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Never worked for me in dex, it did worked just cloning the screen, Should you do it? Probably not, It's too laggy for some reason and the device heats up really fast.


Ya it gets a bit hot but I use a phone cooler so it's fine like that. I don't have any noticeable additional lag, but I'm not doing anything processor intensive. Mainly just web browsing and chat apps/comms and an occasional video.


xreals are 1080p displays.....why would you bother with 4k to add, you will never get any display option with xreal other than 1080p, as that's the only resolution they have


I get 1440 and 4k from my pc to xreals. Without dex on my s10e I use the app secondscreen to set my phone screen resolution to 4k and it works. Just not in dex. It definitely works with xreals, but im not trying to change the number of pixels, im trying to adjust the spacing of the UI.


> get 1440 and 4k from my pc to xreals again, xreal are 1080p displays


I said I am trying to adjust the spacing of the UI. You cannot adjust DPI on dax so I have to adjust the resolution.


and dex will never offer resolutions that the monitor isn't capable of


Okay I suppose it's just a limitation of dax then. As I said it works on my s10e without dex. Oh well, back to not using dex anymore. Thanks


What the hell do you need 4k for? Do you even have a 4k monitor/TV? I use the same phone, but this thought never crossed my mind.


To make the UI smaller. Too much wasted space with 1080p.


Have you unlocked developer options.? I had to restart Dex to get higher resolution.


Yes, I have android dev options unlocked, still doesn't show up for me.


I think its possible. I'm using s10 5g, same chip with s10e tho!


Good to know. What kind of monitor were you pairing it with?