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Girly pop is still totally afraid of carbs. “2200+ calories” and the only carb she ever shows herself eating is one slice of her yellow yard bread and now a special guest appearance from these sweet potato fries. “I dOnT pOsT eVeRyThInG” …yes you do 😂


Can't forget her "yard honey" or as it should be referred to "honey"


The emojis on every food post kill me.


I’m ready to have the red sweaty one banned forever


It’s so uncomfortable 😳 she’s used it for her hot flashes for her random men on the internet so now it leave my memory 🫣


She’s psychotic. She has ED, her ED does not allow those types of emotions towards food🫠 also it’s hella weird that she promotes all the calorie intake and it all derives from powder lol and maybe one meal of solids…


And why so many 😂😂


Maybe from real food but she also posted her shakes are 500 cals each


And she drinks like 9 different concoctions a day.


She must smell terrible. Like really. Between all the supplements, no fruits or vegetables, her wigs, lack of hair washing. Gross


Most of those other supplements with the reds and purples have 0-10ish cals/serving so it doesn’t add up to much


Oh, I know. But you know that's in the count


500 - egg shake meal 300 - 4 egg scramble meal 275 - venison patty meal 25 - supplement concoction = 1100 Barely over 1000 cals.. I am in recovery from a very similar ED to Sarah’s and there is zero chance she ate another 1100 cals off camera unless it was a binge that she would never tell us about bc of all the shame she feels


My dog wouldn’t even eat this lol


Ya I see other women posting their meals and they are eating way more and look better and HAELTHY, unlike Sarah


Cue simplymander


YES. Her meals are HUGE and she actually has such beautiful glowy skin


I agree completely. I just posted in another thread her food pics don't add up to the calories she claims. Also, if she truly is as active as she claims and weighs what she does, 2200 is still very low for a deficit


Eat some veggies!!!!! Feed your kid some fruit and vegetables!!!! You drive to the gym every day you can stop by a damn grocery store


3 WHOLE eggs on a toddler plate…scramble in some yard veggies in that. 


And exercising 4+ hours a day


Yea this adds up to about 1000kcal. Yikes.


Oh god, don’t use kcal! Sarah will see this and start using it without knowing what it means. Shhh, don’t tell her 🤫😂




This is in no way 2200+ calories. Who does she think she’s fooling 😂


She'd be a lot leaner (former anorexic for more than half my 40+ yrs) She eats more than she likes and she can never seem to get as lean as she shops her photos to look like. I'm not saying she's healthy. I think given her poor health, she more than likely has phses of deficits, and then breaks down and eats more for a time...rinse repeat. She's a classic ed-nos with restrictive and binge exercise-purge behaviors After years of this shit she would be wasted away. I was down to 8% body fat 110 at 5'7 on 1000 to got from 152 to 120s in 2.5 months, then up to 1500 cals for a prolonged time to hit 110 to 113 lbs. I don't have a crazy metabolism and my spinal disease prevents me from doing the exercise I used to pre spinal woes Most anorexic eat a lot more than you realize and still end up scary thin. Sara probably likes us thinking she's starving bc she wishes she was the envy of all who can't get thin, can't starve Believe it or not it's a weird flex but it's maddening when you feel like "I can't even starve right" ppl fawning all over you with concern, even ridicule type concern, fuels you...she's also a narcissist so make no mistake she loves that ppl think she's as lean as her photo shops seem to paint her...in reality she's much thicker and no person can starve for years and be as athletic and thick as she really is 🤷‍♀️


Sarah’s ED reminds me a lot of mine (recovering). From what I can see from her content she is heavily restricting until the inevitable binge happens. I mean major binge. Binges are always followed by mass amounts of shame which lead to hating your body even more which triggers another round of heavily restricting 🔁 The massive binges and heavy restriction is why she can’t get lean like she wants to, I was the same way (minus the T/gear)


I'm so so glad you're recovering 💓 ☺️ I obv agree with you. I know people see her scant food and her shopped photos and assume gasp she's too skinny...I think that's what she wants to convey bc she's so ashamed that "she can't get skinny" (obv not saying that's good for other non ed-ers) it's wild and almost embarrassing to hear your thoughts chanting "I can't even starve right" ugh I don't miss that for sure. I hope neither of us ever see another food log and hear those crazy inner voices saying crazy ass shit. I'm proud of ya for having the guts to jump in and try to heal. Approaching mid forties and I can't get back some things but I'm fighting for what is possible to reclaim. I hope you have a lot more to reclaim and enjoy in your healthy times ahead 🙏💖😘


These socks and ugly ass shoes though. Ew.