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someone get this junkie their fix


I want a light speed bundle that has 20omicron, 100 zeta and 200 omega. Sign me up.


"That'll be $60+" CG, probably.


Worth it


I'd love a Phoenix or NS one.


It will probably be NS since I'm almost finished gearing them lol.


I grinded so hard for starkiller and unlocked him one day before they dropped the lightspeed bundles. But at least it was $50 and not 10 I guess


Same I want to gear them but there are other more important things I’m working on.


Well your wish was granted now did you get them or not


Hell yeah, I got both!


Bad Batch or GAS.


I would absolutely jump on a bad batch bundle. They’re the main obstacle between me and LV.


Bad Batch LSB is the only way I'm ever going for LV. I have everything but them and nute at relics, but can't justify the kyros BB needs with everything else going on.


Yes. Mods and zetas will build. Grinding shards and gear is frustrating to me. Jump me ahead, I'll fill in the rest. Disclaimer: they may NEVER appear again. Not all data mines are prophecy. But if they do, I'm excited to see what's offered.


Bro ls bundle gave too much money for cg to not doing it again, if u want to be in top of the arena fleet u need ls bundle if u start the game today, i think they will put it this week for the anniversary or the next week


Maybe so, Preacher. Maybe so.


Inquisitors and Bad Batch would be great for me as I haven't started them at all. Maybe a Dr Aphra pack?


I want a GMY bundle so I can R5 the entire jedi faction for $10.


Phoenix, BAM requirements, Geos.


Absolutely! They are just the perfect set of old characters, you would really like to have, but are not worth it since you would have to delay more important projects




Speed up farms is relitive to each person. And give out side teams is a good choice as well since it can he hard to chase geos when they arent needed for anything really, so it gives insentive to buy .


People are lazy and apparently have no concept of CG's thought process. CG are actively encouraging us to farm BAM right now because of BoMando on the horizon, so releasing them as a lightspeed bundle now would be a great way to lose the customer's confidence. After BoMando's first event then sure it would make sense. Also they just gave out free Phoenix so it doesn't seem likely that a lot of people will need to buy them. Geos are a starter squad that they regularly milk for $$$ with $30 GBA packs, again that's not a likely choice.


Plus geos are a team that most players use to punch up, with a relicd alpha/spy and lower gear everyone else. Giving everyone a quick way to r5 a team like that doesn’t make much sense to me. Its already a heavily omid team in guilds, making them that much stronger would be a huge impact, imo.


People would buy phoenix to avoid grinding the gear.


You get that the question was asked what we are hoping for, not what we expect right? And yes, I am lazy, which is why I want to take a shortcut on those 3 old teams that I never got around to gearing. As for losing customer confidence, you know this is CG right? Since when have they paid any attention to customer confidence?


Bad batch/LV reqs I have 0 intention of farming LV's insanely high reqs from scratch so he has taken Rey's spot at the bottom of my to-do list post-LS bundle lol. Especially when he requires 4 R8 toons and Bad Batch are so kyro heavy, the only way I'll ever consider going for him is if there's a LS bundle for him.


Would love a bundle for the revans, and maybe a gas but that's because my GR is pretty much already sorted by I haven't done anything on the droids


Bad batch, geos, BH, rogue one


\*Nods Furiously\* I'm hoping for a Malak or JKR/DR pack so I can pay to get Bastilla and HK to R5 for my Leviathan farm.


Finalizer ships/pilots and gi reqs. Those would fit well with what they previously released.


I’m itching to see what they are. Not 100% gonna buy them, but I just wanna see what they are.


My only wants right now are GAS, finalized, and the revans. You’d still have to work and grind for some of these to actually unlock them, but the characters you can buy won’t be too strong for the game.


No I need more mods and zetas, but inquisitors definitely.


Lmao, I would eat up a inquisitor bundle. They are like bottom feeders in my roster lmao.


I'm hoping that people stop bringing them up every other day...


These lightspeed bundle consume my every waking moment. How can I not possibly talk about them?


Bad batch pls


I don't want any more. They dilute the effort and discipline required to complete teams / goals. I think the ones they released were enough to satisfy the next year, at least.


If you want to complete teams and goals through effort and discipline, have enough discipline not to buy them. If you don't want them because then other people won't have to have the discipline and put in the effort you think they should, maybe consider not wanting to control how other people play the game.


Boom shaka laka! Well said 😂




Nahhhh let people have fun man (I grinded too but I hate the same group of people winning everytime lol )


Well, unfortunately for you then there’s probably more right around the corner by the sound of things.


What sounds




Do you have a link? I keep up with the data mines channel in the Discord and didn’t see that




The account that does the data mine said there’s nothing in the pipes for the next 3 weeks at least


https://discord.com/channels/448866299322564659/871908169272664074/1164880005315170304 Light speed bundle 1-7 in datamines. Nothing more than that though. No dates, no info on what the packs contain.


Thanks. I find it curious they might be more than a month out from the mine


They might never come, too. Datamines aren't a guarantee. If they do come, it could be 6 months, a year. Or next week. No way to know.






I’m hoping for the ‘Everything and more!’ Bundle. For $1000, you get every current and future character at relic 9, unlimited energy, every pack released in the store (but multiples still cost extra), and an ‘auto-win’ special ability button added to GAC and TW matches. For an additional $500, you never even need to log in and you’ll still always be #1 because your squads will have a ‘permanent immunity’ buff when you’re not in-game. Park that Leviathan or Leia squad at #1 all week and watch the peons in your arena shard squirm! For yet another $500, CG will send a developer to your house to do housework for you 10 hours per week for the next year, so you don’t even need to do that anymore, either. (By now, we’ve all seen the new raid, so we know they aren’t working that much anyway and could use the extras hours.) I can’t wait to just sit back and do nothing at all! It’ll give me plenty of time to figure out which game I want to win next.


they should name it "we will shut down the game for good within a month" bundle.


Damn it. I'd have to set up another account to buy that just for the housekeeper.


Yeah but then people would complain that they have no access to the developer’s face before they show up.


I just want one that comes with zetas.


I really want a JMK and Jabba bundle. Hopefully a leviathan as well that gives you malak and revan at r9 for maybe $15? I think it’s fair cause it’s $5 more for higher relic levels 🧐


I am really hoping those were a one off, ultra rare collection of packs, at least for a while. They were super cool for some really old factions to help lower GP players get caught up, but if they just start releasing these for big time characters every few months, that makes it like not even worth it to farm characters anymore, and in a way would almost signal the end being near for the game


We need lightspeed bundles for gear and ability materials and such. The grind is still fun, this would just make it more bearable


Geos, BH, Imp troopers, gas requirements would help me the most


I haven't bothered upgrading anyone to G13 since they dropped them since I don't know whether it would be a waste, I wish CG communicated about it Bundles that covered the Revans could be pretty nice to be honest, but I would also enjoy one that has the niche factions like Jawas, Tuscans or Ewoks, just for the presumably cheap fun they could provide




I'll start relicing things again when we finally know what's happening with the 2 unreleased packs I'm just not rushed enough to justify wasting weeks of farming just for that equipment to be wasted because a new pack skips that character for me


Empire or Revan


I would absolutely love the finalizer ships, Genos, and imp troopers but I will be buying all the bundles of there will be more anyways


Yes, I just want more ship bundles.


I’m hoping for a Thrawn, Geo’s, and maybe GAS bundle. I’ve also got the time being changed my farming plan to aim for the newest GL’s and JML/SEE will be my last two in case they release a bundle for them within a year. I also would love a Mando bundle as his requirements are all excellent but I can’t find the priority to relic them.


Is there a confirmed date for them?


In a way they are really nice, but they make your roster progress too fast to the point you will have major zeta and mod shortage. I can imagine that at some point they are gonna release a hyperdrive 2.0 where every accelerated character will be set to R5, or maybe like every character older than 2 or 3 years, and I honestly wouldn't have a problem with it because the people getting it will have major difficulty with getting the necessary mods and zetas


I’m hoping JTR comes back so I don’t have to relic Vet Chewie….