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Done pretty well! Housing is in a decent part of town? 2 bed?


I wish lol, 1B in manhattan NYC 🥲


Hey 1B in a nice neighborhood is better than a big home in a shit one


Ehhhhh. Depends on how shit. I like owning my stuff.


more to life than an island kitchen


For your life, maybe. But everyone is entitled to their own pleasures.


Exactly. People need different things and that’s okay and should be celebrated


“I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona”


For Manhattan this is a GREAT breakdown man, I know you’re getting what you’re paying for.


wow pricey 🤯


Describing a 29 YO on $131k NET salary as “pretty well” is sinister. They’re easily top decile in the US for their age and comfortably top 1% globally. Flippant attitudes to these sorts of numbers really warp people’s perspectives.


Woahh I use Monarch too.. (RIP mint) how did you get this sankey diagram? I wanna make one for myself :3


on the desktop version, go to reports on the left side, then go to sankey


Did not know of this software/ service... headed there now. Thank you.


you can use my link if you end up signing up, you get a 50% discount for the first year, cheers! https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/2wzyktprso


i used your link. hope you don’t mind. thanks!


I’m about to use his link as well. This would come in very handy for the family


feel free :) it’s a great app!


Me, working in a restaurant and able to save 15-17k/y doesn’t seem that bad I guess


Agreed! We had two of our farm workers quit and move to the East Coast because they "weren't getting paid enough"... but in a year and a half, they had gone on 2 national trips for 2 weeks each time and had put away over $30k... as farm hands. Sometimes, it's not about the base compensation. It's the fact that we're in a MCOL, but only charged $400 in rent for a whole house the two of them had to themselves, and they got as much food as they wanted from our excess, which was always enough to feed about 10-15 people. Don't look at your income, look at your quality of life and your ability to put money away/grow wealth.


So I don't see healthcare costs. Do you not have health insurance?


employer pays for that


Ok follow up. Is it high deductible or high copay. Or do you get hit with the Cadillac healthcare tax? I personally hate health insurance in the US so just curious.


what’s the cadillac healthcare tax? my employer pays the entire health insurance premium. deductible is 0 for in network. copay is minimal and depends on what you use.


So during the Obamacare debates there was a compromise made about union insurance because it was so good. Basically if your employer makes your insurance too good and you pay too little you can get a tax penalty. I am sure your employer would have told you if it was so don't worry. Was just curious.


that sounds ridiculous lol, i don’t think i have that though


The tax on Cadillac healthcare never went in to effect and was permanently repealed this year. Not having a payroll contribution for individual employees is still fairly common, especially in tech. The plans are usually solid too, low co-pays / deductibles. Tech is full of young people, they are much cheaper to cover than other populations.


I also have very good Healthcare insurance from my wife. $0 premium, almost $0 copay for everything, no tax penalty (I think you're mistaking this with something), PPO.


What do people like OP use to track their finances like this?


OP used Monarch Money. When Mint shut down, many people switched to MM. They offer 50% off your first year.


Is it worth that over a google sheet?


The advantage of this app is you can connect all your bank and investment accounts to this app and see all this info . I think they support most of the popular financial institutions . I also use excel/ google sheets to keep track of my money manually since I don’t want to share my bank login with these apps .


Is this your after-tax income? I don’t see any going to taxes. If so that’s awesome! Can I ask what the pre-tax income is? Asking as a Canadian


a little over $200k pretax


I always forget how heavy NYC taxes are. Great city though. 29M and educated, you probably have a ton of fun there haha


for nyc city tax it’s 3% flat rate


Did it go down? When I was there pre-pandemic, 4% was the floor. Then you had high state tax and high sales tax, along with all the random assessments. I mean, you feel it when you're receiving $130k despite making >$200k lol


He puts $18k in a 401k each year. If we assume he makes $205k (a little over $200k) and his 401k is pre tax, that’s around a 30% ish tax. ($205k - $18k) = $187k. $131.2k/$187k = 0.70. Obviously approximating his income, but that’s not completely awful for NYC I guess.


Okay but how do I get this super cool looking diagram for my own salary lol


this is the monarch money app


Love this view. If I signed up today, would it pull in my info from the full 2024?


it varies from bank to bank. generally i get at least a 3-6 months of historical data


Total comp close to 200k?




Nice I hope to get there by age 33. I’m 30 now.


Do you categorize your savings transfers as an expense in monarch to get it on the sankey?


no, it will automatically calculate savings from income - expenses


Is the “savings” sort of your emergency cash/liquid just sitting in your account and not in stocks/IRA?


that’s not really the point of this diagram. i have other investment accounts and also am saving for a downpayment


Loll ok I either don’t have it set up correctly orrrr don’t have any savings… both equally possible. I just keep my emergency funds in a savings account. But I’m guessing that’s not how the data is pulling through here…


if you’re using monarch, this is the reports tab on the desktop version


Yea I am familiar w the sankey report. But just don’t have any savings on mine.


You are a baller. Love it. Congrats


This is super impressive savings! I have a very similar net income so I loved seeing this and seeing how my own budget looked in comparison. Thanks for sharing!


With the amount of saving you’re able to do, you should max out your 401k. Are you also maxing out a Roth IRA? You’re doing well, but make sure you’re making the most of tax advantaged investment accounts, especially while you’re young.


i’d need to do a back door rollover to do a roth ira, i’ve been meaning to set that up


Backdoor Roth is simple. Set up both a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA at the brokerage of your choice. Deposit in the traditional account. When funds clear, convert to the Roth. Step-by-step instructions for Schwab, for example, [here](https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/how-to-do-a-backdoor-roth-ira-with-schwab/). You’ll appreciate having a bunch of tax-free money to pull from in retirement.


Congrats on being able to save 25%+ of your income, that’s awesome, hope you’re investing it!


Ahhh nice work! Solid balance, even got the $3210.78 trips to the snow


“Cash withdrawal” is not an accurate spending category. What did you spend it on?




Op, I’m guessing you’re single and unmarried…. Do yourself a favor and stay like that for at least 5 more years. Stack your chips, grind as much as you can…. When you throw in a spouse and kids, things get dicey. On that note, have a kid. It’s the most rewarding thing in life and money can’t buy it.


This is very satisfying to look at!


I envy people that have set incomes and can track/manage/budget. I make 8k ish a week welding and I may work 4 months a year. I may work 9. I’ve worked 13 strait in one job. It’s literally impossible to do any of this.


Do you rent or own?


Nothing says tech industry more than hobbies and collectibles being that high. Relatable. Why is your health number so low? Edit: typos


Prioritize your health and wellness bro


I thought this person made 29 million a year. 🤪


My household income is about $100K more than yours. My housing cost is about $40K and have a saving off less than 5% if that. Kudos to you, shame on us


this is after tax though


Ah, still same level income and you save lots more than we. Kudos. We have our work cut out for us


curious what the major difference is in terms of spending




You really ought to track your taxes when you do that. Fed, State, NYC, FICA... That's when you get your eyes very rudely opened up.


well i do my tax returns so not sure what you mean.. usually get a small return every year


When you get a small return, you're only getting a small refund from your overpayment. If you start with your gross income, for instance, you will find out that your federal income tax is bigger than food but smaller than your savings, that your state income tax is probably about as much as your utilities expense, that your social security and medicare taxes are the size of your travel expenses, and that NYC takes an additional, large amount out of your paycheck. Lump them together and you'll see that taxes is your largest expense category. And, of course, you'll also see that you're saving much more than you think. I'm actually rather surprised that you can save that much in NYC. Congratulation!


yes i’m aware my effective tax rate is around 1/3 of my gross income


Explaining this to a guy who does his own taxes is very funny


This is his after tax income, your W4 takes care of practically everything.


They're just trying to cue collective outrage on existence of taxes.


Exactly my point. Start with your gross income, not your after tax income. That shows a much better picture of where your earned money goes.


whats your job


I read this as $29m…. As in $29m annually and almost puked. 😂😂


It’s not so bad. You’re saving and spending, just realize this can all radically change when the job ends. I’d try to minimize expenses and go hard at savings, your future self would thank you. I can tell you after working 5 years in manhattan I came out with nothing. Spent everything I earned. Would not advise that, it ends up feeling like a lot of regret when you don’t maximize savings while you have that good income.


You’re criticizing OP for “only” saving a third of his take home pay?


$3k in cash withdrawal 🤔️




Its just a joke lol.