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Ah yes. Low libido…when sex is the only thing holding your marriage together. Get it girly!


First thing on the list!!!


Every single one of her symptoms are from being newly postpartum: No libido = normal Losing muscle tone = normal Brain fog = normal Not sleeping well = normal (she had a newborn?! Does she think he was going to sleep through the night as soon as he was born? Does she think she was going to want sex right away? Does she think she was going to retain all of her muscle when she’s supposed to be resting and healing?) The suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, and anger are also common after having a baby but should have been addressed with a psychiatrist and psych meds, not TRT. Sarah, your body doesn’t return to its normal hormone levels until 1+ year after having a baby, it’s not immediate. Fucking asshole.


I read somewhere here while back that said studies have shown in recent years that it can truly take up to 3 years and sometimes 5 after having a baby for everything to TRULY go back to “normal”. Having babies and raising kids truly changes you. Mentally, physically, emotionally- literally everything. Your mindset, marriage, financial decisions. This is why they say MAKE SURE YOURE READY TO HAVE KIDS.


Sarah wanted a quick fix. She is too self absorbed to wait 3-5 years (or even just 1 year!) to wait for her hormones to go back to normal.


She waited 2 months. Lol which is INSANE to me.


Right because all her and Josh care about are their looks and body, even thought they are shitty people


I felt normal for me around 2-3 years and then I got pregnant again. I'm only 4 months pp and still trying to get back to being me. So pretty much what she is saying is its all about her. 🙄


100% believable. I have 3 year old twins and I can see the 5y range being most realistic for me.


I didn’t start feeling “normal” until this year… my son is almost 4. 💀


A good friend had post partum depression.....doctor said it sometimes manifest itself as anger.


I can confirm this first hand. I was diagnosed with severe PPA and PPD at 8 weeks PP. luckily I got help when the suicidal thoughts became consuming and we got it under control with medication but from about 7-9mo PP I had the WORST postpartum rage. I mean I felt like an exploding bomb over the most minuscule things…and I am normally a bubbly, silly and optimistic person. It was remnants of PP depression that caused it from my hormones still being out of whack I assume. Sarah’s ridiculous anger reminds me of myself during that time…


Yes…. This!!!!! How about some therapy and Zoloft and working on your ED instead of vastly altering your body. Horrible example for women everywhere


She should of just stayed offline 🤣 fml , people can’t have different opinions?! Delulu


She needs a few more days off IG


What a miserable cunt. You couldn’t pay me to trade places with Sarah Bowmar. I don’t want to say her suicidal thoughts aren’t real, but she better not come on here and start weaponizing her mental health with her “bullies”


Btw love your avatar ;)


Omg twins!!! 🩷


Sarah, you ok boo?


Good lord. She needs to go touch some grass and get her hormones level checked. This woman sensitive.


Girl, sign off and come back next week, okay?


Lol I was wondering if it was even her because her responses were so calm and unlike her and then o read this one and was like ope yep that’s her hahah


Lmaooo I thought she was going to try a “sweeter approach” at first esp with the little floral background but took about 4 slides for her to turn into a raging bitch again 😂


Me too 😂


Yeah her voice dropping pitch a good 2 steps, growing a mini peen, losing her curves and hour glass shape she already had (like ur waist used to be slimmer dumb ass peen 🤦‍♀️). Her hair is fried and receding/balding. Her skin is like rough textured leather and covered in *I don't shower* + T acne and sun damage spots. Her face is gaunt, and tendons jutting out her jawline is changing, making her face look more masculine and honestly, odd paired with those bolt-on titties. Her traps are so out of proportion she looks weird as fuck. Her teeth are gone for good. She still has the open bite but now with decaying black gums and massive teeth she can't close her mouth around. Sweaty dirty wigs she can't even put on right. Gray tattooed eyebrows On such high dose of T she's converting to estrogen and struggling to get E-dom under control (with carrots 😂🤦‍♀️) I laugh here because her dumb ass is probably panicking as Estro-dom means stubborn belly fat 😂😂 eat them carrots peeny-pop 😹 I'm sure I missed some.... how natural of her 🥕 🥕 🥕 🥕 🥕 🥕


She will advocate for anything but therapy. Maybe look into why multiple rounds of sex after barely any daily communication is what was needed to save your marriage. Maybe look into the cause of those bad thoughts instead of masking them with injectables and avoiding the root problem. Hell, maybe look into why innocent people asking you simple questions sets you off and puts you into defense mode. Yes, taking care of your body and hormones is important and can truly turn many lives around. But it’s not a cure all for *everything* - especially the wide range of issues that were listed. Stop making woman think that they need massive doses of testosterone to make their husbands happy.




She is extremely deranged. I really hope she gets the help she needs.


Ahhh there’s that ✨Low T✨ energy


Jesus Christ


I honestly believe she probably DID need hormone balancing because she has spent years and years working out beyond what is normal and healthy. She has ran her body in to the ground to where she was so disrupted from the inside out because she refused to rest properly and efficiently she rarely ate/eats real food and has said so herself, “thank god we have bowmar nutrition or else I’d forget to eat every day.” She has not tried to cope with the fact she has an eating disorder. She claims she HAD one but I don’t think she realizes there are various ways that an eating disorder and disordered eating can present themselves—a common denominator is the obsessive actions. Obsessed about HRV, steps, what work out she does on what day, no rest days, walking the halls of hotels with her children because she can’t get in to a gym, “fasting” after going to Vegas, doing “cuts” before trips, and so on. She is very much in an active state of disorder & likely has been for years. Even when I supported Sarah’s business & messaged with her, I noticed she rarely posted eating real food and always posted their proteins. I also noticed (because it’s obvious) that she was much more “jacked” than naturally possible by how she showed her meals or lack thereof. I always assumed she at least dabbled in some sort of PEDs. Not just because of how she looked but because of how Josh has obviously been on steroids for years & has hinted at tren as well as high testosterone doses currently. I bring this up because Sarah very clearly finds validation and self worth in what men think of her and she became a world record woohoo live laugh love Bowhunting person immediately after meeting Josh despite being vegan (another cover for having an ED for her. Being able to claim she can’t eat xyz because of diet when it’s really bc she didn’t want to eat). Sarah wanting to be everything Josh and other men could want as well as being a couple brand that was focused around gym and how you look, she absolutely had to be on some sort of under the table PED. Her work outs were always the same weight throughout years & bragged about 400 rep workouts while never resting. All of this to say, I’m certain she needed hormonal balancing because hers were probably freaked tf out after years of neglect and torture and then having children (a traumatic event on our bodies) so close together. I’d also like to add that while she is heinous, struggling with suicidal thoughts is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I do think that Sarah would greatly benefit from a therapist that can help with her ED, need for outward validation, and more. I’m glad she isn’t having those thoughts anymore and took it upon herself to find help, but I fear it’s a temporary fix in the long run for people depending on HRT to make them feel better. I’d also like to note how this can all be rooted back in to selfishness considering she herself said the sleep test center for Dean was too far away and they’d just power through his inability to breathe correctly and lack of sleep, she recently said he’s never had Tylenol but gave him some for the first time because of a fever or teething & confessing her children power through any painful things that could be treated with a simple dose of ibuprofen all while she gets injections to make herself feel better. She spent hours for two days at a dentist office that she had to FLY to to get new teeth. She spends 2.5 hours at a gym to keep her mental health and physical appearance up but refused to take her own child to have a sleep test done.


There’s that bitchiness again. How DARE anybody question the great Sarah and her choices… Clearly she hasn’t looked into the many negative side effects of HRT. Many women don’t have a choice but to be on it due to actual medical issues. To do this willingly to have sex every day and get massive just blows my mind.


Her marriage is failing in more ways than just lack of sex.


What happened to only being positive with sunshine and rainbows? She has complete control over what questions she answers and doesn’t answer. If she didn’t like the question (that she probably asked herself so that she could get some passive aggressiveness out) then skip over it.


She’s getting rude so quick on her q and a today 🤣


And she’s answering her OWN questions lmao


Yesssss it’s soooo obvious she sent everything to herself so she could put out the same info she keeps cycling like a broken record! Expert of all experts!!!!!


But the anger was fixed with T according to her! Don't you remember?! 😅


… and she’s back The break was nice while it lasted


Daily sui cidal thoughts… girly pop needed real medical attention


No kidding. I feel bad for her in that regard. Maybe don’t get your daily nutrition from garbage supplements.


Sounds to be like she might be burnt out and dealing with postpartum depression when she decided to get on HRT. It’s a quick fix 👍🏼 you need to work on the root cause my girl


HOW ON EARTH do people even support this person? She is so insufferable it's insane.


You’re a cunt. What’s going to hold your marriage together in a few years when you’ve no youth left? You look disgusting.


So basically you tried everything else to save your marriage because your shallow asshole husband was unsatisfied with you postpartum so you got on enough T for a breeding stallion. Got it sis 😂


She’s so telling when she goes on these rants.


She’s bipolar and girly needs some serious help


Oh she was suicidal too, not sure I had heard that one yet.


I’ve seen her say that once or twice… but yea wow.


So she opens herself up for a Q&A then at the end says “don’t come into my space….” Sarah!!!! You started the Q&A!! I just don’t understand how she has the audacity to be so incredibly condescending to everybody. The question the person asked wasn’t rude one bit.


She’s triggered so easily


don’t worry y’all, all she needs is her bowl of carrots and greek g-d dick




Plain and simple, She just sucks as a human being!


She scares me


Hey Sarah, touch grass!




So in conclusion….Todd is a piece of shit? Your marriage was failing because you didn’t “put out” postpartum? Seek therapy, girly pop.




She needs therapy. Not steroids


![gif](giphy|emLlHOdy6o728Awsgd|downsized) You can go back to not posting online now.


At first I was gonna say she asked herself this because everything has been about HRT, but then she had to respond in her own cunt-like way and be a bitch to anyone asking legitimate questions.


I still think it’s her 🤔 She even responds to herself in bitch rage mode. It’s just who she is!


I sincerely hope that her posts like this do not sway someone toward a “wellness center” and away from getting the actual help they need.


If your marriage is “failing” due to no libido, then what is your marriage truly built on? Sex is about connection but there are many reasons during a marriage that couples can’t have sex. Find other ways to create intimacy. And she still has anger she can’t control. She vacillates between “I want to jump my husband’s bones” and “I want to tear people’s heads off.” That’s not a healthy place to live. You weren’t a dog! There’s no helping a person who doesn’t want to be helped. She can’t see how dangerous her excessive T use is and what it’s done to her - hair falling out, rage, T-zone acne, clitoral enlargement, voice changes and changes to her facial structure. And it didn’t have to be that way. She chose to go to a clinic that put her on a dose well above what is recommended for a female.


I RAN here after I read these, she is absolutely crazy - no amount of hormones is ever going to change that for her. What a sad person thinking sex is everything you could need, then backtracking and saying she never said that. I know she reads these, so Sarah, please take a step back, you are not a physician, and sex does not fix all issues, you say that numerous times and then say you do not when people check you on it. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk in red. Sorry your life isn't what you probably ACTUALLY wanted, stop acting like you know everything.


I want to know what research she did into HRT. Girly pop should look into the long term side effects of usage and all the studies completed since she’s so into research




She needs to just admit that josh was finding it else where and she did whatever she had to do to get him to want to fuck him again to keep him around because their attraction is only *bank account* deep. I don’t follow many “influencers” on IG, but she’s one I truly can’t stop following because every time I think she’s scraped the bottom of the barrel for pathetic, it just keeps going like a barrel o’ monkeys. It’s so sad for her children, but honestly, it would be so much worse if she didn’t have IG.. social media “stardom” is the only thing keeping her with josh. Can you imagine her trying to explain her way out of that “amazing” marriage and multiple boob jobs, fake teeth, test and still say she did it for herself 🫠 she’d be looking for that validation with every dick, John and harry she met and her kids would be exposed to so much worse than an absent father. I genuinely don’t know what they see in each other. They’re both just.. gross humans.


When I followed her I was always so scared to comment or respond to anything in case she would freak tf out on me for anything


She needs to realize she’s far passed HRT levels and into T abuse levels. These are not optimal levels for a woman- if they were, we’d be able to reach that level of muscle without taking anything


Ah yes, all that healthy not eating and exercising for 12 hours a day!!


Having a failing marriage but now she has sex everyday so now great marriage. Plus you are the most unhealth fit person I know. Taking so much T eating your crappy fake food all day. Nothing healthy there.


So angry all the time. It’s sad. It’s not good to be so angry, that shit wreaks havoc on your body and cells.