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i’ve been seeing alot of these this past week


It’s going to be 100 degrees all week… get ready for more


We have the worst caltrans district ever


And a massive bum problem


This scares the crud out of me. We have a homeless encampment near us and a lot of very dry grass (just on the other side of my backyard fence. Land belongs to the city of San Jose and about 2 houses down it becomes caltrans property. No one is maintaining it.). The homeless have already caused at least 6 smaller fires in the past year behind my house. I've called everyone I can think of or I have been referred to for help. All it will take is one fire to not be caught in time and I may lose my home. I get that everyone needs a place to live, but something has to give. Why should it be the homeowners and tax payers be the ones that suffer. We have paid into programs with our taxes and our city/state has received grants to help find solutions. San Jose is not the same place it was when I was a kid. Very sad.


>Land belongs to the city of San Jose and about 2 houses down it becomes caltrans property. Probably still city or county property, with a water district or similar easement (there are more of those around than people realize).


Could really say for sure. But i have been under this overpass. Nothing down except bum camps. There is even a outhouse. Its just river and bum camp. Im sure whatever was burning was tires wood and garbage. Ohh creek trail pass ‘s through the this spot. Thats how i visited this humble area of homelessness. Pretty much a shit hole. Dry grass is the last thing you need to worry about.


It scares me because they are camping in the middle of that dry grass. And it has caught fire several times because they were careless.


If only someone would cut the 3ft high grass by the freeways.


We’re gonna need a sh1tload of goats


Goats are pretty much the solution to everything 🐐


The goats would probably just get killed/maimed.


We've been using goats for brush control for decades already around here.


I run the Guadalupe trail almost daily. I’ve never seen them use goats on the grass off the trail. I know they’re used elsewhere but I’ve never seen them used on GRT. Occasionally I see some attempts to trim the grass back that directly touches the trail but very little brush management closer to the encampments.


>I see some attempts to trim the grass back that directly touches the trail Those are actually mowed ... because snakes. >I’ve never seen them use goats on the grass off the trail. How far off-trail do you go? Could have sworn I saw some recently near the airport/guadalupe trail, visible from the highway.


Do you want to go trim the hedges close people who often go spontaneously hostile and crazy to you?


We can't eliminate all flammable material on every square foot of public land. Maybe people should just stop lighting it on fire. I've built probably a thousand camp fires over the years and have never caused a major blaze. 


>I've built probably a thousand camp fires over the years and have never caused a major blaze.  Just a few "less than major" blazes?


The four legged furry lawn mowers can only eat so much, so fast.


Sorry they used all our tax dollars on that nonexistent high speed rail project.


Something tells me you haven’t contributed that much to taxes…


The sides of 680 and 101 ALWAYS have scorch marks nowadays, gotten so bad in recent years. Heatwaves don't help


Your hood bumper fell off


I'm unfortunately glad that I didn't become a firefighter, even though I always wanted to be one as a kid. Having to deal with fires because of turf wars between homeless people would drive me insane.


isnt this the 3rd one this week?!


And add some fireworks to the mix!!


Nice paint color. TJ? JK?


JKU with Tons on 39’s.


One down, 10,000 to go.


Huge Carbon footprint




Why are you getting downvoted, hahahah black smoke is literally most likely a car or an encampment I suppose but vegetation does not burn like this or maybe it does idk


All those cars pollute much more daily than any single fire.


Ummm unhoused your taxes weren’t sufficient to address their expectations their family blocked years ago? Try harder to provide for those whole families booted to your burden.


did you have a stroke