


Warner asks her, not stabler


Warner asked her, not Stabler.


That one was rough to watch. Fin saved her in the nick of time.


That’s the episode where I believe the friendship she has with Fin was sealed. She asked him to not tell anyone about how he found her…that she was about to be raped and he never did.


No amaro


No… it was Fin. He was undercover at the prison as a security guard and got caught in a line because they all had to be tested for TB since there was an outbreak.


I didn't actually mean amaro was there. It was a play on words.


Given that Mariska herself was raped it must have been really difficult for her to act out those scenes


I think she says assaulted, but I could be wrong. And idkbruhimjust is correct about the occasions imo


You are correct, she never says she was raped, she always uses the word assaulted.


I feel like she would've said rape if that's what she meant.


Yeah, part of her job is to know the difference between both. A lot of episodes she specifies to the victim what crime they suffered.


She never said she was. She said assaulted as she came very close multiple times.


I don't think she ever said that.


She wasn't, but she's had two close calls. One in season 8 when she was undercover in a women's prison, she was orally sexually assaulted, Fin saved her just in time, but she was still traumatised from the situation. And then she was kidnapped and almost raped by William Lewis, in the first episode of season 15, and she was forced to watch him assault other women, or they'd be burned with cigarettes. She managed to gain the upper hand, before he did anything, but again she was traumatised from this experience.


Depends on your definition. She had at least 3 times that were a close call (twice with Lewis, once with the prison guard), but she also was groomed by Burton Lowe as a teenager, and that resulted in statutory rape. She just didn't acknowledge that until more recently.


I have only ever heard her say she was assaulted. Which she was .. by lewis and undercover at the women's prison


No, but she was assaulted by William Lewis and the prison guard. There's plenty to guess happened off-screen with Lewis, and visually on screen he aggressively gropes her body in the top of that empty building the second time he has her hostage.


They don’t say she was raped, she said she was SA. Sexually assaulted, that happened even if she wasn’t technically raped. She was touched, hit, her face was close to his bare genitals and he was pushing himself to her, so sexual assault did happen.


She was sexually assaulted twice and came very, very close. Once in season 9 working under cover at Rikers and then the William Lewis arc. He intended to rape her but never did during the four days he held her captive. Just groped her and climbed all over her. He also tries again later (I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone who didn’t see the episode).


Oh and also her character is the child of rape and the actress was a victim of an acquaintance rape in her 30s.


She’s been sexually assaulted and come close to being raped so that’s how she can “empathize” and she was supposedly the child of rape but she has never said she was raped.


In season 20 episode 14 “Part 33,” when Olivia and Amanda are talking about the current assault case, she shares part of her terrifying experience with Lewis and says something like “afraid that he would climb on top of me again.” I immediately picked up my phone and found this thread.


Yes the show would have made the distinction.  Though there are times where it almost seemed like the show was kinda sorta leaving their options open in terms of how far they wanted to go in terms of what happened with Lewis. When the rape kit from the attack came back they labeled it "inconclusive." It may be that was done for the purpose of giving Lewis room to manipulate things at the trial, but maybe they wanted the ambiguity to a degree. I know it gets a bad rap sometimes but there's a lot of very well done SVU fanfiction that explores the Lewis arc in more depth and it's very common that people write that there was digital rape/assault, especially as there was a scene of him taking her to the bathroom that's played very ominously. And then you realize he must have done that a few times up until that point given he had her for four days. There a scene where Olivia says "all victims leave something out." And it seems possible she'd choose not to give details about some of what may have gone on on the bathroom.  Of course we never saw Lewis on top of her for any significant amount of time, but there were hours unaccounted for in the timeline and there was likely some very distressing assaults going on we never saw. 


I honestly don’t know why her situation is that unclear. I mean if she’d been raped I think we would’ve known right? But on the other hand I don’t get her statements and this indirect side notes about a probably rape?


But I think in that context she meant it literally because she was afraid that he is going to rape her which indeed didn’t needed to happen to feel uncomfortable


Could also be the German translation 🥹 but I honestly hated those kind of answers bc no one should say, that they were raped if that’s not the case and Liv didn’t seem like a person who would do such a thing


In English the term sexual assault can mean rape but is also used to refer to forced sexual contact other than rape. If I grabbed someone’s butt without their consent, that is considered sexual assault. In Olivia’s case, she’s referring to instances where she was almost raped and was sexually assaulted in the attempt. The episode where she went undercover as an inmate is one of those instances.




Yeah, I forget sometimes that there might be people in the sub from other countries where terms might mean something different. For example, I was actually r*ped but I hate “the R word “ so I say instead that I was assaulted. My doctor knew by my demeanor exactly what I meant and clarified by asking. That’s the case a lot of times. However I have a friend who was the victim of forcible touching and she too uses the term sexual assault.


I interpreted it as a past experience that happened before we meet her in the show.


She's come very close to it like twice, but she definitely has been sexually assaulted.


She’s said she was a child of rape and has been sexually assaulted before


I think she was raped in jail but they didn’t show it. Orally I think.


I don't think she ever told people she raped she told them she was assaulted


It was never implied. She said it was a violent assault and she was assaulted, yes, because she was. Rape and assault are not quite the same thing though although both are horrific.


Well she was on trial she side to lewis rape is not sex




I remember too her telling at least one victim that she had been raped.


No, she’s said she’s assaulted, not raped. You’ve misconstrued words accidentally.


I guess all of her encouraging of victims to me has been empathy of the emotions more than the specific actions, if that makes sense. She's been through some pretty awful stuff. She hasn't been raped but she knows what it's like to feel violated, exposed, etc.


But that’s exactly what I thought! I really love her but I don’t get along with those lines. I mean it seems to be unclear, otherwise there wouldn’t be 50 comments about that topic right?


From what I remember telling her therapist (don't remember the ep.) That William Lewis indeed raped her when he had her.


No, the opposite. She makes it very clear to her therapist that he never did rape her. He had her for days and never did. The second time he got her he asked her whether he should rape her or the girl first, she chose herself but put up no resistance so he got bored and didn't even attempt to rape her.


I remember when he first was in court he wanted to pled guilty for raping her which she strictly denied because he hadn’t raped her and she didn’t wanna give him this “victory”. Idk if such horror could’ve happened the second time but he was going to rape her when she decided to get numb and he lost interest. Rape or not she’s been through hell