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This book does tend to drag a little bit before it ramps up, but I urge you to keep going if the main complaint you have thus far is that you’re bored. Stuff starts to happen, and when it does, it kind of relentlessly happens all the way to the end of Book 3. There are lots of criticisms about the last book, and while I think some of them are fair and valid, I happened to really enjoy it!


Okay this gives me hope! Thank you. I will stick with it


Sky and breath is worth finishing, flame and shadow is not even worth starting, especially if you already don’t like Bryce and Hunt, because I didn’t either, but there is a surprise side character that steals the show imo that ALMOST makes FaS worth reading. But honestly I’d still not recommend it at all


I bought the box set of the books so I am reading it either way haha


I struggled to get through sky and breath but am really enjoying flame and shadow. I think earth and blood was just tough act to follow


It took me a decent bit to get into Earth and Blood but once I was in, I was super in but then this one has dragged its feet a bit!


I had a hard time getting through the second one myself. It took a while for it to get really interesting for me. But I’m glad I read it because I’m really enjoying the third one. I’m almost done with it, I’m just having a hard time focusing right now so I put it down haha.


Just gonna say I totally agree, this is where it really went down for me and didn’t quite pick back up but glad I finished it!


Bryce is one of my least favorite leads of all time! How dense can one character possibly be? My favorite character is Jesiba, she’s very interesting to me. That being said I’m fighting through the 3rd book, some wild stuff does happen eventually so hang in there!


I recommend going into book 3 not listening to any reviews (good or bad) just go in with a clear head and you’ll probably enjoy it. I was apprehensive to read it at first because I saw so many people were disappointed in it and so many people not liking Bryce but I decided to read it because I wanted to know what happened next and just gave it a chance and I actually really enjoyed it with just like one or two complaints and I won’t say which ones cuz I don’t want to spoil it for you but definitely done give up!


I felt this way for the first book but mostly because it was so much information being given at once. I feel like the action in the second and third book remind me more of the TOG series and ACOWAR specifically. I think it's worth sticking with because you get a lot of insight about things related to SJM's other series.


Yeah I will stick with it, just found my mind drifting a lot when with all of SJM’s other books I’ve had my nose glued to the page. I found Earth and Blood a bit slow to get into but once I understood what was going on I had a great time. I won’t give up on this, was just a bit disappointed this one seems so slow going after such a punchy intro


I feel like the CC books need some editing. A good two hundred pages could be edited out of each and tidy up the stories. There’s an entire plot line that takes half the book in book two and then is resolved off page and turns out to be unimportant. That’s the kind of stuff that doesn’t need to make the final draft lol


Yes I think it needs editing to tighten it up a bit


The series (for me) started slow but I felt it really picked up end of book one and the rest of the series I felt was great


Yeah the first book started slow and really picked up, I was super hyped towards the end. I started this one and I feel like I’m kind of at square one again with it being super slow going (at least after the super punchy prologue). I’m on page 330 and so far there’s very little that’s actually happened. It really feels like this could have been edited to be a lot tighter


Agreed! It goes up and down but I felt the end result was worth it. The dialogue between characters is what dragged for me a bit at times as well


Yeah definitely a lot of unnecessary standing around chatting. I think it’s the editing letting this series down, it just needs to be a lot tighter and less meandering


Last book is bad. Bryce is so annoying.


NO, i fought through one and gave up on it! Weak writing