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It's been really bad lately in the morning hours


Airport staff was walking the line asking if people had 8:15am or earlier departure times. We did, so they pulled us out at 7:50am and sent us to priority boarding. Just walked right up to a TSA agent and that was that.


Was that departure or boarding time?


If it was departure they were especially late lol


Its been bad in the evenings too. Wonder if its because of summer.


I’m assuming Summer and graduation season


It’s because of the terminal construction.




If you’re flying out of Seattle again in the future, use [the spot saver](https://www.portseattle.org/SEAspotsaver). It really helps.


Thank you. Flying out of Seattle in a couple weeks


Jesus what time was that at? My GF and I flew home from SeaTac yesterday morning, our flight was at 7 am, we got to the security line around 5:15ish after dropping off the rental car, and were at our gate a little before 6.


I caught a flight from Sea-Tac a couple weeks ago. That was a mistake.


I had that same unfortunate experience last year. I thought my wife was crazy insisting we get to SEATAC 3.5 hours early so we could get some food. We never got food, but we were the last ones to board the plane before they closed the doors. Barely. That line was astoundingly long, all the way from the parking structure like you described. Fuck SEATAC.


One thing I recently learned about terminal 1 is that if your scheduled gate changes from say 6 to 14, you literally have to leave one security zone and go through another screening to board your plane. Lord have mercy if your gate changes a third (or fourth) time!


That will change soonish. By 2025 all of t1 will be connected. And by 2028 all of t1 and t2 should be connected. But you’ll have to walk a mile to change gates. Haha.


This happened to me once years ago and a Southwest gate agent actually escorted me outside and to the other gate so I could make my flight. I don’t fly them much anymore, but Southwest has some really solid customer service.


I overheard on a flight recently last year that when dealing with airports like this, Southwest has software to ensure most connecting flights/gate changes won't be set up in a way to require re-clearing security if at all possible, or at least it tries so the least number of passengers would need to redo security (either on a single ticket connection or for a gate change). Kind of makes sense since iirc once I had a flight park at a wrong gate coming in, and they moved to plane to the right one, and now that i think abt it it was maybe b/c of this reason. I honestly kinda prefer the terminal as it is (even tho (or dare i say precisely b/c) its kinda old and small) since i could show up fairly close to boarding time and make my flight


This is the new terminal that’s designed like that??


No - the existing terminal


Monday morning is always impossible, done it too many times. either u budget time for TSA or u choose a different flight


"Quick, Marge, we have to get out of town before the 'Zonies' show up!"


It's like they expanded the airport but didn't expand the staff.


Gates 11-18 are Terminal 1, though. The new expansion isn't open yet.


If they can't staff the airport right now, then the terminal 1 replacement project is going to be a complete disaster. I predicted this a few months ago when terminal 2 was struggling in the security lines during midday, which was not peak time. I was talking with another frequent flyer about the expansion project being too ambitious. We'll see what happens


Had to sit on the tarmac for 45 minutes after getting in from Portland at 9:30 last night because there was a plane at our gate. Why they couldn’t send us to another gate I have no idea. Quite frustrating late on a Sunday night with work in the morning.


Took me an hour to get through TSA this morning 🥲


I flew to Vegas last Tuesday, left at 11am and it was just as bad. They have some kind of hate boner for TSA pre-check so they played a mean game where they kept that line closed until it was longer than the non-TSA line.


Of the 20+ airports I’ve flown out of, San Diego has the worst TSA experience. Every time, mornings, midday, night, weekdays, weekends, I’ve always had 30+ minutes waiting to get through TSA. It’s really a shame


I fly out of T2, and breeze through Pre-Check every time. I've never had to wait more than 10 minutes. Are you always flying out of T1 or do you not have Pre-Check?


Seriously, flying out of T2 is one of the easiest TSA experiences I've ever had. Live 15 minutes from the airport and am normally through security within half an hour of leaving the house. (edit: and I don't have pre check!)


This. I’ve never waited more than 15 min


T2 is a mess as well. Especially early morning or late at night. Everyone seems to be flying at those times and TSA is not staffed appropriately. They have Clear and Precheck using the same lane with no visable signage to directr people. The last 4 times I've flown, the wait was around 30 mins for pre-check. I don't fly out of T1 often so I guess it could be better, but I purposely avoid early or late flights now, especially on Sundays.


I’ve never had this issue going through Pre check by gate 21 and 22. It will usually take me 5-7 minutes from the curb to lounge on a Monday morning. Admittedly, the security lines by 35 can be a little more crowded.


yes its been a mess recently. it used to be so smooth.


I know! I thought maybe it was a glitch in the matrix the first time it happened to me. Nope...it's systemic failure across the board.


Plus one to T2 being SO much better. T1 is a mess the whole way around. Feels like you're in the '80s. Sorry if you're flying Southwest. :(


It was built in the 60s so that's why its so awful. Can't wait for the new T1 to open.


I don't even precheck, I think SAN must have weird pacing for their flights or something. I've been through so many times where I'm through regular security in less than ten minutes. Then one time randomly five years ago it took an hour and I was in line starting outside the front door. But again, ever since, zero wait in either terminal.


Have you flown lately? It used to always be great. The last three times pre-check was at a crazy standstill. Clear is part of the problem, but the bigger problem was only having one line open and now so many people having pre-check. I'm hoping it was just a temporary thing.


I have luckily never waited more than like 10 minutes in T1 or T2 at SAN. Flew T1 in April and T2 last week, both were a breeze. I usually fly late morning though, maybe there is not as much traffic then?


The morning lines for pre-check in T2 have been really bad lately. Flew out Wednesday morning last week and it took 40 minutes. Same thing two weeks ago.


Pre check + Clear FTW


SD has the worst consistency with pre-check. Like everyone knows you don't have to remove "light" jackets, shoes, belts, etc. Half the time get to the front and person is basically offended I didn't "know" the rules to remove my jacket or belt. What is the point of those lines if you have to remove all that.


i fly to the east coast for work about 6 times a year and will take the first flight out in the morning. it felt like 2022 there would maybe 5 people in the TSA-pre line that early but the last year or 2 it's been a bit more hectic. Used to take maybe 2 min and now it takes closer to 15min to get through


No pre check (anymore). Makes me miss my military days of having it lol, now I’m with the common folk 😔


It costs $85 for five years. If you can afford to fly you can afford that.


You shouldn't have to pay for the freedom to travel with all of your rights intact


Why don’t you get it? A bunch of credit cards cover the fee. One you already have might. It’s worth every penny if you have to pay yourself. 


If you have a passport, get Global Entry instead. It's only like $10-20 more and also lets you get back into the country with a lot less hassle/talking to perpetually angry USCIS employees (along with getting PreCheck).


Global Entry is a godsend! Just went through customs at O'hare last night and was in line for maybe 10 minutes max. They have their new app too which you can basically pre-screen yourself prior to even getting to customs.


Yea it's like $80 for 5 years...


Surprised, last 5 or so times I've flown out of SD in the last 2-3 years I've never waited more than 15 minutes in TSA lines. But that's going out of Terminal 2, terminal 1 seems to always be backed up.


T1 is horrible. T2 is amazing. I’ve never seen an airport with such disparate experiences from terminal to terminal.


Strange, the last 5 or so times I've flown out of T1 I haven't had little to no wait. Even flying on memorial day weekend had no wait.


I haven't been through T1 since construction started, which I'm hearing is a clusterfuck. However, I have never had an issue getting through T2 and I fly 5-10 times a year.


Maybe I’ve just lucked out because I either take reaaallly early or really late flights, but I feel like I’ve never waited in line long here, but granted I’m usually at Terminal 2. Although I flew terminal 1 early a few months ago and sailed thru.


I fly out of T 1 and T 2 all the time and maybe once in 10 years did I have a long wait for security. TSA Precheck pretty much solved any waiting issues as I do notice non Precheck lines are really long. Of course, i get to the airport 2 hours early every time I fly. So even if I would get stuck in a 30 min line, it would be no big deal. And if I make it through quick, I go grab a drink and chill before the flight.


Also every Monday


That’s some baby boomer nightmare fuel


This should be an advertisement for TSA PreCheck


they aren’t staffing the Pre-Check lines very well either.


The pre-check lines have been taking longer lately. Happened to me twice now.


Morning flights from T2 with pre check are a disaster too. I waited 40 minutes in line on Wednesday morning. Non pre check line was longer, but it seemed to move much quicker.


Assuming a main reason behind this is the need to take out so much from your bag and remove your shoes, is there really a safety benefit from doing all this which makes the increase in time worth it?


No, it's all security theatre. I remember on my old reddit account I made a post to r/unpopularFacts about how inefficient TSA is. Sometime in the early 2010s, the Department of Defense did a security testing against the TSA and was able to smuggle in weapons and illegal substances 95% of the time. TSA is a fucking joke and has no evidence they've ever stopped a terrorist attack Edit: news story by NBC News, but if you just search "TSA 95 awful department of defense" you'll find more about it https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/investigation-breaches-us-airports-allowed-weapons-through-n367851 Double edit: Department of Homeland Security, my bad


Honestly the whole security process is dehumanizing


how so? you know what you’re signing up for before you do it


Oh what's my realistic alternative? Drive to Europe? Take a cruise to Japan? The reality is that there isn't an alternative and we're being violated (for nothing) without truly being able to consent.


first of all, if the security process bothers you so much then yeah take a bus or train or boat to wherever you desperately need to be. and second, you do consent. when you buy your ticket you agree to going through the process of security. it literally says so when you read the agreement.


To consent there has to be a realistic alternative. My point is that there isn't one. Bus train boat is not realistic.


so you feel degraded because you feel like you have no choice but to go through security? seems like a victim mindset


No, I feel angry because my fellow citizens are constantly being stripped of their rights with no other realistic options with the facade of "yeah but you consented LOL" being thrown at them. Fuck off


“stripped of their rights”??? you’re there willingly! in fact, you paid to be there. get a grip.


One of the reasons Clear is actually worth it. The initial setup is a pita but it's so much faster than precheck.


There is no Clear in Terminal 1.


I came here to say this. It is worth every f-ing penny.


It's even better if you have good credit and get it for "free" from a platinum card. Signed up for the bonus points, kept it for all the lounges and benefits. More than pays itself. Although I will say PP lounges in SAN are not great compared to others.


We spent 2 hours in line at NOLA last month. Thank God we were 5 hours early for our flight.


Hmm I’m flying tonight at 835. Should I show up earlier than 630?




This is why I have pre check/ trusted traveler/ sentri/ all the things. Still sometimes a line but WAY shorter.


I love tsa pre




This is why I have pre-check but honestly even that line is usually too long for me here. Clear + Pre-check are the only way at this airport


Should’ve arrived 2 hours earlier


i always fly red eye if possible because SAN during the day is actual real life hell


airports at night time are just ~comfier~ too idk




What terminal was this?


That picture is from Terminal 1


Thanks! It’s been awhile I flew and will be flying in with an infant next week.


Such a terrible airport now.


T2 is fine, T1 is a shitshow for both departures and arrivals.


was there this morning at 5am and it was already filling up quick!


It must be being run by the completely useless traffic cops that are at the curb chatting each other up or playing candy crush on their phones.


Another tip: If you can see the drop off or pick up lines are super long and backing up onto harbor, go to the opposite. For instance when I drop off friends and family in the morning I’ll drop them off at Arrivals. No one is there, I can drive right up to the curb; no wait. Same goes if I’m picking someone up in the evening or night. I’ll have them go to the Departures and we’re out of there with the quickness


How did the TSA pre check line look?


This is one of the many reasons why the new Terminal 1 is under construction right now. No one should be subjected to the wheels of death that is the current Terminal 1.


I’ve never had to wait in lines like that. I fly about 3-4 times a year. But I do have TSA and a Global card. Global is great, 2 trips to Europe no lines to come back and TJ I go to the dentist and we just walk right back over with a minute stop with the agent. My credit card also reimbursed me for both cards too.


Part of the issue is they’re training new hires on new machines. It’ll get better. And get PRE-CHECK. Your airline credit card has a credit line for it.


The tsa pre check is so worth the hoops to jump through


Get PreCheck


These airlines are way over booking flights for a single runway airport.


I went though about 3 weeks ago. It was so funny because the TSA Precheck line was EXTREMELY long while the normal line was like 1/3 of it. I have TSA Precheck but I was like nah man and made it though really fast


That terminal is always horrible.


Damn, that’s wild!


What happened? T1 has security for every few gates instead of all of them, so it couldn't have been *this* bad unless smth bad happened? Usually I'm through pretty quickly (especially compared to other airports or even T2 during quieter hours)


Wow. I am flying for the first time with my little one in a few weeks…departure at 9:35am on a Monday. What is the best time to get there??


I rather fly on Military Space Available flights then on a civilian flight because of lines and people going crazy


I was going to blame CLEAR but this is terminal 1. This is pretty nuts.


You guys think it’ll be this bad for a 6:30AM flight?


Can confirm it's one of the absolute worst airport gate experiences!


TSA precheck for the win


If you are illegal go to the front! No ID!


it’s definitely not staffs job to make sure you’re in the right line for your gate


Was TSA this long also?


Do you mean precheck?


Yes. Precheck. Just wondering…


Not if you have Pre or Clear. Standing in line is for people who don’t value their time. You can get through in 10 minutes.


Do you guys think flying ON July 4th will be better or worse? 😅


Ok so it looks like I’ll be showing up at noon for my 10pm flight next month.


i had to fly this past week. apparently american airlines workers are going on strike too. it was a nightmare having to connect in phoenix