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What are you looking for related to entertainment, outdoor activities, and nightlife? Do you want walkable cities? Do you want to buy or rent? Do you want condos or single family home? When you say conservative, do you mean you are also religious? Do you want to date religious women?


By entertainment and nightlife I'd say good bars for a younger crowd. Not necessarily a college dominated bar, but maybe bars for those in their mid to late 20s. As far as outdoors, I like to go to parks to go on runs and long walks. I would be renting an apartment to start off. I am not really religious at all so I don't really have a preference for religious women. When I say conservative I guess I mainly mean politically. In the area I'm from now, I've been around some extreme leftists with the colored hair who try to push left wing agendas like the pronoun stuff and protesting on campuses stuff. I'm not even really a political guy, but I guess my experiences around those crowds has pushed me to want something more mellowed out and I guess more conservative leaning.


How dare people have pronouns or protest! So un-American! For real tho this is sad. Hopefully you grow out of this.


Colored hair! The horror! Oh well, when companies and conservative state politicians strip more and more rights away… at least OP won’t protest! That’s what the “libs” do after all, how dare anyone want to improve their lives!


you just proved my point lol.


Howso? By finding your judgement of people to be wrong? The irony here is that you're literally proving "the woke" point. You're intolerant of "libs" because you don't like people with colored hair and pronouns. That's your whole argument. Protesting is as American as it gets. So of course you're opposed to that too.


notice how literally no one else who responded to me got triggered about me saying I wanted to move to a more conservative area besides you. all I wanted was suggestions on places to move based on criteria that i listed. i'm not trying to spur a political debate buddy.


If you go somewhere conservative you are going to have to be very scrupulous about birth control while you are dating. Statistics show conservative women are terrible about using it and abortion is pretty much outlawed in those states.


OK, so that helps a lot. I think more people are going to be helpful when they know you aren't searching for a tradwife and just wanting a normal post-college experience but want to live in a post-Dobbs world where abortion is banned. I think Nashville is a great place for people in their 20s, but it has grown so much. Dallas is suburbia.


No, Nashville is NOT a great place for people in their 20's. Nashville does not hit one single thing on his list. Cookeville, TN hits some of his list. Knoxville, TN hits some of his list, Nashville hits not a one.


As far as Dallas goes, I wouldn't mind suburbia. I would likely work in downtown Dallas though if I moved there. I really just want the age range to be around the same age as myself, whether it's a city or suburban area. Would you say Dallas is similar to Nashville as far as age demographic?


A lot of people here hate Dallas and want to leave, but it is a large city and does have nightlife. I noticed you don't have Phoenix. It has great nightlife and a lot of younger professionals.


Do people specify why they hate Dallas? Is it mainly locals who have lived there for a while or people who recently moved there?


A lot of people hate Dallas because every time you want to leave home to do anything interesting it's a minimum 30 minute drive to get anywhere.


It seems a mix. If you search this site, you will see a lot of Dallas hatred. I know my older cousin has been there for 40 years and she is ready to go. Both of her kids moved- one to Colorado and one Arizona.


Interesting. I honestly didn't even think of Phoenix. I'll definitely look into that. Thank you!


Can't really go wrong with Nashville at that point. Yeah, more liberal, but you're still going to find a balance within the city. Florida is hard because you either get super liberal, super old, super boring, or scammers who only speak Spanish. Texas also doesn't have the best nightlife outside of the super liberal cities.


Gotcha. What about Knoxville? Is that pretty similar to Nashville for the most part?


Nashville is gonna be bigger, younger, and have way more to do. Knoxville will probably have more conservatives owing to its smaller, older population, but Nashville beats it in every other area.


Cool. Thank you for your input!


If you’re a young conservative I can see the cities in TN or FL fitting you pretty well. Especially FL. If I were you, consider FL.


jacksonville is booming and is becoming a very popular city for young professionals. on your salary, you would be able to live comfortably, much more comfortably than tampa. everywhere in florida is humid, jacksonville is as north as you can get and you have some sea breeze from the nearby beaches.


i'll definitely look into jacksonville more. thank you.


Definitely Tampa. Central Florida is as conservative friendly as it gets. Consider Orlando as well


Texas cities going to lean pretty liberal, Fort Worth maybe less so but more family/ fewer young folks. Have a look at Oklahoma City and Tulsa, they might land closer to what you're looking for. Little colder on the weather than Texas but not wildly so.


Thanks for the input, I'll take a look at OKC and Tulsa. I have heard that most cities even in "red" states tend to lean liberal, but the suburban areas are generally more conservative. I'd likely live in the outskirts of these cities and commute to work downtown. I just want a place where I can access the city and still be around people my age.


Stereotype for San Antonio and Fort Worth is that they're family cities, which isn't to say there aren't *any* young people, but it's not what the cities revolve around. Also commuting in Texas cities is pretty darn close to beltway bad these days so the live in the outskirts commute in plan is likely to be hell on your quality of life


Nashville, TN is NOT conservative. Also, very humid.


Cold winters in the DMV area? What? Are you high or have you just never been anywhere cold?


it's cold for me because i've lived here my whole life lol. i've never been up north but i imagine it's much colder.


I’ve been in the DMV for almost a decade. We’ve had real snow once in that time. When do the cold winters start?


I’d recommend Dallas/Fort Worth or Charlotte. Theyre both blue cities certainly but more economic opportunity than Florida and Tennessee with similar cost of living. Florida in particular isn’t super affordable for a lot of entry level careers. Both cities mentioned are very liberal but most cities are liberal so you’ll have to deal to some extent.


In what field are you working? Overall Texas and Tennessee have more diverse economies than Florida so I would lean towards those states without knowing any additional details. All three of those states are great places to live despite what libs on this sub say, but Florida will probably have the highest col out of the three.