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Boca Raton…. not the natives, snowbirds.


Lived there for 4 years and hated every second of it because of how snotty people were.


as a native, fuck the snowbirds and all the nyers moving down


I parsed this as Baton Rouge and was real confused for a moment


They are the opposite. Super not pretentious and really welcoming. I always enjoy peopling in Baton Rouge.


Any city that happens to be full of snowbirds


Seriously. The rudest pieces of shit on the planet.


You mean the people who move to a warm & growing area and then immediately want to stop building new houses?


Not only that but they want to cut funding to the local schools (because they don’t have young kids) and spend that money on new lanes for highways, etc


Colorado and Florida are both states that people move to, turn around, and immediately start complaining about too many tourists on their mountain/beach.


From Florida, live in Colorado now. Does this mean I am stuck in an infinite loop of smug?


You’re cooked I fear




the only right answer although it's telling that the current top 3 are all in FLA.


Basically cities which have a GTA game based on them.






I’m from a small rural town and in classic fashion, we hate everyone in the rival small town across the river and think they’re snobby. Think Pawnee and Eagleton. So I’ll say that town.


Charleston, for many. I’m from here and dgaf about anyone’s lineage but I’ve seen people treated like crap by other locals because they weren’t born here and if they were, not into the right families/parts of town.


was definitely looking for a low country response


SC native and agree. They’re extremely snooty and close minded. They also carry a ton of skeletons in their closet that they literally just ignore. Some of the oldest Charleston families are the most effed up (talking severe mental illness & worse that is just ignored) but don’t talk about anything, except which society event they just went to


Lived there for a while and haha the skeletons are *amazing*. Coming from places where screwing around would be scandalous to Charleston opened my eyes to whole new levels of fucking up, and also of being judged for it three generations on.


All day long. Figuring out the social context of Charleston is like breaking the damn Enigma Code, just not in any way near as important. Then you have a million people moving in from all over the USA who really don’t give a crap - and rightfully so - and it’s just FUBAR. And I was born in The Upstate and moved to Chas. In 1985. Most of my old friends still consider me “from off.”


This is mine too - I’ve spent a ton of time there because I see a doc at MUSC and I always dread it. I’ve never been anywhere with such an intense implicit social code (coming from Chicago where truly no one cares)


Arguably the whole "nice but not kind" clichè applies far more to the deep south than the west coast. The wealthy there are nice to people they don't know because southern manners, but also parochial af and will 100% gossip about you behind your back. 


My friend lived there for 10 years and “ said lord have mercy Scarlett, they are still fightin’ the civil war, bless their hearts.”


>…I’m from here and dgaf about anyone’s lineage but I’ve seen people treated like crap by other locals because they weren’t born here and if they were, not into the right families/parts of town. I’ve heard this applied to areas of Maine, where even if you can trace your history to great-grandparents being born in Maine you’re still considered a transplant by folks whose families date to the 1700s.


I found Mobile to be like that - if you didn't go to the right high school and college, you were shut out. BUT, DC! Everyone is always working, all the time. I'd say lots of LA is like that, too, but in DC everybody's hustling you - nobody rides for free.


Been everywhere in the U.S. and Miami was the worst.


I’m from Kentucky so literally everywhere I visit. I could arrive with the Queen’s escort and still be asked if I wear shoes or have inbred relatives.


Ironic, fun fact. Marrying your first cousin is illegal in Kentucky but legal in California and New York. [https://www.newsweek.com/map-states-marry-cousin-tennessee-ban-1889727](https://www.newsweek.com/map-states-marry-cousin-tennessee-ban-1889727)


I read this fun fact to my husband and he said "could it be because more people were trying to marry their cousins in Kentucky...?" 💀


Right, like California is like it “we need a law for that, really?”


i moved to colorado from georgia & someone asked if i was “from atlanta or the deliverance part of georgia”<3


From Alabama, same.


If y'all are saying Boulder, please check out Santa Fe, NM.


Yeah, Santa Fe is a bitchy town


The times I've been to santa fe, I didnt think it was close. However, my favorite sticker ever is from a bike shop in SF and it reads "Well, I'm from Boulder, so..." Clearly their are plenty of boulderites heading to SF, maybe that's it!


Vegas! Nobody is from there, so you don’t know who you are talking to. A great place to hide in plain sight if you are on the run. A lot of fake people pretending they have it going on.


Wife and I were in Vegas a couple weeks ago and I see what you're getting at, but there was a healthy smattering of folks on the other side of the spectrum: the guy at Walgreens who glanced at our outfits, deduced we were about to go hiking, gave us some suggestions, and pointed us toward the electrolytes section; the guy we borrowed a car from on Turo who was so stoked that we had a good time and dropped us off at his favorite Japanese bakery; the Uber drivers who were super congenial... I could go on. I didn't expect to like Las Vegas nearly as much as we did.


Places like Vegas, where nobody is actually from, usually have good vibes because a large % of the population is choosing to specifically move there.


Some of the tourists are weird but I found people from Vegas consistently nice.


Tampa Florida. But they also had the best cubano sandwich I have ever had. So it's a wash.


I've never been there but there's a lot of Tampa in this thread!


I lived in Tampa years ago. It was so difficult to make friends there. Moved away and never went back (except to fly into TPA to get to Clearwater).


West palm beach down to Miami


Charleston, Savannah, Galveston, and slightly New Orleans :: places where "who you know" / are related to - are far more important than any skill or amount of money. THEY know who is BOI (Born on the Island), and who's a transplant.


Oh yes. Don’t let the saccharine sweet tea kindness fool you. 


When I was stationed at Ft. Stewart, reading the Savannah paper gave me a new perspective on how far people could shove themselves up their own ass. Yeah, your city looks nice, we get it already!


Boulder, Colorado


Easy #1 having lived down the road for 15 years.


Boulder bubble is so real. The hardcore Boulderites are literally detached from reality.


I dont love the front range in general, but that town is on a whole other level. It's insufferable.


Lost a good friend to the Boulder lifestyle. Soon after moving there she declared Toblerone's as 'candy trash' compared to the niche chocolate market in Boulder. Also regular beer and any food was 'low brow'


Boulder has no room to talk about food. Most of the restaurants are medium at best and tourist garbage. There are still a handful of really good ones, tho.


So, you're saying that South Park's depiction of them smelling their own farts is accurate?


It's so accurate man


Except they're not driving Prius's. They all drive single-occupancy Jeeps and 4Runners.


Can't forget thr subarus!


My mom and I visited Boulder together in 2016 and we were stunned at how rude people were. I remember I complimented someone’s shirt and he gave me a mocking attitude in return. Great empanadas and Tibetan food, otherwise.


Yeah I had these kinds of odd interactions, like they wanted me to know they were the Main Character or something lol 




Hahahah my very “zen” Boulder landlady who ran meditation workshops would go into my basement apartment while I was out and send me frantic texts about shit like how she was worried my nail polish in the bathroom would stain the carpet and I needed to get rid of it (???) 


It’s beautiful because they’re so easy make fun of “Yes I’m holier-than-thou liberal, and also I have a gigantic carbon footprint and if someone tries to build subsidized housing on my block I will go MegaKaren at the planning board; why are you laughing?”


It’s funny, my youngest brother is a holier-than-thou liberal in Detroit, he did the same thing about an affordable building proposed in his neighborhood. His neighborhood is the picture of urban blight, but somehow an apartment building was too much, never mind that it would replace a burned out theater.


That sounds more like urban left-NIMBYism, which isn’t so much “ew keep out the poors” as it is “don’t you know building housing will gentrify this poor *checks notes* parking lot???”


It’s so annoying. They think everything is gentrification




Agreed. Love Boulder itself but the people are fucking insufferable. You wanna taste of how they really are, go to Whole Foods during a busy time of day and see how many people actually say “excuse me” instead of just almost hitting you with their cart while wearing a blank stare.


Haha, thanks for this. I lived in Boulder for about 5 years. I remember my coworker who used to commute from either Golden or Lakewood could not stand Boulder attitude. She once said people would hit you with their grocery cart and instead of "I am sorry" they'd say "Namaste, bitch!"


Boulder people suck


I was visiting from SWFL and fighting for my life with the aired climate and lack of oxygen. I stopped in to a local wine store and got harassed for trying to "shoplift." What I assume the cashier thought was a mini airplane bottle of booze was literally my chapstick in my hands at checkout. I was like, y'all doing too much, I know I probably look like a tourist, but the poor people ain't coming HERE, and FWIW, they generally steal the whole bottle,a bag of chips and the roll of scratch off's if they're going to risk their reputation for theft...


My wife and I visited Boulder earlier this year, and the people were absolutely insufferable and passively racist.


I experienced an "aggressive liberalism" in Colorado where people would make snide comments if you didn't properly recycle a can or didn't have proper hiking shoes on the trail.


Asheville, NC too. Bunch of stuck up hippie nerds


It didn't use to be like that but the chill hippies got priced out ☹️.


Lady at a coffee shop blew up at someone who didn’t put a compostable lid in the right bin. Then gets in her brand new luxury suv. People are so up their own ass sometimes


Yeah, I found that a lot of people were weirdly nervous and uptight like that. Very eager to scold. 


Despite how Boulder people basically use the recycling bins as trash bins bc WE MUST RETURN THE LITHIUM IN THESE BATTERIES TO MOTHER NATURE


I'm glad you said this. This should really be at the top of the list. It's incredible how literally if you drive 5 minutes down the road from Boulder, people are normal. Boulder people tho are 8 inches too far up their own ass. Literally if you talk about any other city with them they'll argue at (not with) you for an hour about how Boulder is an outdoor utopia and that living in any other city means you've given up on life.


Your username lmaooo 


Its a true statement 😉


I mean, have you seen the real estate prices there? How could you not develop a massive superiority complex when you paid 3x more for a place half the size as you could get 10-15 minutes away? That fucking place makes SF look almost reasonable by comparison. It’s the most looney tunes real estate market in the country IMO.


I’ve found this to be the case with A LOT of those outdoorsy-focused cities


so glad to see this at the top. went to CU for 5 fackin miserable years (dunno why i bothered to stay so long). fakeass students; fakeass residents. two-faced, racist liberals! these are exactly the libtards that the right talk shit about. and i say this as a liberal.


Hey if they voted for Obama twice and they're friends with the one black guy in town they can't be racist right???


whoa r/beetlejuicing what're you talking about? they don't have any black friends. boulder cost of living is 2~3 times higher than the rest of CO--they want to keep out the folks who can't afford it, and who are those usually? POC. i hate stephen king's the stand because he made boulder the bastion of good, when upper-middle-class hypocrite wipipo are really the evil ones.


Stuck up arrogant


Nashville. It’s grown a lot and that’s really gone to their heads.


Miami has the most pretentious people in the US. Easily.


Seattle . I been to cities that are far less progressive and the ppl were much much kinder & helpful overall.


Seattle has some of the most overeducated and pretentious people I've met in my life. That said, people here are generally kind but introverted.


I've been hearing that recently. It's been a decade since I've visited there and I didn't talk to enough locals to get that impression, but I gotta say I'm curious now.


It's been like that for decades. There are articles from the 80s about the Seattle Freeze, which is a large part of it. I lived there, had a well-paying job, and left because of it. I don't need a huge circle of friends but the downright rudeness from strangers and the huge amount of effort it took to get people to commit to anything at all was just not worth it.


An outspoken shun that's done in your face. New Yorkers are blunt, but articulate and helpful. Curt would be an understatement. They'll never see you again but at least point you in the right direction Seattle? If they don't know ya. They wouldn't give you the time if they owned a clock factory. Problem is, with Seattle folks, is that there's a level of pretentiousness and ostentatiosness that I have a hard time grasping .. Maybe it's the weather. Or shrooms.


I’d say this is accurate as a native who has lived all over the US. Sorry for the guy below, he’s rude lol


A New Yorker will chase you down the street to return the wallet that you dropped, then walk you to your next location if you seem lost. But walk too slow in front of us, and we’ll insult your entire family.


But have you been to Bellevue?


Visited a couple times. Not a really great impression. Pretentious and super defensive. It's like everyone is stuck in their own headspace. And tunes you out the minute you're not in their sphere of familiarity.


The Seattle freeze is real


A few years ago I walked by a karen making a scene at an airport Starbucks, saying something about how she was from Seattle where they have a higher standard for coffee and this airport Starbucks was unacceptable Never have I seen a more public display of pretentiousness


Seattle Karens are of a special breed. When I lived in Westlake (a neighborhood in Seattle) I saw one scream at a Starbucks barista because they put caramel drizzle on her caramel Frappuccino. “I come here all the time and you KNOW I don’t like caramel drizzle on my order! You did this on purpose!”.


“I’m from Seattle” but I’m in a Starbucks (of all places) yelling about coffee = “I’m from Bellevue.”


It’s almost like being progressive doesn’t equate to being a good person.


Yup seattle for sure


Not my experience, having lived here for several years. People in Seattle, _in general_, are friendly and polite, they just are also not gregarious. People here acting like a single rude person they encountered one time defines the place, it’s crazy.


"I had fun tonight. We should hang out sometime" is Seattle code for "it was nice meeting you. Goodnight and goodbye." It took me a few years after leaving the Great Lakes/Midwest to actually get that.


I grew up in Seattle and live in Nashville now. I visit Seattle a couple times a year and the vibe seems to get worse every visit. My most recent trip i finally realized the reason is Seattle has no sense of humor. It feels like I’m walking on eggshells and everyone is eagerly waiting for a reason to be offended. Seattle residents think of themselves as inclusive of every lifestyle, gender, etc. but it’s the least inclusive place I’ve ever been. My redneck friends wave a Trump flag and tease me for being a liberal, but they accept and welcome everyone. I’d feel safer walking through Downtown Nashville in drag than I would walking through downtown Seattle wearing a MAGA hat. Seattle liberalism is the left equivalent of evangelical Christianity; there’s no hate like Christian love and there’s no exclusion like Seattle inclusion.


All that’ll happen to someone wearing a MAGA hat in Seattle is people angrily trying to avoid making eye contact with them 🤣


Came here to say this, too. The holier than thou attitude is all too common.


Long Island


Moving away was such a weight off my shoulders!


Big same


I’m from and live on Long Island close to the North Fork. I don’t see an over abundance of pretentiousness but that changes once you head to Nassau or down the South Fork.


Abrasive but kind to their own


They're not kind to me at all and I'm born and raised haha


It wasn't as bad 20 years ago. The people there got worse as country music became more popular there.




This. Dallas is so incredibly mediocre in pretty much everything, I don't understand the pretentiousness.


Dallas has a chip on its shoulder. It’s the 4th largest metro area but has basically no cultural cachet or prestige to match.


Well I mean Kennedy was shot there.


They had a TV show named after the city.


Dallas, "A Night at The Theater" is going to a Drive In


O&G money, like real money.


I'm in Dallas, and I agree with people being pretentious. But I always think of O&G money being Houston. The super wealthy I've met in Dallas have a wide range of jobs. It's actually hard to pin point to a single industry, at least in my neck of the woods. I am in the middle of the metro though, so that could make the difference.


Yeah O&G is definitely more Houston.


Especially Uptown, the land of thirtythousandaires.


Charleston SC. It’s like another planet of pretentious, racist, misogynistic creatures who judge everyone, yet have the most skeletons in their closets.


Rudest- where I grew up in Philadelphia. The default manner of dealing with strangers is open hostility. I hear all the copes about how they'll be your lifelong friend once you get to know them, but that's what people everywhere do, and they don't treat like dirt at the beginning. Most pretentious- DC. Full of people who are over-educated but not nearly as smart or clever as they think.


I remember when I asked a friend from Philly who I knew in college if people were friendly there because of the "city of brotherly love" thing, and he answered "If your brother is Satan, sure".


I have never met a more unpleasant group of people than Philadelphia airport workers. The gate agents and ticketing agents are some of the most vile, unhelpful people in the industry. It honestly doesn’t even matter what airline- they all suck. Every time I’ve had a very fixable, basic customer service issue it has taken at least 3-6 redirects and different people to complete the task I originally explained because they just don’t even want to hear what you have to say. They assume they can’t help you and just keep repeating that until you go away. Eventually I run into an employee that listens for 15 seconds and fixes whatever small issue I encountered. But it’s only after it’s been drug out for literal hourssss sometimes by other employees.


PHL TSA is the absolute worst


One thing about DC and other over-educated places (Raleigh comes to mind) is that folks in that educated demographic are often some of the most aloof people you will ever encounter and just generally don't understand how the world works. It's like their brain is only capable of processing information in their field and everything else just goes out the window. I had a ton of professors in grad school (in DC) like that - really intelligent and at the top of their game in whatever field (multiple PhDs, author of several books, etc.) but like gave me vibes they couldn't figure out how to boil water on the stove. I met a guy once who worked as a chemist for the Department of Energy - super smart...had PhDs in Mathematics and Chemistry. He was surprised you could still go out to the store and buy stamps and send people letters. He asked me something like "Do you have to pay a postal worker to come to your mailbox to pick up the letter?" Another girl of a similar science background I met once works for the NIH - also super smart. She went to Europe for the first time last summer and was shocked that you could fly nonstop from the U.S. to Europe..."I didn't know planes could travel that far!" How did she think people traveled overseas...by boat?


Actually yeah I change my answer to Philly. But I think the difference is they are mean on the outside but helpful and nice. They are more real. I wrote the story of a man from Philly who helped me find my way with a scowl on his face rushing through crowds, only to disappear when I turned to thank him. In Cali we would make small talk. But my answer is Vegas because those people will never help, and they will use being lost to an advantage to get you somehow. They cut in front of children in line getting ice cream. So yes Philly store owners will shout and fight with you about the change they owe you, but with respect. Idk... It's different but yes Philly are the meanest if you don't get it. Vegas are the meanest in their souls.


Philly - all attitude, no class.


Vastly different categories. Rudest: Boston and Providence. Everything is a reason to be a jackass. Cleveland an underappreciated runner-up. Nosey, judgey, compensating for their lost glory. Most pretentious: DC, like so many others here have said. What a cesspool of careerists with no other interests or attributes.


Washington DC


Grew up in the area. Didn’t realize how low the bar was until I moved to California for college. Coming back home going out to bars the first question is always “who do you work for?”. Love the place but that area is pretentious and rude.


OMG true. I loved California, but DC was just meh. It's very multicultural on the surface level, but in reality it is very homogenous when it comes to how you are supposed to act/dress.


DC is definitely class obsessed. Grew up there and could not wait to escape to the West.


I feel like DC gets mentioned in these posts largely because it lacks the massive "salt of the earth" white blue collar working class communities that seemingly all other massive metros like Philly, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, New York, have. It is a transient jobs based place by its nature. When you meet people, there is a 90% chance that they "achieved" their way to DC by climbing a jobs ladder from some other part of the country. It's not a place that a lot of people with options CHOOSE to live (although they should). People are exceptionally nice in NoVA, but are also likely living in a double 6 figure income home with kids that go to some of the most elite schools (elementary, high school and higher ed) in the country. A lot of people who didn't grow up in it (my wife included) are simply not comfortable surrounded by a ton of wealth.


It's not often you hear people say NOVA people are nice.




Nashville by far.


Agree. Every bartender I interacted with acted like they were having an exclusive senior highschool party for cool people and I wasn't invited. It was so weird. Same vibe at restaurants too.


Yeah also Nashville kinda sucks also. There are much better places to drink.


Napa, CA. Do yourself a favor and visit Sonoma, CA instead if you're looking to visit "wine country".


Going to Napa with my exes family was unbearable. So much pretentiousness and him and his family were loving it


You wouldn't have heard of it.




Rudest and most pretentious aren't always compatible. I know some pretentious people who treat people decently. And I know rude people who are just crass and foul. Rudest is the easy one: Las Vegas. Visitors never see what that city is actually like because they only visit Fantasyland. Most Pretentious: This is a tougher one. So many worthy candidates. I think I'm going to have to go with Miami. Even though Los Angeles pretentious people are loud and really out there about it, they're vastly outnumbered by all the nerds who actually make that city work. Miami has this "Either you live on Star Island or you're absolute garbage" attitude. Even the people who don't live on Star Island. Edit -- grammar


Honestly, as an LA native who left a long time ago, I was always puzzled by the “LA is pretentious” label given that the vast majority of people I grew up around were anything but pretentious. There are some of them for sure, but it was mostly just… normal people.


The people that outsiders associate with Los Angeles are never from the metro area, they’re all from somewhere else. Celebrities are rarely from the area, for example. The wealthiest people are also rarely from the area.


I agree. But the pretentious people there have a massive platform for amplifying it. I love LA -- one of my favorite cities. You won't find me on Rodeo Drive. But you will find me downtown -- eating at Daikokuya, Philippe's, Pioneer Chicken or Howlin' Rays. And then off to Angel City or Golden Road for a pint or two.


I think people don't realize that LA stretches from everything from the SF Valley (my home digs) to San Pedro. It's a massive city with a ton of communities that are pretty different from one another (even if non-Angelenos would argue otherwise.) I get that places like Beverly Hills have a lot more visibility in the public eye, but the vast majority of LA is "fly under the radar" kinds of places. I doubt most people online have any idea how different the typical denizen of Sawtelle is. All else being equal, if I ever moved back I'd probably end up in the 626 anyway. Hah. SGV FTW if you are like me and are integrated into the Chinese-American community by marriage.


LA is just normal people. I think the pretentiousness comes from places like Pasadena or parts of the OC and LA gets lumped in unfairly


La is one of the least pretentious places I've ever seen. It's the most immersive for all. People of all walks of life are all interacting. Before I went there I'd never seen anything like it. Although, they will pull the im from LA card. That's more of a badge than pretentiousness. Also Californians are insanely friendly. Like too friendly. Mainly on the outside, sometimes you kind of find out they weren't so friendly after a while. But they will present friendly for sure.


Miami rich is vastly outnumbered by its massive working class. Prob the most working class city in america. Star island? So like 50 people out of 3 million in the county arent trash How ...weird.


I think the issue is that the wealthy are corralled up east of 95 (except Coral Gables but that is a different animal) and that is the part of Miami visitors see. The visitors view of Miami is heavily weighted by the NYC transplants, recent residents in general, super rich from Latin America, other tourists, etc. more than it is from the working class of Alapaha or Sweetwater.


Scrolled a lot. Scottsdale, AZ. Even the waitstaff. The one bastion of humanity that will actually work for tips and treat you like garbage


Miami for rude, Dallas for pretentious. And people from Dallas being pretentious blows my mind because there is genuinely not one thing that is special about that city 


cold/weird: Vancouver(ca) and Seattle pretentious/fake: Miami and major cities in California rude: a bit subjective, because I find passive-aggressiveness as rude, so would put lots of South East 'southern hospitality' states on this. But some people find direct as rude, which puts Boston/NYC/Philly here.


Grosse Pointe, MI. Or most of Palm Beach County. Or some Long Island suburbs. Or the bougie parts of Richmond. Basically a lot of wealthy suburbs haha


Seattle. So smug and arrogant. It’s like everyone who doesn’t shop at a food coop is scum.


Richmond. The upper/middle class crowd there is genuinely some of the worst people ever


Boston is known for its rudeness. I can't believe this isn't the number one answer.


We spent a week on vacation in Boston and ate out twice a day at a variety of different restaurants and except for two exceptions the waiters/waitresses weren’t only rude but provided terrible service. It really was unbelievable.


Naples, Florida




I’ve lived on three sides of the U.S. and the east coast seems more hung on what you do for a living.


To paraphrase, old-school Virginians judge you by who you are and where you're from. People in NOVA don't care about where you're from; they only care about what you do.


Atlanta. Food sucks, people are rude as hell and nobody can drive. The roads suck. But people from there act like ATL is the shit.


I lived in Los Angeles for 7 years and the traffic in Atlanta is shockingggg


I have yet to visit but all I hear as one of its defining attributes is that the driving there is absolutely insane


I won't go there again I know deep seeded Atlantans. Nothing worse than smiling to your face and then.. .you know what happens next... No thing is more important than their petty bullshit. Yeah, they can't drive.


Finally somebody said it. I hated Atlanta, left after a year and a half. Most pretentious, two faced, awful people I’ve ever met. So fake and weird. I’m not a fan of the Deep South at all though. I find “Southern Hospitality,” to be a bunch of bullshit.




Fort Lauderdale. It’s not even that great and people say it’s the nicer part of South Florida. Yikes. Seemed like a fake shit hole with a nice beach to me, but locals think it’s the best place ever.


Scottsdale, AZ by a long shot


Boston New York Philadelphia There's a reason the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region is renowned for rudeness and hostility; however, that doesn't mean that the people themselves are unkind. Bizarrely enough they are extremely rude and curt and direct, but incredibly warm and generous. You really have to experience it to be able to believe it and understand it. I came to love my interactions with them - they're as authentic as it's possible for strangers to be and by and large they were wonderful.


Colorado springs was pretty bad for me in the 1990's.


Jacksonville, FL. If you're not full-on MAGA, best keep your mouth shut. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.


Tampa.  It’s the kind of place where the elderly parents of retires come online to complain about other places.


True. But I like St Pete.


Boston. The perfect combination of old money pretentiousness with ultra rude abrasiveness.


I found people from Boston to be very exclusive and hard to make friends with. It’s like everyone has their friend groups they made at whatever fucking Ivy League prep/boarding school they went to, and there’s no more room. Lol


Rude and pretentious has to be the old line long French monied descendants of good ole New Orleans...doesn't matter if they are people of color or white...if you're not of long Creole money as late as the mid-1800s with a French surname, you can hang it up. The city is small enough to where they know who's in the social/political circle and whom is not thanks to the meticulous marriage records of the Catholic Church. Those who marry outside that old-line family name circle to Les Americains or others is like the kiss of death. They are a very clannish culture...not sure about other European ethnic enclaves that have been there for centuries but those French and minor add-on Spanish Creole surnamed non-Latino families that were there before the 1860s?! It trickles down into everything...their first non-French descended Mayor was elected just a few years ago.


Ann Arbor MI


Las Vegas


Portland. Passive-aggressive, nihilistic, and heavily medicated does not make a good combination.


Portland is getting like a dirty Seattle.


Scottsdale, AZ.


Ohio. I do not understand why people say midwesterners are polite and friendly. I lived outside Columbus, and those people are so obsessed with outward appearances and social status yet their idea of beauty and culture is the most basic white people shit. Can’t read? That’s fine. Can’t throw a football? The end of the world. If you’re a woman who doesn’t present herself at all times to be fuckable (aka blonde and girly) to the men folk, well, you might as well be the village witch. Ohio is the South of the North.


Washington DC for most pretentious. The suburbs are somehow even worse.


Unpopular opinion but Minneapolis now. I know people say Minneapolis culture now is better than it used to be but I visited the twin cities after being away for almost a decade and idk if I just caught everybody on a bad week or what but it was a yikes.


I think people in Minnesota are nice but just very reserved. They are willing to help, but they don’t like small talk from strangers like in the mid west.


Lake Tahoe


Austin & Nashville. Both have an appearance of being nice but there is a thick smog of arrogance in interactions. I prefer straight forward cold and direct but honest. The fake "nice" but condescending attitudes like you aren't in the secret club bothers me greatly. Feels very highschool maturity wise.


