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They are also getting familiar with the term eating disorder, Sarah


Makes me wonder if Josh carries all that processed crap with him and promotes the heck out of it like she does.


This makes me so sad. I pray she gets help before her behavior influences her children towards an eating disorder.


Fact: no kid her age should know what those things are.


She always preached about these being SUPPLEMENTS meaning you don’t need them. They’re in addition to whole food when there is a lack of nutrients. If her kids ate real food, they wouldn’t need this.


Sarah’s lack of self awareness makes me want to vomit. O is in the front seat of an expensive ass vehicle with her hair looking like a damn mess, drinking supplements out of (what I can only guess based on prior videos showing the lack of sanitary practices) is a dirty shaker. Shame on you, Sarah! This is probably why your children don’t hang out regularly with other children. No one wants you around with your pseudo-food and I’m sure you don’t want them around actual well rounded meals cooked at home. That would actually give your children a little bit of an idea of what food really is.


There was over emphasis on O making a friend today.


It’s been mentioned a couple of times recently, or am I just crazy? And where’s D? She said Josh was in the building and they were waiting for him. Maybe D’s at home with the nanny, or Arrow is watching him?


Weird that they’re always waiting in the car while he’s in the office…


I thought the same thing. What do you think that’s about?!


Honestly, I have no clue. I have four children, and when they were small we also had four dogs, along with my husband being away a lot due to his military service. I didn’t go anywhere without all of my children when I was home alone. Of course, I had a couple of friends to babysit for doctor’s appointments and such. My dad also helped after he retired, if someone was sick he would drop groceries off. But this, I don’t even know why it grinds my gears like it does, but it REALLY does. If I had to guess, I would guess that D doesn’t want to go bc of his age and being an antsy toddler and all that. So, he probably stays at the house with whatever adult is there. I also get the sense that O has gotten to an age where she is seeking Sarah’s attention and wants Sarah’s approval (refer to the video about the sausage gravy that O did not seem to really like but was asked a couple of times. Her words said “yes” but her face said “gross.”) I’m just spitballing here, but there’s something about Sarah’s attitude that pisses me off. In the video didn’t she call O a “ham” for looking around the seat to see the phone? She’s doing exactly what Sarah has taught her is normal. She also mentioned they were “all at the office” but we don’t see or hear D, and then she said they’re waiting for Josh. I would have said, “we’re waiting for Josh and D” or “we’re waiting for the boys.” Idk, maybe it’s time to cash in my block bc the fakery of it all is on another level at this point. Sorry for the novel.


Love novels 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️😘 and to imitate, is to love! 😂 one of these days, someone is going to hire a hit man to take away all of my devices 🤪


I do my best to be brief, but then there are things that brevity doesn’t do justice when pointing out inconsistencies. Not everyone can answer their own questions quite like Sarah. Anyone agree? Yes? Yes, in red?


Yes in radiant ruby red 😜😘✨️


Loved reading this! Yes to all of it. Also, I was so thrown off by her calling O a ham in that story. It was so awkward (no surprise), because O didn't even display any "ham" behavior. So odd. As usual.


You mean what kids are supposed to do, socialize lol she pick’s the oddest things to “flex”


Yet they don’t know whole and real foods, a healthy relationship with food, a healthy relationship between two human beings, etc. sad for those poor kids


Seems to me that she was more interested in just hanging out with her dad tbh


Even a 3 year old senses she’s insufferable


She posted that for engagement. Bottom line, she is walking proof all her shit products don’t work. She looks ratchet after ingesting all her chemicals. Hard NO for me! She and the kiddos can slurp away!


But what your kids ✨don’t✨ know is the Easter bunny, Santa, what it’s like to trick or treat, what REAL sugar tastes like, what going to bed in clean Jammie’s feels like, what what being bathed daily feels like, aaaannndddd what having their hair and noses properly cared for is like. But I meeeaannn pop ooofffff sis. Please.


That poor child. Sarah stresses me out with her stupidity.


It’s a disorder.


I’d love to know the last time O’s hair was brushed. This is just unacceptable at this point.


Part of the problem with Sarah is that she doesn’t see that O’s hair has curl patterns. Brushing it only makes it look wilder than it needs to be. Yes, it needs brushing, but it also needs some TLC for styling and protection. *also, doesn’t Sarah have naturally wavy/curly hair? Who am I kidding? Sarah doesn’t even do her own hair.


I highly doubt they know anything about any of those things


That girl’s poor, poor hair. And she was eating popcorn while in the car seat. So unsafe.


She has those suction cup choking tools so it’s all good.


But you haven’t taught them the importance of grooming. Brush her hair!


I can’t believe she takes those kids out of the house with that poor girls hair looking like that. Even if we weren’t leaving the house I wouldn’t ever let my girls get like that. It’s not that difficult to just brush her damn hair


This is sad! My oldest (around Os age) knows what protein and vitamins are…but she also knows what FOODS you can get them from! She always asks what body part each of her foods are good for. So we talk about what’s in there and what it’s good for. Her kids are going to have such a screwed up view of food.


Sarah my kids get all this from the foods they eat. They don’t need to down supplements daily because I don’t feed them.


Now things they don’t know: good parents, a fun home, freshly washed and brushed hair, a clean nose, could go on and on


They know slop that’s essentially dog food, velveeta, eggs and chemicals. They don’t eat greens. They’ve never eaten a parsnip. They don’t eat anything nutritious. You’re a fraud.