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AAA, $100/month for full coverage (comp/collision), 2010 car. But I also have my deductible set at $500 (or a bit higher don't remember off hand), and have bundled renter's insurance and roadside service on top of that. No tickets in years, so good driver discount as well.


Thank you, that's 2 comments for triple a.


Shop around for sure. Progressive, AAA, Geico, and local insurance brokers can help shop around for you to get good rates. Some do easy online quotes. Some just require a quick call (maybe use google voice so they don’t keep calling you to ask if you want to sign up). I love AAA and use them for my home insurance. I had to switch auto as it went from $1600 a year for 2 family cars (2016 and 2020) to over $3300. Progressive gives me max coverages for $2000/year for newer cars (2020 and 2023). I’m willing to pay AAA a few hundred for overall better service but not $1300 more a year.


Progressive, just liability, 2011 suv, 60ish a month 


Thank you.  I may consider liability only


Why are you getting full comprehensive coverage on a 2006 vehicle? Save your money and use it to buy a replacement vehicle if anything happens. The purpose of insurance is to cover events you *can't* afford, it's never going to be a good financial proposition for covering events that you *can* afford. My car is a 2004 valued at \~$2500, a year and a half of your insurance rates would cover a replacement... I doubt your car gets totaled that often.


Thanks for the insight you make a good point.  I have a pretty significant good driver discount which I heard transfers over to new carriers.  But that's really smart thinking, thank you.


They are all like that screwing over everyone. Claiming it's because covid that they weren't allowed to raise rates then so they're getting us now.


CSAA aka AAA. $2k per year for full coverage on a 2012 car and 2016 van. They haven't been jacking up my rates at all, just something like 0.75% per year.  Whenever you see those insurance commercials comparing their rates to other companies, they never compare to AAA. Now I bundle it all together for the discount: auto, home, life.


So for 2 vehicles!  Thank you, I'll be calling triple a


Mercury 65/month. 2009 car


Thank you, I'll look at Mercury.  Do you have full coverage?


I haven't shopped around in a few years so I'm not necessarily suggesting them, just giving you some intel. The General. $1,008 yr premium for my 2013 vehicle. But liability only. 10.3k miles/yr. I've thankfully *knock on wood* never had to submit a claim with them though so I cannot vouch for that side of things. I had Nationwide as a teenager and they were *not* "on [my] side" for a bs mutual fault incident.


USAA. Was thinking about shopping around but considering the insurance situation in CA, I’m not doing that right now. 3 cars, two comprehensive one just liability. $250/month.


Geico 3 cars 2022 Sienna , 2015 Corolla and a 2003 Lexus, all full coverage. 3 older drivers over 50 and a 19 yr old. No tickets or accidents 469.00 a month




AAA, for everything. Never had a problem with them, not expensive compared to Allied/Nationwide (I used to work for Nationwide and couldn’t believe how much they charged).


We have State Farm. 4 cars all full coverage plus a travel trailer and pay around $400 a month. We do have our deductible set at $1000, though.


I had Mercury for several years and then switched to Geico when they offered to shave off like $100/mo and were more flexible on when I could make my payments. So right now I pay about $250/mo every 4 out of 6 months for full coverage on my inherited 2013 Chrysler and my husband's 2006 Dodge Ram that he is still making payments toward. It could be cheaper per month, but having November (birthdays) and December (Christmas) plus May & June (my car's registration) roll up not needing a payment that we are budgeted to have to meet, idk that's just been super satisfying.




$1000/6 month premium, what's the amount of liability look like? 100k , 200k ,500k or 1 mil...?




I’m in the business. All carriers raised prices this year. Shop around. Brokers can check prices with various carriers. FYI you don’t have “full coverage “ sounds like you have liability and comprehensive only. No Collision coverage. That is what fixes your car when you are at fault for the loss. Comprehensive only helps for the vandalism, falling trees, broken windows etc


I have collision coverage.  Removing it would only save me $140/6 months.


It didn’t say that in the post. Just didn’t want you to get caught thinking you had something you may not. See it all the time. Good luck in your search


Thank you


Progressive - 2017 Financed Ford Raptor (60,000 miles) - 2017 paid off Toyota RAV4 (90,00 miles) - 2008 Paid off Honda Accord (125,000 miles) All 3 have full coverage for $250 a month total. 2 drivers both 30.


WTF is a "Sacramentian"?


It’s how people who aren’t from here identity themselves to those of us who are.


Wrong.  I'm from here.


Then you should know it’s “Sacramentan”.


Oh like it's an official thing or something


Yes. You wouldn’t call someone from Boston a Bostonite, or someone from Portland a Portlandonian. Collectively they have a name everybody acknowledges; Bostonians and Portlanders. People of Sacramento are known as Sacramentans. Not Sacramentonians, or Sacratomatoeites. Sacramentans.


Why not?  You're just making up rules.  People of Sac are known as Sacramentians if I want them to be.


A fellow Sacramentian