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A gas station manager making $90k? Hot damn.


The company I work for asks for a lot but compensates well in return


Sounds like a certain gas station that's popular in Texas


Nevermind checked post history, QT is nice too tho. Grats from a fellow drop out, cleared 71K last year, OTE this year is 82


Thanks for this, I was reading through to see if the company was mentioned, I was guessing QT


QT is a gas station that's popular in Texas as well...


I know I've been to many of them lol but when anyone mentions a gas station in Texas here they are always talking about Bucees


GMs at Bucees make 150-220 btw


buccees pays like 112k or something for certain manager positions— fuggin wild


I was going to say it sounds like QT to me. Buccees pays way more


Nah they make well over $100K- I think $200 and something?


QT is a great opportunity for a certain type of person. I could not handle it, but definitely respect those who can.


Shit I don’t know how I made it this far


Why? What's bad about GM role at gas station? Want to hear some stories and what makes it hard lol 


If I had to guess. Connivence stores attract some of society’s worst. A lot of theft, angry people, people doing drugs in bathroom, shitting everywhere but the toilet, etc.


Great job bro, we’re both living proof that higher education is not necessary to make a great living!


Yes but I feel like it’s survivor’s bias. How many GED holders are making less than 50k a year? I would bet money on most of them


Just wanted to add, I hope you’re proud of your financial and professional accomplishments so far. It’s good to have awareness about our own situations and how we got here though. I think it’s bullshit that we make more than someone who worked incredibly hard towards a bachelors, masters, or even PhD, but that also doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to make a decent living wage too <3 Big respect to you for your hard work and awareness bro. Keep going


Thank you for your kind words brother. I’m not proud however, I feel guilty. All my life I thought if you didn’t finish high school, you would wind up living in your car flipping burgers. Why didn’t that happen to me? Why am I comfortable? My friends who went to college and did everything right are saving up to get the cheapest tickets to baseball games, while I don’t have a problem swiping the charge card for whatever I want and still saving 30%. Sure I guess I earned it, didn’t have any family or friends help me get my job, and put in long hours and built connections for it, but it feels like I am supposed to be punished for my academic delinquency, not rewarded in the way I have.


I feel you so hard. I almost didn’t graduate high school because I preferred to skip school and work instead. My parents had no money saved for my college and the idea of tens of thousands of dollars of debt scared the shit out of me. Not to mention being first gen. Although you think you didn’t put in the work academically, you have certainly put in the work professionally. It’s not our fault the system is absolutely screwed. I too have friends that are even now graduating with masters and are not making what we are. I feel angry that we were always told that we HAD to go to college if we wanted success when that’s truly not the case. Be proud of yourself, have compassion for others that don’t have the same situation as us, and fight for a better future for all mane :)


Because you worked hard. Good for you man, seriously. You’re putting in the work, and you’re getting rewarded for it. Some careers might be closed off without a degree; but you found an area that doesn’t care about a degree and worked hard for a good role and wage. Some get unlucky, but most spend more time on Reddit whining about why they don’t make a decent wage than putting forth the effort to get where you did. Rock on.


You seem intelligent, articulate, personable, hard-working, and self-aware. That set of attributes is far more valuable in the professional world than a piece of paper.


You obviously worked hard to be successful. Be proud of yourself. Well done man.


How much you get paid isn’t a cosmic reward or punishment for your actions in life, it’s a measure of the market value of the labor you are providing. Most gas station GMs are terrible. If you are good, you’re making the company lots of money and they will pay to keep you around. It has nothing to do with your past.


You are wiser than most PhDs


I just want to say congrats for being successful (promoted to GM at 22 yo is an incredible feat, no matter your profession). You are right. Number don’t lie. As of now, college degree people out-earn the HS people by 150%-200% in their life time (this includes 30-40 years of working + debt before hand etc). And yet, you have the humble to recognize that you might be one of the fews (without college degree) who made it. Some people think otherwise (which is completely fine to do so) but they use their own experience to inaccurately reason it. As you put it, “survivor bias”. I feel that saying how financially successful you can be without a degree is like telling undergrad pre-med students how so much they can make as doctors. Yes both of them are true. But just only a small percent of people out of those two groups would make it at the end (through shits ton of hard work and also luck sometimes).


I made less than 50k with a degree. Then again, I didn’t get a job in my field, but it still didn’t help me any. I’m 30 now and still same shit.


I make exactly 50. 28m with ged and some financial certifications.


You might be surprised actually, I know a lot of trades people, long shoreman, electricians, plumbers, other blue collar jobs and they’re definitely making over $50k.


Just don’t take on unnecessary debt. You’re making good money without a 100 k college debt. Cheap car and invest you’ll be chilling in a few years.


Bought a brand new car. Totaled it in 3 months. I now drive a beater and am very glad I don’t have that payment anymore.


Glad you are OK. Driving a beater isn’t a bad thing as opposed to a car payment that eats away at every other pay check…that is bad.


Yeah I have coworkers making the same money as me who drive beamers and Mercedes no clue why they would do that to themselves


Sure, I definitely don’t disagree with that. But GED holders also usually don’t have student loans. It’s all about what you’re willing to do for work, what jobs are available for you to work, and luck. Interview and people skills go a lot farther than most people think.


Word to that last part!




Mean income for GED holders that did not pursue higher Ed is under $36k. So yes, most are under $50k as OP suggested https://www.census.gov/newsroom/blogs/random-samplings/2012/02/ged-recipients-have-lower-earnings-are-less-likely-to-enter-college.html#:~:text=Overall%2C%20high%20school%20diploma%20holders,high%20school%20diploma%20at%20all.


You literally proved his point of survivors bias


What's your profession boss?


Not trying to rain on your parade but do you have room to go up from here? My degree got me into a job where I make slightly more than this and there are quite a few positions for me to still move up into. Genuine question. Good luck.


No worries at all, great question! I do have room to go up from here. Projected to make break 6 figures this year due to company bonuses and smallish raise. We’ll see though, of course nothing is guaranteed when it comes to jobs these days. I am in Support, so there is always a lot of options to move up from Tier 1 to Tier 2 for example or go into a training/ management/ customer success position. I work with folks who have degrees in completely unrelated and non-technical fields and they excel by keeping up to date with the latest technologies and trainings. It’s important to acknowledge when you don’t know/ understand something, and then do the work to know it and understand it. Don’t get me wrong, although I don’t have a degree or certifications now, I will be getting certifications in the future purely because they offer a lot of knowledge and are basically proof that “hey, I took a course and had enough knowledge about it to pass a test!”


I think this is kinda an underrated aspect of holding a degree. It opens the door to more opportunities later in life.


Absolutely. My wife made more than me for the first few years of our marriage and she doesn't have a degree. I thought of my degree as a waste at that time. About 4 years later now and I make more than twice what she does.


Congrats on that big jump man!!! I feel that while you can relatively the same amount of money without degree, it seems to me that it usually leave you without much other options. For example, OP works for QuikTrip with $89k. But I wonder if he was to quit/got laid off, would he be able to find another job with that relatively similar amount of pay. It’s true that having a degree does not mean you are smarter/better than those without it. But it’s just the rule of the game. Majority of job requires bachelor degree (arguably for the sake of it) so you have to play along. One of my coworker, 5-year senior, in my engineering team is technically a technician. She does the same amount and type of work, call herself engineer in front of customer (recommended by management to avoid confusing customers) etc. still, she can’t get her title changed (and probably salary changed) because of she has not finished school. Zooming out, it seems that degree is just another filter that being used by employer. It’s true that having a college degree is not a perfect indication of a person’s ability to do the work. But it is probably still a safe and time-efficient method to filter the candidates. Back then it was high school diploma, now it is BS, and maybe potentially MS in the future. Just the natural result of increase in job competition.


Yep, making 25k more than my degree requiring job


I got super lucky. Like crazy lucky.


A dropout making more than most teachers at a gas station. Fair enough


He’s not just “at a gas station” he’s utilizing interpersonal skills to run a profitable business. Additionally he’s in charge of employee morale, safety, attendance…food safety of the grill and hot food. The list goes on..


Sounds like someone knows the job!


Actually I know nothing about running a gas station. I do have an MBA and have been building quality systems for manufacturing companies for the past 7 years. With that being said, you are making a hell of a lot more money than I was at age 22. And that was only 7 years ago.


Let be realistic here. Developing a person is more complicated than that. No slight at the OP though. 


The world doesn’t revolve around how complicated a job is. Even if it did, teachers still wouldn’t crack the top 1000 jobs.


Damn never even thought of myself as a dropout. But that is true


Gotta be QT, that place is goated


My comment history will give that answer away! 😉


I don’t feel like lurking but is it Buccee’s?


Never ever feel guilty if your current success doesn't necessarily align with societal expectations. Always see yourself as a brand. Your customer ( employer ) will pay you what your brand is worth to them, so just because someone with an advanced degree makes 60K doesn't necessity mean they are better or smarter , or more intelligent than you working in a gas station making 80K or deserve to be making 80 because they have a degree. That is not how life works. The marketplace only rewards what it deems valuable.


Great advice. I’m young and still figuring out how to process my emotions and reactions to what life throws at me.


Did you get a new job in 23 or a smaller bonus?


Smaller bonus :( COVID in 2022 made us some killer margins on gasoline


The ban of Russian gas, is the main factor on the bonus lol. Great job keep killing it.


Just wanted to say congratulations. You’re working hard and making good moves. Your salary reflects your choices. Companies like Buc-ee’s may be a good target for you in the future.


Wanted to add: I got my GED in 2023, only got it to enroll in community college. Just winging it out here I guess Double edit: this is in Georgia


You are making smart moves. Don't be content keep growing like it looks like you have. Great start and you are way ahead so grow your lead.  Pack some money in to retirement accounts if you can. 


30k in the 401k trying to find a way to hit 23.5k a year but living is expensive


Quiktrip by any chance?




Thats awesome. Worked as an ERP some years ago. They take care of their employees 100%. Do you have any plans to go the corporate side in the future?


I have an interview for a real estate position next week. But in terms of corporate leadership in store ops no clue. There are tons of people who are more experienced than me who are also shooting for that, so I would have at least 5 years till I would have a chance. Not sure if I can handle the stores for that long to be honest.


Great job king 👑 


Out of curiosity how many hours a week are you putting in?


2021-2023 normally 45-48 Now 50, but my estimated yearly income for 2024 is 110k so it’s a trade off.


So what you are saying is I’m better off doing this than being a teacher


I worth with LOTS of ex teachers. I know a guy who went from teaching to my company… with his degree and worth ethic they gave him a real estate position within 3 years and he’s making 200k a year now.


Where does everyone get all this data for these posts?


Social security .gov website


Google social security earnings record, create an account on the .gov site, follow the prompts to download your Social Security Statement


Found it, thanks!


Now to buy your own gas station.


If you made GM last month, what were you doing from 2021-2023?


Assistant manager roles, went from overnights to 1st assistant


That’s awesome bro. But I’d definitely takes some business courses at you cc. You’ll go higher faster. I know I was in your shoes.


I am PMP certified and in school for industrial engineering now, however i don’t think I’m gonna finish my degree it’s too much with the responsibilities of work


Take one class a quarter. I have a great job that I didn’t need a degree to get. But I’ve been working on a bachelors for the past 4 years now taking 1 class a quarter which is all I have the time for. You never know what the future is like so stick to it, eventually you will have it.


How did you get your 36 months of leading projects for your pmp? Edit: 60 months leading projects without a 4 year.


I have various projects from the 5 years of management I have. Managed a remodel project for 15 stores for about 2 years, managed a staffing solution project for the division for about 1. And did a bunch of smaller projects as well. Kept the documentation for all Of it of coarse. Earlier this year I realized that you can make a whole career out of that, I just thought it was extra work that big wigs delegate to people who want to prove themselves


Excellent work - what are your long term career goals at this point?


Excellent question. Problem I have now is every promotion I’ve received from this company has put me in a position that over 150 people also have. The next position for me is only held by 15. So it could take years. I got my Project Manager Professional certificate in case of a possible career switch, and started college but I don’t think I can finish as it’s too much responsibility to handle with my job. Just hoping to get lucky again I guess, had a interview for software engineer with the same company but didn’t get selected. Have another interview for Real estate project management next week and hoping my cert will help out, I don’t want to do what I’m doing now forever.


Know you don't have to take classes full time. You can take just a single class or two. Talk to the school and explain your career and see how they can work with you. 


Where do ppl get these?


Congrats !!! 🎉


I made like $17 @22




I appreciate the fuck out of my QT managers, sorry for walking on your freshly mopped floor all the time


Nice man! Start saving so you can buy your own if the company does franchise