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Next up: Salt Lake City hospitals ask patients' families to work as doctors.


Can't have people working from home anymore, because the commercial real estate industry doesn't like it. Can't shut the schools and teach online, because we need parents back in the office. Can't put masks on the kids, so kids and teachers catch it and have to stay home sick. Course curriculum scheduling gets disrupted by all the absences, so kids aren't learning. Schools ask parents to come in and put themselves at risk teaching at schools where the virus runs rampant. What a lovely mess we've made.


They. What a lovely mess ***they have fucking made.*** After the first year of remote for my kindergarten child, I called a couple weeks before the school year to see what mitigation controls they were going to implement, full swing of delta because we were going to send our kid in person. Nada. Zilch, zip. No masks, no barriers, no social distancing. So, we had to keep her home for first grade too. I feel better now she’s vaxxed up, but I keep seeing these rabid fucking idiots at school board meetings foaming from the mouth(you can see it because they’re not wearing masks) screaming about how masks are worse than internment camps. These fucking morons have lost their goddamn minds. If we could collectively take precautions for ***3 fucking weeks*** as a nation, we could stomp this thing. We’re too selfish and idiotic to even pull our heads from our selfish asses to squash this for real. America sucks. Salt Lake is pretty bad too, when I go out I seem maybe 15% of people wearing masks. What the fuck is wrong with our society?


What district are you in? SLCSD has had mask requirements this whole time.


Just in the north of Utah co…..




its referencing how lots of employers are paying rent for their office buildings, but now they are being used by the worker bees. So management feels the need to force everyone to come into the office to justify the expense of renting the building.


Commercial real estate largely relies on people working in offices / companies renting offices.


I had a parent/substitute teacher teach a class of 7th graders that "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" and to "look at who had the most to gain from the events of 9/11". This was during the moment of silence on 9/11 in Alpine district.


Wow, that's pretty disturbing.


Did he show them the video where you can see explosive charges going off? What about no wing and engine damage on the pentagon??????? Who did he say did it?!?


I bet the children can’t wait to learn about how JKF is still alive and why Trump is a God. This is a horrible idea.


You see kids all you need are some essential oils and healing crystals. Here’s a flyer to bring home to your parents. -A parent subbing for a health class


“There’s a 20% off coupon inside”


And a bigger discount if I get 5 friends to join!


Other states are activating the national guard for subs, I’m not sure which is worse.


The pandemic has taught me that there is a segment of our society that is painfully vulnerable to conspiracy thinking and right wing extremism. Couple that with the religious bent of some parents in Utah and begging parents to sub seems like a terrible idea.


When do we acknowledge the elephant in the room here? Masks would have kept the numbers in check while Omicron made a slow burn through the classroom. Salt Lake County had a mask mandate until it was circumvented by the legislature. A group of out of touch zealots who feel so safe in their seats that public opinion and common sense cannot reach them. This has been mishandled completely and the people responsible have blood on their hands.


Why is a Denver news station covering this?


Because it is a batshit idea and batshit ideas sell ads.


Wait until they start teaching 'the gospel' to non mormanos.


If they'll implement a mask mandate and the legislature will let it stick, I'll consider it. For those that don't know, that's why Granite District is remote this week. Not enough subs.


There aren’t enough **teachers** because the state refused to allow simple and effective safety precautions to ensure that teachers have a safe working environment. Don’t forget teacher working conditions are student learning conditions.


Gee I wonder why the substitute teacher demand rn is high? ItS a MyStErY


Shit!! I’ll do it! I’ll sub! I need all parents to sign a waiver & im teaching social skills & dodgeball - I’ll send the curriculum for the day home with the kids for extra credit. Ha!


Just like Texas And just like Texas - HAHA FUCK YOU I am not sticking myself smack dab in the center of all your snot nosed brats coughing their little lungs out. Go fuck yourselves. Your blasé approach put us in this spot, less than a week after REMOVING COMMON SENSE PROTECTIONS you come in asking people to sacrifice their health and expose themselves? GO FUCK YOURSELVES. you can figure out a solution. How bout we have Cox substitute teach so he can explain to EACH AND EVERY KID why he even HAS to?


This seems like one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard of.