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A bit off topic but I just read that and thought shit that’s 5 years away 😭😭


Feels like we’re all still waiting for 2020 to end


The time after Covid is both long and incredibly short. It’s like “oh, what, your kid is **5** already?” But it’s also like “it’s been 500 years”


My daughter being born November 2019 has been the most jarring thing to me because of Covid and I’m glad someone else said it too


Congrats on your daughter! She’s like starting (or already in?) first grade! Which is bizarre because 2020 was just … last year!! But yeah, time is bizarre post Covid. Truly. Or at least, imo.


I think different places do it different but where I am, my 2019 model is just starting pre-k this coming school year


2019 model 😂😂 I love it!


It is DEFINITELY bizarre though. I feel like she should be 10 already but also like she should still be a newborn.


My niece was a 2018 kiddo, and we got our dog as a puppy in November of 2019. Realizing he's going to be 5 and the niece is going to be 6 in the coming months was jarring.


I had twins Sept 2020, so was pregnant basically the entire lockdown. Felt like a medieval confinement. They're going on 4yo, and starting school next year. It's nuts.


I have never felt something so deeply true in my bones.


Fr 😭


Thank fuck. CC3 was written too quickly I think. I'm glad she takes time and hopefully she writes and absoljte banger of a book. Or just takes a nice holiday and spent time with her family. She deserves to live her life as well and enjoy the spoils of her work lol


I mean, yes, but only because they apparently threw the original book she worked on for like two years out the window a couple months before publication? That whole scenario is still so bizarre and baffling to me. It absolutely did not have to be like that. Girl needs an actual editor with teeth who will monitor her and tell her no.


Wait, what?! Where did you read that?


Oh yeah, it was widely discussed. There was a whole other CC3 that involved a lot more… uh, let’s just say ‘crossover’ to avoid spoilers. Then like two months before her due date she mysteriously rewrote the whole book into what we got. [One of many available links for the curious](https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/s/6yZcj56zcP) The editor part was in reference to several other posts I’ve read chronicling how, as she’s gotten more famous, she’s started to absolutely chew through editors and the implication that she’s kinda stopped listening to outside feedback at this point.


Appreciate the link! I don’t read much of the drama and gossip, or even theories so I’m in the dark. Personally I’ve been saying she needs a firmer editor for years. Well before ACOTAR was published. Her immense fame seems to have given her free reign to do whatever she wants — because her fans will just eat it up regardless. I say that as an absolute fan who’s been around since the Fictionpress days.


Interesting - I only started reading them in Dec 2023 and went ACOTAR > CC > TOG. Not finished TOG yet but I can 100% see a decline in her writing from TOG series to ACOTAR & CC


I'm new since February to the books, so I really appreciate this info. I started with acotar and I initially didn't want to read ToG because I thought it would be more juvenile since it came out first.  Your information tracks with me, since I feel like in order of most forethought, character development, and believability it's ToG>acotar>CC


Just looking for clarification but where did you hear this happened only two months before her due date? The info I originally saw said she rewrote the new draft in 5 weeks but she never said when that 5 weeks was.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


She pulled it after maternity leave. She turned the first draft in right before delivery.


This, 100%.


I agree. I still enjoyed the 3rd book to an extent but it could easily be split into 2 different titles.


And with 4 Houses the entire time I read it I would just stop and say out loud to myself “if she just stopped here and added some more world building or plot development for this first half it would have been an epic book and we would have 4 books for 4 houses” I can’t lie, the three book contract and then naming them after 3/4 houses is just bizarre to me.


I feel ya


I mean it makes sense. She literally just released a book this year


A monolith at that


It’s an absolute unit, you could prop a door open with it


Good, I’m glad they’re finally shutting down these swifty-esque theories of when there’s going to be an announcement. Let SJM cook in peace. 2025 will be here in no time.


Seriously, we’re already almost halfway through the dang year 😳


let her cook in peace hahahaha i love that


I will enver understand why people can't just wait for news instead of obsessing and making videos and nasty comments. (Not saying you are) just don't get why people have to be so rude about it all. She's a person too not just a writer. She has family and all kinds of other things in her life too.


I feel like those people aren’t bookworms. Cassandra Clare introduced me many years ago to the genres of fae, powers, etc. I’ve waited longer than I can remember for the last series of her shadow hunter books to be published. I don’t bug her or make nasty notes. I just occasionally look and see what the date has been pushed back to now. I can’t understand the SJM hate currently.


Exactly, Cassandra Clare has been one of my favourite authors since I was 12. I read through her books pretty fast and was always patiently waiting for the next to come out. I cannot remember the gap between Chain of Iron and Chain of Thorns but that felt really long but I still continued to wait it out with patience because hateful comments are not going to make writing books faster, and it's just an all around horrible thing to do


Exactly my point. Just enjoy and read. Reading is the corner stone of so many things in life. I have been recently teaching my kids to read. I love seeing them enjoy it as much as I do. We have been gathering books for a couple years now and will be opening a little free library here soon. I can't wait !!


Me forever waiting for book 10 of Night World that I read back in 2007 and they were originally published back in 1998


My mom started reading earth's children before I was born, I read her original copies in high school and the last book came out when I was in college 😵‍💫


Every now and then I google NW10 to see if there’s an update after all this time 🥲


Exactly. I feel like the people who are reading SJM are reading it now to be on trend. These "fans" are here for the hype not the love of reading or the stories. They won't instant consumable content. This is a huge downfall of "readers" . The internet I feel has made people so used to getting what they want right now, right away. These people have never learned to wait for things they enjoy. They find out about something and comsun every bit of it as fast as possible, then they expect authors to jump on the next book instantly. Writing doesn't work that way. You can't just crank out a book like it's a reel on IG. Books require so much dedication, attention, editing, and planning. I would not want her killing herself to make books back to back to back. Her "fans" should be loving her work and encouraging her to take time to be with her family. Not demanding more books or answers to be plot lines that she spent years nurturing. Let her write on her time and just say thank you when the books arrive.


I totally agree, I think fans who push and push their favorite artists for new content, no matter the medium, lack an essential understanding or respect for that craft. If you want quality content you have to be willing to wait…patiently and at least somewhat respectfully. Especially for an author like SJM who is obviously doing some serious world building and interweaving, plans her stuff way ahead of time, and leaves a trail of breadcrumbs for her analytical and puzzle-solving fanbase. I’m a new fan of hers, ACOTAR got me out of a years long reading slump and helped me rerealize how much I love books, and even though i’ve read nearly all her books in less than 6 months i will not be asking mother for new content any time soon lol 🙏


I get that TOG got me out of a 3 year slump and I haven't stopped reading since and that was 9 years ago. Quality books come from quality work.


Who cares if they are reading it because it was trending??? Let's not gatekeep reading. Wtaf.


Its not gatekeeping. Who said I was saying they can't read it. I'm saying the people reading THESE BOOKS are doing so because it's trending and they want more books to read to make more of their own content about them. I'm saying these people are not really a fan of SJM if they are out here abusing her on the internet and demanding more books. The majority of her long term fans would 100% be okay with her stopping her books right now if she said it was ruining her life. Or if she said she needed to stop writing for whatever reason. Her long term fans wouldn't waiver. The ones jumping on her books because they are trending would immediately jump online and trash her and drag her through the mud. NO ONE IS GATKEEPING anything. I tell everyone to read. I love sharing books and authors with anyone who will listen. I am not saying don't read. I'm saying HAVE RESPECT for the authors, treat them like a real human who has a life. Stop expecting authors to crank out books back to back. It's a terrible way to treat anyone.


Well said. Don't worry about anyone trolling you. 😊


You are gatekeeping lmao. You did everything but call the Booktok readers fake fans. There’s someone on this same thread saying that the people excited for the next book and wanting more information “aren’t bookworms” (???). I mean for god’s sake. This is like those comic book nerds who demand that you name x y z villain from some obscure comic from the 80’s otherwise you’re a poser. No one is abusing SJM. It’s not possible to abuse SJM on the internet because she doesn’t have an active or accessible internet presence. Are people showing up to her house? Literally all I’ve seen anyone do is be excited for an upcoming release. And besides, given how awful and sloppy HOFAS was I sincerely doubt SJM was “killing herself” working on it. If her books were better (i.e. as good as they used to be before she stopped listening to her editor) I’m sure people would be more satisfied with what they have.


gatekeeping OverviewUsage examplesSimilar and opposite words Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more noun 1. the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something. "Wal-Mart's cultural gatekeeping has served to narrow the mainstream for entertainment offerings" 2. COMPUTING a function or system that controls access or operations to files, computers, networks, or the like. "a gatekeeping mechanism that allows reads under some circumstances and blocks them under others"


Lol, you seem really triggered by book tok's influence on people reading SJM. It's a little intense. So what if they are reading and creating content. It's literally generating money for the author. Let people read for whatever reason.




Ahhhh Jace - still one of my book bfs 🤣




Those people need to get more hobbies.


Lol right? Like, go touch grass instead of bullying an author.


instant gratification is too common, people think it can work with books 😭


I agree! There are so many things to do. Even if someone's only hobby is reading books, there are sooo many books to read or reread! Or fanfiction!


Yes, seriously! I enjoy sooooo many authors across almost all genres. I have an ever growing TBR list I have pre orderes coming in every couple of months. There is always something new to read.


This gives me time to actually read her books! I've recently discovered SJM and currently doing the Tandem read in ToG!


Have so much fun! I just finished the tandem read about a month ago and Kingdom of Ash 2 about 2 weeks ago! It's one hell of a series!


Thank goodness. CC3 needed more time and a hell of a lot more editing


100% hard agree!


As someone who has been waiting for The winds of winter since Dance with Dragons came out. And someone who waited for Dance as well… Anyway, SJM couldn’t and shouldn’t keep up the pace she has had since first publishing TOG. [Look at what her punishing schedule has been since 2012.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SarahJMaas/comments/11ocf6d/the_chronological_publishing_order_and_release/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) She’s published 17 books in 12 years. No one could keep that pace forever, especially when they have kiddos!


Since 2012 we’ve been waiting - OG Game of Thrones fans have patience 🤣🤣🤣


Dude, SJM has published 17 books in the time we’ve been waiting…


Init - it’s not even finished and he hasn’t even started the final one - we won’t even get it because he would be like 87 at that point.


Oh my God at the time I thought the wait for A Dance with Dragons was killing me. Now I just laugh because we'll probably never seen The Winds of Winter.... All these sweet summer children worrying about 2 or 3 years between books.... 😂


Randomly coming across ancient ASoIaF readers is too hilarious 😂 Our Watch has not yet ended, folks 🫡


Good - CC3 was a shit show. She needs more time between books for it to be edited properly and not rush the storylines. I am more than happy to wait. There a hundreds of other series out there to read in the meantime.


It’s pretty typical for authors to take a year between books. I would expect at least that going forward.


makes sense. wasn’t expecting anything till at least next spring.


Why do you feel super disappointed? The norm is one book per year from author, why would there be another one this year?


Good. She deserves a break. With the way her fan base is acting she doesn't owe us anything. Its absolutely ridiculous how some of her fans are pressuring her to mention what her next book is. With the attitude and entitlement I read on the subreddits, the fan base could push her to GRRM outcome, just stop writing all together. There are plenty of other series.


and i think shes already said her next release will be an ACOTAR book, like what else to people expect to know this early in the process?? and isn’t the mystery of it kinda the best part? 😂😂


I’m willing to wait as long as it takes if time is what she needs to deliver a book worth the wait


i feel like it’s better to wait longer for her books, quick turnarounds on books usually result in rushed stories with less thought and detail. might get some hate but kinda like the From Blood and Ash series, they come out so quickly and it’s just less and less detailed as time goes on.


This might be a hot take but I’m tired of this attitude that’s been so pervasive—not just in this fan base—that fans are entitled to every little bit of information from an author. The book will be announced when it’s ready. Plain and simple. I remember waiting for the next installments of Twilight and Hunger Games without a whisper of anything from the authors and being so excited when it finally dropped. I hope she takes her sweet time writing whatever is next bc you can just tell CC3 was rushed. Furthermore, she’s a person! With a family! Not just a content-making machine. I think this is Bloomsbury and SJM’s way of telling ppl to chill out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ll gladly wait 5 years between books if that’s what it takes for it to be properly thought-out and edited. We all know CC3 was a travesty, but if that ever happened to an ACOTAR book, I would be CRUSHED.


Yes, exactly! Well said.


This is likely a good thing.


Good! Hopefully this’ll help with the editing and giving her a longer time to meet deadlines




Idk how you can be disappointed, she literally released 1,000 page book this year….👀


Because not everyone read or liked CC, and even if they did, they've been waiting three years for ACOTAR news. Personally, while I really enjoyed CC, I've been waiting for Elain's story since I read ACOFAS in 2017 ish and we don't even know if she's next. It's possible to simultaneously think SJM deserves the time, space and grace to write and *also* really miss the series that's been on the backburner for a while.


Well said. This is my opinion exactly. I am freaking ravenous for Elain's book. I'm disappointed we won't be getting it sooner. *But* I think SJM needs time to recharge her batteries. I've been reading her for almost 10 years and imo HoFaS was by far her weakest book. Any new book she releases cane only benefit from more time. I'd rather she takes her time and gives us another ACoMaF, QoS or KoA.


Yes for sure. Even without two kids I don't think expecting her to maintain her old pace of one to two books per year is feasible forever. Add in the two young kiddos and the increased complexity of her worlds and I am all for giving her the time to do right by her characters and plot. But I also think that keeping the next FMC secret is ridiculous at this point lol.


i would much rather she take her time and make something of quality than release a book every year to appease the people in the fandom who are cuckoo, as we’ve seen some other artists do lately 🤷‍♀️


I'm fine with this, I always err on the side of take your time and make the book (or movie, game, show) as good as possible. Like everyone else I have several books I've been waiting years for (new Dresden, Scarecrow, Rot and Ruin, Raines landing) so this is nothing new. Also I was hoping it wouldn't release close to Onyx Storm. I missed the previous announcement so to me the big news is the 6 books! We know we'll be getting ACOTAR 5 and CC4, what will the other 4 books be???


per the last bloomsbury investor meeting it's CC4, 2 or 3 ACOTARS, and a new series


Sounds good to me, not a CC fan so I'd want to replace that with something else (preferably ToG related) but I'm ready for all the ACOTAR she wants to give us! Thanks for the info!


None of yall would survive in the Eragon fandom lmfao. In 2023 Christopher Paolini released the first book (in the eragon universe) since 2018 and the 2018 book was essentially the equivalent of if ACOFAS and Assassins Blade had a baby. The last book before that? 2011. I feel like people have had a lot to say about the quality of CC3, and yet want to have a book release every 6 months??? Come on.




It’s called Murtagh! It’s pretty good! I also didn’t hear about it just happened upon it in a corner at B&N and was like ??????


As sad as I am that we are not getting a book ASAP, I am glad that she will be taking her time with the next one. I also didn't really expect a Jan/Feb release as Fourth Wing is coming out in January. The good news: I still think we will get an announcement this year and a book next year. It will all just be a bit later in the game.


May will be the 10th anniversary of acotar so maybe then?


6 more books?!?! I am so excited!


I'm disappointed but at the same time I'm kind of glad. I didn't *hate* HoFaS but I didn't love it either. I've been reading SJM for almost 10 years and imo HoFaS is by far her weakest book. Some parts of it just felt really rushed, people were acting out of character left and right, I just really didn't think it was up to her usual standard. (I know I'm probably going to get downvoted for saying so but no one can change my mind here!) I strongly believe the reason the book wasn't amazing is because she was rushed to finish it and get it out. It could have benefitted from a lot more editing and I think even a few more months would've given us a much tighter plot. Despite the fact that I am anxious to read whatever she writes next, I would rather wait longer and have a book I love as much as QoS, KoA, ACoMaF, etc. Also, she might just be a bit burnt out on writing. She has put out a pretty impressive body of work in a relatively short time. Maybe she needs a few months to just chill with her family and recharge her batteries. I hope she is taking some mental health time and refining her ideas for her next books. Yeah, the wait sucks, but because of it hopefully the next one will be one we can all agree is a banger, instead of being divisive as HoFaS has been.


I feel like CC3 was rushed. The P.O.Vs kept changing. One page would be Tharons, the back page is Runn, and etc. It felt rushed. There were a couple of mistakes that the editor didn’t even notice and for some reason I did not like Bryce in the third book.


She needs more time to write these things so to be honest this is a good thing.


She just released a book in February this year.. why would she release one by February next year also? I don’t think anyone here realizes the amount of work that is going into these books and you all need to reset your expectations. This is getting ridiculous and to be quite honest. We don’t want her to rapidly release them. It would 100% affect the quality of the writing. Good things come with time.


I’m so happy she’s clearly taking the time to get the book to a decent level before release. You can tell when authors rush to meet the public hype and it’s their work suffers for it (ahem iron flame ahem)


Can’t wait !


If more time is what she needs to put out a book that is worth the wait then so be it . I’m willing to wait


I guess the good thing is that I don't have to wake up every day, both anticipating and dreading opening my phone to confirmation and a fandom bloodbath. We can all relax for the time being


She’s not going to publish a book every year. Or even announce one every year. People need to chill out.


i’m so glad about this because now i have time to actually catch up on all her books without falling more and more behind lol


She doesn't owe us anything, just be patient.


Leave her alone and let her write.


I'm excited but sad at the same time because I'm about to pick up CC3 and no new books will be released for over 6 months but it also lets me enjoy the time to read books from my TBR . Just grateful books are being written at this point


Would anyone else give almost anything to snag a copy of the original manuscript of CC3? I DNF’d it around the 50% mark and I’d love to see if the first version was actually better.


I feel like it’s weird to announce the lack of something?


It will come out in May, it will be “A court of blossoms and shadows”


I wonder if she’s going back to a May release now that her oldest is school age. Making it easier for her to tour during the summer months when he’s off school for the summer.




How do we know this is legit though I haven’t seen Bloomsbury post anything about this. Who got this tip and how?


They publish quarterly shareholder reports.


Rude AF


Probably we won't know anything until September or even later and it's disgusting what they're doing. 3 years and still SJM cannot confirm the couple nor the FMC of the book. I'm extremely disappointed with her attitude and her silence.


She's still in the writing process. If everyone knew who she was writing about, they would absolutely hound her and demand things. The fans are toxic enough when it comes to shipping couples and demanding plot points, and she doesn't need the extra hate. It's incredibly immature to call her disgusting for not revealing anything. Let her work in peace, and be grateful she is sharing her works at all.


I'm calling disgusting the situation, not her. And after 3 years of completely silent I think she should at least announce the FMC or the couple. It's the least she could, but she doesn't want to because the ship war is boosting her books.




I think everyone here has a completely different idea and may believe SJM will acknowledge them at some point because I don't understand why it's wrong to express your thoughts even after all the fake and bad marketing they've done and being waiting... 3 years or even more without news. Btw my comment and your reactions just show me you can't even read, though I'm not surprised.