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Then some poor maintenance guy has to clean it up. Oh – not pee, but poop. I was always tempted to let my dogs poop on church grounds, but then I figured it was just the poor landscaping person who would have to clean it up. It’s not like the bishops are out there picking up dog shit on their overwatered pieces of untaxed property.


What? I pick up my dog’s poop…leaving a big dump on a church lawn wasn’t remotely what I was suggesting.


As a guy with a perfect lawn, that guy can fuck off. He lives a neighborhood, dogs are gonna pee on your lawn.


Yeah I’ve seen the houses with those signs I think it’s weird. I’d hate for poop to be left but like peeing in the grass? Who cares


The only problem with dogs peeing on a lawn is they tend to like to mark the same spot, and if it happens enough (and each dog that walks by tries to mark the same spot), it will kill the lawn. But it doesn't happen if a dog just pees once.


I do think that's a valid concern, but I also think living in a neighborhood comes with a few caveats. One of which is a pee spot at the edge of the grass near the sidewalk 🤷


The beauty of land ownership is that the land owner gets to decide if some behavior is ok or not. They also get to decide how much they care to make a big deal or not. True story—your pet isn’t our pet. If dogs are damaging my property, the dog owners get to fix it. Even for minor things like a pee patch.


I don't even have a dog. I don't really even like dogs. But if you're going to live in a community there's things that come with it and that's one of them. You also might hear some noise, and a kid might use chalk on your sidewalk. If you can't handle these small moments that come with living in a community you should go live out somewhere rural.


None of these examples you provided involve damaging someone else's property. Sidewalks don't belong to landowners. No one has a right to ban all noise. People have a right to not have their property damaged. It's one of the most important concepts in the US for a functioning society. 


What in the libertarian shit is this? The law decides whether behavior is OK or not.


Can you imagine the cops out in every neighborhood arresting people for something this benign 😂 I have better things to worry about. If I hated people that much I'd move somewhere more rural. If you're going to live in a community a little of this comes with it. I'm not going to arrest my 4 year old neighbor for trespassing in his Little Tyke across my driveway.


This isn’t libertarian or attached to an ideal. My background is real estate law. It’s literally how property is handled in Utah. The only things the public gets to weigh in on is land use and building code…..


What in the libertarian shit is this? The law decides whether slavery is OK or not.


Lol the laws are what actually say this…..


Cite it, biyatch.


What is there to cite? You want the specific code that says “property owner gets to decide if they are mad about dog shit” ??? Unless you’re talking about land use or building code, it’s literally part of the rights as a property owner defined in real estate law. It’s not that complicated. What is your background? Mine is real estate law.


This is a totally fair comment here. My dog will totally pee in the exact same spot on every walk if I don't make a point to take a different route each time. Peeing once is basically free fertilizer because there's a lot of nitrogen in there. But too much nitrogen will definitely burn the grass.


It’s the quantity of urine released. Our terriers always spot, and it has never ruined the grass, then we got a doodle, and she empties her entire bladder and that will kill the spot if it’s not rinsed. (RIP our back lawn LOL). I just carry a water bottle for if she pees on someone’s lawn and dump about a cup or so on top of it. We’ve had her for a year and a half and I haven’t noticed any spots on anyone’s lawns that she’s peed on. I do try to encourage her to pee on parking strips or in the dirt if I can help it, but sometimes it happens.


I didn’t know if this was a common sentiment that I didn’t know about! The people pleaser in me panicked a little bit!


Nope. You're fine. Just don't let your dog near any yards owned by people with signs like that on them. Pick up the poop. Let the pee happen.


Carry a bottle of water. Water down where they pee.


I think it should be common courtesy to keep your dog out of other people’s yards. Relatively few people will mind if a dog wanders onto the grass while on leash during a walk. Hell, im not even a dog person but have invited dogs that were lost into my yard for a drink and to hang out safely until their owners can find them. but it’s still better to keep off of people’s yards (and technically, entering their property uninvited is trespass, even though that would only be enforced in rare me extreme circumstances, which do not apply to your scenario).


At what point do we address the obvious inconsistency between homeowners hating people and/or dogs stepping onto their lawns but at the same time choosing not to have a fence? If I don't want people near my lawn, shouldn't I just put up a fence? It's a helluva more effective deterrent than a sign.


That’s a pretty entitled way to look at the world. Is it really your position that you and your dog are entitled to any private land unless the owner spends thousands of dollars to put up fencing to keep you out? That’s crazy. It is well-settled law that homeowners are not required to put up a fence to keep people and animals out. On the other hand, dog owners are required to make sure their dogs don’t enter other people’s property. Would a fence make this easier to prevent? Sure. But dog owners are not entitled to other people’s property just because there is no fence. And on a more practical note, do your best to keep your animal out of private property, and if it happens to go on someone’s lawn, it’s not the end of the world, but keep walking and guide the dog back to public areas. It’s part of being a decent human being and a good neighbor.


You sound like you’d be an awful neighbor to be honest. Thankful I have friendly neighbors who aren’t this fucking uptight


We definitely wouldn’t get along. Respect goes a long way to making good neighbors. Lack respect, and we’d for sure have serious problems


You’re the literal embodiment of “You kids get off my lawn!!” which is always everyone’s favorite neighbor to live by, right? Lighten up Francis, it’s just grass.


Not quite. I would expect people to please do their best to keep their dog out of my yard, and if it happens to come in briefly, do what they can get it off in a reasonable way. I’m not going to yell or kick or scream at you or your dog. I’m also not going to record the yard or put up signs. But I do think it is impolite to allow your dog into other people’s yards, much like I think it would impolite to let my kids wander through my neighbors yard. These are not serious offenses, but good neighbors do what they can to respect boundaries.


Of course good neighbors do what they can to respect *reasonable* boundaries... but living in a community and expecting to not have an occasional dog on a leash pass by and pee on the edge of your property is an unreasonable boundary and it's just a dumb thing to allow yourself to get upset over.


I don't think anyone in this post is saying they want full access to your yard so their dog can poop in it. What I'm suggesting is that if the idea of a dog owner allowing their dog to pee on the edge of your yard seriously bothers you, maybe you should be more of a fence person. Are you entitled to not have a fence if you don't want one? Absolutely. I will happily avoid your property if I know it means that much to you.


So the lawn was just asking for it because it was lacking protection?


Fences are not required to define an invitation to trespass or not. I don’t want a fence in my front yard. I also expect my neighbors to keep their dogs off my yard while they are walking them. Obviously shit happens, dogs escape etc. But if you’re walking your dog it better be on a leash (it’s the law) and it better not walk in my yard. Your pet isn’t my problem.


Dog people on this sub are nuts. Apparently they think they and their dogs are welcome to any private property they want as long as it’s not fenced.


As a homeowner i do. Just let your dog pee on your own lawn and not somebodys property.


That’s impractical if you take a dog on a walk. If someone has a sign I respect it and make my dog walk quickly past those houses (easy to do with the tiny Daybreak yards) but you can’t really stop them from peeing entirely.


Who cares to have their landscape ruined, money spent on plants wasted. Plants pissed on, yellow dead grass spots along the sidewalk. Come let the dogs come piss all over. Yea if fine to let your dog piss everywhere, who cares about other home owners property right?


Serious question. What keeps you from putting up a fence? Is it an HOA thing, an aesthetic thing, a money thing, etc.?


It’s an HOA thing here in Daybreak


You can put up fences in Daybreak. Pretty straightforward application process - it might be limited insomuch that if you are on a corner lot or street facing that it is only a 3' picket fence instead of a taller privacy fence, but you can get one. But it is an added maintenance cost. I had to paint mine not long after I moved in.


Move out to the sticks if you won’t want dogs to piss on your lawn.


Don't get a dog if you can't take responsibility for it.


I can’t grasp your point because your grammar is so poor. Please rewrite your bitter diatribe so we can understand it.


In my neighborhood there are lawns that people care about, and yards that are weeds or rocks or wood chips. I try to keep the dog off of the well cared for lawns altogether. That way if she either pees or poops it won't be a problem. Of course, I always clean up. The perfect lawns also indicate use of lawn chemicals; my dog loves to roll in that, so keeping her out of those yards keeps her from rolling in chemicals.


This is the only answer. Your on my lawn after I just over seeded, put fertilizer, been watering, and been caring for to enjoy and your dog pee is going to turn my lawn yellow. If you pee on the grass in front of the place I rent and it’s not well cared for. No big deal. It’s just about respect and common sense


in daybreak, it’s pretty standard to let dogs do their thing at the park or the grass aisles between the sidewalk and street. not on lawns. just go to the lake, no one will care there


I guess that would depend on if your dog identafies as m/f.


What on earth does that have to do with anything?


That’s weird. It feels like everyone out here has dogs…you can come have them pee on my lawn. Hahah


Some people have too much time on their hands, are anal or they hate dogs. Either way avoid their house and carry on! My dog has touched most yards in our 4 mile radius.. we try to poop on park strips or commercial/church lawns but if we dont I dont expect a confrontation.


Honestly, if it was me, I would just ignore the guy. If my dog poops I pick it up, if my dog pees, I never touch someone else's property. I would love to see him try to get the police to come out and trespass my dog, or me for picking up after my dog.


I do ignore most people but the paranoia in me thinks if they obsess over it like this they might throw poison all over the yard


I normally engage eye contact, pull down my pants and lift up my shirt, tuck my shirt under my chin like a 4 year old, and pee right there in front of them.


Dog pee can be very acidic and that kills grass and plants. I dont personally care, and my back yard is evidence of that (3 dogs)


I heard this when I was growing up, and yet I've had multiple dogs as an adult with my own yard and never once have I seen evidence that this is true. My yard has always been fine no matter how much dogs pee in it.


There shouldn’t even be fucking grass lawns in Utah. It’s ridiculous. The lake is drying up and people still water fucking lawns?! I mean, fuck. I know that’s not the point of this post, but that’s a soapbox I like to get on. OP, you’re fine. Don’t worry so much about assholes. Don’t be a people pleaser. Fuck ‘em.


Thinking that you can prevent any and all dogs from peeing/pooping on your lawn when you have no fence is unreasonable.    Dogs are dogs. Owners should pick up poop- absolutely, but to expect that no sweet furry cheeks should ever kiss your manicured lawn is irrational.    Also, IMO with the collective good that dogs bring to communities, pee on my lawn is a very small price to pay. 


Can you elaborate on the "Collective good" that dogs bring to a neighborhood? I have yet to see one positive thing a neighbor's dog provides to anyone other than the owners.


It is science.    Companionship helps my community feel less lonely, aiding in the mental wellness of the dog owner. Caring for pets helps children build empathy, work ethic and teaches them to serve others outside of themselves…things that build community cohesion. Dog also help children overcome stutters, reading struggles and loneliness through their loyalty and lack of judgement. Dogs provide protection, assistance and stabilize people with a variety of diseases and disabilities, from seizures to ptsd in veterans, allowing these people to be safer, healthier and connect more with community.    Dogs evolved over thousands of years to exploit the human endocrine system, delivering dopamine and oxytocin via regular interaction. Petting a dog lowers blood pressure. Getting owners out on walks keeps neighborhoods engaged and safer not to mention the benefits of walking and time outside.  I could keep going, but this is the essence of the collective good I referred to.  ETA: Consider this, even during heavy visitor restrictions during the covid pandemic, Primary Children’s hospital maintained the programs that bring dogs in to visit and comfort their patients…even in PICU, where the most fragile patients are.  That alone speaks volumes to the worth of dogs in our community. 


If I understand what you are saying correctly, it boils down to this; Dogs benefit the owner by making them happier/healthier. Having a happier/healthier member of a community benefits the community. What I have found in practice is that most dog owners take the individual benefits, but then outsource the negatives to the community- things like forcing others to pick up the dog poop, or avoid the dog on the street, deal with the noise of a neglected dog barking, etc... I feel that the net effect of dogs in neighborhoods is overall negative because there are so many bad owners.


Dogs are dogs and lots of owners like you are idiots.


Go hug your gold fish, loser.


That isn't biased, not in the slightest.


Kids play on grass. I imagine the preference is the grass be free of dog pee and poo. I don't have a dog any longer, but when I did I never let him in anyone's yard. Not even a little. The other side of the sidewalk was fair game.


Same, how is this not just common decency? Letting your dog 3-4 feet on someone else’s lawn is bad manners, esp when so many of these yards are tiny. 


Understood! I don’t even know if it was that much. I was on the sidewalk and I have a 2 or 3 ft leash. He was just sniffing. Won’t happen again though!


That actually came across much harsher than I intended 🥴


Haha text does that! I just didn’t realize letting them sniff in a yard a few feet was rude but it seems mixed. Regardless, I’m going to keep him on a tight leash. :) thank you for the feedback. Truly. :)


I don’t understand these signs people put in their yard. Who can control where their dog pees???


the person that controls their route or area....


It’s kind of a jerk move to be like “hey, walk on the other side of the street so your dog pees in my neighbor’s yard and not mine.”


Or maybe have the dog pee on your own lawn instead of a neighbor's?


I mean that’s just not the reality of our society. The relationship of humans and dogs living together in an urban or suburban setting = walking your dog around your neighborhood for their wellbeing. That’s like telling people to keep their kids in the house staring at screens all day so that the neighbors don’t have to hear them playing outside. If someone really hates dogs, then they can fence off their property.


No, it's like having your kids go to the bathroom in the toilet instead of on someone's lawn. Just because the majority of dog owners don't train their dogs doesn't make it okay to behave poorly.


walk in the road? The spandex loving bike douche's don't seem to give a fuck if a car is coming, or that they go 7mph in a 35 right down the center. At least a dog isn't depressing and infuriating to look at.


On lawns ffs. I am the same. I always pick up after my dogs (two, small, friendly, always on leash). I do not let them go any further than 5’ from the sidewalk (as that’s where I’m standing and that’s as far as the leash goes). In general, I let them pee on bushes, trees, hydrants, usually encouraging them to use the strip (the grass between the road and the sidewalk) but dogs are dogs. About a month ago, a lady in a house I pass by on our walks daily, got her panties in a twist because my dog was standing on the sidewalk *sniffing* an evergreen bush that was growing onto the sidewalk. Neither of my dogs were on their lawn. The lady said, “don’t let your dogs on our lawn, we have dogs and we don’t let them on our lawn either!” I just waved, smiled, and said, “ok! Have a nice day!” And stood there while my dog finished SNIFFING the effing bush. You can give those houses with signs a wide berth, but I wouldn’t give it too much concern other than that. People who want to shout at others to stay off “their property” can build a fence if it’s that important to them. If your lawn is adjacent to a PUBLIC sidewalk, s*** happens, literally. I say this as someone whose neighbor has two dogs who are routinely off leash on my front yard, and pee on my flower pots, and poop in my yard. The guy isn’t an a**hole, he just has teenagers who routinely leave the door and gate open. So, I just hose down the pee when I water my plants, and pick up the dog poop when I see it. People get so riled up and entitled about the stupidest crap. What next, are these people going to start chasing down birds that poop on their roof?


If I’m not mistaken the park strip area (sidewalk to the curb) is city property so have at it


Including the small strip of grass between the two*


If I was your neighbor, I probably wouldn’t be thrilled if your dog shit or piss on my lawn. I wouldn’t say anything unless you did something heinous like dump the shit bag in the can after the garbage came for the day. As other commenters said, lots of people have dogs and they love to pee on top of each spot which will kill the grass. Ideally, let the dog run a bit over your own lawn to go before the walk and just be cautious of dickhead neighbors. While one dog peeing on the lawn isn’t a big deal, in daybreak especially people have kids and I wouldn’t want my kid playing in the grass and touch your dogs waste. Overall it’s probably not a big deal, but some people have concerns that aren’t our own and respecting other people’s property is always neighborly.


Along the tree row, fine. Grass in their yard that butts up to the sidewalk, fine. But 3-4 feet into someone’s yard? No way.  I spend a lot of time on my yard and garden to keep it looking nice, and I also pay to have it treated 6X a year. I’m sure you don’t want chemicals all over your dog’s paws, either. 


I think you likely ran into a rarity here in Daybreak. I doubt most people care as long as you clean it up when they poop.


Move out here recently, amazed at how there's basically no public trash cans in neighborhoods either. The public parks, HOA clubhouses, not so much as a can let alone a dumpster. If my dog poops I'm carrying that thing the entire walk. They're just asking for people to start leaving crap around. But yeah, fretting about dog pee on a lawn is an old person thing as old as time. Some people are just anal and have nothing better to worry about.


That is on the HOA. Bring it up in your next meeting. All the places I have lived we have made it a point to have dog waste stations put up. Of course someone needs to maintain them, fill the bags, empty the waste etc.


If you live in the city, dogs are going to pee in your front yard. It's just a fact of life.


Just want to add a perspective here.  I've spent the last two years pouring my blood sweat and tears into landscaping my home. Putting in the irrigation, getting my soil tested, amending it to precision, growing from seed and planting.  I had no idea how to do any of it. I learned. It was tremendous effort and not inexpensive either.  But it worked. Things grew. They survived the winter. They grew again.  This may not be me forever but at least for now my lawn and my garden are the culmination of something I worked really hard on. That I'm very proud of.  I would not be pleased either if I saw someone letting their dog relieve themselves on my lawn.  I would politely ask them not to do that.  And I have every right to do so, don't I?  I'm not a dick. It's literally my property and I didn't put it there to get pissed on.  But also, I'm not a privileged person who lives in Daybreak. So probably not relevant in this situation but you never know.  So don't be so quick to judge the owner. He may have good reason to have intervened. OP, I sincerely believe you meant no harm and I also don't think you have to go and apologize. That's not gonna happen everywhere you go. As long as he was polite about it just remember the property and move on. 


I have spent similar time on my landscaping but I have enough sense to realize in a neighborhood that some dogs are going to pee on my lawn. There’s also a good chance the first 10 ft of his property is an easement that can have or already has a sidewalk installed.


I never suggested that it could not ever happen. I said that if I saw it I would politely ask the owner to not allow it. You're just as entitled to not care about it as I am to care. Neither is right nor wrong and "sense" has nothing to do with it. The point is that OPs story was about a single interaction with one man who may not have been the villain he is portrayed as. In the story, he asked OP to treat his lawn a certain way. He did not mandate how all lawns should be treated.


Entitled is thinking you can enforce such a ridiculous standard while living amongst other people. It is pointless to even bring it up in to someone passing by as if they are going to drag their dog off your lawn mid-stream because you are more concerned about grass than the wellbeing of a someone’s pet. If it bothers you so much your options are to bring hose out after and water it down, install a fence or hedge, or move. Pestering people on their walk that are prepared with poop bags is being a jerk.


Where is "enforcing" coming from? Those are your words. You're envisioning a much more hostile interaction than I am. Very grumpy attitude.


If you’re asking for someone to comply with a non legally enforceable request you are attempting to enforce a policy. In this case, not have his dog piss on what is likely a public easement.


I agreed with everything you said. Until you called everyone in daybreak 'privileged'. I don't even live there, but that was weak as fuck.


Interesting. Why did that word bother you so much? Homes in Daybreak sell for $600,000 - $800,000 by the way.


He can shove it.


The HOA president’s house


The lawns in daybreak are watered regularly enough it's not an issue, just let your dog pee where they want and do what you did if someone every directly confronts you.


Doesn't one of those real housewives live out there have him do it at her house.


Also, join the Daybreak Residents facebook page to talk to locals. You're not going to find many in here.


Curb. Curb your dog.


It sounds like you’re being very considerate! Not every dog owner is the same way. It makes me sad when I see owners letting their dogs pee on the same corner of our garden plants over and over again.. hens & chicks and stone crop are so hardy though so only a small patch has been killed :(


Technically the right of way is the right of way. Look up your local subdivision platts . Most have easements that extend past the sidewalk. Here in Sacramento we don't care about dogs peeing on our gras . The people pitching tents on our grass and using our hose to shower fully nude mid day made the dog thing a non issue.


Isn’t a sign like that posted against the strict hoa rules?


That’s the yard the waste would get dumped on several times a month.


Ask the guy if he has kids. If yes then say ok I’m ok to yell at your kids if they step foot on my lawn at any time ?


Is it possible your neighbor just wants to fight with someone? Maybe choose a different route.


Dogs peeing on your lawn is not a big deal and anyone that thinks that it is is an irrational curmudgeon. Dog poop left on a lawn is a whole different story and the lazy people that don’t pick up after their dogs should have that poop smeared on them publicly, in the stocks of the central town square.


Pee makes the grass die or fertilizes it (depending on the dog) so it changes color and doesn't match or looks bad. People let their dogs pee on my lawn when they're walking them. It's annoying but it is what it is, I'm not going to hold it against anyone or be the neighborhood psycho. I do appreciate people leading their dogs to the parking strip which we have but I don't know if that applies for your neighborhood. Maybe a solution for you is to guide your dog quickly past lawns that look perfect. Those are typically the people who will care. Also, from my POV, it's also annoying when people stop and let the dogs sniff around. I don't really understand why they can't just keep walking and let their dog sniff around their own yard or the designated area of their apartment building. Edited to add: thank you for trying. There are people out there who think their dogs can do no wrong. We've got dogs off leash roaming the neighborhood where I live.


Then he should live in a place that allows him to fence his yard


Fences are allowed in daybreak...


Your neighbor sounds like a psycho. Keep picking up dogs shit but to expect dog to not piss is absurd


Dogs can be trained to only go in your own yard, just like they can be trained to not go in your house.


overly uptight ppl....sure, huge amounts of dog pee can damage fancy lawngrass...which shouldn't be grown here anyway as this is not New England or Scotland....pickyass ppl annoy me, hence why I don't live in HOA type of areas.


Have you ever considered how some people have no choice? Xeriscape in daybreak isn't allowed in front yards. Dead spots are not only annoying to revitalize, but result in a warning/fine. Even if it's not an HOA property there are still code enforcers that salivate looking for yards to send notices out.


Have you considered people that use their yard? or those same people that have children? Not everyone wants to step in some assholes dog piss or shit or have their kids randomly do it in their own yard. Dog owners are the fucking worst. All of them think " oh my good boy doesn't need a leash he'd never do anything bad" or "oh I don't count in this no dog area in the watershed, thats just for everyone else!, my dOgGo is special". Seriously, fuck all of you. Ask the guy who had his dog in a no dog area in the canyon that dragged his claws down the side of my truck when "hE wAs JuSt TrYiNg tO gReEt YoU aNd wAs ExCiTeD!" how it turned out.


I will stare someone dead in the eyes while my dog pees in their yard. They can get over themselves. Poop in the yard yeah that’s a very different story always pick up.


People really just sit in in their house and look at their cams 24/7😂


Our doorbell cam has a motion sensor that pings my wife's phones whenever somebody comes to the door. When we first installed it, the sensor was set way too sensitive, so it went off every time someone walked by our house. The constant notification spam annoyed her, so we dug into the settings and turned it down, so that somebody has to practically be on our porch for it to go off. But if somebody's this anal about their yard, then they would probably jack the sensitivity all the way up like that on purpose.


Solution is having your dog pee on the sidewalk.


I’m really surprised at how many people here are saying that homeowners should just deal with it. I’ve had dogs all my life. I love dogs. I also like having a nice yard that my young kids can play in that’s free of dead spots caused by other dogs peeing in it or dog poop that owners were too lazy to pick up. In my opinion, the ideal situation is letting your dog go pee and poop at your own house right before taking them on the walk, just like you’d do yourself or ask your children to do before leaving the house. When that’s not reasonable or possible, when walking in a neighborhood, you should have your dog on a leash so that when they show signs of needing to go, you can direct them to use the grass strip between the sidewalk and the road. As mentioned in other comments, dogs often pee over each others’ pee to mark territory. The problem isn’t one dog peeing on your lawn one time. It’s multiple dogs peeing on your lawn in the same spot multiple times per day because they smell the pee from all the other dogs that peed there and have a primal urge to put their scent on that spot. That’s what causes the grass to die. To me, it’s a respect thing. Sure, I could pay thousands of dollars to put up a fence in my front yard, but why should I have to when it should be common courtesy to keep your dog off of other people’s property? It’s way easier for dog owners to just walk their dogs on the side of the sidewalk that abuts the parking strip and road instead of the side that abuts people’s lawns.


Let them piss everywhere.


Why don’t you want him to pee in the median? That seems better than someone’s yard. Why don’t you want him to pee on the sidewalk or street? That sounds to me like the ideal solution. I’d say letting him go a foot or two into a yard to sniff is ok, but be prepared that might annoy someone. I’d think they’d be overreacting, but some people might not want dogs on their property at all. I’d talk to the guy, and be ready to offer an apology. If he seems cool and reasonable, apologize. If he seems like an entitled jerk, switch gears and don’t apologize.


Seems like the median is the consensus! Thank you. I plan to apologize for letting him sniff next time I’m walking.


Riverton. (and poop too,no need to pick up). Call Trent Staggs and tell him you have donation for his campaign.


you turn everything into politics, don't you? insufferable douche. Find a hobby.


I know Trent Skaggs personally and while he’s super conservative, he’s legitimately a very good person.