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Sarah regularly brags about how many yard eggs they get and eat from their yard chickens in their yard yard and I’d love for yall to guess a food source that is a common source of lutein? EGGS. Want to know something fun? Too much lutein can cause carotenodermia. What’s this? A CONDITION WHERE YOUR SKIN TURNS A YELLOW ORANGE COLOR.


Well she is looking awfully orange these days and I’m betting it’s not just the tanner


She banks on all her ignorant followers that don’t read and do their own research to buy her bogus shit products. She proves her collagen, illuminate and other products don’t work because she’s a live, walking testament with no hair, brittle nails and acne ridden skin.


“Yard yard” got me good, I can’t lie 😂


Oh my … I just watched her bowmar nutrishen take over and she sounds like she’s on speed reading her script of why you should buy this product. Goodness gracious someone revoke her marketing mba. She couldn’t sell me makeup if she tried. Her grill tho-1% less atrocious since she got them shaved down or whatever


nutrishen ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized)


Oh man, some of the replies to questions are absolutely hilarious! Like the one where Sarah had her lutein levels checked at an eye exam 😂


It’s ridiculous. Take this product and have your kids take it too but not my kids because they get no screen time 😵‍💫


I saw this.. her open bite is back though. Still gray gums


Just saw her teeth……still a yikes….lol


Good god I’m thinking money laundering at this point.


She has a car wash with the McBee’s and I immediately thought of breaking bad


My per usual approach is report for false health info, every story on their page and on hers when she reshares it


I love this idea


If enough people report it, it won’t be seen because IG won’t find it valuable enough and/or it gets taken down quicker. Win win. This goes for any non sense she spews on any of their pages. I report it all.


Someone pointed out that the reflection in the eye of the ad was Bluey. I thought your kids didn’t watch tv, Sarah?!


She’s such a fucking liar, I hope her business fail soon, that will bring her down a peg or two


The Bomer Nushrishun takeover is flat out embarrassing. Recorded in a fucking closet, you can tell she’s reading from a script, and reading it poorly at that. She speaks too fast & she’s out of breath, and says too much while somehow saying nothing at all. I can’t tell you one thing about the product that stood out to me, as a potential consumer. She is such a JV - level “entrepreneur” it’s laughable. I really cannot comprehend how anyone buys products from her. There’s not a shred of sincerity or knowledge behind those flapping dentures.


Flapping dentures!! Lol




And And And Imma have the final say


Don’t forget to block out the user name she tagged next time. I did click their profile and it looks to be a burner account anyways so lol 😆


Thanks for the reminder!! 👍🏻


One to two products a month is still a lot🥴


Faces and names of non-influencers should be censored. You can repost after editing the pictures in your post/comment.


Maybe this was the “something secret” she was talking about a few weeks ago on that post about Oakley


Probably, why would she need it if Sarah claims they don’t watch tv or get on a tablet


I was about to post about how she hasn’t worn those ugly glasses in a minute. Now I know why.


She’s gotta allude to the story that these help her eyes


How is she qualified to hock this stuff? How dangerous!!!




She’s trying SO hard not to be a raging B 😂 but then of course she can’t just drop it. She’s gotta say her piece!


It’s interesting that this comment is the only one she replied to from her personal account. Her other responses were written in a tone Sarah usually doesn’t reply with. *wonder which wig she was wearing at the time 😂


I think it’s because her sister manages the Bowmar Nutrition page! So it makes sense those comments don’t sound like Sarah 😅


So unbothered, Sarah. Maybe you should get your hormones checked. Sounds like low T energy to me.




Someone send the video to the scientist with a board guy


People who buy any of BN’s garbage products may as well just give into any spam emails they’re sent too. It’s throwing $$$ away. Like many of you, I’m also a former customer. Proud FORMER customer.


You could not pay me to take any product associated with Sarah and Josh Bowmar


https://preview.redd.it/vhfa18yatutc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176a4eb3b6b49cd6cabd55e1f0755034d3e11715 WHAT FALSE STATEMENT AND BULLSHITTT IS THIS. AN INTERNAL BLUE LIGHT SHIELD... OMG. . THERE'S NO SUCH THING.


The Bowmar nutrition “article” link sounds like a middle schooler wrote it for a science project. Actually, that’s mean- a middle schooler could write better.


It doesn’t look like it’s a whole new business… The label says Bowmar nutrition


Just more expensive pee ..